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    • Día 325

      End of an era

      27 de marzo, Inglaterra ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      The last few days in London after leeds were a little sombre tbh, it had dawned on us that we were officially splitting up and it was definitely a bit of a bummer to be saying goodbye after such an amazing year of adventures.
      Yesterday we went to check out all the monopoly places we'd seen on the tube but hadn't visited yet. We went to Trafalgar square, piccadilly circus (it's just a square not an actual circus), bond street and Leicester square, plus covent gardens but that's not in monopoly. It was a rainy but fun explore. For the evening we went out for one last trip to the pub with Sam, we played pool and drank guinness but didn't stay out too late because I had to go home and pack.

      This year has been the best ever and I'm so grateful spencer decided to join me. I just had a little scroll through some of my old posts on here and its honestly unreal how many amazing things we got to do and see. Spencer was a perfect travel partner and I'm going to miss him very much. I can't wait to be able to look back and talk about our euro adventures for years to come :)
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    • Día 24

      Xmas & New Year’s 2023

      24 de diciembre de 2023, Inglaterra ⋅ ☁️ 57 °F

      We spent Xmas and New Year’s with my stepdaughter near London. She’s an amazing cook and spoiled us rotten with an array of tasty meals, including: pheasant and chestnut stew, clementine cake, juniper and lemon ice cream, cranberry ice cream, and much more!

      She lives by the Thames, so we also enjoyed strolls along the waterfron, as well as the occasional stop at the riverside pub, where we enjoyed half pints of pear cider and a proper plate of fish ‘n’ chips with mushy peas.

      I enjoy visiting grocery stores around the world, and England is no exception. I get a kick out of their cough medicine for example, Thanks to the descriptions, dry and tickly vs chesty, you know exactly which type is right for you.

      Naomi and I rang in the New Year on our own, alas, because Larry had to fly back to the states. Why? Because his passport ran out of space for new stamps!

      Up ‘til 2016, this would have been no big deal. Back then, you could simply get more pages stapled into your existing passport . These days, you are required to get a brand new passport.

      As you can imagine, getting one on such short notice was tricky. I’ll spare the details, but he managed to get an in person appointment in Dallas.

      The upside to all this, is that he got to ring in the new year with our Texas family, so all was not lost.

      He also dropped off a large suitcase of souvenirs and superfluous clothing at our house. This means we are down to one big suitcase and two roller bags.

      He put one of the roller bags into an empty big bag, so we’ve got plenty of room for souvenirs now.

      I must say that with each trip we take, we get better at packing.

      It had been roughly 20 years since my stepdaughter and I shared the holidays together, so this was a real treat.

      As always, our time together flew by and saying goodbye was hard. Still, I am very grateful for the time we spent together.
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    • Off with her head! 👑🪓

      22 de junio de 2022, Inglaterra ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      After a full English breakfast with all the trimmings I reluctantly headed to the Kilburn Park underground… not only was it operational but it was quiet. It seemed people heeded the warning not to travel unless it was urgent… When you are on holidays from Australia 🇦🇺 travel is always urgent because it’s made up of lifetime opportunities & experiences that you just can’t give up on! I’m certainly not going to sit on my hands for the last week of my holiday and put adventures on hold or in the too hard basket 🧺

      Excitedly I arrived at King Henry the VIII Palace! I picked up an audio guide and off I went… The kitchens were fascinating because all of the meat was boiled before it was roasted. Then spices were added so that it actually had some flavour. The kitchens would’ve been so hot because there was six fires going at once in there. Henry predominantly ate meat and there were usually two courses with 40 dishes in each course! 🐷🐬🐏🐄🐓🐀🍖🍗🥩🥩🥩🍷🍷🍷

      Tracy Borman was the audio guide historian. She is my favourite all time Royal historian with her chosen expertise in the Tudor times. 👑❤️
      I’d absolutely LOVE ❤️ her job! Her office is at Kensington Palace in Queen Victoria’s nursery.

      It was a myth that King Henry and his court only drink beer and wine. They also drink a lot of water which was piped in from the local spring.

      Very annoyingly there were school groups touring the Palace at the same time as me. How I was a teacher I will never know! They were rowdy, misbehaving and so naughty 👿 Spoiling everybody’s quiet 🤫 enjoyment. Reminded me of my teaching days in London; which were hideous. The children were the worst behaved in the world apparently. Australian and Canadian teachers were loved because of our great discipline training. I recall one teaching day I was told to just keep them busy for the day. They were beyond learning anything! 🙃🤯

      I have been constantly reminded during this trip also of the loud, obnoxious, overemphasised voice of the species known as the American tourist! 😳🫢

      William the third lived here in the 18th century and was very private. He did not allow the public to watch him eating lunch, which Henry did. This made him much less popular. Watching the monarch dine was a great exercise in public relations! Take a note Leanne LOL 😝 you need to hold court at lunchtime in Sunny ☀️ Brunny! Public dining was the social media of the day.

      It is said that on certain nights, Catherine Howard’s (4th wife) screams, pleading for her life can be heard in hallway of King 👑 Henry’s Apartments.

      The Georgian part of history was fascinating too. Much of the Tudor architecture was destroyed for the new dynasty. Lavish parties were commonplace often. Sounds like a fun period! 🎊 The most intimate members of the Prince & Princess of Wales watched King George getting dressed! 🙈

      The Georgian era ended Monarchy living at Hampton Court Palace 🛑

      I absolutely love the Medieval 🏰 Tudor times and this palace was fascinating. I spent four hours exploring and 10,000 steps… I could have easily spent all day!

      Unfortunately (…or fortunately…) The train stopped running from Hampton Court because there was a suicide on the line. This is extremely sad and the cockney station 🚉 guard was not being very empathetic; essentially bleating on about how hard it will now be for her to get home! 😳👎🏻
      Hopefully they will run again sometime later this afternoon. In the meantime I’m doing the lemon 🍋 into lemonade dance again and having drinks and lunch at a cute local pub! 🍺

      To commemorate Henry himself I’m having a pale ale pie with clotted cream mash, buttered leeks, savoy cabbage and rich ale gravy! 🥧
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    • Día 37

      First day in the UK

      26 de junio de 2023, Inglaterra ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      My flight arrived on time and it was pretty smooth sailing through immigration. I had to help an American couple as they had never used an egate at the airport and were actually getting so angry at the machine... She had her passport the wrong way around... I grabbed my suitcase and went to the train station. Of course the train I wanted was cancelled so I had to change trains during London peak hour. That was slightly annoying with a big bag but finally I got to Kate! It was so good to see her and we chatted for a bit after she dropped me to her and Brooklans house but then she had to go to work. I did some washing, watched some TV then went for a walk to the local park. It was a beautiful lake area. I sat and read for a bit then decided to go to the pub to try and stay awake. I had a beer but ended up coming back for a quick 10 minute nap before realising I had to keep moving. So I walked to the grocery store for a browse. I got back and Kate and Brooklan were home, we went to watch Brooklan play futsal then came home for dinner.
      It is so nice being back with both of them, we chatted all night and finally it was bedtime!
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    • Día 10

      West End Adventures

      11 de junio de 2022, Inglaterra ⋅ ⛅ 72 °F

      The West End is a delightful mix of color and curiosities with many shops, restaurants, pubs, alleys and English charm. It’s also the heart of the theatre district. Kai, Kirsten, and I saw the musical Matilda- a wonderful, ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ experience.Leer más

    • Día 38

      Bracknell Day out

      27 de junio de 2023, Inglaterra ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Today I woke up and said goodbye to Kate and Brooklan as they went to work. I decided to get moving and went for a run to the local park. Got lost multiple times as google maps gave very poor directions, definitely have some suggestions for that app. Anyway, got back and decided to walk to the shopping centre. I was nice to see all my favourite shops again especially Primark which has ridiculously cheap clothes. I resisted as I have no space in my bags but I really wanted to buy some stuff. I ended up having a Gregg's sausage roll for lunch which is a British staple. I then went and saw the Flash because Toni and Tony have not stopped talking about how good it is. It was a good movie, good plot and had a bit of everything.
      I walked back to Kate's awaiting her arrival and we then went to her favourite pub, where Brooklan also works from time to time. It was massive, with this great outdoor area too. We had a pint and a meal which was delicious. It was so nice to chat with her about life and everything. Ive missed our daily chats about anything and everything. We went to pick up Brooklan from the train station and then just chilled that evening. I set an alarm to try get Taylor Swift tickets but only stayed awake for 20 minutes before falling back to sleep.
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    • Día 3

      Victorian leisure at Richmond Park

      30 de julio de 2023, Inglaterra ⋅ 🌧 19 °C

      First full day in England, we lived out a Winnie the Pooh fever dream. Starting the day with flows of honey on crumpets from Aunty Jane’s bee hives. Then rambled through Richmond Park with the deer to find morning tea at Pembroke House. Jane led us on a walk through the bracket. Surprisingly soft compared to any kiwi brush which was a thankful observation given it was shorts weather at this point of the day. Then took in views from The Mound out to St Paul’s which solidified itself on my must-see list. Getting over jet lag quickly because there’s much to see…
      “Yesterday, when it was tomorrow, it was too exciting a day for me.” - Pooh
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    • Día 14

      Streatham Hill visit

      5 de mayo de 2023, Inglaterra ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      After sleeping in this morning Megs and I made for the train station going on our way to Streatham Hill where Sara, Owen and Lachie live. Again another couple of modes of transport to get there, and we arrived at the lovely town of Streatham, lovely wide main street and an oasis of calm in the middle of the block of apartments where Sarah and Owen live. Under renovation the flat is beginning to take the shape they want and it is very pleasant indeed.

      After a lovely lunch we wandered down to the main street again to enjoy coffee and cake at the 'vegan' cafe! Yay! Deeelicious, I allowed myself to have a sugary 'treat'. Wee lachie was delighted to be out and about and walking holding Grannie's hand. A walk in the park at the back of their house, and playing with the blossoms, Lachie was delighted, climbing, playing, running, tiring himself out. He got to play with the blossoms and a lovely wee video is herein of Sara and Lachie playing 'its snowing blossoms', so sweet.

      After a sad goodbye, Megs and I made our way home via Buckingham Palace, the place was beginning to pack up and unfortunately the mall was closed with police people moving people on, while people were excited there, the people who had been camped on the mall had been moved out and a rather sombre police presence taking away from the excitement being felt. Oddly too, there was a rather poor showing of 'Coronation Tatt' around the place as seen by some of the photos.

      Megs bought some of the tatt to bring home and we now have a flag display out of the veranda and tomorrow we will all gather to watch the Coronation here, eating scones and jam and cream! We will take a walk down to the street party as well, although it's expected it will be very full and crowded not the best for two wee toddlers..we'll see.
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    • Día 29

      Week 3 The Thames

      11 de septiembre de 2023, Inglaterra ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Entered the Thames on Sunday 10 September at Brentford. Moored at Teddington. Big houses, big boats, lots of people.
      Hampton Court Palace - all ready for a big day - closed Mondays and Tuesdays.
      Cruised down through Sunbury Shepperton, Chertsey and Stained upon Thames. Moored for night at Runnemede.
      Magna Carta Memorial, JFK Memorial and Writ on Water Memorial. Also the 12 bronze chairs to commemorate the significance of the Magna Carta in modern days.
      Windsor Castle and Eton
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    • Día 2

      Sleepwalking through London

      15 de diciembre de 2019, Inglaterra ⋅ ⛅ 7 °C

      We’d arrived! 26hrs later and 6am on the dot. London Baby!
      Gatwick airport was very quite on a brisk early Sunday morning. Our tired, red-eyed faces were graced with the fresh, brisk air of London’s winter as we downed our long desired coffees and set on off to navigate the intrinsic railway network of London.
      We managed to make the 40 minute express train ride into London Victoria station without any qualms. Passing all the quaint terraces homes and small towns outside London
      We purchases our unlimited underground railway passes for the week’s adventures and after taking several wrong turns with our massive winter packed suitcase in tow, we finally managed to find our way to the correct train, next stop; Earl’s Court, our home for the next 7 days.

      Earl’s Court is a stunning suburb just south of Kensington, full of incredible old terrace mansions, now operating as various hotels and bed & breakfasts. From the moment we walked out of the station we were taken in by this place. As we lugged our monster suitcases to a little luggage storage place near our Airbnb, we couldn’t wait to get out and explore this place. We had a few hours to kill before our little apartment was ready so with excited/quite exhausted spirits we set off on foot towards Hyde park.

      After dreading the prior weather forecast of rain, London really turned it on for us with sunshine and clear skies. We strolled through the surprisingly massive Hyde park, from one end to the other. What better way to stretch out the legs after more than 24 hours of travelling.
      We were taken away by the beauty of Hyde park. Even in Winter with it’s bare trees it was quite stunning. We managed the lengthy walk to the other side where we discovered London’s Winter Wonderland. This picturesque winter show was something to behold. Smells of delicious BBQ mixed with fresh cinnamon donuts assaulted our noses as we wandered the many stores serving up delicious food & drinks. We started off with a steaming hot cup of spiced mulled wine which warmed your entire body before moving on to shishkebabs, German sausages and hot Nutella crepes. We mossed on out of the wonderland going against the crowds and crowds of people heading in for their Sunday afternoon. With our Airbnb still not quite ready we set of to tick more major tourist hotspots. This one was a big one, Buckingham Palace.

      We weren’t really expecting to head here on day 1, tired and sleep walking, but we were in the area so why not?
      Buckingham palace is one of those places we thought we’d seen lot of after binging the entire 3rd season of The Crown, but it’s sheer size when you actually walk up to it’s front gate is pretty impressive. Jo was in her element! We snapped the essential photos, waved to Lizzy and kept moving, we were craving a bit of horizontal time.
      Our Airbnb still wasn’t quite ready so it was to the classic English pub down a cobble stone side ally while we waited. Rested and refreshed we picked up our massive bags and headed to our apartment for hot showers and a chillout.
      The time difference was catching up to us and with sunset at 4:00pm it wasn’t long before we started falling like flies for bed. We were all in bed by 6:30pm an that was it. A great sunny start to our London leg of the trip!

      Asher ☺️
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