Verenigde Staten
Christ Church Park

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    • Dag 5

      Graffiti or Art?

      13 mei 2017, Verenigde Staten ⋅ 🌧 10 °C

      On a mural tour, our tour guide Al asked us if we thought graffiti was art. After taking some thought about this question, I decided that yes graffiti is art it is a way that a person is expressing themselves.Meer informatie

    • Dag 5

      Mural Mile

      13 mei 2017, Verenigde Staten ⋅ 🌧 9 °C

      These were some of the murals that we learned about on the Mural Mile Tour. Our tour guide Al talked about the artists and gave us important information about the murals. Throughout the tour we saw several different murals.Meer informatie

    • Dag 5

      Eisenhower Fellow{{SHIPS}}

      13 mei 2017, Verenigde Staten ⋅ 🌧 9 °C

      o What did you learn on the field experiences that helped you understand Philadelphia better?
      For one of our activities for the class we went on the mural mile tour. Our tour guide Al took us around the city to take a look at a select few murals, there is no way we would be able to look at them all. One of the unique things about Philadelphia is the murals all around and the different meanings behind them. One of the murals that stood out to me was the Eisenhower Fellowships mural. On the side of the mural it states “Only justice fairness, consideration, and cooperation can finally lead men to the dawn of eternal peace.” –Dwight Eisenhower, as people go by this mural the meanings and quotes can inspire them. Along the bottom there was the saying “Fostering leadership, progress and internal understanding”, right when I saw this I applied it to leadership. In the mural it showed different items that have been developed over the years, which people used leadership to create. Eisenhower was a great leader and he was from Kansas so it was easy to relate to as we have learned about him since we were younger. The mural is titles “Tree of Knowledge” which was painted by Michael Webb and completed October 2003. The mural gives you incites on all of the knowledge that has occurred over the years. It shows the many people that have taken the initiative to develop something new to better their community. Eisenhower Fellowships was created in 1953 where they decided to create a group to honor Eisenhower and his dedication to world peace.Meer informatie

    • Dag 5

      Litter Patrol

      13 mei 2017, Verenigde Staten ⋅ 🌧 9 °C

      o What about the service experiences is different than the service we do on the team?
      For a service day we went to help Pastor Wes, who is in charge of front steps. Some of us were cleaning off a grave site, others were raking and I, along with others, was in charge of litter patrol. Many times in Winfield we do not clean up around town as service work, we do that as fundraising. You would not imagine the things we found, and how much litter we found. Every curb was covered in many things you had no clue what they were, thank goodness we had the claws to pick up the litter. Having the claws also gave the community members ideas that they could also use those to clean up the neighborhood. Pastor Wes explained that many times the people get overwhelmed because the trash gets to be too much to handle. In the Winfield area we do not see streets and neighborhoods with trash all over like that. It was something new to see a place be that dirty. It was good for us to be able to see that not all places are clean. When we are doing spring and fall cleaning we are mostly raking leaves for people to help make their yard look more presentable, never have I went to a job where we were picking up trash because the streets were so dirty. It is common in Kansas for people to keep the streets and neighborhoods trash free. It felt wonderful to be able to make a difference in these people’s lives, I hope we were able to spark a fire in them to either throw their trash in a trashcan or go to out and clean up the community.Meer informatie

    • Dag 5

      Making My Way Downtown

      13 mei 2017, Verenigde Staten ⋅ 🌧 9 °C

      o What about being in Philadelphia is a new experience for you?

      Before this service trip, I had never been to Philadelphia or even Pennsylvania. When I thought of Philadelphia I thought about the historic aspects and the Phillies, not all of the poverty in the city. After arriving to Philadelphia, some of the girls on the team and I got separated from the group, we had got on the subway before everyone else could. We got off at the correct station and sat there for a while waiting on everyone else, who had passed the station and had to come back. We noticed there was a “football field” behind the station, which to us looked like a field of some grass. The kids were out there playing around and it hit me that this was the first wakeup call that we are not in Kansas anymore. After everyone arrived we started walking to our loft. Our first impression of the loft was not the best, it had the address spray painted on a bright blue door and was in an unsure neighborhood. Once we got inside the loft we realized that it was livable, it was nice to get to stay in two different types of neighborhoods on the trip to give us two different experiences. When I had traveled in the past, I had always stayed in hotels or a house, it was good to get to see the loft and hostel side of staying. The hostel was something I did not know even existed. At first I was very sketch about sleeping in the same room as 30 girls, but it was not that bad. We were downtown so most of our free time was not spent in the hostel anyways. Overall it was good to get to experience all new things throughout the time in Philadelphia.Meer informatie

    • Dag 5

      Working Hard

      13 mei 2017, Verenigde Staten ⋅ 🌧 9 °C

      -Describe one act of a servant leader that you have witnessed in Philadelphia
      I know that this says to talk about a leader you witness in Philadelphia but I am taking a spin on it, I am going to talk about two people in which I saw really stand up and lead. While in Philadelphia I saw how good of leaders Karrie and Kendra are. They stood out to me, especially at the Share Food organization. Karrie is on the second year team but she started out on the first year team, so I got to get to know her a little bit at the beginning of the year. We did not really start planning out project yet so I did not get to see the leader in her. Kendra is on the fourth year team and was gone all second semester, I wish she would have been able to be here for the full year. I knew from the beginning she was going to be somebody that I looked up too when she took the initative to get to know all of us freshman. At Share Foods both Karrie and Kendra did several different tasks from putting food in boxes, weighing, taking the box off the belt, grabbing extra food, breaking down boxes and taking boxes to recycling. Every time their station got ahead they would move on to another station to assist people to help it go faster. Along with working hard, they also were encouraging everyone and telling everyone we could meet our goal. We were doing hard work and many people were wanting to give up/ be done and they kept everyone going and working hard.Meer informatie

    • Dag 3

      Service Day #3: Front Step

      12 mei 2017, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      (7) Kouzes and Posner suggest exemplary leaders should “treat every job as an adventure.” What have you learned about how to do this on this trip?:
      By the third day of the trip, by the third day of service work, everyone on the Leadership team was exhausted. We had traveled far, worked hard and experienced a lot of Philadelphia in a short amount of time. Yet, we had a whole new story, a new organization to discover and work on. Going into the day we were all too tired to move, however, once we began to hear Wes discussing the issues that were occurring in his neighborhood we were all intrigued. It is the adventure of being able to do something new, help someone else, and the prospect of learning something that had us all on edge, even after two full days of service work. If you treat a job as an adventure, then will not seem like such hard work. If you enjoy what it is that you are doing and if you are passionate about whatever issue it is that you are helping with, that job will seem less like work and more like an adventure. The excitement of the day and of the trip we were on was reason enough for us all to feel adventurous. The prospect of working with Front Step and being able to try new food in a new neighborhood, being able to meet new people of Philadelphia was exciting and new. If you treat all jobs like you would if you were going into an adventure you will look find the new and surprising things in all situations. It was a new adventure every day we spent in Philadelphia whether that was doing service work or touring a new museum.Meer informatie

    • Dag 4

      Friend or Foe?

      12 mei 2017, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      What about being in Philadelphia is a new experience for you?

      Pass! Stairs! Swipe! Ouch! Hustle! Big Step! Hold on! Ahhhhhh :) The train life is one of many transportation styles in the hustle and bustle city life of Philadelphia. Along with the helpful buses, Ubers, taxis, bikes, and simple walking, the train is another valuable transportation option that has proved to still be a new experience for me. Growing up my entire life in Winfield, KS, I was never exposed to such a way of getting around from place to place. From high school choir and orchestra trips my senior year to the Big Apple and the Windy City, as well as to our nation’s capital last summer for an NEA conference (National Education Association), riding this magnificently constructed transportation system is one that still takes quite a bit of adjustment each time. The people of Philadelphia and the surrounding areas, unlike me, rely on the use of the train system just as much as I rely on a car to get me from point A to point B back home in Kansas. I have entitled this post Friend or Foe for a reason though. Here is list of the following positives and negatives that the lovely train encompasses.
       Pros:
      • Fast transportation
      • Easily accessible
       Cons:
      • Loud
      • Dangerous
      Overall, the Philadelphia train system, although it possesses various negative attributes, strives to provide its citizens with an affordable and functional transportation system. This was a definite adjustment for me, but once I got the hang of it I felt comfortable enough to tackle it on my own – it’s a completely different lifestyle of its own.
      Meer informatie

    • Dag 4

      Hop on hop off

      29 april 2022, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ☀️ 46 °F

      We hopped on the sight seeing bus at the Betsy Ross house, stayed on the bus for the whole 2 hr tour, drove by Love Park, the library and the penitentiary, and made a quick stop in front of the Bourse.Meer informatie

    • Dag 78

      Philly day 2 part 2

      27 mei, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ☁️ 72 °F

      So much to see. A few more shots of our city sights. Felt very appropriate to be here on Memorial Day.

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