United States
Hampshire County

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    • Day 5

      Feel I'm goin' back to Massachusetts

      February 8, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 5 °C

      Whenever I hear the word Massachusetts I think of the song by the Bee Gees.

      Today we were fortunate to visit another state in America and that being Massachusetts. Cathy and Michael’s daughter, Lucy, goes to Smith College in Northampton, Massachusetts and we spent the day with Lucy exploring the college and going to an all American diner for lunch.

      Northampton is everything you expect when you think of New England. The houses are breathtaking, my dream homes and the girls at Smith College get to live in these homes.

      On the way home we visited the Carle Museum. The Carle is the international champion for picture books. They collect, preserve, and present picture books and picture-book illustrations for audiences passionate about children’s literature. Eric Carle is the author of The Very Hungry Caterpillar. It was extremely interesting. The day was finished off with Five Guys for dinner.

      Another wonderful day on our adventure.
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    • Day 5


      October 5, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Had a great day today but a lot of driving. Mad River Lodge was a good find a little out of town. Breakfast then a misty start for the Pumpkin Farm shop. Soon cleared and a lovely drive down highway 100 to Killington. A ride in the Gondola to the top of Mt Killington for stunning views in every direction. Then a 2 hour drive to Sturbridge with a strawberry milk shake at the Whatley Diner. Staying at the Holiday Inn Express at Sturbridge.Read more

    • Day 73

      Nochmal durch die Appalachen

      June 15, 2021 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Geschwind geschwind durch Regen und Wind
      vorbei an Bächen und Wäldern,
      Ähren auf Feldern.
      Am Hügel brennen die Waden, im Tal glühen die Backen (Bremsbacken)...

      Landschaftlich hielt uns die Strecke richtig im Atem und beeindruckte uns nach jeder Kurve erneut.
      Am Wegesrand bestaunte uns eine Gruppe der alten 69 Garde mit Schildern: Love, Peace and Harmony!
      Passend dazu sahen wir kleine Bioläden am Wegesrand und stärkten uns an jeglicher Eiscremequelle die uns unter die Räder kam.

      Nun noch eine letzte Anekdote: Zirka 35 km lang konnte sich Katharina nicht dazu durchringen direkt am Wegesrand oder auf einer Toilette Wasser zu lassen. Dementsprechend kam irgendwann völlig unvorbereitet der Punkt an dem die Tugend dem Drang wich und eine kurze Pause eingelegt werden musste. Der Not gehorchend wurde kein Meter zu viel vom Weg zurückgelegt...und wie sollte es nun anders sein: Sekunden später fuhr ein Mann sichtlich verwundert über die neue Aussicht vorbei. Sicherlich ein eher seltenes Bild im prüden Amerika aber ein Hochgenuss für Adrian und ein heiteres Ende eines regnerischen Tages.

      Ein weiteres Highlight an Wegesrand war der Besuch eines Beschleunigungsrennens (Quarter Mile Race), welches uns vor allem durch den Motorenlärm und die restlichen Besucher (Gefühlt allesamt Trumpies) begeisterte und uns endgültig das Gefühl vermittelte, im Herzen Amerikas angekommen zu sein.

      Mit einer Sache müssen wir reinen Tisch machen. Zeit! Wir haben wirklich den ganzen Tag Stress. Immer heißt es auspacken, Zelt aufbauen, Unterkunft suchen, Taschen packen und nach etwas Essbarem suchen. Von wegen Auszeit und Entspannung. Der Tag ist voll - vor allem wenn dann noch über das Erlebte berichtet und Kontakte gepflegt werden sollen!!
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    • Day 3

      Day 3 - Moose!

      October 2, 2022 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      We eventually made our way to the next Bordalo on our list.
      While Bordalo’s Moose were in the Springfield MA area, the area of Holyoke MA was definitely a lot sketchy!
      We did actually do 2 drive-bys of the location and then beat a very hasty retreat. We certainly looked a lot out of place with our little trailer on behind.Read more

    • Day 17

      Provincetown to Holyoke

      September 18, 2022 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      We departed Provincetown before breakfast today, due to the amount of driving planned. After getting some petrol we realised that Rhode Island wasn’t too far of a detour from our schedule, so decided to divert so we could say we had officially visited all six New England states!

      We probably should’ve asked some opinions though about the best part to visit! We went to the capital city Providence and visited Historic Federal Hill, one of the town’s popular neighbourhoods, and were underwhelmed by the look of the city, with old roads and run-down buildings. We thought we would go for a coffee and literally found only two cafes - both completely full - before deciding to try elsewhere instead.

      We found a nearby Denny’s and enjoyed a meal there (despite an altercation between a female customer and the staff), before continuing towards Connecticut. Our first stop was the quaint seaside town of Mystic, famous from the film “Mystic Pizza”. It was fortunate we parked outside of town though, as the traffic was chaotic. I regretted wearing warmer clothes today - the cool weather of Provincetown wasn’t prevalent there.

      Before leaving Australia, we had made plans to catch up with a couple we’d met on the Trans-Mongolian railway 12 years ago, John and Carla. John suggested we meet up in the town of Chester, Connecticut which was a beautiful town amongst the woods, holding a Farmer’s Market that day. They also brought their three daughters along, so the seven of us had lunch in a nearby sandwich cafe. They did mention how Seaport is actually the place to visit in Rhode Island so at least we will know for next time!

      We continued through Connecticut past the cities of Hartford and Springfield, the latter I partly wished we’d visited as a sign indicated there was a Dr. Seuss Museum there! We arrived at Holyoke where our last-minute hotel is, and even got to place a pin on a world map, showing how the hotel now had their first ever guests from Adelaide!

      After checking in and getting ready, we drove to nearby Northampton to see our friends Stephen and Woody who have recently moved here from Fort Lauderdale. Very recently actually, since most of their moving boxes are still unpacked! Whilst having appetisers, their son Tony came downstairs which scared us all as he’s still suffering from Covid! I’m guessing he was wondering who was visiting.

      After taking their dog Augie for a quick walk, the guys drove us into nearby Northampton which they chose to live in as it’s a very gay friendly town. It actually impressed us a lot - for a small town it had a lot of shops, restaurants, pubs and parks. Ted and I agreed we could both easily live there. We went for a drink at one of the bars before heading back for Stephen’s home cooked meal of eggplant pasta. Delicious!

      We probably could’ve stayed longer if it wasn’t so late by the time we left, but it was definitely wonderful to see the guys again. Tomorrow we leave New England for the Catskills so hopefully we can sleep in a bit tomorrow.
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    • Day 20

      MA - Mohawk Trail

      September 13, 2022 in the United States ⋅ 🌧 23 °C

      The Mohawk Trail is a 69-mile scenic byway that meanders through deep forest and historic towns, passes scenic hikes and dramatic vistas, all the while criss-crossing and paralleling five major rivers— the Millers, Connecticut, Green, Deerfield and Hoosic.

      The byway dates back more than 10,000 years, when Native Americans first began hunting and trading via footpaths along the rivers. Obviously, the current road is much newer and very well maintained. Making driving along very easy.

      We only travelled along the Mohawk Trail for a short while through the Connecticut and Deerfield River Valleys, stopping at a couple of places to break the journey and marvel at the sights.

      👆 Historic Deerfield - for much of the colonial period Deerfield was one of New England's frontier village with quite some skirmishes between the settlers and the the indigenous Pocumtuck nation.
      Today, it feels like a 'live-in museum village' dedicated to the heritage and preservation of Deerfield, MA and the history of the Connecticut River Valley. There are plenty of historic houses (i.e. museums) interspersed with homes of people actually living there including a big school.
      It felt all a bit unreal.
      👆 Shelburne Falls - Bridge of Flowers is a lovely place to wander across. It's like a garden of flowers connecting the towns of Shelburne and Buckland.
      Originally the bridge was build in 1908 as a trolley bridge to allow rail freight to be transported across as the nearby iron bridge from 1890 had a twenty ton weight limited.The bridge eventually fell into disrepair in 1927.
      In 1929 the local women's club decided to create the seasonal flower garden. And what a great job they are still doing!
      👆 Shelburne Falls - "Glacial Potholes" began to form after the last glacier age about 14,000 years ago. The formation of these river-eroded features have been created by the great glacial lake, Lake Hitchcock. After Lake Hitchcock drained 14,000 years ago, Deerfield River was able to cut downward into its delta sediments. This erosive process, which continues today. The river found itself on top of the gneiss bedrock and could start eroding holes in the hard gneiss
      👆 Williamstown - the end of our tour along the Mohawk Trail. Just before we got there, the heavens opened and we had the most torrential rain one can imagine.
      After a days driving, I wanted to walk to dinner but no way in the rain. Actually, just as well that we drove. It seems to get dark very quickly and in typical American country towns, everything is further apart than you think.

      So many and different types of beer around. So difficult to choose. Not really a beer drinker but found a few I like - Blue Moon, Pumpkin Ale, Blueberry Ale. No way to know how to choose - so only going by the alcohol content and setting the bar at 5%. Not many around at that level.
      But imagine me drinking 6%+ beer, would pull the legs from under me.
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    • Day 60

      Massachusetts Magic

      June 5 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 81 °F

      I’ve experienced some amazing moments in Massachusetts, the best being getting picked up yesterday by Leslie for a restful stay with family in Cummington, Mass. She greeted me at the trailhead with fresh watermelon and a cold drink. I then had two servings of amazing pasta and salad for dinner. And we saw a porcupine! I may never leave.

      I also loved two lake swims, and a unique stay at the Upper Goose Pond Cabin, with coffee and pancakes in the morning. The cabin is on national park service land and maintained by trail volunteeers.

      Grateful for generosity of Leslie, Juli, Jill and Sean; Aimee for sending me new clothes and treats; meeting up with old friends on the trail. And cabin caretaker Cosmo, who gave me some of his food bc I was running out🥹
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Hampshire County, مقاطعة هامبشاير, Хампшър, হেম্পশায়ার কাউন্টি, Condado de Hampshire, Hampshirei maakond, Hampshire konderria, شهرستان همپشر، ماساچوست, Comté de Hampshire, Hampshire megye, Համպշիր շրջան, Contea di Hampshire, ハンプシャー郡, Hantoniensis Comitatus, Hampshire Kūn, Hrabstwo Hampshire, ہیمپشائر کاؤنٹی, Comitatul Hampshire, Хампшир, Округ Хемпшир, Гемпшир, ہیمپشائر کاؤنٹی، میساچوسٹس, Quận Hampshire, Condado han Hampshire, 漢普夏縣

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