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It’s been a trip. See you in Toronto soon. I’m in need of support to feed me for the remaining days of this journey. Please consider buying me a meal @
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It’s been a trip. See you in Toronto soon. I’m in need of support to feed me for the remaining days of this journey. Please consider buying me a meal @
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Mit Erreichen von Damaskus (nicht in Syrien) haben wir an diesem Tag einen weiteren US-Bundesstaat hinter uns gelassen. Vor uns liegen nun 544 Meilen in Virginia! 🥳
In Damaskus gab es direkt erstRead more
In the morning Bob dropped us off at the Shook Recreation Area from where we continued on the trail. We hiked along Watauga Lake, which is almost completely closed to any other activity than hikingRead more
With a nice decent instant coffee we started into a new day. The part of the trail where we are currently on is named "Tennessee Turnpike" because the terrain allows to make more miles thanRead more
Looking out to Tennessee from the border with North Carolina. Beauty camp to myself near the cliffs
I was pushing hard on my final days in Tennessee. 90 miles in 3 days. 40 miles on the last day. My mind was up for the challenge but my body is still recovering many days later 🤪.
You might also know this place by the following names:
Johnson County, Johnson, مقاطعة جونسون, Джонсън, জোন্সোন কাউন্টি, Condado de Johnson, Johnson konderria, شهرستان جانسون، تنسی, Comté de Johnson, Johnson megye, Ջոնսոն շրջան, Contea di Johnson, ジョンソン郡, Johnson Comitatus, Johnson Kūn, Hrabstwo Johnson, جانسن کاؤنٹی، ٹینیسی, Comitatul Johnson, Джонсон, Округ Џонсон, Quận Johnson, Condado han Johnson, 約翰遜縣