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Lake Mahar

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    • Day 23

      Goodbye America

      July 17, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      Nach 21 Tagen Rundreise, hieß es heute morgen das letzte mal Koffer packen. Gar nicht so einfach alles wieder in die Koffer zu bekommen und dabei nicht die Gewichtsgrenzen zu überschreiten. Vor allem nach den Besuchen in den Outlets. Aber wir haben es geschafft.
      Gegen 10:00 Uhr haben wir im Hotel aus gecheckt und sind noch ein Mal ein letztes Mal durch Miami Beach gelaufen.
      Absolutes Highlight des Vormittags war der Besuch in der Cheesecake Factory. In New York hatten wir es leider nicht mehr geschafft einen der Bekannten New York Cheesecakes zu essen. Daher haben wir es in Miami nachgeholt. Die Kalorienangabe in der Speisekarte hat danach auf jeden Fall mit unserem Völlegefühl zusammen gepasst. Lecker war es aber auf jeden Fall.
      Mit einem Uber ging es dann zum Flughafen in Miami. Kaum am Flughafen angekommen hat es dann auch mal wieder geregnet . Dieses Gewitter hat dann auch für eine ca. 1 1/2 stündige Verspätung unseres Fluges gesorgt, da der Flieger aus Frankfurt kommend nicht landen konnte.
      Im Flieger selber hatten wir Gott sei Dank wieder Plätze mit genügend Beinfreiheit. Nach dem Abendessen hieß es dann auch schnell schlafen und versuchen den Jet lag zu vermeiden.
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    • Day 9

      Grand Canaria, Las Palmas

      March 1, 2019 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      This island is bigger and a bit greener than Lanzarote. It was discovered in 1478 by European explorers, much to the detriment of the Canarios. It is a dry island with only about 25 days of rain each year. Water is desalinated for non-consumption but otherwise, water is purchased from the reservoir. Las Palmas looks like a financial and commercial centre.

      Brian and I took a ship excursions to Finca LaJaja (finca means plantation) in the Agaete Valley (pronounced Ah-Rah-Tey). Much like the plantations of the south, it grows coffee and sugar cane and produces wine to sell on the island but it also is self-sufficient for vegetables, fruits, meat and dairy. But today, its main income was from tourists. It is very well organized to manage large groups of tourists to learn about and taste coffee (from Arabica beans), wine and local fruits like oranges, avocados, limes and bananas. The island is heavily terraced for agriculture. On this finca, no chemicals are used on the plants.

      The town of Agaete is quite pretty with all houses painted white (by law) . We also visited Puerto Agaete, a tiny fishing village -very picturesque.
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    • Day 11

      Santa Cruz, Tenerife

      March 3, 2019 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Tenerife is the largest of the Canary Islands with 1 million people. It was conquered by the Spanish in 1493 after welcoming Portuguese and Italian traders for centuries. Santa Cruz is a bustling city in the midst of a month long carnival, so this morning when we met our guide, Andreas, the streets were pretty quiet as the party goers were still in bed.

      Tennerife was the site of one of the biggest aviation disasters in history. In the early 70’s two 747s collided . Clearly this is a part of their history they would prefer not to focus on.

      The island is crowned with Eo Teide, a volcano that is dormant. It has a profile reminiscent of Mount Fuji...a perfect cone with a smattering of snow on top.

      Andreas from Lanzoratte Experiences took us to 2 smaller cities...La Orotava and La Luguna. La Orotava is a town renowned for its houses with balconies jutting out from the top floors of the houses. Many of these houses date from the 1600’s and have been re-purposed as government buildings. They are built in the Spanish style of a central, internal courtyard, with open air corridors. The street facades of the houses tend to be quite plain, with ornate, wooden shutters. This is a pedestrian friendly city with wide roads and sidewalks but quite hilly. Once a year for a holy day (sometime after Easter), the town creates a sand carpet, a very ornate picture created by different colours of sand. It takes a month to create. They also cover a short stretch of the Main Street with a carpet of flowers which, of course get trampled by the procession. The city has a botanical garden including a 300 year old dragon tree which traditionally was used for medicinal purposes. It’s sap is red, like blood.

      La Laguna (the lake) no longer has a lake. It is one of the larger towns on the island and is less interesting than La Oratavo. We visited the central market and had a delicious coffee called a Barrique (this is my guess on the spelling). It has expresso, sweetened condensed milk, cinammon, a small shot of liquor and, oddly, a piece of lime peel! Delicious. We added a glazed donut with a sweet potato filling for our morning snack. The Spanish laid out the town on a grid system so the roads are wide and straight. We visited the Church of San Fransica Real Sancitraviso Del Santerno Cristo (quite a mouthful). It has a silver gilded altar and a Black Jesus who, once he was cleaned of his oil and soot coating, turned out not to be black. Over 600 of the buildings here have a historical designation.

      We thought both of these towns were fascinating and would warrant a multi-day visit.
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