State 3 of the trip, Colorado

Just beginning the beautiful trek across Colorado. Beginning to see some mountains and a good bit of greenery.
Just beginning the beautiful trek across Colorado. Beginning to see some mountains and a good bit of greenery.
As soon as we left New Mexico and entered Colorado, things started to get much greener, with the occasional brilliant yellow of fall colors. There's no orange or red yet. Just a hint of yellow to letRead more
This day included walking … and driving. This day included very hot temps … and quite cool temps. This day included sunshine … and rain accompanied by clouds. This day included low elevationsRead more
We’re out camping again ... after a busy six days of appointments, errands, and prep work for this 5-day trip. This time we headed south from Colorado Springs to Lathrop State Park, which is about 3Read more
Stopped for lunch in a Chinese restaurant in Trinidad called Wonderful house. It was pretty tasty, and I was forced to leave behind roughly 50% of my meal unfortunately. Upon my return, I may have toRead more
Sleeping in the park turned out to be a terrible idea last night. Lots of loud cars with louder stereos made for a terrible sleep. We really hit some pavement today and made it to BLM land outside ofRead more
Cañon City - Skyline Drive - Royal Gorge - Cotopaxi - Silver Cliff - Walsenburg
Top altitude: 0 m ( ft) near
Top speed: kmh (1mph) near
Distance: 2 km (miles)
Duration: hours
You might also know this place by the following names:
Las Animas County, مقاطعة لاس أنيماس, Лас Анимас, লস আনিমাস কাউন্টি, Condado de Las Ánimas, Las Animase maakond, Las Animas konderria, شهرستان لاس انیماس، کلرادو, Comté de Las Animas, Las Animas megye, Լաս Անիմաս շրջան, Contea di Las Animas, ラスアニマス郡, Las Animas Kūn, Hrabstwo Las Animas, لاس آنیماس کاؤنٹی, Condado de Las Animas, Comitatul Las Animas, Лас-Анимас, Округ Лас Анимас, Лас-Анімас, لاس انیماس کاؤنٹی، کولوراڈو, Quận Las Animas, Condado han Las Animas, 拉斯阿尼馬斯縣