United States
Mt Laguna

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    • Day 10

      Kaktus im Schnee

      March 19, 2023 in the United States ⋅ 🌬 4 °C

      Nach einem sehr lustigen Abend ging es dann weiter. Erstmal wieder den Berg rauf um zum Trail zu kommen. Dann noch weiter rauf um zu unserem Tagesziel zu gelangen: Mt. Laguna
      Auf dem Weg begegneten wir immer wieder ein paar lustigen Wanderer und Wanderinnen vom Vorabend sowie auch ein paar neuen Gesichtern. Ja und so zwei Meilen vor Mt. Laguna hatte man nicht mehr das Gefühl in der Wüste zu sein. Plötzlich wandelten wir durch einen wunderschönen Kiefernwald und Schnee. Die Temperatur sank spürbar und der angekündigte "Sturm" machte sich bemerkbar. Überall wuselten die Chipmunks und lustige blaue Vögel umher.
      In Mt. Laguna hatten wir uns schon am Tag vorher zwei Matratzen in einer Gruppenunterkunft gebucht. Gut so, dann aufgrund der Witterung wollten alle drinnen sein...
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    • Day 12

      Warten und warten und warten

      March 21, 2023 in the United States ⋅ 🌧 4 °C

      Liebes Tagebuch, seit gestern sitzen wir in Mount Laguna fest und warten dass Sturm, Regen und Schnee vorbei gehen. Niko bekommt schon fast die Pimpanellen. Zum Glück sind wir in toller Gesellschaft. Haben uns gemütlich eingerichtet in einem französischen Café mit Matratzenlager, Kaminfeuer und vielen anderen Hikern, die wir jetzt schon ins Herz geschlossen haben. Die Trailfamily fängt an zu wachsen.
      Alle freuen sich auf morgen, dann geht es endlich weiter Richtung Norden.
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    • Day 7

      PCT 2023 - Day 5 - Just wow!

      April 21, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

      The one with the wow moment!

      📍 Location: Mount Laguna to mile marker 47.8 tent site.

      🥾 PCT Mile Marker: 47.8 / elevation 5450ft
      🥾 I actually walked: 9 miles
      💰 Money: Breakfast $16 coffee $2.60. Bounce Box $22.80
      ⛑️ Health: I feel great today. The night in a hotel really helped rest my body and my mind. (Thanks Rebecca)

      ☀️ Weather: Perfect! It did get hot and the umbrella came out, but it was manageable.

      🍲 Food: Breakfast was two huge pancakes with berries and a side of sausage (they call it a sausage link). I then snacked all day on nuts, snickers, nature valley bars etc. When we got to camp I was low on water so had dry food of tortillas and lemon chicken.

      💤 Sleep: Slept like a baby last night in a real bed!

      🐍 Snake count: Zero! After seeing photos of snakes that others have seen at breakfast, it’s just a matter of time.

      👨 People update: I saw Hans at breakfast this morning. He has also been very poorly and has been throwing up. I reckon everyone is suffering from some kind of heat stroke.

      Being in nature has a way of lifting your spirits. Todays wow moment was really difficult to put into words.


      💤 5am - Had a great nights sleep and woke up feeling creative. I edited three YouTube videos and the series is scheduled to start from next Monday. I wrote up yesterdays blog and I’m enjoying the process of documenting my hike and I’m loving the encouragement and comments form people that are following along. Thank you 🙏

      🍳 9am - I’m all packed and sorted but the post office doesn’t open until 12 noon so I decide to enjoy a leisurely breakfast at the Pine Lodge Cafe. I’m sitting with Hans & Jack and a few others. It’s good to feel part of something special and talking “trail talk”. My breakfast is delicious. Pancakes, berries and a sausage with a good cup of tea.

      👍 Jesse turns up and he has fixed the hole in his airmat. I’ll be walking with him later today as we plan a short 5.4 miles to the campsite. I’ve not heard from DinkyDi and hope she is ok.

      🏥 At breakfast I got talking to Samuel from France and Simon from Switzerland. They are very worried about their friend Justin who is in his early 20’s and was rushed to hospital from the campsite last night. He had heart problems. The ambulance took Justin’s backpack but his tent and sleeping bag etc are still at the site. Simon said he will pack it all up and give it to the Pine Lodge Cafe. He is going to ring the local hospitals to see if he can find out how he is. I’ve got their numbers and hopefully we can find out more info.

      ✉️ 12.00 - I pack up my bounce box and walk the short distance to the post office. It gets shipped to Warner Springs $22.80. I should be at Warner Springs within a week or so.
      I’m just about to head out on trail when my phone rings. It’s DinkyDi! She’s just got into town. “Stay where you are and I’ll come and meet you a coffee”. There she is!! I give her such a big hug. She tells me of her night at the campsite and superb trail magic.

      1.20pm - Di has already walked 9 miles from Cibbets Flat but she is happy to trudge on another 5.4 miles to camp. We make a stop at the shop for re-supply food for her, the post office and also the info centre to top up with water. Can I have a selfie? A guy who was driving back home and had chatted to us on the trail a few days ago stopped his car, jumped out and asked for a selfie! It was all a bit of a whirlwind but also very flattering. We are true PCT hiker trash! 😂

      2pm - and we are off! We have a choice to walk down the road or cut through the forest. Someone told Di to take the forest for the most amazing views and she was not wrong! Wow! Omg! Wow. As we emerged out of the forest trail by a small parking lot we have views of the desert floor and mountains beyond. I need to find better words for “stunning, gorgeous, beautiful, breathtaking” they just don’t seem powerful enough for what my eyes were seeing.

      2.13pm - Di and I are happily walking together and chatting when we spot Dan coming in the opposite direction. “You e done the same as me” he announced. “You are going the wrong way!”. I check the FarOut app and he is right. We are going down the map rather than up the map. Perhaps I should start counting a squiggles rather than snakes!

      Back on track with the magnificent views to our right now (not left!) I’m singing away. Di says “I suggest the trail name of Jukebox” for you. Each time Di mentions a word then I have a song about it. It’s something I do subconsciously. For example, we are walking down the trail and come to a creek where a German lady is having a break. Di says “Hi ho” to the lady and I start singing “hi ho silver lining, everywhere you go now baby”. I do it a the time and luckily it doesn’t annoy Di, she just sings along with me. The best song today was “top of the world, looking down on creation”.

      Wow, just wow. More views at each turn.

      🏕️ 5.35pm - We never did find anyone else of our trail family but eventually found a campsite at 8 miles into the hike (or 17 miles for Di!). Just me and Di tonight. A bit of stealth camping…. Sssssh!

      By 6.30pm we are tucked up in our sleeping bags and wish each other goodnight. I had no idea that this would be a terrible nights sleep….. the story continues tomorrow.

      Thanks for reading my rambles.

      Show your support: please donate to SHOUT 85258. The free, 24/7, confidential, mental health text support service. https://mhi.enthuse.com/pf/julia-doherty-10e0d
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    • Day 6

      Day 4 heading into Mount Lagoona km77

      May 14, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Today again I started walking at sunrise and made it to mount Lagoona by 10am before the heat set in.
      Mount lagoona is 1800meters high and as I climbed up, the vegetation changed with pine trees oaks and maples appearing. I walked as the wind blew through the needles of the pines. What a wonderful world!
      Since then I have been sitting at the "luxury" french restaurant writing this blog . The only "french thing" was probably that they played "je t'aime" from the 60ties on the speaker system, again and again!
      Mobile reception on the trail is mostly non-existant and only available in villages, and then it is a question which provider you have, and it seems that with t-mobile I have the wrong one.
      Many have asked me how walking the trail is. 99% of the time I am walking alone. Despite 50 people starting per day till the end of may, each has their Tempo and distance per day, so everything spreads out and you are mainly alone, and when you do meet someone, they are passing you or you are passing them. A small conversation takes place and off you go again. The tent spots along the trail are quite frequent but usually only for one or two tents, so you never have large gatherings of hikers.
      So one is basically alone. But at least for the moment that feels good, I can walk the speed that my body needs, and stop when it wants to stop.
      After passing the hot period of the day in shade, at 16:00 when all the others went to the camping site, I decided to walk another 10kms and experienced the most incredible feeling of "flow". I was cruising along in cool evening air seemingly effortlessly until it started getting dark, when I discovered a beautiful tent site where I pitched camp.
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    • Day 4–6

      Tag3&4 Km 32-66

      May 12 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Wir liefen am vernebelten Lake Morena los, durch die Hügel zu einem wunderschönen Wasserfall wo wir den halben Tag unsere müden Körper im kühlen Wasser regenerieren konnten. Auf dem Weg aus dem canyon zu unseren nächsten Camp begegneten uns hunderte von Ultra Marathon Läufern. Die sind 80km durch die Wüste gerannt 😜
      Die Nacht haben wir im schattigen Fred Canyon verbracht.
      Gestern sind wir in die hohen Kiefernwälder Südkaliforniens gelaufen. Der Geruch dort und der Fakt auf 2000m Höhe mitten in der Wüste zu sein, waren der Hammer! Als i-Tüpfelchen gab's in Mount Laguna einen Campingplatz mit Wasser und leckere Burger 🤤
      Die nächsten 3 Tage bis Scissors Crossing werden ziemlich trocken
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    • Day 5

      Dag 2, Mount Laguna

      April 30, 2022 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      De wekker gaat om 4:30, zodat we een paar uurtjes kunnen genieten van de kou in de ochtend voordat de zon weer de baas is. Ik verbaas me over de hoeveelheid groen om me heen, blijkbaar heeft het enkele weken geleden behoorlijk wat geregend en is alles tot leven gekomen. Door de regen zijn er nu kleine riviertjes die daarvoor droog stonden. Dat scheelt mij weer water dragen, het meeste dat ik meedraag is 3L, een groot verschil met de bijna 6L van gisteren. Aangekomen in Mount Laguna moet ik me voor de 2e dag op rij forceren om niet verder te lopen, ik heb er al bijna 36km opzitten. Veel gegeven advies hier is om het rustig aan te doen in het begin om blessures te voorkomen, dat doe ik dan ook maar.Read more

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