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Phelps County

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Top 10 Destinasi Perjalanan Phelps County
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    • Hari 54

      Hügeletappe Rolla

      31 Mei 2022, Amerika Serikat ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Wenn man ein Profilbild des heutigen Tages zeichnen würde, reichte eine Wellenlinie vom Anfang des Tages bis am Abend mit einigen grösseren und kleineren Wellentälern.
      Heute bemerkte ich, dass ich langsam an meine Leistungsgrenze gestossen bin. Die hohen Temperaturen und die Länge des Tages trugen auch dazu bei. Conny steckte alles mehr oder weniger gut weg. Am Ziel angekommen, meinte sie trocken, dass ihr nur der Arsch weh tue.
      Die Ozark Mountains hatten uns auch heute fest im Griff. Eine wunderschöne Gegend mit viel Wald und ruhigen Strassen.
      Am Devils Ellbow wollten wir den bekannten Biker Treff besuchen, aber leider alles geschlossen, angeblich wegen Renovation. Den Namen Devils Ellbow erhielt der Fluss, weil sich dort früher immer die Baumstämme der Flösser auf unerklärliche Weise verkeilten.
      Jeden Tag retten wir Tiere vom Tod auf der Strasse. Heute waren es 2 Schildkröten. Als Dank blieben sie einfach in ihrem Haus und guckten nicht mehr heraus.
      Im Motel angekommen musste erstmals gewaschen werden, damit wir morgen wieder wohl riechend unterwegs sein können.
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    • Hari 47

      Springfield - St. Louis-Rolla

      26 Juli 2023, Amerika Serikat ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

      Weiter ging es heute auf der Route 66. Wieder viele Eindrueke gesammelt. Und auch die Polizei ist sehr gnädig. Kerstin hat heute versehentlich an einem der zahlreichen 4 Wegekreuzungen innerorts 🛑Stopschild überfahren und an der linken Kreuzungsseite war der Polizist, sofort wurde sie vom freundlichen 🚔 gestoppt. Sie hat natürlich gleich den Helm runter genommen und ihren Fehler entschuldigt, so kam sie mit einer Verwarnung davon.Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 11

      Good Museum Guides make my day

      14 September 2016, Amerika Serikat ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Water tower
      Circle Inn Malt Shop

      Wagon Wheel Motel
      Missouri Hick Bar-B-Q
      Shelley’s on Route 66 - Grabbed a quick coffee to go at this old school diner. They showed us that even coffees have abnormally large proportions in the states… Their pops here are like a litter big! Who drinks that much?
      Murals - We stopped in front of the old publishing office to take a look at our first mural of Cuba. As we admired the painting a lady came out of the building and handed us a guide to all the murals in town. Now keep in mind, the town consists of one main street, going down about 5 blocks, with very few places of interest coming off to the side of this main street. Non the less, this guide explained all the murals, corner by corner, all 12 of them! Pretty much one at every corner, both directions,
      Crawford County Historical Society Museum - We stumbled upon a tiny little museum during out mural walk, and like all things free, why not! A very passionate historian, also retired teacher, walked us through the museum. What we thought would be 5 minutes quickly turned into 1 hour. He chatted away about living in the 1800s, then early 1900s. A small little section on route 66 showed just how packed and busy town centers were back when route 66 was the only way to travel. Tunnels to cross the road safely were more common then you would think.

      Tallest rocking chair - What’s there not to like about a ridiculously large rocking chair? Why did they build it? Why not. You can't really climb it. So you can't really sit in it. There's a huge gift shop next to it that's actually closed down. It was attached to an Archery thing which I would have loved but that was also closed down. Maybe that's for the best with Jack's clumsiness, I’d rather keep both eyes.

      Somewhere on the highway - 4M Vine Yards - We stopped before noticing this was suggested by our guide book. It was advertised as a store to buy Concord grapes, and it turned into a small town experience! There was "antiques" for sell, which was pretty much the contents of a hoarder's garage with little trinkets of glass everywhere. There was a full wall of jellies, and to buy them you just address the 4 people sitting behind a wooden counter, chatting away. That's beyond the stuffed deer head above the counter of course.


      St James
      Vacuum cleaner museum - I'm in heaven ! I've been looking forward to this museum for ever! I wanted a small town eclectic and nonsensical museum, but I actually learned! All because the museum curator was passionate about his vacuums! I learned all about how the first "electric suction sweeper" would plug into your light bulbs outlet (wall plugs were invented 10 years after the vacuum). This first hoover weighed about 60lbs and cost 75$ back when a brand new Ford cost 300$. He explained how back then, you often only had the one light bulb with electricity, that's why they made sure the first electric sweepers had their own head lights! I got a video of the hand crank vacuums that came before the electric. I had a blast reading all the old advertisements, incredible what they got away with in the 30s and 40s (see my Facebook picture album on this exhibits for amazing examples). Tom, our amazing curator, seemed a little on the gay side... And I really had to resist asking what it was like in Missouri to spend all day talking about vacuums and being gay... lol. That being said, this wonderful man shared our views on feminisms, and pointed out all the best offenses. You know a museum is done well when you go in hoping to laugh, and you come out fascinated by vacuums !
      Mule Trading Post - The most eclectic gathering of souvenirs, random items and "antiques" that are pretty much whatever someone has in their garage out on a shelf.

      Totem Pole Trading Post - Another one of the same concept stores along 66, still mostly have the same stuff, "antiques" that fill shelves with dusty glass trinkets and route 66 memorabilia. Think same as Mule Trading Post, with the addition of fireworks in this one!
      A modeled Stonehenge at the School of Mines - It was a university's art piece of some kind... Jack wanted to stop because of her interest in the original Stonehenge, but quickly lost interest because "it doesn't have the spirituality".

      Devil's Elbow bridge - basically a really pretty bridge in nature. The best part, and probably one of my favorite and most uncomfortable moments yet, was the Elbow Inn Bar & BBQ pit. Grungy looking wooden bar in the middle of no where. You walk in, and you've suddenly entered a biker bar with what is clearly regulars drinking together at the bar. You don't know if you're going to get beat up or made fun of... Jack being Jack, walked right up to the regulars and said "hi yall" as I sat quietly at the first chair I saw away from the regulars. There's hundreds of bras hanging from the ceiling, stickers all over the walls, an impressive amount of RIP photos and info about what seemed to be all young bikers. It took all of 2 minutes within our arrival for who we found out was the owner of the place to ask to see Jack's beastises. Yep, 2 minutes and this tall, massive (in every direction), leather wearing dirty looking man asked Jack if he could have her bra or have her prove she doesn't have one. And my discomfort starts. This bar was an experience of it's own. The waitress later came around with our food (side note - absolutely amazing pulled pork sandwich that even the vegetarian devoured) and said "try not to worry about those idiots, they mean no harm". As we leave, one man points out I have yet to say a word, asked if I was scared, I responded "I just don't say much". Haha, terrified would have been my honest answer.
      Hooker's Cut - I enjoy the name. Basically, back in the building route 66 days, this was a super impressive place because of the amount of rock they had to cut through to build the route. I guess back then it was super impressive, today it was just pretty.

      St Robert's
      The only road side park in Missouri - Jack was driving, looked away for a second and missed it. I think it may have been 40 feet long along the road, with a single park bench. The other states have had plenty, so this was confusing.
      Old motels signs

      Uranus, MO - I have not clue if this is an actual town, or just what they called this shopping plaza, but it was a massive Plaza with burlesque, strippers, tattoos and a gun shop. The best part - across the street was a bulletin board saying "pornography pollutes body, soul, mind" by the Pulaski Christian Ministerial Alliance. Coincidence?

      Frog's rock - painted rock on top of a hill along the highway, couldn't stop.
      Square around Pulaski County museum in the old Court House - shops, cute store fronts, most memorable thing was a little sign in a store window stating "Warning Protected by (insect picture of a gun), We don't call 911", ˋMERICA.

      Munger Moss Hotel - Cool sign in the front with towns and their distances, midpoint cafe (at the midpoint, duh) is 645 miles away. My first Gemini giant, now 406 miles behind us.
      Starlight lanes bowling alley
      Laclede County Museum and Route 66 museum - For some reason, every tourist info center have suggested this museum to us, it's housed in the county library. It was the size of a volleyball court I would say. The whole thing. With about 5 displays, and not the most interesting ones either... We've seen such better museums, this just confused us. Completed of course by an extensive salt and pepper shaker collection which would put my mother's to shame.

      Redmon's Travel Center - Didn't stop, advertised "The World's Largest Gift Store". I don't know how proud I would be of that... It seems like every town has a "world's largest" or "world's best". Who regulates these?


      Storefronts on both sides - Our guide book actually says this place made the Guinness Book of World Record for being the only town "with 2 main streets and no back alleys". It was said that they created an entrance on the back side of their stores when route 66 was built behind, as to attract the business from their locals and traveller's along 66. I was expecting super cute, long strip of shops. I got 3 buildings with maybe 2 of them still open with doors fronts on both streets. Disappointed isn't the right word, mostly sad how they advertise this town with such great emphasis on their two sides stores, but non exist anymore... Much of route 66 has been a game of imaging what once was...

      Steak and shake with curb side service - I thought this meant they would deliver to our car, but I was wrong, My lazy self was very excited at this possibility but it turns out they're only referring to their order window you can walk up to. Pfft, walking.
      Gellioz Theatre - Pretty, old, but closed.
      Shrine Mosque - Very ornamental, we'll painted, worth dropping by to stair at...
      The Rest Haven Court
      Route 66 Rail Haven
      We ended the evening having melted cheese and local beer at a great little bar, sitting on amazingly comfy couches.

      To catch up a bit of time, since we've been feeling like progress in distance has been a little slow, we drove out to Carthage after dark (which we try to avoid since you can't see anything along the way) to spend the night at a truck stop. Luxury!

      Side note - It's been getting easier to find truck stops or Walmart in which we can legally spend the night in our car thanks to my wonderful app RV Parky. Jack couldn't care less about parking legally, but she let's me do my thing because she knows I sleep that much better when I'm not worried about getting caught or woken up in the middle of the night by a flashlight hitting the car window.
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    • Hari 2

      Cub Creek Science Camp Clean-Up

      27 Mei 2016, Amerika Serikat ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Preparing camp for the campers! Campers come Monday and we have to be ready.... Heat exhaustion is a real thing in my life right now right beside dehydration. It is hard, nasty, work but it had to be done.Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 1

      Cub Creek Animal Area #1

      26 Mei 2016, Amerika Serikat ⋅ 🌧 19 °C

      This is the zoo section of Cub Creek. I have gone through training and am now allowed to access any animal I want! Except the sloth.... The sloth is suprisingly the most dangerous animal at camp. Sloths have a peculiar bacteria in their mouth that is immune to nearly all antibiotics. They are also very oral creatures. They explore everything with their mouth... Including hands, arms, and other human attachments... One of my bunkmates actually got bitten as a young camper and lived to tell! Anyway, here are some pictures of me with a few of the animals. There will be more to come!Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 2

      Arrived at Fugitive Beach

      24 Juli 2020, Amerika Serikat ⋅ ☀️ 82 °F

      We arrived at Fugitive Beach at 10:30 AM, and got through security, paying, life jacket rentals, and all that at 10:38.
      I will post when we leave.

    • Hari 4

      Tag 3: Litchfield - Rolla

      6 April 2013, Amerika Serikat ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Litchfield hat leider für uns nichts spannendes geboten, also diente es nur zum Übernachten.
      Tagesziel heute war Rolla.
      Von Litchfield ging es am Morgen weiter in Richtung Westen nach Staunton. Kurz vor Staunton hat sich ein Oldtimer Sammler einen Traumerfüllt. In mehreren großen Hallen stehen alle erdenklichen Oldtimer Stoßstange an Stoßstange zum Verkauf. Sogar zum sofort mitnehmen.
      Wolf Herz schlug sehr viel höher als wir die erste Halle betreten haben 🙂
      Auf dem Weg nach Saint Louis gibt es ein Stück Route 66, das komplett geschlossen wurde. (Solche Abschnitte gibt es immer wieder, aber das ist ein besonderes Stück.)
      Um von der Route 66 in Illinois auf die Route 66 in Missouri zu kommen muss man den Mississippi überqueren. einst ging es über die Chain of Rocks Bridge, die aber vor einigen Jahren geschlossen werde musste. die Brücke führt zuerst über Flutgebiet und dann über den Mississippi. Sie ist jetzt nicht mehr für den Autoverkehr geöffnet, aber Fußgänger und Radfahrer dürfen sie noch immer benutzen. Durch die Schließung als Verkehrsbrücke wurde sie zur längsten Fußgängerbrücke der Welt.
      Saint Louis haben wir nur aus dem Auto angeschaut, der Verkehr dort hat uns sehr viel Zeit gekostet und als wir endlich angekommen sind, ist Charlie eingeschlafen. Saint Louis muss also eine eigene Reise abwarten.
      Abendessen gab es für Charlie in Cuba. Auch hier erinnern die Straßen und Häuser an die blühende Zeit der Route 66.

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    • Hari 2

      Eating (Buffalo Wild Wings)

      24 Juli 2020, Amerika Serikat ⋅ ☀️ 88 °F

      We arrived at Buffalo Wild Wings to eat.
      We were originally gonna go to Steak ‘n Shake, but their lobby was closed, so we went here.

    • Hari 1

      Cub Creek Science Camp Rifle Range

      26 Mei 2016, Amerika Serikat ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      This is one of the courses I am instructing for. We can have up to 18 campers taking this class while keeping safety a top priority!

    • Hari 2

      Cub Creek Art Studio- Tie Dye

      27 Mei 2016, Amerika Serikat ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      I am teaching tie dying classes... Here are a few creations including a pair of jeans I did.

    Anda mungkin juga mengenal tempat ini dengan nama berikut:

    Phelps County, مقاطعة فيلبس, Фелпс, ফেলপ্স কাউন্টি, Condado de Phelps, Phelpsi maakond, Phelps konderria, شهرستان فلپس، میزوری, Comté de Phelps, Phelps megye, Ֆելպս շրջան, Contea di Phelps, フェルプス郡, Phelps Kūn, Hrabstwo Phelps, فیلپس کاؤنٹی،مسوری, Comitatul Phelps, Округ Фелпс, فیلپس کاؤنٹی، مسوری, Quận Phelps, Condado han Phelps, 費爾普斯縣

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