Roswell, N.M.

Roswell is a pretty infamous area that is associated with the "UFO crash" in the 1940's. It was an easy stop on our way to Texas so we decided to stay a couple nights and check it out. Turns out theRead more
Roswell is a pretty infamous area that is associated with the "UFO crash" in the 1940's. It was an easy stop on our way to Texas so we decided to stay a couple nights and check it out. Turns out theRead more
Whenever we have a long drive ahead of us, we look for ways to break it up and do something fun in between. Then the trip feels more like a vacation because a day of sightseeing or sports adds valueRead more
It’s quite a drive to get to Roswell, and I have to admit that I was rather disappointed. The town is fairly ugly, and seems to focus more on being a county seat rather than banking on global fameRead more
After solid (alien????) breakfast, coffee was out of this world... Visited UFO museum and research station. Fun
Jetzt wird es spooky. Welcome to Roswell New Mexiko.
Wobei ich mir nicht ganz sicher bin was mich mehr beunruhigt, die Aliens, oder die Schweizer mit ihrem Defender auf dem Campground.
Alien museum, spacewalk, virtual reality show, dinner at Pecos Flavors Winery and Bistro. Fun!
Wir verlassen Midland…
Unser Ziel ist Roswell, die UFO-Stadt!
Es geht vorbei an Ölfeldern und Farmen durchRead more
Day trip to Roswell, the county seat of Chavez County. This had to be our least scenic drive... flat, dry and brown. Had a Cuban sandwich and sweet potato fries at Big D's Downtown Dive... delicious.Read more
This cool museum had the entire history of what happened at the Roswell crash, completely with newspaper clippings, sworn affidavits from locals, and video interviews with people who had participatedRead more
You might also know this place by the following names:
Roswell, روزويل, Розуел, রজওয়েল, رازول، نیومکزیکو, רוזוול, ROW, ロズウェル, Росвэлл, 로즈웰, Розвел, Розуэлл, 88201, Розуелл, روزویل، نیو میکسیکو, 羅斯維爾
McD ...highlight
I like your doll William!!!