Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Sullivan County

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    • Tag 2

      Einmal rund ums Haus

      17. November 2022 in den USA ⋅ ⛅ -1 °C

      Heute ging es auf Erkundungstour in die nähere Umgebung. Natürlich mit einem breakfast 🍳 für champions zu Beginn. Dann einmal mit dem Auto einen herrlichen scenic drive gefahren und noch 2h Wanderung zu einigen Wasserfällen (die wir nicht gefunden haben 🤣🤣, aber die Wanderung war hübsch) zu guter Letzt natürlich die Outdoor cooking Einlage. Best steak 🥩 ever, mit sweet potato 🍠 in der Folie und grünem Spargel. Love it.
      Stay tuned…. Morgen gehts dann ins Lego Land New York 😇

    • Tag 14

      Dins, dives and divas

      5. August 2022 in den USA ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      A splendid day of pleasures laid on by the Rahu today. Kicking off with a song filled journey to "eggs every which way" and bottomless coffee at the Phoenicia Diner. Oh, and plenty more cuz bantz - luckily they had a table to themselves.
      After giving the officious warden the slip, we were able to cause slightly more environmental devastation than we were entitled to at the beautiful Blue Hole swimming spot. The cuz drew admiring glances from the crowd for their genre blurring rock jump/impersonation/musical improv.
      Back for the best American ice cream, so far, at Nancy's. With chocolate fudge sauce.
      Ended with outdoor Don Giovanni at the Phoenicia Festival of the Voice. Great to meet R and G's Woodstock friends and put some faces to the names. Opera much enjoyed, though some had "suggested improvements".

    • Tag 19

      Roxbury to Mount Morris

      20. September 2022 in den USA ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Unfortunately Ted and I didn’t sleep so well because, as awesome as this hotel is, the beds are way too soft and I woke up with an annoying backache. Today was a bit of a longer drive so I collected our breakfast from the reception area - even though it was bagged, there were still plenty of options.

      The weather was a bit overcast again today but fortunately, with very little rain. After stopping in nearby Margaretville for some supplies, we continued onto Bethel. I had been disappointed previously about the lack of autumn colours but today we had some colour on the drive which was great.

      When we finally arrived in Bethel we noticed two things - the amount of signs written in Hebrew, and how the town didn’t have much else! We headed straight to the Bethel Woods Center for the Arts, better known as the site of the 1968 Woodstock festival. We actually thought the place was closed as there was a huge car park area, and only a handful of cars.

      Just like our visit to NASA in Houston, this place exceeded our expectations. We purchased an entry to the museum as well as the iPad audio tour “Meet me at Woodstock” which we did first. This was a guided, multimedia tour of the Woodstock historic site which involved walking around to seven different locations outside, in the area where the festival occurred. At each location, the tour showed a 3-D model of the stage, with pop-up photos and videos highlighting landmarks around the historic site. It also played music of that era whilst attendees would give their memories of the concert. It was great.

      The museum was just as good. The exhibit included films, interactive productions, artefacts on display, and photographic murals. It showed fashion of the 1960s, music from the era, and original footage featuring the people, stories, sights, and music of the Woodstock Festival. It reminded me slightly of the Beatles museum in Liverpool - even though I wasn’t around during that era, it helped you to appreciate and understand it.

      After taking a lot of photos, we continued on our way. As we still had plenty of driving to do, we settled on another McDonald’s drive thru meal (ugh) so we wouldn’t need to stop. We even crossed the border into Pennsylvania for two minutes, but the drive kept on going!

      Fortunately our hotel in Mount Morris is quite good, although we have really noticed how rundown some of the towns we drive through are. I managed to do an enormous (seemingly) amount of laundry too at the hotel laundry, meaning we have clothes to wear again! I was hungry and tired by the time we went to dinner, so Ted suggested we go to a nearby Denny’s.

      It seems like the shortage of workers we saw at Roxbury is prevalent here too as the waitress needed to turn us away as she was the only one working. It was then we noticed how virtually every business seemed to have a “help wanted” sign, indicating a similar problem here. I ended up getting Subway and Ted bought KFC for dinner. We were disappointed but it’s understandable.

      We were exhausted after the drive today so decided to go to bed around 9.30pm. We have no definite plans yet for tomorrow but are so glad we have two nights to relax here.

    • Tag 47


      16. April 2017 in den USA ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Como todas las celebraciones religiosas del Ashram, la Pascua también implicó un banquete! Todos los Swamis reunidos en torno a la celebración.

      Ni aquel que comía poco pudo salvarse de probarlo todo.

      De nuestra parte mucho trabajo.

      Lorena AF

    • Tag 9

      Another Lake Day and Carefree Acres

      31. Juli 2018 in den USA ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Everyone went home yesterday, so it’s just me and my dad and his wife, Chris. After a quiet morning, I took a walk up to Carefree Acres, a bungalow colony where I spent summer days swimming, playing games, finding first boyfriends and girlfriends the way that kids do.

      It was mostly deserted with only Pearl and Stanley, now in their eighties holding down the fort. Ivy, their daughter and her husband Jason were there too. Nice to visit with folks who knew me when.

      Ivy reminded me of trips she would lead with all the kids down to the waterfall about a quarter mile away to climb around. We were wild. No adults around. Ivy was about 12 and was the oldest. Different times.

      I stopped in on the kosher bakery. Take a look at their black and white cookie. Also on the way back I noticed the wetlands behind my grandparents’ house in town (now an apartment building). Lots of bird life and flowers.

      After lunch I gathered my dad and Chris to get to Kauneonga Lake with a nice, easy walk in to the water. Dad did a little swimming. Oddly, they wanted to sit at the back of the parking lot about 100 feet from the water. Ok.

      It was nice to have a relaxing day.

    • Tag 9

      Calm Before the Storm

      1. November 2018 in den USA ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

      Last weekend our campaign hit more doors (53,000) than any congressional campaign in the country. Wahoo! We are now preparing for the GOTV phase.

      I’ve spent the last few days scheduling and confirming hundreds of volunteers for the heavy lift Saturday through Tuesday. Bus loads are coming up from New York City to canvass. We are the third largest campaign office but have dozens of satellite offices all managing volunteers.

      I got to meet the candidate after a debate held at the nearby community college. His opponent called him an “ambitious” man a couple of times and kept saying “you just don’t understand”. First, Delgado is a Rhodes Scholar with a law degree. Second, why is that a problem to be ambitious? Everyone running for Congress is ambitious. Sounded very much like “uppity” and calling him dumb. As one of my fellow volunteer leaders said, the dog whistles are like air raid sirens around here.

      The polls have us tied with Nate Silver giving our guy the edge. Still a toss up. The staff (and volunteers ) are nervous but in truth, I feel that this campaign is doing everything it can. I have gotten to know them and really am having a blast. They are in good spirits and are very, very competent. It’s a pleasure getting into the office each day.

      Bob and I watched Antonio Delgado’s wife’s documentary called “Little White Lie”. Lacie Delgado (nee Schwartz) was born and raised as a white Jewish girl from a white Jewish family. They themselves and nearly everyone was led to believe that she was just olive skin like her Sicilian great grandfather. Um. Well. No. Her mom had an affair with an African American man and chose to ignore the obvious. Lacie finally “comes out” as black when she goes to college. So odd and painful for the whole family. Go rent it.

      Fun fact. Did you know that Monticello is the bagel capital of the world? The bagel machine was invented right here.

    • Tag 4

      Canvassing Swan Lake & Saturday's Storms

      27. Oktober 2018 in den USA ⋅ 🌧 4 °C

      I canvassed Swan Lake yesterday. It was beautiful and very sad too. I went back into the President Hotel - a pretty wonderful hotel in its day - that was turned into a neighborhood of winterized homes. The view to the small part of Swan Lake was so lovely. Otherwise the town is mostly so poor and depressed. The stores are boarded up and those still there are scraggly looking at best. It is a window into rural living when the main industry, tourism, dries up and is replaced with nothing. Even with the poverty, it was nice to drive around town. I canvassed the building where my dad went to school. I visited the apartment that used to be the gym. Pretty cool.

      Biden came in to town for a rally for Delgado while I was out canvassing. He was inspiring for the staff and volunteers who went. I think it helped get the important local paper in the county to come out supporting Delgado. It feels good. The momentum is building.

      After canvassing, I was charged with setting up all the lists and materials for the weekend of canvassing. We have 85 turfs in our office with about 35 doors each to get through. A formidable task. After the first wave of volunteers came through, I had to abandon half of my system as superfluous and stick to an easier method. Trial by fire. It was a little stressful and fun too.

      In the middle of the day we heard about the shooting at the synagogue. This is a very Jewish area. Many of the volunteers and staff are Jewish. Meri, the Field Organizer, was just so heartbroken. She and we talked about what is happening to this country. How could this be America? The tragedy was compounded by the utter disregard for the lives of these shooting victims by the President. This disgusting, vile and evil man. And the complicity through excuses, denial, and chilling silence of those who support Trump. These are the new brown shirts shouting tomorrow belongs to me. All I can think to do is what I am doing. Trying to turn things around in this one small county, in this one congressional district, in this big country.

      Tomorrow is our last big voter ID (who is fur us and agin us) push before we head into the GOTV (get out the vote) mode. I’m hoping that the folks who didn’t show up today will come in tomorrow. I would love to get another 50 turfs out. Big goals, big goals.

    • Tag 11

      Record-breaking Day!

      3. November 2018 in den USA ⋅ ⛅ 4 °C

      69,898 doors in the Congressional district. Today. 261 volunteers at 7,581 doors knocked in my county. Today. I’m excited, exhausted.

      We started the day at 7:30am to discover the office key was not in the flower pot. Oopsie! I crouched in the vestibule and ran my turf lists spying the printer through the window to see if it worked.

      From 9am to 5pm we ran through every one of our turfs, stole turf from Liberty and Lumberland, and refreshed 3 of our lists and still didn’t have enough. It was unbelievable. I’ve never seen any thing like it.

      The four of us in the office were humming. Bob’s space design was a big boost. I was a very good bureaucrat and created a merged Word form to assign and code every turf that went out. A spreadsheet was involved, of course.

      I am so jazzed. If our CD is any indication of what the temperature is out there for Democratic candidates, I am feeling way more optimistic.

      And thank god for an extra hour tonight.

    • Tag 2

      First Day

      25. Oktober 2018 in den USA ⋅ ⛅ 0 °C

      Started the day with a New York poppy seed bagel and cream cheese. Not that whipped kind but the solid kind. You know what I’m talking about. Delicious.

      I was introduced to Nate who is managing the Monticello office, Meri, the Field Organizer, and Mac who was cheerful and welcoming as were they all.

      They briefed me on the geography and demographics of the area and who our target voters and contacts are. They did a deeper dive on tracking and managing the data. Pretty sweet. It is all coming back to me now....

      After a lunch of meh chicken parm, I headed out to hit the doors. Sullivan County has some stunningly beautiful places. The trees are turning and the lakesides shimmered late in the afternoon when the sun came out.

      I met some really nice people (including two at the lunch place) who are supporting Delgado. There is an enthusiasm here. It seems that the County Democrats haven’t done much work here in years past. The district Dems are hungry for being organized and motivated to vote and we have a great candidate they like.

      We have about 80 canvass turfs to cover this weekend and it might snow on Saturday. Hahahahaha! The nurses’ and electricians’ unions are coming Saturday along with some other small groups. Mostly door-to-door work is done by district volunteers and staff.

      One thing. The office is unheated! Long story short, the bureaucracy to turn on the heat stymied the Monticello staffs’ efforts. They had three space heaters that later in the day had to be returned. Yikes! The campaign borrowed two more and after my canvass shift, I got a third one that kicks out a lot of heat. I already have made a (temperature) difference.

    • Tag 128

      Una semana de aprendizajes

      8. Juni 2017 in den USA ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Fue muy interesante esté trabajo voluntario en el centro budista. La gente del templo fue siempre amable y alegre con nosotros. Aprendimos a hacer algunas tareas que nunca habíamos hecho, como cortar el césped con una máquina de gasolina (realmente era más maleza, ya que el césped estaba hecho!) e intentamos transplantar plantas acuáticas de una laguna a otra, con la presencia de ranas, bichos y muchas serpientes!. Fue todo un reto y algo divertido. Jamás habiamos visto tantas serpientes en un mismo día. Seguramente una experiencia que difícilmente olvidaremos!

      David D.


    Möglicherweise kennst du auch folgende Namen für diesen Ort:

    Sullivan County, مقاطعة سوليفان, Съливан, সুল্লিভান কাউন্টি, Condado de Sullivan, Sullivani maakond, Sullivan konderria, شهرستان سالیوان، نیویورک, Comté de Sullivan, Sullivan megye, Սալիվան շրջան, Contea di Sullivan, サリバン郡, Sullivan Comitatus, Sullivan Kūn, Hrabstwo Sullivan, سلیوان کاؤنٹی, Comitatul Sullivan, Салливан, Округ Саливан, Салліван, سلیون کاؤنٹی، نیویارک, Quận Sullivan, Condado han Sullivan, סאליוואן קאונטי, 沙利文縣

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