Ấp Thiện Long

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    • Day 34

      Nächster Stopp Mui Ne

      February 8, 2020 in Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

      Heute ging es mit dem Bus von Ho Chi Minh nach Mui Ne. Mui Ne ist für vor allem bekannt für die roten und weißen Sanddünen sowie für allerlei Wassersport. Hier sind recht konstante Wellen und vor allem Windverhältnisse so das man hier viele Wind- und Kitesurfer sieht. Der Strand ist recht lang aber leider nicht besonders breit vor allem dann nicht, wenn gerade Flut ist. Dies liegt aber auch daran, dass hier sehr viele Resorts fast bis ans Wasser gebaut sind. Durch die Strömung wird viel Treibgut, darunter viel Müll, an den Strand gespült und die Touristen und Einheimische vollenden dann das Werk mit ihren Abfällen. 😑 Bei den Strandabschnitten der Resorts wird es regelmäßig eingesammelt, aber der Rest sieht leider nicht ganz so sauber aus.
      Ansonsten sind hier viele Fischerboote zu sehen. Dabei handelt es sich meist um die klassischen vietnamesischen Rundboote. Einige von ihnen haben einen kleinen Motor dran, die meisten sind jedoch nur mit einem Handruder ausgestattet. Früher umgingen die Fischer so wohl die vietnamesische Steuer, da schwimmende Körbe nicht als Fischerboote galten. 😬 Die kleinen, runden Boote werden heute hauptsächlich fürs Fischen in Küstennähe und zur Überfahrt zu den größeren Fischerbooten verwendet.
      Morgen werde ich mir dann die Sanddünen anschauen. 😊
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    • Day 58

      Mui Ne

      June 8, 2018 in Vietnam ⋅ 🌧 24 °C

      After a 6 hour bus journey on a sleeper bus we made it to Mui Ne. The hostel had no working aircon so had a very sweaty 2 nights here. We rented a jeep and went to the famous Mui Ne sand dunes and orange rocks.Read more

    • Day 18

      Doing the tourist thing...

      April 2, 2018 in Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Today, my expectations are super low. A thing to do in Mũi Ne are the white and red sand dunes, but as they are quite far out and the police are quite strict in the town when it comes to bike hire the only real way of doing it is with a tour. So we bit the bullet and booked it. So we started at 4:30am to watch sunrise at the white sand dunes. We got there a bit too late but the site was OK and obviously quite hard to walk on! We then went to the red sand dunes, which I was pleasantly surprised with. In all the reviews it said it had just become a dumping yard for litter and yes there was some but I think the reviews must have been quite old as it wasn't half as bad as what we have seen in some places! We then headed to a local fishing market and then finally to Fairy stream. Fairy stream was a pleasant walk down the center of a stream with canyons towering on both sides. Maybe I set my expectations so low that I was actually pleasantly surprised that the whole tour was actually OK! The best thing was that we got back at 8:30am, booked our bus for 11am to Ho Chi Minh City and was able to spend an hour or so fresh in up and eating our yummy fruit.

      We are now on a sleeper bus to Ho Chi Minh and as its during the day it's a bit odd to be lying down the whole way... Ah well back to our Vietnam mum get some yummy dinner!!
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    • Day 17

      Mũi Nè

      April 1, 2018 in Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      So as we splashed out a bit on a hotel in In Vung Tau we spent half the price for our place in Mũi Ne and wow, it was really good!! We basically had a studio apartment to ourselves with a cooker and fridge. Unfortunately Mũi Ne is the Blackpool of Vietnam and as we arrived quite late it was near impossible to buy fresh fish and veg without it being completely overpriced. When we arrived we looked up what to do... Here was the first line of a blog "There's not a huge amount of tourism worthy things happening in this area if you aren't a committed Russian sun bather, or pot smoking kite surfer, and there aren't many places not littered with trash unfortunately, as you will have observed if you've made it this far in Vietnam." A tad bit annoyed that we didn't do a bit more research beforehand we decided to venture out and find some dinner. The whole town is an absolute rip off for really low quality food. After eating such yummy food so far we were super disappointed but we ate for eating sake and then tried to find some fruit for breakfast. There were a couple of fruit stalls and each one of them had a huge markup on the price. So we just went back to the flat quite disappointed to practise our Vietnamese and plan for our next 2 days in Mũi Ne. Everything we read had quite bad reviews and complained about tourism ruining the beautiful sites and litter being everywhere. We decided to just get on with it and do the site seeing anyway.

      In the morning we got up at 5am to begin a mini adventure using local buses to Tacu Mountain. The town of Tacu was about 1.5 hours away, but there was no single bus that goes there so we used our broken Vietnamese and made it all the way there. Actually, I say broken Vietnamese but actually between the two of us we are actually getting quite good with our phrase structure and pronunciation! When we arrived we were starving so went to the nearest cafe and tried Bánh Mi op là, bread and eggs. We'll ya can't really go wrong and it was pretty cheap so all was good. It was about 9:15am and we began the hike up. It was already very warm so we were absolutely soaked in sweat in about 2 seconds. Honestly it's just vile how much one person can sweat here haha On the way up we saw a monkey, lots of butterflies and some interesting birds (not quite sure what they were) and unfortunately heaps of litter in parts. Fortunately it didn't ruin our trip! At the top was the largest reclining Buddha in South East Asia.

      The way down was super hot and felt like it went on forever, but we eventually got down and bought a well deserved ice-cream whole waiting for our bus back. And what fun we had... One bus went straight past us and didn't stop, the next bus stopped but said he's not picking up passengers, finally after over an hour a 3rd bus came and we were on our way to Phẩm Theit which was the main town where all the locals lived near Mũi Ne, famous for being a seafood town.

      We arrived in Phần Thiet just after 3pm and could have died of hunger so we headed straight for the sea food restaurants and the place was absolutely barron! Nothing looked open and barely any people were around. We've realised that in most of these smaller towns everything shuts between 2-4:30ish to get ready for the evening. So we wandered around the streets and headed to Coop Mart in hope we could get something from the supermarket. We aimlessly walked around and came away with nothing. Things were getting desperate... Luckily we had walked around for so long that places were now starting to open and we went to a small street selling lots of goodies! First we went for Bánh cảnh cảnh chả cá and it was the busiest tiny place on the street. So we happily sat and ate our fish soup. We then headed next door for a cà phê and wandered further down the street where we found a husband and wife making bánh tráng. Well we decided we didn't want the horrid food we had last night so might as well eat more! So we tried these too. That wasn't the end of it! We carried on and found a lady cooking Bánh xèo so we shared a plate of that too! We were so so full!! But it was our linner, so we didn't feel too bad hehe We then ventured back to Mũi Ne, bought some rip off fruit from the fruit stall and watched friends before having an early night.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Ấp Thiện Long, Ap Thien Long

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