Lũng Cú

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    • Dag 14

      Lũng Cú

      13. september 2016, Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Besteigung der 700 Stufen😥 zum Lung Cu Flag Tower, von dem man aus eine spektakuläre Sicht auf die chinesischen Berge hat.
      Wir befinden uns hier am nördlichsten Punkt von Vietnam ca. 1 km von der chinesischen Grenze entfernt.Læs mere

    • Dag 125

      Day 4 - Ma Le to Lung Cu to Ma Le

      21. september 2018, Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Today we head off for Lung Cu the most northern town in Vietnam as their have their weekly market today. We arrive around 9am and the market is well and truely alive with amazing colours of people from ethnic groups wearing their traditional clothes. It's such an interesting market with people selling both ethnic and western clothes, traditional medicine (we saw someone look like she was telling fortunes using a raw egg in a bowl), modern medicine, fresh and cooked food, tools, household items, mobile phones and Sim cards. It's such a visually stimulating place with the colourful clothes of people from the surrounding villages coming to the market in their traditional clothes. We head up to the flag pole hill and eat some yummy food we got at the markets, including this very yummy pancake/bread that was being heated on coals. Afterwards we enjoy a coffee in the nearby Lolo village before heading out for some more exploring in these far northern roads and villages. We go 'off road' for a bit (which Jean loves and Lila and I love a little less). We see the most northern road in Vietnam and Jean and Lila visit another border point, however it is a bit more serious with a watch tower and camera, as well as skull and Cross bones on the border marker post. We also visit another border area which is basically a big hole in a wire fence with a billboard of the other side (only written in Chinese and Vietnamese.
      And as if we hadn't seen enough border points we saw another one which we could walk across and we saw people go across on their motorbike and come back with beer (as it must be cheaper on the Chinese side).
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    • Dag 54

      Yên Mình to Wherever We Can!

      8. maj 2018, Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      So today's was to drive from Yen Minh Minh to the northern most point in Vietnam in Lưng Cu, which borders China, and then drive to Dong Van approximately 95km.

      We set off with more than enough time and once again had the most stunning scenery with lots of stops for photos. We stopped at a local Hmong village and the Kings Residence.

      We were on the very final 30km stretch of road when all of a sudden we came to a huge traffic jam. On these roads there is normally 0 traffic, sometimes you don't meet another car of bike for miles! So we nipped past all the standstill cars and eventually got to the front to find what we thought was a huge landslide blocking the road. In the end we found out that actually they are widening the road so they cause the landslides to happen so that they can crush the rocks and make the road wider. At first we waited for a while thinking it was being removed but soon realised we would be waiting hours. So we took the decision to take an hour an half detour round. It was super tough going but we finally made it round and we saw that the blockage had only just been elevated when we got there, phew, it was just about worth it. We were on the home stretch, but it was getting very very late now and they were doing this same type of road work the whole way. The roads were terrible and slightly dangerous in parts but we eventually arrived in Lung Cu and decided to stay the night.

      We stayed in a homestay in a local lo lo village and it was really cute and lovely! We had dinner with the family and tried home brewed corn wine. Gosh it was strong!

      So we didn't quite make our destination but we had a great drive, the weather was fantastic and we were safe so I can't complain!
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    • Dag 304

      Am Fahnenturm

      29. oktober 2016, Vietnam ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

      Um gegenüber den unbeliebten Chinesen Flagge zu zeigen, haben die Vietnamesen am nördlichsten Punkt des Landes an der Grenze zu China einen großen Fahnenturm errichtet.
      Leider fängt es am Nachmittag an zu regnen. Egal, wenn wir schon mal da sind fahren wir auch hin. Wir ziehen unsere volle Regenmontur an und fahren los. Teilweise wird es schon recht matschig.
      Als wir am Fahnenturm ankommen hört es auf zu regnen und die Sonne kommt heraus. Glück muss man haben. Die vietnamesischen Reisegruppen haben sich unisono mit den klassischen Vietnam-T-Shirts ausgerüstet und stürmen auf den Turm. Das rotgelbe Treiben ist ein audiovisuelles Erlebnis.
      Auf der Rückfahrt wird es nervig. Die Busse stecken bei Gegenverkehr manchmal in den Kurven fest, lassen aber Mopedfahrer nicht überholen. Bei einem riskanten Überholmanöver und überraschendem Gegenverkehr rutscht Andi im Matsch aus und fällt gegen den Bus. Glücklicherweise ist nichts weiter passiert. Wir bieten Spiegel und Lenker gerade, Andi steigt auf unter weiter geht es, aber nun etwas vorsichtiger.
      Am Abend haben wir nochmal Glück: Eine Gruppe hat abgesagt und Denis organisiert uns sogar noch ein richtiges Zimmer. Die Restaurants sind allerdings alle ausgebucht. Selbst an den Garküchen auf den Plastikstühlen ist kein Platz zu bekommen. Daher gehen wir in ein westliches, neueröffnetes Billardcafe und Essen ein paar Snacks. Zum Abschluss des Tages spielen wir noch eine Partie Billard.
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    • Dag 10

      Frontière chinoise et Lung Cu flag point

      10. april, Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      Nous avons conduit jusqu'aux portes de la Chine ! 🇨🇳 D'un poste de frontière devenu inaccessible par les barbelés. Jusqu'au Lung Cu Flat Point, un endroit très symbolique pour de nombreux Vietnamiens. La route pour y aller était belle, beaucoup de virages et des paysages à couper le soufle. Puis c'est une large route qui nous a accueilli à Lung Cu, de quoi accélérer et s'amuser en groupe ! 🏍🇻🇳🔥🇻🇳🏍Læs mere

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