2012 Greece and France

setembro - outubro 2012
After completing our 2012 Turkish Delights Adventure I continued to Athens to begin a trip around Greece. This was followed by several days relaxing in Paris. Leia mais
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  • Dia 12

    Back to Athens

    9 de outubro de 2012, Grécia ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

    Santorini Island Tuesday Oct 9th.

    This is our final day on Santorini, after which our group will disperse with most heading back to Australia. After 5 weeks together in Turkey and Greece we have shared some unforgettable adventures together and I am sure that it will be an experience that we will all cherish for the rest of our lives.

    Yesterday I took a short cruise to the centre of the caldera to visit the volcano. This is a bleak rocky island with multiple craters, some of which are still steaming out rotten egg gas and steam. When you look back from the volcano to Santorini you can still see the unmistakable signs of the massive explosion that rocked this place in 1500 BC. Not only did it obliterate most of the island and created a huge deepwater harbour, but is also created a massive 200 m tsunami that destroyed most life on Crete at the time. Since that massive detonation there have been numerous smaller eruptions, the last one in 1950. In recent months there has been growing activity under the volcano and the magma chamber has greatly enlarged, raising the ground level by about 20cm. There has also been a series of small earthquakes in the region, possibly also heralding that all is not well underground.

    On the volcano itself there are several remote monitering stations. These are hopefully there to provide an early warning should a new eruption become imminent, in which case an immediate evacuation of Santorini would take place.

    While we were there, we observed yet more large cruise ships repeat the daily routine of disgorging and reabsorbing their boatloads of passengers to the shore. It is hard to believe that in a couple of weeks all this will shut down. We are now nearing the end of the tourist season and, by the end of October, just about everything on the island shuts down. I was talking to the owner of our hotel, and she told me that they close the hotel and return to another house they own in Athens for the next few months. This would still be a fantastic place in the cooler season (it never gets cold here) so I don't understand why people only choose to come in the hot and crowded summer months. Since we were at the end of the season it was quieter and an ideal time to come.

    Last night we wandered along the clifftop walkway and watched spellbound at the beautiful lights of Thira scattered all along the steep cliffsides. It was a delightful way to end our Santorini interlude.

    We heard on the news that Athens is likely to be in turmoil when we return, due to a visit by the German chancellor Angela Merkel. The streets will be full of riot police and rooftop snipers. We just hope it does not close the airport. I suppose this is just another adventure for the Ghostriders and I will just have to see what happens. Several times in the past I have found myself in war zones and in the middle of riots, but I have found that if you use common sense and stay clear of the trouble areas there is usually little to fear.

    After I leave Athens, I will be in Paris for a few days before taking the long journey back to Australia. While in Paris I will be finalising some arrangements for our 2013 France Adventure.
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  • Dia 13

    Hello Paris - Where am I ?

    10 de outubro de 2012, França ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

    After my time in Turkey and Greece, I thought that it would be good to have a few days of quality time relaxing in one of my favourite cities - Paris.

    I left Athens late in the evening via Aegean Airlines and landed in Paris. I should have read my air ticket more carefully. I assumed that we were landing at Charles de Gaulle Airport, and had prebooked (and paid for) an airport transfer to my hotel. It would make life simple I thought. I was wrong.

    After leaving the plane and clearing customs I emerged into the airport lounge. Somehow nothing looked familiar. And it wasn't. In fact it wasn't even Charles de Gaulle Airport ! We had landed at one of Paris's other airports - Orly.

    Although somewhere there was a driver waiting for me, it certainly wasn't at this location. Since it was now getting late, I needed to rapidly make other arrangements to get me to my hotel in Montmartre. After a few enquiries, I managed to drag my luggage onto to a bus that was heading into central Paris. At least we were heading in the right direction.

    After arrival in Paris central, I found a metro that would get me to within walking distance of the hotel. I was very, very grateful when I was finally able to stagger into my hotel and settle into the room for the night. It had turned out to be much complicated that originally intended, but it did serve to remind me that there is usually always a solution to every problem, provided you don't panic.

    I now had a few days to walk, explore and walk some more. I was looking forward to finally having some time alone.
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  • Dia 14

    Paris - A Meeting with Bruce Willis

    11 de outubro de 2012, França ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

    Right in the centre of Paris, there are two islands in the middle of the Seine. These are the Ile de la Cite and the Ile St Louis. Real estate on these islands is probably some of the most expensive in the world, so you never know who you might bump into when you are walking the streets of these islands of privilege.

    While walking the Ile St Louis, I noticed a little cluster of people up ahead. Being a nosy person, I decided to join the crowd to see what was happening. It turned out that a film was being shot and the lead actor was none other than Bruce Willis. Sure enough, there he was standing just a few metres away from me.

    Even more surprising was the fact that there was not just one Bruce Willis, there were two of them. His stunt double was also in the scene too, presumably to protect the real Bruce Willis from doing anyone that might give him a bruise. The film they were shooting was Red 2. I don't know much about the story, but it must involve fast cars and big guns, because they were both in the scene.

    It was an interesting start to the day, but Paris is always like that. You just never know what is about to happen around the next street corner.

    Later in the day I caught the train out to the famous Palace of Versailles. The huge and very opulent palace gives some idea of how a King can waste the resources of an entire nation, just to satisfy their own pride and greed. I actually found the place a little sad.
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  • Dia 16

    Paris - Day 4

    13 de outubro de 2012, França ⋅ 🌧 10 °C

    Montmartre (Paris) - Sat 13th Oct.
    This is my second last day in Paris and I have no set plans on what to do. I think I will just head off on foot and see where my feet take me. Since most of Paris (apart from the Butte Montmartre) is very flat, the walking is easy and it is the perfect way to observe Parisians going about their everyday lives. They are an interesting people, full of animation and humour.
    They love to conduct their conversations at the tops of their voices. Some people seem to think that the French can be rude and impatient with visitors.
    This has never been my experience as I have only been shown friendliness and warmth wherever I have gone. The staff at my little 2 star hotel are very helpful and love it when i try to speak French. I think the secret is that you get what you give. If you are open and interested, you will always bring out the best in people. A couple of pics of the grandchildren doesn't hurt either.

    This has been quite a long trip and I am starting to look forward to being back in Melbourne with my family, not looking forward to the long flights home though.
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  • Dia 17

    Goodbye Paris

    14 de outubro de 2012, França ⋅ 🌧 8 °C

    Tonight I catch a late evening flight to begin the long journey back home. About 48 hours after leaving Paris, I will finally be landing back in Melbourne.

  • Dia 19

    Home Again

    16 de outubro de 2012, Austrália ⋅ 17 °C

    Emerald, 17th Oct.
    I arrived back in Melbourne yesterday after 6 weeks away. It's always a relief to touchdown at Tullamarine and almost as big a relief when you see your luggage arrive at the carousal and know that it also made the journey home safely. After almost 48 hours of transit, I was in a bit of a zombie state, but have now had a good night's sleep in my own bed and feel almost human again. It really was an amazing trip, and I was so privileged to have shared it with such a close and supportive group of friends.

    Our next planned adventure will take place in May 2013 when we head off to Bhutan on our "Bhutan by Bike" adventure.
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