Worldschooling Year

August 2022 - June 2023
we're hoping to immerse as much as possible into local cultures to understand how other families live around the world while exploring interesting cultures and histories. Read more
  • 102footprints
  • 29countries
  • 299days
  • 686photos
  • 18videos
  • 69.9kmiles
  • 57.2kmiles
  • Day 58

    Uncle Mike’s Visit to Israel (by Andrew)

    October 14, 2022 in Israel ⋅ ☀️ 79 °F

    Uncle Mike visited us in Israel. We went to the beach with him and we had fun with him. I like it at the beach and we go boogie boarding. We also loved going to the park with him. I enjoyed his visit. You could come visit us too.Read more

  • Day 58

    A Visit from Uncle Mike (by Lewis)

    October 14, 2022 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 55 °F

    Uncle Mike's trip to Israel is special. It's special because he was taking time off from coming home to see us. He was very kindhearted to do that. It's also special because... well... because we were together. We were together at dessert(ice cream), we were together at the park exercising, too. It was also special because we got to wake him up with kisses. And it was special because he was with us. We also got to facetime with Ethan and Izzy, which was one of my favorite parts. Family members out there, come visit us!!!Read more

  • Day 60

    Hiking Mt. Masada (by Lewis)

    October 16, 2022 in Palestine ⋅ ☀️ 90 °F

    Mt. Masada was cool, literally, like chilly cool. We got to see the sunrise, which was my favorite part. There were ruins at the top. We got to see the ancient synagogue. It was hard, but it was fun. The people on Mt. Masada killed themselves because they didn't want to become Roman slaves. There is a lot of history behind Mt. Masada.Read more

  • Day 71

    Hiking Mt Bental (by Lewis)

    October 27, 2022 in Syria ⋅ ☀️ 72 °F

    Hiking Mt. Bental was fun. Mt. Bental is in the Golan Heights. There is a great view at the top. It's also a volcano!! We got to see a bunker. There are bunkers at the top because there was a war there: the Yom Kippur war of 1973. We went in one of them. There are funny slo-mo videos of it. Andrew said (in a video) hhhhhhhheeeeeeeyyyyyyyyy gggggggggguuuuuuyyyyyyyyssssssssshh. I said...nothing!!! You should hike Mt. Bental!!Read more

  • Day 74

    Hugs in Israel

    October 30, 2022 in Israel ⋅ ⛅ 64 °F

    The boys have been doing such a great job of posting that if feels like my posts are unnecessary. However, when on a 6hr flight to Marrakech… The last few weeks have been sort of magical. We have all enjoyed slowing down, having a homebase, a park a few blocks away, a grocery shop whose aisles we learned, an amazing smoothie guy who knows our orders when he sees us and watches over our kids as they go and come from the park on their own, a favorite falafel place, a great produce stand where the cucumbers are crunchy, the grapes are sweet, and the dates are soft, and a regular path to the beach that the boys can navigate on their own. We had a wonderful time just living and being in Tel Aviv with short trips to explore the country, including the Golan Heights, Dead Sea, Masada, Ein Gedi, Haifa, Safed, and staying on two kibbutzes, which were some of our favorites.

    We are so lucky to have my grandpa’s cousins, Micha and Ofra, organize multiple get togethers where we got to see and meet our Israeli family. We use the term family loosely as many are 3rd, 4th or 5th cousins, many times removed, but it was all ‘mishpucha.’ I enjoyed reconnecting with cousins with whom I raced up Masada as a teen and having him now teach me and my kids how to make wine, having a Sukkot dinner and meeting a cousin who happens to be a patent attorney who led a CAR-T patent litigation I followed closely, having pizza at a home surrounded by lush vegetation and mature plantings that 23 years ago was new construction surrounded by dessert, and watching our children connect and play with their Israeli cousins and form their own connections.

    The 5 weeks in Israel was capped off with an incredible hug from home when Gila, my co-mom and the boys nanny for the first 6+ years of their lives came to visit us in Tel Aviv. We spend most of the time in the shuk and on the beach, soaking up the sun and the Gila love. Words can’t express how much visits with loved ones fill our buckets.
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  • Day 76

    Being Flexible

    November 1, 2022 in Syria ⋅ ☀️ 63 °F

    For the 0.005% of you following the news in Uganda, there’s been an Ebola outbreak that we were hoping (for so many reasons the least of which are our travel plans) would be contained to under 100 cases, but has recently spread in the capital, infecting 6 students and many others. We have shifted our plans and rather than going to Uganda to spend time with the Abayudaya (Jewish) community in Mbale, we will be spending 3 weeks in Luxor, Egypt at a worldschooling hub.

    One of the things that has been surprisingly difficult is finding other kids to play with. We were so lucky in Israel to connect with a welcoming worldschooling/ home schooling group of families with a bunch of elementary aged kids. We would meet at a different playgrounds where the kids would create imaginative play games, built castles and a moat with palm fronds, rocks and a water source, play math games on picnic benches, play soccer and run around while the parents shared travel and life experiences. It was fulfilling for all of us to have new people with whom to talk and interact.

    Thus, when we realized we couldn’t go to Uganda where Lewis and Andrew were supposed to go to school and have kids to play with, we tried to find an alternative place where they could socialize. Worldschooling hubs have popped up around the world where like-minded families will gather. The kids will attend a themed camp during the week that’s mainly kid-led play and exploration, while the adults can work or explore the country. There are meals and activities where the families can hang out and be around other people who speak English. On the weekends, the families can go on optional excursions like diving in the Red Sea or taking a felucca to Aswan. Andrew is super excited, Lewis is on board and predictably a bit nervous, and Rob and I are thrilled for the kids to be around other kids, for us to have other parents to interact with, and for the kids and us to have a break from each other. While we really enjoy each other’s company, it’s nice to have some fresh faces and stories in the mix. Now, on to Morocco where we will see Grandma and Papa before heading to Egypt!
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  • Day 77

    A few more pictures from Marrakech

    November 2, 2022 in Morocco ⋅ ⛅ 81 °F

    here are some more photos from the gorgeous Jardin Majorelle that we saw the morning before Grandma and Papa arrived. There was about an hour wait to get tickets and another 30mins to get in, but it was SO worth it!Read more

  • Day 78

    Marrakech (By Andrew)

    November 3, 2022 in Morocco ⋅ ☀️ 81 °F

    We’re in Marrakech in Morocco to see Grandma and Papa. They flew from Boston just to see us (and we flew from Tel Aviv). We played, swam, and had two sleepovers and I lost my tooth and La Petite Souris (aka “the Little Mouse”) came. The Little Mouse is the Moroccan and French tooth fairy! We did archery and we rode bicycles. We rode around the city in motorcycle sidecars and went off-roading at an oasis. It was bumping in the oasis and I got to go flying (he leaned so the side car would go in the air). It was even more special with my family.Read more

  • Day 80

    Marrakech (by Lewis)

    November 5, 2022 in Morocco ⋅ ☀️ 66 °F

    Earlier this week, we went to Marrakech with Grama and Papa. We got to have two sleep-overs with them, which was really fun. The hotel we stayed in had a Kids Club, too. There, we got to paint pottery and do archery. At the hotel we got to ride free bikes; speaking of bikes, we got to ride in motorcycle sidecars! You get to ride around Marrakech then go revving around on some dirt! Marrakech is a very exciting place.Read more

  • Day 84

    Atlas Mountains & Berbers (by Andrew)

    November 9, 2022 in Morocco ⋅ ⛅ 66 °F

    Hello fellow friend,
    We hiked in the Atlas Mountains and we met the Berber people
    who let us come into their house to eat and drink tea. When we were at their house we met a boy who was 11 years old. He was nice and he helped us dig geodes out of the mountain. At the hotel, we went swimming and played tennis with Papa and I thought that was fun. Grandma got sick during the trip, but did her best to participate when she could. You should come to the Atlas Mountains. There are good hikes, you can find some geodes, and the people are really kind.Read more