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    • Dzień 18

      17. Etappe: Arre (31,8 km)

      13 listopada 2022, Hiszpania ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Das erste Mal herzhaftes Frühstück seit 2 Wochen! 🥳 Die Kellnerin guckte mich schon komisch an, weil ich zu meinem Americano noch nen O-Saft, nen Sandwich mit Ei und (ich glaube es war) Chorizo und nen Schoko-Croissant bestellte 😅🙈 Der Pilgerhunger hat mich einfach überkommen!
      Gut gestärkt gings also los über manch tolle Wege. Heute hieß es noch einmal die Sonne genießen, denn ab morgen solls deutlich schlechter werden. Kurz vor Pamplona stoppen wir 3 in der kirchlichen Herberge Trinidad de Arre. Der Gastgeber ist sehr nett und trägt uns sogar die Rucksäcke in den Schlafsaal, den wir heute wohl wieder für uns alleine haben. In dem schönen Klostergarten machen wir beim Käffchen Pläne für morgen und verwöhnen die Herbergskatzen und -Hündin mit allerhand Streicheleinheiten. 🐕🐈🐈‍⬛🥰
      Zum Abendessen gehts noch mal in die Stadt Villava, ein Vorort von Pamplona. Vielleicht das letzte gemeinsame Essen, denn Pierre und ich werden morgens erst einmal den örtlichen Decathlon aufsuchen, um unser Equipment für die anstehenden Regentage startklar zu machen und wissen noch nicht wie viele Camino-Kilometer wir zusätlich schaffen. Also mal gucken, vielleicht starte ich übermorgen in neuer Besetzung 😉
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    • Dzień 7

      Villava, just outside of Pamplona

      24 września 2022, Hiszpania ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

      A nice walk down the Rio Arga valley this afternoon, mostly no rain. We walked without raincoats until the sprinkles got heavy. Then as soon as we put on raincoats, the rain stopped and the sun would peak out.

      We had one last steep hill climb before descending to Villava, a suburb of Pamplona. We met a tiny French woman from Paris climbing the hill. She is 80 years old carrying her stuff in a reusable shopping bag and one hiking stick. She and her friend are walking to Logrono, at least a week away.

      We arrived at Pension Obel, which is right above Bar Obel!

      Two beers are being consumed, then a trip to the laundromat around the corner.
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    • Dzień 6–7

      Zubiri to Pamplona

      26 maja, Hiszpania ⋅ ☁️ 66 °F

      Sunday started out to be a very lovely day. A nice walk with beautiful weather. But we quickly realized that it was Sunday and it would be a good 10-12 km before we found food. After that the hard trek into Pamplona began. We took a little bypass and climbed up to the church San Estaban (St. Steven). We explored the beautiful church in its original condition from the 12th century. We climbed the bell tower to ring the bell that only Pilgrims (Peregrinos) get the honor of doing. In the video I’m out of breath but mind your own business haha. Steve got to ring the bell.
      Then we literally limped into Pamplona a few hours later because of a foot injury.
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    • Dzień 9

      Day 5: Larrasoaña to Pamplona

      22 maja 2023, Hiszpania ⋅ ☁️ 59 °F

      Mileage: 10.25
      Elevation gain: 833
      Elevation loss: 1,007
      Weather: beautiful! Partly sunny with a cool breeze
      Total mileage: 44.5

      More beautiful weather and scenery. This won’t always be true, so I am savoring it while I can. I was awake before the roosters (and the snorers in my dormitory!) so I was ready to hit to hit the road at 7 this morning. I didn’t *need* to leave so early, but it was cool and crisp with lovely early morning light, so I was happy to be out. I stopped for cafe con leche and Spanish tortilla for breakfast a few miles in.

      Much less climbing and downhill today, although there was still some! The walk along the wheat field was one of my favorite sections so far. Some of the Pamplona portion wasn’t very pretty, but it’s all still very interesting. I’m in a hotel tonight with a day off tomorrow; both of those things feel odd at this point but very welcome. I was as happy to see the bathtub as I’ve ever been to see an inanimate object. I’m going in search of tapas tonight!

      1. Beautiful light this morning.
      2. I don’t get tired of this kind of trail.
      3. Hilly but pretty
      4. Lots of poppies and wheat today. I loved both but the combination!!
      5. Looking over the Arga valley
      6. Not sure if this was a farmhouse or a church
      7. Lots of this yellow bush today. I don’t think it’s forsythia? Maybe gorse? Smells nice and cheered me on up this hill.
      8. The medieval (!) bridge that took me into Pamplona
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    • Dzień 7

      Zubiri to Arre. Rainy day trek

      11 września 2023, Hiszpania ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      What a difference a day makes. We hiked through torrential rain and some thunder and lightning. By the end of the hike the sun was blazing down on us and other than our shoes we were all dry.
      We hiked 17km in about 6 hrs including breaks.
      Cecile hiked with us today. We met Heather from California who walked with us most of the way but she continued on to Pamplona. We stopped 5kms from Pamplona and are staying in an 11th century church, Trinidad de Arre. One of the pilgrims staying here offered to make pasta for us. Who can say no to Tony from Italy!! About 10 of us went to the supermarket to gather ingredients including under €2 wine. You can’t imagine the chaos in the grocery store with all the different languages.
      Dinner was superb. Great community at our albergue tonight.
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    • Dzień 9

      Day 6

      27 sierpnia 2023, Hiszpania ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Trinidad de Arre/Pamplona to Uterga
      Left 8am arrived in Pampanga at 9.30am and at Uterga 12.30pm.
      We had out ponchos on as we left Arre, and it certainly felt a lot cooler, thank goodness. It rained off and on as we made it into Pamplona. Went to 10 am mass at the cathedral it is very Gothic. It was still raining when we came out and because it was a Sunday everything was closed. We decided we would take a taxi to get us to the steepest point and then make our way down the invlibe to Utergia BUT the taxi driver to us way past where we wanted to go and so we got him to take us back to where we intended to stop. The taxi trip wasn't cheap but wait, there's more. I can't sit down with my cell in my pocket, and I bet you can guess what happened, yep, left the cell in the taxi, which cost $$$$s for them to bring it to me. Dam, I should have brought my small kiwi bag, but now I have to find another way to carry it, the pockets in my shirts are too small. But the lesson is learned. We are in a comfortable Elbergue with 18 others in our room tonight. Czytaj więcej

    • Day 5 - Zubiri to Trinidad de Arre - 17k

      3 września 2023, Hiszpania ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      After 17km of walking, I am settled in an albergue just before Pamplona. I had decided last night that I didn’t want to stay in Pamplona so I had sent a WhatsApp to the albergue yesterday to reserve and it went smooth. I had put it in Google translate first.

      The rain held off today but threatened most of the day. It is now sunny and a blue sky. I am waiting for all my clothes in the dryer. Yesterday none of the clothes dried so I stuffed them in my pack wet. Most of them were clean but I decided it best to wash them all in a machine and dry in the dryer to be sure they don’t stink. My backpack and boots are sitting in the sun right now to dry as well.

      I think rain is in the forecast in a couple days again, but I think I will be more prepared for it this time.

      The hike today was somewhat hard but I think it was made harder just because my muscles are tired. The start out of Zubiri was the same type of rocky path we encountered on the way in. It then was various types of path including some roadway, more rocks, dirt (or should I say mud from the rain yesterday).

      I stopped in Larrasoaña today for breakfast but it wasn’t quite obvious where to find a cafe. Some pilgrims pointed me in the right direction but the place was about to close. I got a coke and a couple chocolate croissants. He let me sit out on his patio while he was closing and going to bed. It was actually nice to sit there all alone. At one point I realized all the flags that were along the fence. They were various countries and you can see where people had signed them. What a great idea.

      I stopped again 4km later in Zuriain where there was an open cafe serving food and indoor and outdoor sitting. There was no menu displayed anywhere but you can see people were ordering a variety of things. I decided to just have what he had on display, a couple small sausages on a piece of baguette. I did order a hot chocolate as well, and looked that up on google translate first to order it. While at lunch, I took off my boots and socks, the boots were still wet so I decided to let my feet dry and put on fresh socks.

      The hike today was only supposed to be around 15km, but my gps was already at 17 and the albergue was no where in sight. When you know the end of the path is near, it just seems to take forever to get there. Then it appeared, the bridge, river and albergue.

      Last night I had planned my next few days. I was getting frightened of having to rush for a bed so I booked them on booking.com. My destination tomorrow is Urtega (20km) and the next day is Ciraqui (15km). Both are places Jörg and I stayed before. After that, will be Estella but I am not booking as I want to stay at the Albergue where Jörg and I were hospitaleros and it is a Donitivo.

      After Estella, not sure but will do some planning tonight. At that time I think it will soon be time for a day off and a hotel!

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    • Dzień 4

      Adiós compañero!!!!

      23 kwietnia, Hiszpania ⋅ ⛅ 6 °C

      Todo lo bueno se acaba. Ha sido fantástico tener a mi hermano conmigo de compañero en estas primeras etapas. Te echaré mucho de menos!
      Y como no hemos podido celebrarlo, me he dado un pequeño homenaje en tu nombre. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 4

      stupid luggage

      15 sierpnia 2023, Hiszpania ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      It is a holiday in Spain so the post offices are all closed.

      I went to the bus station and found out the bus ticket I had purchased was for the day before and all the buses today are sold out. I had to take a taxi to SJPDP for 140 euros.

      Taxi driver recommended Express Bourricot for luggage transfer from SJPDP. Started panicking when I read their sign saying they were closed until 4 pm. Need to make it to Orrison by 6:30 pm! Called their number and person answering directed me to leave my luggage at Centrale Hotel on the main street and they'd deliver from there, phew!
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    • Dzień 6

      Zubiri to Pamplona - part two

      28 marca, Hiszpania ⋅ 🌬 13 °C

      How's it going, I'm on cloud nine.

      Chanced a 'not the main route but more scenic' detour coming into Pamplona which followed a linear park for a really long time, it felt like I was on the outskirts of the city half the day. It was lovely but I really missed the reassurance of all the waymarkings on the normal route. They are so good I never have to look at my map, where as this thing had me second guessing everything. At one stage a nice couple came to help as I clearly looked useless, and the scallop shell, I suspect, makes people a bit easier on you. You're a stupid tourist but at least you're doing it slowly and quietly.

      Having said that there's been a marked difference in the interest rural versus city locals pay us. Until Pamplona, you couldn't really get past an old man (it's almost always an old man) out for a walk without covering yes I'm doing the Camino yes I started in SJPP yes it was quite steep coming over the mountains wasn't it, oh I'm from Australia, yes very far away spot on, buen camino, muchas gracias, adios. Once I hit the city outskirts nobody gave me a second look. Probably for the best, if I'd needed to have that convo with everyone I passed I'd still be out there.

      Got a bunk at Jesus y Maria, the biggest albergue in town I think, with 100+ beds built into the naves of an old church. It's pretty stunning but the same acoustics that make those hymns pop are going to be fun tonight. Earplugs running a close second in the MVP stakes. Washing machines were freeeeeee so I gave all my stuff a go, had a really good shower, and sat around in shorts and wet hair waiting for my stuff back. Feeling the cleanest I've been since Hobart, I wandered around Pamplona for a few hours, buying food for when I assume the city shuts down due Good Friday tomorrow.

      Back at the J&M pad, I've spent 40 minutes in very shattered French and English with the 64yo guy from Paris who's cycling instead of walking. He's got "20 days" but not really, he's retired and he hasn't booked his train home yet, I think he's just trying to make me feel better. I've seen him in SJPP and Zubiri and now today. He had to stay back a day at the start due to rain, so he did SJPP to Zubiri, Zubiri to Pamplona, and tomorrow will smush another two days into one by going to Estella, so I won't see him again. He said there's an Easter procession at 8pm from the cathedral we are extremely close to, and we made loose plans to go together. By which I mean I said I'd come and I have no idea if that landed.

      Pamplona, by the way, is SO similar to Naples, vibe wise, which is a huge surprise but given I bloody adore Naples it's a nice one. Going to try to go out for dinner tonight, which is a bit of a tightrope to walk given restaurants close 5pm to 8pm and the albergue locks the doors at 11pm. Reckon I can do it though, and I can afford a late one because I don't have to walk tomorrow! Should probably allow time for getting up to the top bunk though, I think my thighs might actually explode and that'll require some clean up.
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