Czech Republic
Old Town

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    • Day 52

      Fall Break in Prague

      October 18, 2023 in Czech Republic ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Oct 18-22 was our fall break, and I took a trip on the train with Mitchell and Sarah to Prague. We had a horrible time getting there. We had 2 connections. We missed the first which put us on a later 2nd train. About 10 minutes before this train departed we realized that it wasn’t in the train station we thought it was in. This had us RUNNING around the station with our suitcases asking everyone in sight if they spoke English and if they knew where our train was supposed to be. Somehow, we found the right location and turns out our train was replaced by a bus…. so we took a random bus across the border from Germany to Czechia. It was super sketch. Note: this is all while we were trying to write papers due at 9pm that night. Then our last train took us to Prague where Tyler met us! He got in earlier that day, and we were so happy to see him!
      Our time in Prague was pretty relaxed. We saw a few sights like the Prague Castle, the National History Museum, and the Charles Bridge. We ate some awesome food and found a couple of cool cocktail bars. Overall our time was good and restful. I don’t know if I’d want to go back to Prague, but I’m glad I got to see it once. It was very beautiful, but I think I like the other European cities I’ve been to more. Also you have to pay for water at every restaurant (tap water isn’t an option or you still have to pay for it), so that seems unreasonable.
      I was sad for Tyler to leave, but I’m so glad that he was able to come visit. It was super fun to welcome him to Europe for the 1ST time ever. I hope we get to explore more places together in the future!
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    • Day 55

      First Night in Prague

      September 28, 2022 in Czech Republic ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

      Wowowoww! Prague is beautiful. The streets are lined with beautiful buildings and the canal is clean! One of the castles looked like it was taken from Disney. We just walked around in the evening at the end, we got chimney cakes 🥰 mine was like an apple crisp. Delicious!!!Read more

    • Day 54–57

      Parenthèse de la parenthèse (Prague)

      April 23 in Czech Republic ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      [Raconté par Nils]

      Tout juste arrivés à Prague, cette fois-ci l'auberge est à 2 pas de la gare et du centre-ville, donc pas de longue marche, mais besoin de se remplir le ventre. On (je) est vite attiré par une curieuse pâtisserie que tous les gens que l'on croise arborent fièrement dans leurs mains. Peu de temps s'écoule avant que l'on tombe sur un de ces nombreux comptoirs vendant des Trdelník, spécialité tchèque.

      Malgré l'apparence et le goût sucré très agréable, nous nous arrêtons tous les deux sur la conclusion que c'est bon, mais c'est écœurant.

      Nous rejoignons ensuite l'auberge, dans laquelle une chambre spacieuse et confortable nous attend.

      Nous prévoyons pour les deux jours à venir de faire d'abord un tour dans tout le vieux centre de Prague, où chaque ruelle et couloir mène à une bâtisse détaillée et colorée. Petit regret de ne pas avoir pu visiter l'ancien cimetière juif, qui était exceptionnellement fermé. Nous venons à nous installer sur un petit îlot où le temps se perd à observer pigeons, canards et rat-gondins.

      Nous prévoyons une journée chargée pour le lendemain. D'abord, passage obligé en friperie, mais le chinage ne fût pas fructueux. Ensuite, direction une grande colline surplombant la ville, lieux paisible dans lequel la population fourmillante ne se fait pas sentir. De ce point culminant, nous rejoignons ensuite le gigantesque château royal, duquel nous faisons le tour, pour ensuite redescendre à nouveau au point de départ.

      La prochaine mission s'accomplit en se rendant au salon de piercing, où Zoé choisit de doubler sa ventilation oculaire et se percer les lobes à nouveau, ce qui lui va très bien.

      Cette étape se conclue au restaurant italien au pied de l'auberge, tables qui nous font de l'oeil depuis notre arrivée. Cette ville plus étriquée et intimiste a trouvé les mots pour nous séduire.

      Le lendemain, prochaine et dernière étape de mes vacances avec Zoé, direction Munich !
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    • Day 40

      Prague Castle

      June 9 in Czech Republic ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Prague Walking Tour
      Old Town (Upper) & New Town (Lower) devastated by major 1000yr flood in 2002
      Prague Castle founded sometime around 880 by Prince Bořivoj from the Přemyslov family, with both UNESCO & Czech Heritage StatusRead more

    • Day 5


      May 24, 2023 in Czech Republic ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Wir wollen es kaum glauben, das Vorspiel ist geschafft – 440km von Potsdam nach Prag. Circa 10% der Strecke nach Istanbul schon hinter uns.
      Morgen gönnen wir unseren Hintern einen Tag Ruhe, bevor es dann in die tschechischen Berge geht.

      Und wer mit dem Zeigefinger auf der Landkarte mitradeln möchte, hier noch ein Link für Komoot:
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    • Day 1


      March 7, 2020 in Czech Republic ⋅ 🌙 3 °C

      Pulsierender Nachtclub auf 5 Etagen in umgebautem Anwesen aus dem 15. Jahrhundert. Europas größter Nachtclub auf fünf Etagen. Aber nicht für uns heute. Wir sind jetzt schon kaputt und gehen wieder Richtung Auto.Read more

    • Day 33


      June 14, 2023 in Czech Republic ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Heute ging es noch einmal nach Prag. Hier waren wir allerdings schon einige Male.

      Wir waren aber auch nicht zum Sightseeing hier, sondern wollten heute endlich mal einige hochfavorisierte Caches erledigen, welche wir schon lange auf unserer ToDo-Liste haben.

      Bis auf einen, der gerade deaktiviert war, gelang uns das auch prima. 😊😁

      Allerdings war das auch ein ganz schönes Gerenne. Knappe 18 km kreuz und quer durch die gesamte Innenstadt…

      Nun sind wir ganz schön platt und genießen einen unserer letzten Abende mit einem schönen Bierchen auf dem Campingplatz vor unserem Wohnmobil. 🍺😋😊
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    • Day 27


      April 17 in Czech Republic ⋅ ☁️ 5 °C

      Another late night and early morning turn around. Bec took us up to the castle district to look around. Last night, when Pearse and I were power napping, Bec handed out our 24 hour metro passes. She gave ours to our roommate, Dan. Dan gave them to Pearse because he stayed in last night, so he was up earlier than me. I had about 5 minutes to get myself ready and get to the meeting spot. At this point, I still had no idea our metro cards were handed out. I got down to the meeting point where we walked about 5 minutes up the road to the train. This is when I realized I didn't have a card and everyone else did. So I asked Bec she told me she gave it to Dan, I asked Dan who told me he gave it to Pearse, so I asked Pearse where it was and he said "oh you didn't see it?" The train we were taking was arriving in 2 minutes, so I just decided I'd get on the next train. I ran back to the hostel and looked at the table Pearse said he put it on and said I should have seen it on. It was just covered in all his shit lol. So I moved everything and there it was. Under his toiletrie bag lol. All good. I grabbed it and ran back to see everyone still waiting at the stop for me. It turns out they put it to a vote, to wait for me or not. I guess they like me lol. A couple of them went into the coffee shop while waiting for me, and unfortunately, it was busy in there. The next train pulled up, and we were instructed by Bec to get on. No vote for them. We just left them behind lol. I did feel guilty but better them than me. When we finally got there, it was so cool to see this castle that can be seen all across the city up close. It's massive. It kind of reminded me of a super mini Sagrada Familia. Outside, there was a cage sitting next to a fountain. We learned the cage was a "shame cage" so if a lady was accused of being a witch, they'd put her in there for people throw things at or shame her in any way they could. Pearse and a group wanted to go inside the castle, but I left to go tour some other stuff. I walked across Charles Bridge and through the city with a different group of people. The group I was with stopped for a classic Czech dessert, trdelník. It looked so good, but I wasn't feeling like straight sugar and ice cream at 11 am. It's a pastry cone that's coated in sugars and stuffed with ice cream, cream, and berries. That's the one I thought about getting anyway. My group met back up with Pearses group for lunch. We decided on a Czech BBQ spot. Even though it was pricey for lunch, it was the best lunch I've had so far. There were 11 of us, and 10 of us ordered 1kg of pork knuckle. All the flavors sounded so good as well. There was a lemon grass, honey mustard, spicy, or BBQ flavors. I got the spicy. I tried the honey mustard one, though, and i think it was better. The meat on my knuckle was falling off the bone and so tender. I was the only one to eat the whole thing lol. I regretted it after cause I was so full and so tired. We walked around for a little while and ended up at the astronomical clock for the turning of the hour by pure chance. The clock itself is beautiful, and the show at the top of the hour was pretty silly, actually. We all got a little laugh out of it. I needed a nap so bad after that pork knuckle, and we had a walking tour called Hidden Prauge, so we trained back to the hostel, and I passed out. It was a weird sleep because I was having really strange dreams as well as sleep talking to our roommate, but I was aware of everything while that was happening, at least I thought I was because Pearse basically had to assault me to wake me up lol. Again, after getting ready and to the meeting spot 5 minutes after waking up, I was on time. We met our tour guide, Bruno, by far the best tour guide we have had on this trip. We started out in a restaurant with a couple of charcuterie boards laid out and did a Czech brandy tasting. Two brandy shots, one was 48% and the other was 34%. I think the stronger one went straight to everyone's dome, even Bruno. After we went to one of the only parks in Prauge, of course it was beautiful. There were bee houses set up with cool engraving on them and more peacocks walking around. We even did a peacock ritual dance just for funsies. There was a random plaque on a wall almost 4 meters up. That was the marking of the great flood that occurred in 2001. The next stop was the river bed so we could look at Charles Bridge and also see where previous floods have risen to. The longer this tour went on for the more I was falling in love with Prauge. It was such a beautiful city. After their biggest flood ever in 2001 they installed flood gates near the river but since they haven't been used lol. After the river, he took us to a traditional pub. It was traditional because it was in a cellar because that's where beer was aged back in the days, it was the only way to keep it cool. We've been playing a drinking game called Buffalo, if you drink with your dominant hand and someone yells Buffalo, you have to finish your drink. Pearse was learning the proper Czech cheers with Bruno, and half the group yelled Buffalo, so he slammed his beer. We were only supposed to stop for one beer, but when I saw Pearse get a fresh one, I had to get one as well. Everyone was chugging their beers, and Bruno just kept bringing them for us. He ended up bringing Pearse and I 3L of beer in 45 minutes lol. We stayed longer than we were supposed to, but even Bruno was loving it. Eventually, we had to leave. We all kinda stumbled down to the Lennon wall next. This was one of my favorite parts of the trip so far. Lots of us lifted Pearse up as high as we could, and he wrote "Contiki 2024" right under the lip of the wall. After we were all given sharpies to right our names on this wall covered in graffiti. I sat on pearses shoulders to write our names up, then he got on mine to add a little love letter under it lol. We got an alright selfie, too. The tour ended after walking across Charles Bridge and going to an underground bar. The bar had this stupid system where you upload your money on a blank card and you scan it when you want drinks. The first thing we were told was don't lose this card because you won't just lose what you put on it, you have to pay for it when you leave. I think I lost mine in the first hour. There was no money on it, luckily. I really didn't want to pay for the card, though, so I made sure to leave with a big group, and I gave the bouncer my hostel key card, which is identical. He took it and said nothing, I saw him try and scan it to verify, so I rushed outside and mixed in with the group. A couple minutes later, the bouncer came back out, yelling about somebody key card. Who could that be? We left and went to the same club I was at last night. Again, prauge is one of my favorite places I've been. It's so hard to choose.Read more

    • Day 4

      Last day in Prague !

      August 19, 2019 in Czech Republic ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      2nd day of sightseeing.
      Pfff..... sore feet now 😬.
      We saw the st.Nick's Cathedral, the Jewish district , the old Town Square with the Atomic clock and finally Wenceslas Square with the National Bohémian Museum.
      It's time to pack up as tomorrow we move om to Germany
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    • Day 32

      Prague Day 2 - Vysegrad

      June 27, 2023 in Czech Republic ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      We had delicious lunch and then In the afternoon, I took another VoiceMap tour - of the medieval defense city called Vyšehrad, or high city. There was a beautiful cathedral, defense walls and a cemetery where famous Czech composers Dvorak and Smetana are buried. I also took a guided tour of casemats, which are the underground spaces between the defense walls. I then took another VoiceMap tour (lol), this time of Prague ghosts and scary stories. I also spent some more time at the Old Town Square, where there is a monument to Jan Goose, who was fighting for religious equality and against corruption - for example, he insisted that poor people were also allowed to drink wine (symbolizing Christ blood) at the Mass, which was previously the privilege reserved only for the rich.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Staré Město, Stare Mesto, Prager Altstadt, Old Town, Стара-Места, Στάρε Μιέστο, Malnova Urbo, Ciudad vieja, Pragako Hiri Zaharra, Vieille Ville, Praški stari grad, Óváros, Città Vecchia, 스타레메스토, Oude Stad, Stare Miasto, Cidade Velha, Старе-Место, Старе Місто, 布拉格老城

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