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  • Day 188

    My birthday 2017 /Sydney

    January 20, 2017 in Australia ⋅ 🌧 22 °C

    It took me about 24h on a bus to get from Bundaberg to Sydney (Australia really is a massive country). My first stop in Sydney was the international airport because I was waiting for my parents' flight to arrive. 💕
    I don't think my parents had ever imagined flying to Australia but here they were now. 💕
    After they adjusted to the 30degree heat difference and the 10h time difference between Germany and Australia (you did well) we walked down to the Opera House and the Sydney Harbour.
    The next day we explored Sydney a bit further and the day after that was my birthday. 💕
    We went out for breakfast in the morning and did some birthday shopping afterwards (of course only because it was raining so we couldn't do anything else).
    The evening was probably my favourite because we watched the sunset with drinks from the Opera Bar.
    I don't think there is a better way or a better place to celebrate a birthday. 💕
    Thank you for the perfect birthday. 💕
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