Golden triangle

Oktober 2023
Pengembaraan 13hari oleh Ian Baca lagi
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  • Hari 1

    Journey begins

    9 Oktober 2023, England ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    TTrain to Doncaster at 11.00 sees the start of our trip as we journey down to London. Thanks to the sister for the lift, Quick pint in Donny train station then it’s onto the train to King’s Cross, (love an LNER train) onto St Pancras station and the final trains of the day to Farringdon before swapping to the Elizabeth line onto Heathrow T5, we lost Rhys whilst finding the exit. Taxi to the hotel and down to the bar,
    Couple of beers whilst watching the very noisy planes taking off, then out for dinner., back to our hotel for a night cap, early start in the morning.
    Andrew and Susan
    Early start to Valencia airport, minor stress trying to park up, once in the airport stress free, arrived at Stansted on time to be greeted by four old dears scrapping, onto the bus to Heathrow, blagged a free ride to the hotel. Time to chill or so we thought bloody lock broken on the suitcase, El Don blames overuse, our hotel can’t assist but then premier inn across the way to save the day. Susan will not have to turn her knickers inside out tomorrow. We dine at the Premier Inn (more choose than the Thistle)
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  • Hari 2

    A day travelling to SanFrancisco

    10 Oktober 2023, England ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

    Early start with a meet at 6.45 in the foyer for us all, we decided to take the pod to the airport, it’s a little bit novel and exclusive to the Thistle hotel we stayed at, they are egg shaped Pods and it reminded me of something you'd see in a James Bond film, take the elevator up to check in and baggage drop but check in doesn’t open till 8.10 and it’s 7.00 so self-check in it is, until the tech fails and says seek assistance, we do as we are told and are directed to the relevant assistance who sort us out, through security I set the alarm off, makes a change as it’s usually metal mickey aka Janet, Susan had her bag searched (liquids in the carry on) we’d decided a while back to book the airport lounge as a treat, so off we toddle, to be honest it was a bit underwhelming, unlimited all you can eat buffet breakfast inc. continental and cooked options, and hot, cold drinks including non-premium alcoholic drinks, all okay until we move seats and one of the hostesses starts to questions the ladies about our validity to be there, a few words exchanged and tickets produced and is is ok. the Lounge is just a bit pile em high pack em in.
    Flight time is 11.10 so we leave the lounge at 10.30, not realising that there is a train ride to get to the departure gate, there is some panic and we have to call the lads who are leisurely strolling around the airport. It’s last call as we get to the gate, Janet actually ran (that’s a first) and we are the last ones to board, We are sat on the plane for twenty minutes and I started to think we had missed our take off spot, maybe due to our lateness, but it’s not our fault there is a fault with the luggage door, this delays us by 1 hr and 50 mins, nice enough flight and we make up a little bit of time, Rhys declares long haul flights the worst thing ever. Passport control is very busy and several people miss connecting flights, takes about an hour to get through, then order an Uber XL for all 6 of us, 2 Ubers later and neither can accommodate with 6 cases, trek downstairs to the taxi rank and get sorted with one taxi for all inclusive of luggage, this guy was more accommodating, onto the hotel and check in time to chill with a beer or two, the Lads show want to explore already so venture out to sample a local bar, Janet and I join them for one, whilst the Taits call it a night, we’ve all been up for 22hrs, early night tonight, so we can explore San Francisco tomorrow.
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  • Hari 3

    Alcatraz (bucket list stuff)

    11 Oktober 2023, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

    Not up as early as intended today, as the travel catches up with us a bit, down to breakfast which is pleasant enough for a buffet, then we are out to pick up our Alcatraz and hop on/off bus tickets, we are located 3.20 pm for departure.
    We have a little wander on to pier 39 and watch the sea lions in the bay, we decide to jump on the bus to union square, into Macy’s for a bit of shopping, before mooching around a few more shops. Then it’s refreshment time, Joe has found a bar Sam’s cable car lounge we meet him and Rhys there. Have a half pint each, Taity clocks whilst vaping that beer is $8.50 during happy hour ( we aren’t in happy hour) we decide to check out the tab and are “gobsmacked at the $33 bill for 2 halves, safe to say that there is some chuntering about the price all together $100 for 6 halves wow.
    We return to the bus to get back to our departure point for Alcatraz but the bus takes 2 hrs to get back and we only have 1 hr 30, we decide to walk the 35 mins back via another bar this time we make sure of the prices up front (half the price of the last gaff)
    We arrive at departure point early, so the lads get a “Glizzy” (hotdog) then into the queue for Alcatraz. Ferry over to Alcatraz and then we are at “The Rock” lots of walking but the cell block and stories surrounding it do not disappoint., I’ve always wanted to visit Alcatraz after watching a documentary about it years ago, bucket list item ticked, last ferry back at 6.30 pm. We wander back to the hotel for a freshen up, Joe decides to take a scooter back.
    The lads go out before, us, Janet and I visit the Taits room for a beer, it’s at this point El Don realises that he had brought bangers in his luggage, well man bag, which he had with him on the plane, how he didn’t get pulled at security is a mystery, we meet the lads in a bar and get a recommendation for a pizza place, it’s a good recommendation, Tony’s Pizzeria for some proper Pizza. Once we’ve filled our boots the lads leave us for another bar and we wander back to the hotel, via the 7 11 for a six pack (we’re such cheapskates)
    Sit for a beer outside we are all knackered after our epic day and over 10 miles of walking. We retire around 11.30. The lads aren’t far behind us, they blame too much food.
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  • Hari 4

    Golden Gate double

    12 Oktober 2023, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

    Last full day in San Francisco, and still a lot to cram in, started with a late breakfast as tired from a long day yesterday, the boys went out to experience a “real” American breakfast, once breakfast was done we caught the hop on/ off bus and took in the full route (nearly) the route included a trip over and back of the Golden Gate Bridge, this was made extra special as Janet was on FaceTime to Gracie as we crossed the bridge.
    Shortly after this we split up the adults (Janet, Andrew and Susan) getting off the bus to visit Mrs Doubtfire’s house, me Joe and Rhys finished the tour and picked rental bikes up to head back to the Golden Gate Bridge to cycle over it, the ride over didn't disappoint, well worth the effort for the views and the experience, I also the enjoyed kicking the lads arses on the bike (they are so unfit) Whilst we did this the “adults” went on a tour of a WW2 submarine, we waited for them in a local hostelry. Once they were done they joined us and we ventured to Applebee’s who were advertising $5 Cocktails, whilst talking to a couple of local girls they tell us about the $1 margaritas, all this meant we were late venturing to China town for food, the lads taking a scooter and the four adults (I graduated) taking a Tram, something we had wanted to experience. We order far too much food in the Chinese and are all stuffed, so we walk it off on the way back to the hotel for a nightcap but service is very slow, so we give up and call it a night.
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  • Hari 5

    Los angeles eye opener

    13 Oktober 2023, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

    A real eye opener of a day today, down for breakfast, Joe decided to venture out for one last time in San Francisco, taking a scooter to Nob Hill and Lombard Street.
    Taxi to the airport is early, and we arrive in good time to check in, through security and it’s time for a couple of preflight beers, it’s a small plane with around 50 seats only. No sooner are we up in the air and a quick drink and we are landing a short 1hr 30 flight.
    It is a different setup to what I have seen before as you get a shuttle bus to the taxi/uber style rides, we manage to get a taxi for all six of us and luggage, taxi driver gives us some great tips on getting around the city using the metro. Arrive at the hotel and am a little apprehensive as some of the reviews aren’t great, but it’s clean enough and staff are friendly, All of our rooms are next to each other but Janet and I have an adjoining room, with some noisy kids in it, we request a swap and are duly obliged.
    Quick freshen up and change and we are down to the tube, that’s where the fun begins.
    Within a minute of being on the tube, we witness an argument between two locals over one playing his music too loud for the other’s liking, the younger guy (the one playing the music loudly) threatens to "cut" the older bloke at one stage, the older guy (the complainer gets off after two stops but not before “offering” the younger guy out, the younger guy stays put on the tube.
    One more stop and we are at Hollywood Boulevard and the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
    Wow just wow, it is absolutely nothing like I had imagined, bistro bars affluent hotels and ambient atmosphere, no this place is Blackpool on steroids and lots of them, even the doorman have stab vests and guns, we walk nearly the full length of the walk to the start to find Elvis Presley’s star, then cross the road to continue looking at the various stars, and the Chinese Theatre where several stars have had their handprints immortalised in concrete on the pavement, time for some sustenance so we stop at a chicken bar for food and a couple of drinks whilst watching the world go by, there are some sights to say the least, for all Hollywood being a “glamorous” place it’s also a bit of a “shit hole” with more than its fair share of shall we say characters, once we’ve eaten the lads decide to find a few more bars whilst the oldies take the tube back to the hotel, we once again witness some strange characters on the tube, the hotels bar and restaurant are closed for refurbishment, so call time and have an early night, the boys aren't far behind us having their own experience on the tube as the Cops speak to a guy with a 5ft speaker that he is playing on full blast.
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  • Hari 6

    The ying to yesterdays yang

    14 Oktober 2023, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

    Started today with Wendy’s breakfast, and a few beggars touting for cash, then back to hotel to ask about bus tours, the very helpful young lady in reception, told us about a free bus to the Griffith Observatory, to be honest it wasn’t on my list of to do’s, but Joe had done a bit of research and he really pulled this one out the bag.
    We caught the free bus to the observatory, it was busy due in some part to the partial eclipse that took place this morning, camera crews, news stations had all setup in the hills. They had various very powerful telescopes focused on the sun that you could look through with experts talking you through what you were looking at.
    Some great views of the “Hollywood” sign as well, probably the best in town and beats walking up to the back of it, there are some great views of the city and a planetarium, really was worth the visit.
    From there we took the free bus back to the metro and ventured out to Santa Monica Pier, pleasant journey that took about an hour, lovely hot day and beautiful surroundings, the lads went off for a beer, Susan and Andrew went off, and Janet and I wandered down the pier, watched a little old boy get very excited catching his first fish, called for a “proper beer” needed to be at $16 plus tax, but it was a "Large" 24oz
    We all meet up for a few afternoon bevvies, before we leave the boys to wander along the sea front, taking in the views of the fitties working out.
    Time for some food, just as we finish our meal we get a call from Joe he’s split his shorts and his tackle is in full view, much to our amusement, not his, Janet buys him some replacement shorts as we laugh all the way down to the beach to drop them off, Janet, Susan, Andy and I decide to catch the bus to take in Rodeo drive (roadao) just for taity. Bus breaks down halfway there, great service as a replacement is on scene within 10 minutes to complete our journey. Completely the opposite of yesterday evening, affluent and distinguished are two words for rodeo drive and the surrounding area. Unfortunately, all the shops are closed at this time of night, and before you ask no that wasn't the plan, bus back to the hotel area and we discover a “proper” American bar, few beers before bed. The lads are still entertaining the locals down at Santa Monica Pier, they’ve found a karaoke bar and are banging out some tunes, much to the delight of their audience they tell us, they miss the last train back so fork out for a taxi, Joe is a bit worse for wear at this stage, but Rhys keeps him straight.
    Another internal flight tomorrow as we head to Vegas baby.
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  • Hari 7

    LA to Vegas

    15 Oktober 2023, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

    Taxi pick up at 9.15 this morning as we head to the airport for our final city of the trip. Joe and Rhys somewhat worse for wear from the night before head out to Wendy’s to try to put some life into themselves. Taxi and transport to the airport is easy with the same driver who picked us up from the airport pre-booked. Flight is short and sweet, 50 mins once up in the air, then over to the hotel, cheeky upgrade for the adults sees Janet and I on the 24th floor, finally unpack our cases properly for the first time on this holiday as we are here for a few days unlike the previous cities. Down to explore the hotel, the lads are in need of a second wind and don’t emerge till early evening, once we’ve eaten we walk the casino floor, all of us partake in a little gamble, with varying degrees of limited success and failure. Early night to make sure we are all refreshed and ready for the ensuing days, as some are flagging (Susan)Baca lagi

  • Hari 8

    Vegas Baby

    16 Oktober 2023, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

    Lazy start to the day with no plans in place, boys are first out and head to Denny’s for breakfast but they are met by a queue, so venture to a local food court, Janet and I follow suit having steak and eggs but in a burrito, Susan and Andrew are late to the party after a faulty iron delays them and eat In the hotel, Janet and I catch up with the boys just before lunch we venture to the miracle mile and Caesars Palace, where we eventually meet up with the Taits, we had earlier seen a 3pm-6pm happy hour all you can drink for $20 we head on over to partake, it would be rude not to. Great experience with some locals watching the “football” and baseball, although none of us really get the rules.
    Back to the hotel for a quick freshen up and we are out again heading to Coyote Ugly in New York New York, It's happy hour, the Coyote girls get everyone on the dance floor, except one stubborn old bloke that doesn't dance, so they do what Coyote Girls do and drench him with a hose from behind the bar, I'm bloody soaked. Great night had by all, the older ones head back to the hotel and try our luck on the tables.
    The boys are still out experiencing Vegas night life, update to follow.
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  • Hari 9

    Taity’s 50th

    17 Oktober 2023, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

    Boys weren’t back too late last night, but still another lazy start to the day for us all, we meet for breakfast around 11.30, it’s Susan’s 50th today so hotel for breakfast, lovely steak and eggs for Janet and I, burritos for the boys, Omelette for Andy T and Susan opts for the stack of pancakes, which is massive, no surprise that it defeats us all. Then get a phone call off Doris (Grace) she had taken Janet’s car to uni in Birmingham, and some scroat has stolen it, she is upset but it’s only a piece of metal. On to the bar for Susan to open her cards and presents. She does well for an auld bird. We book tickets for the ice hockey tonight, time to wander down to the Vegas sign for a few photos, slow steady walk back via The Vegas Harley Dealer and Mandalay Bay hotel with a pit stop, back to the room and a nanna nap for me.
    We meet downstairs at 6.30 but after a small panic as neither Andy T or I can access the hockey tickets via the app, we go to the stadium anyway and the ticket office sort us out. The atmosphere at the Ice hockey is typical American big loud and brash, but they put on a great show and we all really enjoy it, getting the full experience of overtime and a shootout that Vegas win to the delight of the fans, 60 minutes of Hockey takes up 3hrs of our night but worth it. We make our way back to the hotel via a Bar, couple of beers and a little roulette before we head to bed at 1.00am.
    Busier day tomorrow as we visit Fremont Street.
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  • Hari 10

    Fremont Street and Stratosphere hotel

    18 Oktober 2023, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

    Earlier start, well Ish we are all up and down by 10.30, Miracle mile for breakfast at a Mexican restaurant very nice to although Andy T and I try the $0.99 Bloody Mary, eww let’s say a glass of tomato sauce is not for me.
    We buy 24 hr bus tickets and head down to the Stratosphere, quick drink then we are up to the observation tower, Joe and I are the only ones to venture onto the rides at the top, one hangs off the building the other shoots up it to the sky, both great fun and fantastic views over Vegas, the 3rd ride is currently decommissioned, shame as that was my favourite last time, the "Sky Dive" is also out of action today much to Joe's disappointment, I would have joined in jumping off the top, now to catch the bus to Fremont St, first bus takes a while and is full but there is a second bus a minute behind, unfortunately also full so Joe orders us an Uber. Arrive at Fremont St and head for a beer, then on to heart attack grill, for those that do not know they do up to and 8 stack burgers coming in at nearly 10,000 calories, if you weigh 350lbs plus you eat free, none of us qualify before you ask. all foods cooked in lard and failure to finish your food results in a spanking, you are dressed in a hospital gown as you enter, the boys opt for a 3 stack, Andy T a double, I join the girls in a single, without the fries, we do order some jalapeño poppers and onion rings, Joe is defeated by the side of fries, Rhys scraps through his triple no fries, We all get a spanking videos to follow, Rhys glaring at me for his punishment, although the girls get off lightly.
    Now time to experience Fremont at night.
    Joe does the zip wire, is given a time of 9.40, off he goes with the meeting point instructions for when he’s done, 30 mins later he has not come to meeting point so Rhys and pace Fremont Street for 40 mins trying to find him, he’s left his phone with me, 10.45 he comes down the zip line, he’d been in a queue for an hr, we see some right sights on Fremont it’s a hive of activity plenty of Street bars but nowhere to sit, these old buggers need a seat so bus back to the hotel for a night cap, or so we thought if it hadn’t been the longest bus journey in history. 90 minutes., due to the heavy traffic, made worse by the roadworks in preparation for Formula one in November, 1am and it's bedtime.
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