My Soul-o Camino

kesäkuuta - elokuuta 2021
My 500 mile journey across Spain Lue lisää
  • 21jalanjäljet
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  • 40päivää
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  • 27,1kkilometriä
  • 25,8kkilometriä
  • Päivä 1

    Dallas FW Airport

    29. kesäkuuta 2021, Yhdysvallat ⋅ ⛅ 86 °F

    Cowboy hats and southern drawls…yeehaw.

  • Päivä 2

    St Jean Pied-de-Port, France

    30. kesäkuuta 2021, Ranska ⋅ ⛅ 70 °F

    I have reached my starting point! Tomorrow I will begin my Camino. Hopefully the confusion I’ve encountered at every stage thus far is not an indication of how this journey will continue! I’ve met a group of walkers from the US (Portland!, Texas, and Kansas) and we have already leaned on each other to get here. Now to find food, a shower, and a bed…Lue lisää

  • Päivä 3

    Orisson, France: Auberge Borga

    1. heinäkuuta 2021, Ranska ⋅ ⛅ 68 °F

    Today is a short day. Only 8km but all uphill. I will start each day with a few mantras.

    I am not a human being on a spiritual journey. I am a spiritual being on a human journey.
    Keep going.
    It’s not a race, slow the fuck down.
    I am grateful for this day and I smile as I have the next 24 hours to explore.
    I will show compassion to myself and to others.

    Blood, Sweat, and Tears

    Sweat. I’ve never been so sweaty in my life. The uphill climb reminds me of the neighborhood I grew up in, Briar Ridge. My mom used to walk “the hill” when I was younger and I remember being impressed with her ability to tackle such a steep street on her morning walks. Today’s walk felt like a never ending Briar Ridge. My butt and calves hate me.
    Tears. Nearing my first stop, I passed a cement structure where someone had written the words “KEEP GOING” and instantly I cried. This phrase is not only my mantra, but reminds me of my Grandma Mary.
    Well, I started my period today. Thanks uterus. This should be interesting.

    Letting go. I have met wonderful people and started my day with a mom and daughter duo from Texas. They are positive and uplifting. We are staying in different places tonight but plan to start our morning together. I’ve been told that a magical part of the Camino are the connections made with other pilgrims and the strange way in which you meet, connect, then may never see each other again. I will remind myself to appreciate the moments together, and let go when we part ways.

    Courage vs Bravery
    I came across a rock where someone wrote “Courage.” This made me think about all the times people have said to me “You’re going to walk the Camino alone? You’re so brave!” I don’t think I’ve ever stopped to consider the difference between courage and bravery until today. I have never called myself courageous but today, I am. I’ve been brave so many times but I think being brave is what I do to get through something I don’t yet have the courage to do. I feel courage in my heart and I feel bravery in my mind. I will continue to reflect on this as I walk.

    PS. I arrived at my hostel two hours before they opened. I’m pretty sure I’m trespassing right now as I lie under a tree, and hope I don’t get yelled at in French when the hosts arrive!

    PSS. I freaking love walking poles!! My ADHD hands now have something to do and I find the rhythm to be cathartic.
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  • Päivä 4

    Roncesvalles, Spain

    2. heinäkuuta 2021, Ranska ⋅ ⛅ 57 °F

    The greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing.
    Only a person who risks is truly free. -William Ward
    Today I will ask forgiveness and extend forgiveness to all I owe during this journey.
    I am able to transform pain into understanding and gratitude now and in the future.
    I wake this morning and smile. I have 24 hours of life to explore. I am grateful. I will show compassion to myself and to others.
    Don’t. Fucking. Fall.

    Up, up, and above the clouds.
    After being served coffee in a BOWL this morning, our US crew headed out to tackle the rest of the Pyrenees. We gained an extra pilgrim today, a man from Austin Texas about to enter law school. We welcomed him with open arms. We climbed 8 miles UP, then 2 down to our next stop at a Monastery for pelegrinos (pilgrims). The showers are lovely and for dinner we will have a communal meal.

    I find it so conflicting that while peace and beauty surrounds me, my anxiety consumes me. I am hoping the anxiety will slowly dissipate as I allow room to consume the peacefulness.

    My feet HURT. I have a caffeine headache. I really need to poop. Also, my heart is so entirely full of love and excitement I could nearly burst. Several times during the 10 miles today, I found myself just SMILING as I walked. In those moments of feeling present, I wished that it would never end….and then along comes ADHD and the anxiety again. It’s all a balance and while I don’t want to hang on to expectations, I do have a goal of practicing being present and at peace in larger gaps of time.

    This is not my body. The behaviors I adapted to during covid have changed my body from athletic to rather juicy. I have been uncomfortable in my body for awhile now. During this walk, I’d like to become friends with this new body so that my mind and body will stop arguing with each other. Also I am so grateful that this body IS carrying me over the Pyrenees and forward throughout this walk, juicy parts and all.

    Tonight I tried to eat a trout that was served with the tail and eyeballs still in tact. I tried. Sorry Spain, I just can’t eat something that appears to be judging me while I devour it’s meat. I politely covered his one good eye with a piece of crispy ham out of respect for the dead. RIP trout.

    PS….I didn’t fucking fall!
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  • Päivä 5

    16m Urdániz, Spain: Aca Urdániz &Alla

    3. heinäkuuta 2021, Espanja ⋅ ☁️ 72 °F

    Put one foot in front of the other. Step. Push. Breathe.
    Quiet mind. Notice. Repeat.
    I am grateful for what the Camino will provide.
    Magic exists on the Camino.

    Can we talk about the poncho pictures for a second? Right?? Lets acknowledge that I don’t look my best but more like Violet Beauregard! Ridiculous. And so fun to walk in the rain! Ok, we are done with the poncho talk and don’t ever bring it up again! 😂

    Today I hiked 16 miles and it was tough. Really tough. We picked up another pilgrim completing his second Camino! He’s a lovely young Dutch man and fits in perfectly with our Camino family.

    I had conversations with other pilgrims who shared personal stories and vulnerability along the way. The Camino is magical. It brings people together in ways where they can connect in such a short amount of time, without fear of judgement. “Buen Camino” we say over and over again as we pass other pilgrims. As I say this (8 times today) I am curious about their journey. Why are they walking? Are they healing? Are they in pain and escaping? Are they endurance seekers? Are they loved? Are they seeking self acceptance? Are they solving a problem? I wish I could talk to every single pilgrim.

    Our dinner at the albergue was delicious and the conversation was joyous, until it wasn’t. One man accused another of perpetrating a micro aggression against him and the other apologized. But it didn’t end there. It escalated. It was raw, and full of pain for one man, and full of embarrassment and pride for the other. It was not easy to watch and as the tension and voices grew louder, an older pilgrim turned to me and whispered “Hey, we need a therapist.” Out of my own discomfort for myself and the others, I spoke up to ask one man to apologize to the other then to take their conversation away from the table. They agreed to end it and the rest of us carried on in an awkward way until the magic returned and once again we were lost in conversation and laughter.
    Except it still feels gross. I’m sad for the man being harassed and hope he will be able to move forward in his journey without a heavy heart. Everything feels heavy on this journey. (Which reminds me, I plan to throw out like 3lbs of my pack tomorrow…it’s toooooo heavy!)

    I. Am. Exhausted. I’m physically drained, and after the conflict at dinner, emotionally drained as well. I really like pushing my body and mind to their limits so I can make new limits the next day. Tomorrow is a shorter day of 10miles to PAMPLONA!

    Buenos noches. Total miles so far: 31
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  • Päivä 6

    PAMPLONA, Spain 10.5 miles

    4. heinäkuuta 2021, Espanja ⋅ ⛅ 75 °F

    I am grateful for the people who have supported my journey long before the Camino began.
    Pain is understanding.
    I am stronger than I think.
    The Camino will provide.
    Don’t be a superhero.

    With me on the Camino are the spirit and thoughts of my family. I am exhausted so this is all I have today.
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  • Päivä 7

    Puenta la Reina 16.5mi

    5. heinäkuuta 2021, Espanja ⋅ ☀️ 59 °F

    Forgiveness opens space for love.
    Take notice of the opportunities provided.
    Let go. Hold on.

    Today was physically hard and I did it alone. It was my favorite experience so far. I sang an entire Counting Crows album out loud until I couldn’t breathe. I climbed a gigantic hill and practically ran down the other side. I walked farther than I’ve ever walked. I am courageous. I am strong. I am grateful. I am happy. I am love.

    I learned that storks are real. Yes, I thought they were fiction. I learned that they kill the bulls after they run. Gross and sad. I also learned that blisters are no joking matter. They are tiny and ferocious!

    Total miles 58
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  • Päivä 8

    14 mi Estella

    6. heinäkuuta 2021, Espanja ⋅ ⛅ 70 °F

    Confront what blocks me FROM me.
    Dedicate the steps to all who have suffered.

    Today sucked ass. It was beautiful but my body hated me. I was fighting all sorts of pain all day. My spirits were low and I was HANGRY. I walked with my Camino family for most of the day but fell far behind. I felt uninspired and negative. Tonight we will stay in a creepy asylum looking facility.

    Update! Cold shower, and some food has helped. I experienced a beautiful thunder and lightning storm with a soaking downpour! It was magical. A member of my Camino family thought she was ordering two rice (arroz) dishes but was surprised to find that she actually ordered two huge orders of fried onion rings (arros). This was so funny and it felt good to laugh so hard.

    I wonder what my kids are all doing back home. I miss them. I miss my sweet partner too. I miss my fur babies and I miss my bed. Aaaaand I love it here and all the ups and downs (literally and figuratively) of this journey. I feel proud of myself for getting through today.

    Total miles…72miles
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