Silverspace North America Path

november 2019 - juni 2024
Et eventyr med en åben slutning af Diaries of an Airstream Læs mere
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  • Dag 13

    waking up the SilverSpace

    13. november 2019, Forenede Stater ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

    13. november 2019

    Santos is pulled out the Sherwood storage !!
    Covered in dust after 19 month of shady parking he seems to be in a good condition 👍
    Oregon weather wasn`t that bad during the month....
    Just some air for all tires is needed and luckywise „Sentinel“ self storage offers a fully equipped service station including even a power vac!

    Only challenge is: how to get all our gear in this bubble 🤔...???

    We were so happy because all preparing could be done in the coziness and golden light of very a late summer day....
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  • Dag 15

    finally on the road again

    15. november 2019, Forenede Stater ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

    15th november 2019

    after driving a few miles and passing Salem we had a first dogrun- & coffee stop at Peoria Co Park on Willamette River in the Peoria surrounding.
    Time to check how Santos made his first miles after such a long sleep - he did great!!
    Heidi quickly found back in her „on the road“ mode and enjoyed the break so much while we had an espresso in proper style out of grandmas antique Art Deco teapot ☕️

    Our overnight spot becomes Deerwood RV Park, Eugene, Oregon a beautiful location with lots of space and a giant green in the middle.
    A chat with the park owner turned out that he owns exactly the same combination of towing car and Airstream, a white Chevy Van and a 25`LandYacht 😂
    I started to give the hubcaps a clearcoating. They were handpolished in Germany but not ready yet for rainy Oregon roads. So I quickly opened a DIY outdoor workshop right near our parking spot... 🔧🛠🔩

    and finally, finally it became reality again:
    the first night in our cozy Airstream! 💃🕺
    Of course, Heidi was the first of the pack who felt asleep having colorful dreams of the upcoming voyage....
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  • Dag 16

    guests in a spooky forest

    16. november 2019, Forenede Stater ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

    16th november 2019

    getting up early and after a hot pot of coffee ☕️ we started to make plans for the day.
    Having a dog as best friends its obvious to shedule the day following her desires.
    So what`s about a loooong dog walk? A nice trail where the leash can stay in pocket?

    By checking the hood via „AllTrails“, an app which is absolut commendable when travelling the world with hiking boots, we decided to give Mount Pisgah a visit.
    It wasn`t that far which helped to prevent the dog from having to drive in the car for too long (there are thousands of miles coming up) and the description of the trails around this mountain was awesome.

    So - hopp- a jump in the van and fifteen minutes later we entered a spooky and foggy world of mystic 🧟‍♂️👀🧝‍♀️
    Mount Pisgah offers different signposted trails, half of it offleash and you permanently climb up to the top.
    We had a really nice hike for around 5 hours, meeting horses, lots of other dogs and of course
    witches, dwarfs, pixies and other fairy tale folks......

    At days end there was plenty of time to reminisce the curiosities of this day.
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  • Dag 17

    visist The Simpsons

    17. november 2019, Forenede Stater ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

    17th november 2019

    if you are in Springfield, what could be more natural than a visit to the Simpsons.
    After we have talked extensively with Homer and Marge, we have another beer with Moe in the bar.

    Springfield is a fun little place, as you know it from the series.
    Small cafes and bars on mainstreet give a good choice of local gastronomic specialities.
    And like you see on the pic Heidi has finally found the right hydrant to let off steam ...
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  • Dag 18

    Bend - without an IPhone??

    18. november 2019, Forenede Stater ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

    18th november 2019

    today we leave early.
    It’s approximately 170 miles to our next stop, the small town of Bend, Oregon.
    A place that has always been on our bucket list.

    We checked in at noon in the "Crown Villa RV Park" and noticed at the entrance that it is a rather luxurious camping space.
    The boothes here are spacious, have their own small garage for the stuff you have with you and are surrounded by rustling trees.

    We were lucky and catched the last place in a wide open range all the way down the alley.
    From here a small footpath leaded directly into a hiking area, which joins the RV Park. Perfect!
    So, quickly water, electricity and gas hooked up, the outside table prepared for the evening and quickly jumped into our hiking boots. The dog finally wanted to romp ....

    We were on track for about 3 minutes when I missed a step, slided down a dirty rock and landed on my ass.
    All in all not a big deal - but... yepp, I felt it.
    In my pants back pocket there was this little expensive Apple device. Fxxck!!!
    The apple transformed into a banana in seconds!
    A total write-off 😫😭 [yes, there is a picture at bottom ⬇️ ]

    But anyway, we followed the path downhills and found a great open landscape to stray around.

    On early afternoon the sky sent some message and it looked that the rainy weather could stop soon.
    Good requirement for exploring Bend and its dwellers tomorrow.
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  • Dag 19

    hiking paradise Deschutes River

    19. november 2019, Forenede Stater ⋅ 🌧 7 °C

    19th november 2019

    Today there‘s no alternative!
    When your front yard offers such an amazing hiking experience there is no doubt:
    socks‘n shoes on - out in the wilderness!

    We had an impressive day at Seventh Mountain, walking for hours in a lava formed nature.
    Isn‘t the ‚Deschutes River‘ a beauty?!

    Within the boundaries of the Deschutes National Forest is the Newberry National Volcanic Monument, containing cinder cones, lava flows, and lava tubes.
    The Deschutes National Forest as a whole contains in excess of 250 known caves.

    The dinner plans for Bend where canceled because of a satisfied tiredness.
    A glass of wine (or two?) and days end came quick...
    🌜good night🌛
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  • Dag 20

    when meeting some snow by mistake...

    20. november 2019, Forenede Stater ⋅ ☀️ 1 °C

    20th november 2019

    When hooking up ‚Santos‘ this morning we had no idea what awaits us later this day.... 🤦‍♀️

    A mug full of wake-up-coffe and a dog full of energy is a good start in the day.
    The Iphone knowingly stowed in the shirt pocket, we went for one last time into the nature reserve directly behind our trailer.
    Heidi loved it to be free here, chasing some rabbits and snooping around.

    Back on our parking lot the Airstream was routinely made ready for travel and a short time later we drove on highway #97 towards our next destination: ‚Crater Lake‘.

    It‘s a smooth ride southwards on #97 till you cross the junction with #138
    which then becomes a nice scenic route leading through the Crater Lake National Park.

    We reserved our overnight stay wisely a couple of days before cause ‚Crater Lake RV Park‘ is a very small, family operated park.
    When entering the maingate it quickly turned out that the reservation was completely unnecessary.
    We were the only guests, totally out of season.

    The park is one of the most beautiful spots we stayed in the past!
    Only 6 full hook up spots, all facing to a little crystal clear river where you see beavers building dams.
    You can grab a canoe to explore the area or make a walk on spiry pathes.
    The wooden hut which hosts the check in and a little country mart as well
    offers a small choice of food and of course chilly beer.

    So we stocked up our beer inventory locked the Airstream and drove up the curvy mountain road to explore the


    While climbing up more and more feet the roadside „chains needed“-signs became more and more frequent.
    Hmm,🤔 we never prepared the Chevy for any icy conditions...!
    Anyway, let‘s continue - the lake waits.
    Well, the last 8 miles on the winding road where actually covered with a thin layer of white but that wasn‘t an issue for the van.
    We are running Baja tires on both axles which means the truck can handle nearly everything!

    Then, passing one of the last curves, we entered a speechlessly a kind of fairytale world!

    A couple on hundred feed down the stunning lake lay nestled in companionship of the white winter-wonderland mountains.
    It was really glowing!
    Think we never saw such a blueish color before in our lifes.
    Unbelievable! Incredible! Awesome! [...]

    Heidi, grown up in sunny Yucatan, enjoyed the deep and fluffy snow as her biggest playground ever. So much fun.
    We had a great‘n cold day exploring the area around the Rim Village Visitors Center.

    Back at our homebase we switched our little heater in the Airstream to maximum and dreamed of some authentic german ‚Glühwein‘....
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  • Dag 21

    frosty wake up •|• welcome California

    21. november 2019, Forenede Stater ⋅ ☀️ 6 °C

    21th november 2019

    After the blanket was pulled up to the neck in the night, it was time to get up!
    And even in this cold, brrrr.
    So a jump into the clothes and fired up the gas stove.
    Only a strong coffee can now drive the cold away. But when the tap was turned on: nothing!
    What happened? Did we forgot to hook up the night before?

    So there was no other way out than to go out in the cold to have a closer look what happened.
    Oh my god, a check on the Airstreams bumber, the place where freshwater comes in, showed in an impressive way how cold the last night was.
    The connector which fits the waterhose was covered by a nearly 4 feet long icicle!
    A beautiful formation created during night by nature
    but also a killer condition regarding the trailers hydrosystem.
    Santos runs a classic house automation system which isn‘t really made for freezy conditions.
    The freezing of plumbing would mean a burst of the pipes 💦
    A nightmare when knowing that everything is installed in the Airstreams subfloor...!

    But we were lucky, only the first inches of inlet were frozen and the hot water from communities restrooms solved the problem.
    45 minutes later the water was running again.

    With a little delay we left the beautiful ‚Crater Lake RV Park‘ with the 100% intention to visit this gem again very soon.

    Early afternoon Santos was towed across the golden borderline of the state of
    ☀️🏄‍♂️CALIFORNIA 🏄‍♀️🌟

    (yes, the village where OR and CA meets is really called ‚Weed‘ 🤣)

    Final destination for today was ‚Mountain Gate RV Park‘ which we choosed as a good point of origin to discover the Lakehead hiking area as well as the city of Redding.
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  • Dag 22

    Shasta Lake & Reddings Motel signs

    22. november 2019, Forenede Stater ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

    Todays wake up was in beautiful sunshine ☀️
    When we saw the trailer park by light it seemed that it had a nice setting.
    Every booth was on another level, a bit elevated from your next neighbor.
    A strong morning coffee and some fresh baked croissants gave a good base for making the days plans.

    We heard a lot about nearby Shasta Lake and its hiking trails.
    Because of the season we hoped it was good for a lonely track.
    So a short drive later (around 10 miles) we parked the van as the only vehicle at a forest parking spot and started the trail.
    A rocky trail, not that easy but big fun to walk.

    The path went downhill and after half an hour we arrived the bank of the lake.
    An amazing landscape was infront of us!
    Shasta Lake has highly jointed boothes which gives the lake a special appearance.
    Around every corner you find another beautiful view.

    All in all we had a tuff hike for about 4 hours, only thing was that the last mile leading back to the parking has to be walked up directly on the road.
    There was no traffic there but as the ending of such a great experience it wasn`t not that nice.

    Our van was still the only car which showed that we where really in a quite month....

    The afternoon and early evening we spent in Redding.
    A city which doesn`t offer too much highlights (the main shopping area was complete under renovation) but we quickly figured out that Redding has a bunch of old historic motels.
    So we used the blue hour of the evening for taking pictures of vintage motel signs.

    At days end just a half glass of wine was necessary to fell asleep very quickly.....
    Good Night 😴
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  • Dag 24

    lazy day.....

    24. november 2019, Forenede Stater ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C


    Today happened not too much, it became an absolute lazy day.
    Reason was the weather, it became sunny and warm.
    So why not just hanging around the Airstream, surfing some internet and finish the day with a glass of california Cabernet.
    (at afternoon some new neighbours docked in. Isn`t it a beautiful 80`s rig on the picture?)
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