  • Dag 38

    Chiesa di Sant' Ignazio di Loyola, Rome

    6. oktober 2018, Italien ⋅ 🌧 20 °C

    Final site for the day was the Jesuit church of Saint Ignazio. This church was meant to have a glorious dome but when the money ran out in 1642, the plans were scrapped. Instead of foregoing the dome entirely, painter and Jesuit brother Andrea Pozzo proposed he paint a life-sized illusion of a dome that would fool the eyes of visitors (as long as they looked up from the proper angle). His masterpiece still fools the eye today. Painted between 1685 and 1694, it is a remarkable piece of perspective work.

    Pozzo also created the second trompe l'œil fresco on the nave ceiling, showing St Ignatius Loyola being welcomed into paradise by Christ and the Madonna. While the dome is painted in dark colours, predominantly blacks, the second art work is glorious in colour and design.

    Both pieces are very impressive while the painting on the nave ceiling fools the eye wherever you are standing, you do have to be in the right spot to be “tricked” by the fake dome. This place is not on most sightseeing lists and I'm glad we found it.
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