Europe for Christmas and Wyatt

Desember 2017 - Januari 2018
Petualangan 14-sehari oleh Rita Baca selengkapnya
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  • Hari 11

    Munich and Obergriesbach

    31 Desember 2017, Jerman ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

    The sleeper train was quite an adventure😀 We had a German bunkmate named Ute😀 that actually reminded me a ton of Tina's friend Ute. She was super sweet but snored up a storm. Thank God for ear plugs. Those bunks are comfy but when someone figured out how to keep the sheet in place let me know😀 We had to kill a few hours waiting for car rental...then off to Obergriesbach. Wow what a beautiful German country town. And the Airbnb is unbelievable here. The down side is it's 45 min out of the city. We spent a few hours here in the house before heading off to the concentration camp D a c h a u. We spent a few hours there and it was very powerful. Everyone needs to visit at least one such place in their lifetime. From there we finally got to see where Wyatt lives and plays. Everything was closed but we finally found a place for pizza and groceries. After eating we went on a walking tour of downtown Munich. That is such a beautiful city! Hundreds of people were out on the streets since it was New Years Eve. After that Donn and I headed back here to our airbnb (yep..and got lost) while the kids were going out on the town. I was a little nervous but finally I did get a text saying they made it home about 1:30 safe and sound. Donn and I stayed here and had a wonderful evening with our wine and beer and fireworks over the countryside. Happy 2018 everyone! We love you all.Baca selengkapnya

  • Hari 12


    1 Januari 2018, Jerman ⋅ 🌙 -2 °C

    Today Wyatt took us on an awesome but really hard hike up to the top of a ski resort in the darling beautiful town of Tegensee. Its about 1 hour south of Munich. We dragged up sleds that only cost 5 euros each to rent. It was 31/2 miles straight up in snow. Unbelievably we caught the little restaurant at the top 10 minutes before closing. We all had amazing soups and breads and Bavarian pretzels. Then we sledded all the way back down the mountain. Donn came in too hot around a corner and crashed right into Wyatt's sled at one point. Wyatt bailed right before impact but Donn had to hike down a huge steep hill to get the sled. The boys all liked to get as much speed up as they could. 😀 We dropped Wyatt off in Munich on our way "home" as his 3 buds from Cal Poly are visiting for the next few days. We will have to share him😔. Oh and by the way New year's Eve in Munich for the kids was fun! They were downtown in all the craziness and watched people lighting up pretty big fireworks. They sometimes landed in trees and shot sideways at people or into storefront windows etc. Freaked me out to hear about. Glad everyone safe😌 happy 2018 everyone!Baca selengkapnya

  • Hari 13

    Munich day 3

    2 Januari 2018, Jerman ⋅ 🌙 2 °C

    What a beautiful city. We spent the morning here in Greisbach lounging, grocery shopping and eating breakfast
    We were then off to watch the Glockenspiel in the Munich town center. (“The Glockenspiel in the tower balcony of the Neues Rathaus--city hall--is world famous and worth seeing. Since 1908, figurines representing stories from Munich’s history twirl on two levels daily at 11:00 a.m., 12:00 p.m.”). Donn cringed at the out of tune bells, the kids wondered what the fuss was and I thought it was marvelous😀 We then went to the Farmer's Market in downtown (the Viktualienmarkt is a daily food market and a square in the center of Munich, Germany.
    The Viktualienmarkt developed from an original farmers' market to a popular market for gourmets. In an area covering 22,000 m2 (240,000 sq ft), 140 stalls and shops offer flowers, exotic fruit, game, poultry, spices, cheese, fish, juices and so on). We bought tons of fresh food to cook for dinner as we heard tale that the Cal Poly boys and Wyatt we're gonna make it for dinner. We attempted to find the Asam church but parking and freezing cold rain made it hard. to the beer hall we went. Beer Halls are basically breweries with these huge long tables and huge indoor spaces. They are beautiful. We went to Augustiner Keller and feasted on beer and pretzels. We then made our way “home” and cooked for the 8 of us. Donn picked up Wyatt and buds at a nearby train station. They had been on a hike. We feasted and then played spades and pictionary until 1:00 am. There was lots and lots of funny moments😂. I've missed my boy.
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  • Hari 14

    Last day in Munich

    3 Januari 2018, Jerman ⋅ 🌧 4 °C

    Our last day in Munich. I tried so hard all day not to already miss being with Wyatt and just enjoy every moment. We all had a big ole breakfast together. Then the 8 of us headed to the Deutsches Museum for 4 hours since it was cold and rainy out. That is quite a place. It's a huge science museum and we each found something to love. There was a math hall for Donn and Wyatt's darling math major, roomie friend Adam. The pharmaceutical/health/medicine section had Savannah's interest for a few hours. Gabe loved renewable energy and I got lost in nanotechnology. 😀 Wyatt's friend Kyle had to double back to energy..I think so he'd have something cool to say at his upcoming interview for a real job...he just graduated mechanical engineering from SLO in December. Congrats!! Wyatt's last bro Phillip is a sophomore at SLO and seemed to like it all. No one got close to getting through the whole thing. All Wyatt's Bros are awesome kind hearted fun living humans. We enjoyed their company so very much. We ended the day at a beautiful beer hall Augustiner Braustubun for straight up German food and beer. I cherished every second😀It was with a heavy heart we said goodbye to our baby. 😓Ok...8 months..I got this😘Baca selengkapnya