Mary's Square

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    • Day 2

      Italian Bar

      May 30, 2023 in Germany ⋅ 🌙 17 °C

      In the evening, we swapped out pork knuckle and beer for Aperol Spritz and pasta in a little Italian Bar, in the back streets of Munich. It was such a great little find and we returned for a breakfast of pistachio croissant and Prosecco.Read more

    • Day 12

      Bike Ride in Munich

      July 12 in Germany ⋅ 🌩️ 26 °C

      We went for a nice bike ride in Europe's second most bikeable city (after Amsterdam). We saw some cool buildings with mosaics made of genuine gold that all face west so they sparkle in the sun. We also saw buildings that were destroyed in the war (along with 80% of the city) that have been rebuilt with painted false facades to replicate what they used to look like before the bombings. We ended the tour with a visit to the world's second largest beer garden in the world where Jack had a LITRE of beer and Anch had a slice of Black Forest cake.Read more

    • Day 1

      Jour 1 - de Paris à Munich 🇩🇪

      July 30, 2022 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Voici les News du premier jour du voyage ! 🇩🇪
      Nous avons commencé notre journée par un réveil à 5h du matin, la nuit fut assez courte car les derniers réglages des paquetages se sont faits jusqu’à 1h du matin la veille 😅
      Nous avons pris un départ de Paris Gare de l’Est à 6h55 et sommes arrivés à 12h30 à Munich avec une correspondance à Stuttgart.

      Les vélos ayant été démontés la veille, nous avons dû les remonter à notre arrivée à Munich. Nous sommes ensuite allés déjeuner dans une auberge typique bavaroise des Rahmschnitzel et des Jagerschnitzel.
      Nous avons visité une partie du centre ville en nous baladant vers Marienplatz, le Frauenkirche, le nouvel Hôtel de Ville de Munich et l’église Saint-Pierre de Munich.

      La journée s’est terminée avec un dîner dans un restaurant bavarois / balkanique où nous avons découvert les Cevapcici et les Raznjici !

      Au final, c’était une grosse journée avec 13km de marche en plus de la fatigue du voyage, mais nous avons pu visiter l’hypercentre et goûter des spécialités !
      Toute l’équipe va bien dormir pour redémarrer en forme demain pour notre dernier jour de visite de Munich !
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    • Day 3

      Munich by train bus bike and by foot!

      August 27, 2022 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 63 °F

      Saturday in Munich did not disappoint! Started with THE most wonderful breakfast, we could’ve stayed and stayed!
      So many sights, a real melting pot of so many cultures, food and language-such a vibrant city. We visited Dachau with an outstanding guide (rivaled Richard from London), unreal to be standing where thousands have suffered. Truly a time solemn reflection.
      Then on to biking our way to and through the English Gardens in Munich - to say Munich is a bike friendly city is quite the understatement.
      Now we are enjoying a lovely evening with dinner and the off to Hofbrau to dance on the tables…
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    • Day 140


      August 16, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      5AM wake up🥱 for an early flight from London so we were off early on the tube. Plenty of hype for the Matildas 🇦🇺 vs Lioness 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 game in London.

      Quick flight to Frankfurt and we had our trusty driver Frank pick us up to begin our longish journey to Munich (about 4 hours). We asked Frank to bring our laptop from his house so we could watch the Matilda’s ⚽️ on the way down to Munich- disappointing result 😔 Halfway down the highway we had to pullover because there was a massive hail storm 🌨️

      Jacques gave Frank some rest and drove down the autobahn 💨. Quick refresh before going to explore Munich

      📍 Marienplatz- one of the central stations in Munich. Amazing view coming up from the station of Spielzeugmuseum (a toy museum which was once a gothic town hall and clock tower from the 14th century) and Neues Rathas (New town hall where the mayor has his seat).

      📍 Viktualienmarkt- our first steins 🍺 and bratwurst 🌭 in Germany- delicious ! Cute little market with lots of stalls.

      📍 Hofbräuhaus- amazing old beer hall with plenty of tourists. A band was playing and workers serving steins and food in their lederhosen and traditional dresses.
      They have these little sections were people have their own steins and they lock them when they are not using them until they come back 😂

      📍 Max-Joseph-Platz- historic plaza with grand architecture of the Theatre and Opera House and the Residenz museum (the former royal palace that now is a museum & gardens of the original interior and royal collections.

      📍 Augustiner-Kellar beer garden. Took us a little bit by foot falcon to get here but well worth it. Massive beer garden similar to Hofbrähaus with all the men in their lederhosen and women in their traditional dress. Took Jacques back to his days at Oktoberfest and the girls carrying about a dozen litre steins in one hand 😮
      The beer garden was so big that they had a little car picking up all the glasses! Half a chicken and Schweinshaxe (pork knuckle )with sauerkraut was on the menu- was delicious 🤤 Jacques bought a T-shirt to remember his german Augustiner roots 😂
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    • Day 3

      A beer at Hofbrauhaus

      November 24, 2023 in Germany ⋅ 🌧 4 °C

      No visit to Munich is complete without having a litre of beer at the world famous Hofbrauhaus. I didn’t really want to, but thought I should “take one for the team” and check it out.

      It’s a massive hall and it was absolutely chockers… but we eventually found a table and ordered some German cuisine. I had German Sausage with mustard and potato salad. Nicky had spinach dumplings in a blue cheese sauce. It was a simple meal, but absolutely delicious.

      And then there’s the beer… I don’t think I’ll be able to drink a Great Northern or XXXX again. It is the best beer I’ve had in ages. I can’t put my finger on exactly what the difference was, but it was delightful.

      Check out the photo of the men's urinal... obviously a lot of beer to get rid of. I wanted to stand in the centre and see if I could hit all of them, but they frowned on that for some reason... 😂

      Unfortunately, the Oompah Band went on extended break before I could get a video, but that was a good excuse to go back the next day. So now we have a video.

      Overall, a delightful end to the day…
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    • Day 12

      Day 170/171: Munich

      June 29 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 91 °F

      Started our day with a 5 hour train to Munich. Did our least favorite activity which is looking at the budget. When you travel by train $22 dollars a day and find accommodations under $60 per night for two people, it makes all the difference. Compared to South America, Europe has been much cheaper since we cut flights out of our life.

      After arriving we visited the Augustiner Bräu Beer hall which opened in 1328 by monks and is Munich’s oldest independent brewery. The beer garden stretched in all directions and had no end in sight. Because Mary worked an hour, Kieran got two liters of Dunkel and Mary got two wine rattlers (Thank you Solo!) After dinner, we walked around the gardens and a bit of downtown to work off the drinks.

      Next day we visited the NS-Dokumentationszentrum München which documents Nazism’s rise and fall in Munich, which is where this horrible movement started. Compared to the other history museums we visited, this museum focused on how the US army worked to de-nazify Germany. They required the Germans to watch films from the concentration camps as well as attend re-education programs; they also removed symbols and monuments all across the city shortly after the war. The German population as a whole failed to recognize crimes and memorialize Jewish lives at least until the 1980’s. Another museum section touched on existing far right groups and their terrorist plots across the world (Munich October Fest, Oslo, New Zealand, and the Oklahoma City Bombing).

      After the museum, we walked around the Oldtown and Marienplatz. We arrived on time to witness the New Town Hall bell tower chimes and performance. We continued exploring some royal residence gardens and English Garden which is a huge park in Munich. In the park, the river Eisbachwelle allows for surfing and jumping into the river rapids. It was so freaking cool and we were sad we didn’t bring any swimsuits.

      To end our evening, we grabbed some ice cream on recommendation from Christian who we met in Warsaw. We also hit Sara Restaurant for dinner that was highly recommended by good friend Hannah!

      Hotel: Leonardo Hotel Munich City South

      Augustiner Bräu Beer
      Dessi Tadka - Indian Street Food
      Sara Restaurant
      The Crazy Ice-cream Maker

      Tyrollean Farmers Salad
      Farmers plate with roast, sausages, dumplings, and Sauerkraut
      Ice Cream
      Pani Puri (Indian)
      Mango and Goa Chicken (Indian)
      Lamb with Bread (Iranian)

      NS-Dokumentationszentrum München
      Munich Residence
      New Town Hall
      English Park
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    • Day 2

      Full day of walking and riding the metro

      December 26, 2019 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 3 °C

      Coffee in the room with our profiteroles we picked up for dessert. Headed out to try our luck with the metro. Not bad for 2 girls from King, NC. Got a one day, all day pass. Made our way to Munchner EisZauber - the outdoor ice skating rink. Peggy had a blast, didn't fall once though got some assistance from a skating bear!!! Next stop the Hi-Sky ferris wheel. Amazing view when you are rounding the highest. Getting to be lunchtime here, and I'm ready for a bier, but Peggy wanted to climb to the to of St. Peter's... I won, too long a line... though the Viktualenmarkt and Biergardens were closed the day after the holiday, found an open air restaurant that had awesome food and beer!! Walked off the white wursts and currywurst while we wandered our way back to St Peter's church only to find a longer line than before. Beautiful day but not much open. Stopped for a few pretzels and strudel for later, then back to the hotel. Let's see what tonight brings!!!Read more

    • Day 2

      Munchen - Salzburg Osterreich 3/8

      August 3, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Petite balade d'1h30 ce matin jusqu'à la Sendlinger Tor, l'une des portes de la vieille ville médiévale puis Sankt Jakobs Platz où se tiennent le Musée National de Munich, la synagogue Ohel Jakob et le musée juif.

      Nous quittons Munchen par train à 11h55 pour arrivée Salzburg (en Autriche) à 13h42, mais y repasserons 1 jour 1/2 en fin de séjour !
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    • Day 15

      Munich (city walk part 2)

      October 10, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 73 °F

      More pics of Munich, including gorgeous English Gardens (yes, Engliah gardens in Munich lol), and the original Hofbrauhaus (where I absolutely got a beer -- and met a tour guide that I then hung out with for the next three hours).Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Marienplatz, Mary's Square, مارين بلاتز, Мариенплац, Μαρίενπλατς, מריאנפלאץ, マリエン広場, 마리엔 광장, Plac Mariacki w Monachium, 玛利亚广场

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