
мая - июня 2017
27-дневное приключение от Zoe Читать далее
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  • День 22

    Full Moon build up

    9 июня 2017 г., Таиланд ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

    3 days prior to the Full Moon Party we excitedly boarded the ferry from Koh Tao to Koh Phanghan with the crowds of others heading over to Koh Phanghan for the same reason. You could sense the excitement in the air, everyone buzzed for the few days ahead. Despite being low season the ferry was still rammed with people.

    We got to our hostel called Dancing Elephant, which is renowned party hostel close to the full moon beach. Our dorm was the biggest I've stayed in yet, sleeping 41 people in just one room. I presumed sleeping was an unlikely acitivity in the next few days. Nevertheless the vibe was very cool and buzzed for event if the month. With the lead up to full moon there are events on each night, the first night we arrived was the waterfall party which was lots of fun and set in the scene of a waterfall. We bumped into friends from home; Alex, Ollie, Tom and Giancomo who we would be with for the next few days. They were an absolute laugh and really good company, making the few days all the more interesting.

    With the late nights or should I say early mornings, not much happened in the day, only having time to recover then start to get ready for the next night ahead. The jungle party was up next, which was so much fun and set in the jungle, hence the name. This was a heaving event, with lots of people and had a very festival vibe. Personally, I preferred this to the actual full moon party because it was less spread out and more confined.

    The big day of the full moon party arrived and the island was buzzing. Everyone was out and about buying their paint and luminous outfits for the night ahead. At 8pm the drinking started, and being happy hour it meant one thing, lots of buckets. The pre's at Dancing Elephant was lots of fun, meeting new people from all over the place getting ready to head to the beach. At 12am it was time to go and hit up the beach. The whole beach was flooded with people with bars all along the beach, it was certainly a sight.
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  • День 26

    Haad Yuan & 360 Bar

    13 июня 2017 г., Таиланд ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

    Having done very little exploring of the island due to late nights we decided to stay extra few days and see what the place had to offer and it did not disappoint.

    With Corrie not feeling well, me and Luisa decided to go on an adventure to a small bay around the corner of the main Haad Rin beach, known as Haad Yuan bay. We had the place pretty much to ourselves apart from some others wondering through the beach. It was a stunning location, hidden away from the main beach and a lovely place to spend the day. Having brought a little picnic with us, it was the set up for a relaxing day.

    Having spent most the day there, we made it back in time to watch the sunset at a bar called Three Sixty, which gave you a full 360 degree view (kind of in the name) of the island and islands off the coast of it. It was so beautiful and one of the best sunsets I've on my travels. It was certainly a perfect setting to enjoy a drink and meal.
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  • День 27

    Bluerama, Koh Phanghan

    14 июня 2017 г., Таиланд ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

    The next day, our final day together as a three after 6 weeks (very sad occasion), we headed to a hotel known as Bluerama to use their pool and spectate the views of Koh Phanghan from their viewpoint. Doesite the horrendous hill to get up there that we had to climb which I'm certain was at a 90 degree angle upwards, we made it. The location was absolutely incredible and to this day one of the most stunning beach views I think I've ever experienced, and throughout my 4 months I've been to some pretty amazing places. The infinity pool looked over the bay and off to the next island in the distance. We spent the whole day here, soaking up plenty of sun and I even treated myself to a yummy mango smoothie. Safe to say it was the perfect last day in Thailand and with Luisa and Corrie.

    On the way back to our hostel we even stumbled across an English pub. Seeing this in the middle of Thailand was by far the most exciting thing that had happened to us in a very long time. I can't express my happiness when I got served a big plate of sausages and mash for dinner and it was even better when it didn't disappoint. I honestly felt I was back in England and it certainly felt comforting.

    Heading back to the hostel we packed up everything, all three of us with early mornings to catch ferries off to our various destinations. We finished the day off with a movie, Taken 3, and a reasonably early night as well as big hugs goodbye.

    Leaving on my flight from Krabi to Singapore it dawned on me that my trip was speedily coming to end and despite making me sad I was excited for what the rest of my trip would bring me. I can honestly say Thailand was a dream and I will definitely be returning.
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