USA 2018-19 Creating Memories

декабря 2018 - января 2019
22-дневное приключение от Debbie Читать далее
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  • День 5


    18 декабря 2018 г., Соединенные Штаты ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

    Up early, down for breakfast by 6.30am. Full of families with young kids, don't they sleep in?! At Disneyland by 8am. We were able to walk onto most rides without waiting. I did every ride with the kids so far, had lots of fun. Disney's attention to detail is unbelievable and the vivid colours are beautiful. We had good day. We planned to come home early afternoon for a rest but we ended up watching the parade. While waiting for the parade, it was fun people watching. We tried a few Disney snacks- Mickey Mouse Beignets and Dole Whip. The Beignets were yummy, Kellie thought they tasted like Krispy Kreme donuts without the glaze. The dole whip was a pineapple flavoured soft serve, we shared this one. It was ok but probably wouldn't get it again. It ended up being after 4pm when we left. We wanted some salad veggies and looking on the map some groceries stores not too far. Well their blocks are a lot bigger than ours it ended up a couple of k's walk. A few groceries & a couple of ugly sweaters later we called an Uber. We are heading back later for fireworks and a laser light show.Читать далее

  • День 6

    Disney Adventure Park

    19 декабря 2018 г., Соединенные Штаты ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

    Up and on the go again. All a bit slow but once we were in the park and saw Cars Land, we forgot our aches and pains. It is just like in the movie I was just in awe of it. Every little detail has something to do with cars- planter boxes, fences. Kids went on a roller coaster, I skipped that one. Went on a water ride which we all got wet, but Kellie copped the bulk of it.🤣🤣Her shoes were squelching as we walked out. Decided to go again before we dried off. After the second ride I don't think Kellie had a dry patch on her. Paid $5 for the dryer but didn't really help as she was dripping. While we had lunch and sat in the sun, she had her socks and shoes off trying to dry off. We had a casual afternoon, watched a bit of character dancing, learnt how to draw Goofy. We waited for the neon lights to be turned on in Radiator Springs. After, we walked down to Bubba Gump Shrimp for tea. 6.30pm we are bed.Читать далее

  • День 7

    Disney day 2

    20 декабря 2018 г., Соединенные Штаты ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

    Even though we had over 9hrs sleep still hard to drag ourselves out of bed. Brodie made it to breakfast today after Kellie talking about the amazing waffles. We had an early pass to today, not sure if it was worth getting out of bed for as some of the rides were temporarily closed and only 2 lands open for early morning. Once you get there you forget that it was a struggle to get out of bed. We did Fantasyland on our early pass as this is more small kid orientated. Realise how dark fairytales are and scary. Not sure how small kids go on these rides. I skipped Space mountain as I didn't like it in Paris, kids a bit disappointed, Paris a lot better. Did a few rides, a lot busier today and a lot more ride breakdowns. We left about 1.30pm to go home for lunch and rest, before going back tonight.
    I would give anything for a decent cup of coffee. I wished I had bought some instant coffee with me because that is better than what they drink here.
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  • День 7

    Disney at night day 2

    20 декабря 2018 г., Соединенные Штаты ⋅ 🌙 14 °C

    After lunch, climbed into our jammies as our clothes were still wet from splash mountain. We watched a bit of tv, I had a few nanna naps through the afternoon. About 6.30pm we headed back to Disney for tea and watch Fantasmic again. Had chicken, green beans and mash potato which had garlic butter and bacon through it. Really not enjoying the food here at and around Disney. Even the milk has corn syrup in it. No wonder it tastes different. Even the bread is sweet. Will be checking labels at Steamboat Springs, hopefully we have better access to grocery stores.
    After tea we went on a few more rides, which are even better at night time. We had a better view of the fireworks, where we were waiting to go in for Fantasmic. Enjoyed Fantasmic once again, got a little damp this time from the water spray, but it was worth it having front view.
    We decided to go on splash mountain again as we were damp and there was no line. I had to sit in the front as it was my turn to get wet. Went around twice as it wasn't busy. I didn't get too badly wet just my hair. A bit lighter in the boat with only 3 of us. Turned out to be another late night, but we had lots of fun.
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  • День 8

    Disney Adventure Park day 2

    21 декабря 2018 г., Соединенные Штаты ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    After 5hrs of sleep we were up again. Really wanted to do Radiator Springs racers that we missed out on last time. The walk to Disneyland is 1.2kms it is getting longer each day. We made it to rope drop today. We managed to get on the racers quickly and it was worth getting out of bed for. We got a fast pass for later, but line still reasonably short so we went straight back on. So all up we got in 3 rides and sat in the front of car all 3 rides. Kids went on the roller coaster a few times. We had morning coffee and was back at our hotel by midday. Kellie & Brodie slept a bit, I washed and dozed. We didn't go back out until 6pm for tea, we had tea at Denny's. Then back to Disney Adventure Park, we wanted to see Cars Land in complete darkness with all it's neon lights. It didn't disappoint, the mountain looked amazing all lit up. Then we decided we needed to Radiator Springs racers in the dark. A bit of a wait, but not too bad for this ride. Our finale ride for Disneyland. Loved our time here, we want to come back and see the new Star Wars area and most of all the new Stark Industries (Ironman) area. 2022 here we come.Читать далее

  • День 9


    22 декабря 2018 г., Соединенные Штаты ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

    Another early start to catch the train down to Legoland.
    Interesting trip, it felt like we were home as there were gum trees along the way.
    We checked into our hotel then caught a shuttle to Legoland.
    Legoland was a bit under whelming, not because we just come from Disneyland, but compared to the Germany one we visited. Not a lot of Lego and what there was, it was faded, which I understand it is mostly sunny here. Photos don't show how faded it really was. A bit disappointed for Brodie as the displays in Germany were great. Best thing at Legoland was the apple fries, minus the whipped cream. Apple chips tossed in cinnamon and sugar.
    We were back at our hotel by 2pm and rested for most of the afternoon. About 5pm we wondered over to the Outlet Shopping Mall, which was pointless as we don't have room for clothes or shoes. Early night was in order.
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  • День 10

    Legoland to Steamboat Springs

    23 декабря 2018 г., Соединенные Штаты ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    Up early again, breakfast was a lot to be desired. No normal butter it was sweetened butter, the breakfast syrup was corn syrup. Thought I would have porridge, only had flavoured porridge so picked cinnamon and spice, so so sweet. Yuck. We caught an Uber to San Diego. Had a nice driver. Only took 35 mins as no traffic jams early Sunday morning. A bit intense going through security, you don't want to be in a hurry. We got here about 3hrs before our flight. Amusing seeing dogs & cat flying in the cabin not in cargo. Time went quickly at the airport, had a good flight. We were greeted by frosty air, boy it was cold. Caught a shuttle to Steamboat Springs, booked in and then needed to do some grocery shopping. The hotel's shuttle doesn't run between 2pm - 6pm. Not wanting to wait we walked to the shops, which wasn't that far and a nice walk but treacherous. I am sure I will end up on my bum and breaking wrist. Shopped at Safeway, very busy but got a few healthy supplies and will go back tomorrow for a few other things. Cannot believe the icicles that hang from the houses. A very frosty walk back and up hill. It was our exercise for the day. Nice to cook for ourselves and eat vegetables for a change. Looking forward to tomorrow to explore the town.Читать далее

  • День 11

    Christmas Shopping

    24 декабря 2018 г., Соединенные Штаты ⋅ 🌫 -1 °C

    Tried to sleep in today, but so used to waking up early. The kids had a bit of a sleep in. When we looked out the window it was snowing, a bit excited. Today we went into downtown and looked around the shops for Christmas presents. We had a coffee at a coffee & bookshop which was lovely and quaint. We did a bit more looking around, by this stage we were over it snowing. Had to be careful as you didn't know when you were crossing a side road, it all blended in together. It was about 2pm before we had lunch. We have eaten at many diners, love the atmosphere of these places, not so much the food. I wanted to share with Kellie, but she wasn't keen on that. Yep you guessed it- the meal was huge and we could of shared. Then we caught a bus back to our accommodation area to do a bit more grocery shopping. Not really knowing the bus route we got off at a stop where we thought we should, but no we were way off. It is hard to find out how to get to stuff as it's all covered in snow. Footpaths are non existent, after getting lost and a long walk we found it. Exhausted and over it, we did our shopping. It is always hard to finding things in a different store and country. By this stage very tired as the day just went. It was just easier and quicker to get an Uber back to our accommodation. It was dark by now and we all climbed into bed to watch tv. We do have a lounge but the bed is more comfortable to watch tv. Acclimatising to the altitude is taking something to get used to. They say to drink plenty of water, which we probably didn't do today. None of us felt like tea as we had such a late lunch so it was toast and cereal. Didn't take many photos as such a hassle taking gloves off etc. Will make sure I do tomorrow.Читать далее

  • День 12

    Christmas Day in the USA

    25 декабря 2018 г., Соединенные Штаты ⋅ ☁️ -1 °C

    I am glad people are wishing us a Merry Christmas as it doesn't feel like it. Things seem to go on like a normal day here. Had to meet down at the ski area for our gourmet snow shoe tour. Not sure where to meet, but everyone super helpful and we found it. Caught the gondola up the mountain, wow what a long way up. Snow shoes on we set off, keeping out of the way of skiers & snow boarders. To start with it felt like walking with a carrot up your bum. Doesn't take long to get the hang of it. Mostly away from skiers but often you cross their runs. You always had to be on the look out for snow boarders as they can come out anywhere. Amy and Audrey were great guides and company. Audrey has been to Australia and had even been to Adelaide & Wilpena Pound. Lots of interesting information along the way. Learnt about the wildlife here and because it is a National Park they will shut runs down if there are animals around. The bears get into their cars, bins and garages. They go for Subaru's as they seem to be the easiest. You can't put their garbage out until just before the truck comes. I'm not sure if they don't lock their cars, was going to ask about that one, but forgot. We had a lovely buffet lunch, and I had a good coffee for the first time. We ate too much as you always do with a buffet. We could have done more snow walking as we didn't have to return them until 4pm. Kellie isn't well so we went straight back down and back to our accommodation and rested. I am still getting altitude headaches. Trying to drink lots of water as this is the best way to combat it. Hopefully it goes soon. We opened our presents, which was nice to see what we picked out for each other. We had Chicken Parma for tea as that's what the kids were craving. It was good to have something familiar to us, plus fresh salad, it was a hit. Another early night in store.Читать далее

  • День 13

    Snowmobiling & Tubing

    26 декабря 2018 г., Соединенные Штаты ⋅ 🌫 -3 °C

    Today we went out to Saddleback Ranch for Snowmobiling & Tubing. They picked us up from our accommodation, and we drove about 20 minutes out of town. We had the owner on our bus as he had broken down in town. We heard how the tunnel gets shut down between here and Denver, not comforting as we need to get to Denver to come home. Listening how one shuttle was trapped between road closures and they had to sleep in the shuttle. We arrived at the ranch signed a waiver and liable for any damages. A few instructions & off we set. So I had to go first, and the first thing we had to do is go down a steep hill with a cliff edge then cross a bridge. Literally shitting myself in the first 5 minutes and that didn't stop for 3hrs. I went to the back as I was slower and other people could go faster if they wanted to. That was a relief. Brodie went up front but a few minutes later he was off track in soft snow. This knocked his confidence, later I went off track into soft snow. They get it out for you, but you have to get off and walk over to the track, but when you hop off you sink into soft snow and my boots would fill up with snow. The second time I went in soft snow I thought the girl would have to rescue me as I fell over and it was so deep. We had free time in a paddock. Which I think that's what you needed to start with. Brodie got his confidence back, but later went off track again. Not a happy chappy. We had more free time in really soft snow and I didn't like that at all. I was thankful when we made it back. Across the bridge and up the steep hill. The girl reassured me she has had worse, I think she was just being nice. Kellie loved it, Brodie didn't, I am glad I did it, would I do it again?- NO. Lunch was included, caught a bus to lunch and then tubing. It was entertaining watching the bus slipping on the ice. Then he got us to hop on and we weren't going anywhere. He was annoyed as it still had summer tyres on the bus. He put gravel down, still didn't help. A tractor pulled us up the hill. Didn't get fat on lunch very small for a change. I had chicken tenders, it was 2 small chicken tenders and a small packet of chips. We had an hour of tubing, but it was really busy so we only got 3 rides in. It was good fun, would like to do tubing again, but not if it's that busy. They bussed us back into town, we asked if he could drop us off at Safeway as we needed more bread and milk. Called into Starbucks for a takeaway cuppa for the walk up the hill to our accommodation. It was snowing and we discovered it makes a sound. There was no sunshine today. I think we have finally got used of the altitude, a lot better today. Kellie & Brodie have a sore throat, which I have already had. A good day and a quiet night in.Читать далее