  • Day 51 - Halle….Bloody…..lujah

    29 januari 2022, Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

    No sweating at all over night & still feeling normal. The cleaners will be pleased!

    At 9.10am, I dragged myself out of bed & popped out on the scooter to fill up with fuel. I didn’t quite fill it up to the level it was given to me, but I didn’t want to add an extra 50 Bahts worth. We’ll see if I get away with it. (I did).

    We had an iced coffee & I returned the scooter keys to Pat, then we sat out by the pool for a nice peaceful morning.

    Lunch consisted of a cold beer at Dubble Duke & Jackie had a fried squid salad, whilst I had a pad Thai. The food was good, but the location superb.

    We returned to our resort & relocated to the sun beds looking out over the beach. It was just as well because during the afternoon an enormous (20+) group of Russians checked in amongst them 8 boisterous young boys. They took over the pool area & we suspect they will do so now all the time they are here.

    That evening we went to dinner next door at Crystal, accompanied by the sound of a salsa class taking place behind us. I annoyingly still wasn’t feeling hungry, so Jackie ordered a chicken satay & a beer, whilst I made do with just a soda water. Maybe I’m not 100% ok just yet.

    That evening on the verandah over a Hong Thong we came to the mutual agreement that we were now sneakily starting to look forward to going home to some good old fashioned home comforts like a roast beef dinner, nice cup of tea & a biscuit etc.

    Song of the Day: Movin On by Paul Weller.
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