  • Hari 23

    Whitsundays Island Adventure

    8 Oktober 2017, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

    Today was definitely an unforgettable day. I got a really good sleep and got to sleep in and leisurely get up and go to meet my tour.

    Thudercat was the tour that I joined. It was a pretty cool adventure. I met a really cool girl Rachel who was on the tour, so we spent the day together as we were both singles.

    We went on the boat to Whitehaven Beach. As those of you who have heard of this beach, nothing can do it justice. It is an absolutely gorgeous white sand beach. And it stretches for quite a ways. We climbed up to the lookout. Which essentially meant a fair bit of waiting for the slower half of the crew. We got up there and it was just amazing. Although not nearly as amazing as being on the beach. We had an hour and a bit to hang out on the beach, so we hung out and did a bit of swimming before heading back to the boat.

    After our lunch on the boat we headed off to Mantaray Bay where we did some snorkeling. I have never done snorkeling before... And some of you know I am not super comfortable around fish. So this was quite an experience for me. The guide kept throwing fish food so the fish were rushing back and forth. The little fish were okay, but the bigger ones were a little uncomfortable. Then there was a really large Maori Wrasse named George. He was a little scary. I think I got some good footage. Haven't had a chance to look through it.

    Next was Betty' s beach for some reef snorkeling. I was told it is not nearly as good as what I will see tomorrow. I still thought it was awesome.

    We then headed back to Airlie and Rachel was kind enough to let me shower at her hostel as they wanted to charge me $5 to shower. We then went out for a nice dinner before I got on my bus. Now for a 9 hour bus ride to Cairns. So essentially bed time :)

    👣's: 13073 - 9.51 km
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