Costa Rica

huhtikuuta 2022 - kesäkuuta 2024
First official passport control since three countries. All good :) Lue lisää
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  • Päivä 2

    San José

    5. huhtikuuta 2022, Costa Rica ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

    My flight was from Cartagena with one stop in Bogota to San José, the capital of Costa Rica.
    They stop over I. Bogota was only 1.5 hours and I even had to take my luggage and check in again.

    On the check in everything went smoothly, I had already filled up the migration Formular and booked a flight out of Costa Rica because that proof was necessary to get into the country.
    I got a sticker with "papers checked" onto my Boardcard and thought to myself that this was too easy.
    When I entered the gatehall there was a huge line only for Migration controll right before the security check. Damn i had one hour left....
    The line went on kinda quickly when I after 20min came to the counter, where the woman asked me where my stamps where. I replied that I don't know why they didn't gave me one at the official land frontier in Ipiales.
    She took my passport and went to her boss 😥
    He asked me the same thing again and replied with german accent the same: "No lo sé! No lo sé!"

    30min left.

    They told me to make a copy of my passport and boarding cart and go to the migration office wich was right next to the check. I did that, told the same story again to another woman, when she gave me a paper with wich I ran to the security. They let me pass, so I jumped the queue at security check and ran, flip flopping, to catch the flight.

    They were just letting the last passengers in! I did it! 🥳

    The sun was setting and we lifted off the beautiful country of Colombia. Loved it and will hopefully come back one day!

    Arriving at San José I managed to sneak into a shuttle service of Selina Hostel where I stayed the night. Didn't pay anything in the end but the bus also stopped a kilometer before the hostel because he ran out of gas.

    Checking into the always nice Selina Hostel, I sat down for food and watched the people singing karaoke, when the waitress asked me if I also wanted to sing. I thought about the song I heared several times in the plain because only little music of my Spotify likes were downloaded.
    So I confirmed and performed my number one good mood song: JANET JACKSON - TOGETHER AGAIN 🥳
    Please listen to it!

    I did some bedtime yoga on the roof with a girl from Frankfurt before I went to sleep. Germans everywhere...

    In the next morning I joined the free walking tour to the central market wich was nice. I live those market tours because you see all the specialities and peculiarities a country has to offer.

    Costa Rica is economically the most developed country so far and everything is quite expensive. It is the first country wich abolished the military and put all the budget into education and health. Very smart.

    On the way back from the market I managed to get new shoes! Woohoo! Some sweet vans with better walking profile.

    It was noon when I checked out and went to the Bus Terminal to get onto my bus to Bagaces where I would start my one week (or more) voluntary at a Ecovillage they build up from scratch. I will work around 5 hours a day, 5 days a week and get free accommodation and also food I guess. Very good for my wallet and also a big experience.

    4 hours behind, it's 19:56 and one more hour to go.
    We have now 8 hours time difference.
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  • Päivä 3

    Building a Eco-Village from scratch

    6. huhtikuuta 2022, Costa Rica ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

    My first experience with workaway. It's a Plattform where hosts offer free accommodation and food in exchange for work.
    I arrived in Bagaces, three hours away from the capital, where the two hosts picked me up at the bus station.
    One introduced himself as Master Rebis, the other one as Astaro. I knew the project had a shamanic background, so I thought ok, I'll call you whatever you want :)
    Astaro was kind of his apprentice and he didn't speak much.

    When we came to their ~5ha big property wich was mainly dry land with with a Forrest and a river running through, I met the other 4 volunteers.
    Two of them where sympathic right from the beginning, the other two were a french couple wich left the next morning already. For them a dutch girl arrived, wich was a yoga teacher.

    This week was the healthiest I had in a while. Here's how a regular day went off:

    5:55 waking up by the sound of the howler monkeys sitting in the trees above us.

    6:10 brushing teeth and having a cold bath in the river

    6:30 strong Yoga class with Lonneke

    8:00 breakfast: 2-3 Bananas, 2 Mangos, Papaya or Ananas + Granola

    8:30 starting work, for example: Leveling up the floor, digging out stones, digging a shithole for the toilet 💩, raking the leaves, building a stone wall, constructing a kitchen house out of wood, driving around with the car collecting wood, preparing a yoga space, building a firespace, preparing a water pump and so on...

    11:00 Snack break: some more fruits and nuts

    13:00 call it a day and go bathing and chilling in the river

    15/16:00 preparing the last meal of the day: Beans, rice or lentils with vegetables, salad, eggs...

    18:00 Slow Yin Yoga in the moonlight

    19:30 sitting, talking around the fire

    21:00 going to bed, journaling, reading, sleeping

    and then again :)

    When I first heared that there is no more food after sundown, I was kind of concerned because I am a late eater. But after the first harder day and cheating with some nuts the next days were becoming more and more easy.

    The other volunteers Pierre-Luc and Luca from Canada were experienced carpenter and construction workers, so Lonneke and me could learn a lot from them.
    What they had to learn from us was tranquillity, because they got upset when they didn't got the right working materials even they asked for it for many days. Therefore there was a slight frustration against Master Rebis wich could finally be solved in a good discussion around the fire where everybody could explain his position, so could Rebis calm the boys down with his philosophy of living. In that round we worked out a list of priorities with wich everybody was ok.

    On the weekend we took our first day out of two off and went to the beach.
    It was a very relaxing day and even though I only had worked three days until then I kept appreciating the free time even more.

    I am traveling now for 110 days and in Colombia I kind of forgot about my gratitude towards life. It is a daily exercise and practice though to be grateful for the normal, obvious things in live. For me then this travelling became normal, but when I think about it how blessed I am to have this once in a lifetime experience I gather my gratitude back again.

    They say being grateful falls on the same level as love — it is one of the highest vibrational frequencies you can be at. The more time you can spend in gratitude and love, the more your body's frequency raises and the healthier your body becomes.

    It's ok to forget about it, because when it comes back it can be even stronger.

    What are you grateful for? Please comment :))))
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  • Päivä 10


    13. huhtikuuta 2022, Costa Rica ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

    Playa Samara is located in the Guanacaste province at the north end of the Nicoya Peninsula

    It was Thursday before the holy Easter holiday were all the Ticos (Costa Ricans) went to the beaches, so almost everything was booked out.

    I got lucky to get a bed in La Aldea Hostel were they were super friendly and squeezed a bed for me into the dormitories for a night.

    First thing for me was taking the football, provided by La Aldea and checking out the beach wich was 3min away.
    I arrived at a beautiful 6km long coastline surrounded by palmtrees at land and reefs and giant rocks in the water.

    After juggling around for myself some Ticos came and we played 2vs 2.
    The sun went down when more and more people came playing and we ended up playing something like 8vs 8. It was super fun and intense because the guys extremely good and physical.

    I had delicious dinner at a vegetarian restaurant and went to the hostels kitchen to have a Guanabana (engl. Soursop) as desert, wich is one of my favourite fruits on the journey. Soursop’s flavor can best be described a cross between mango green apple and pineapple. One whole soursop fruit contains 215% of your recommended daily allowance of vitamin C.
    The inner consistency is weird, white and fleshy.
    Some girls in the kitchen asked if it was fish, when I let them all try a bit. They were kind of surprised of the nice taste :)
    They they asked me to join for a beach party a bit further, wich in the end was super nice with amazing electronic music. I danced for one or two hours before walking home the beach in almost full moon light.

    The last week changed my rythm for good. I woke up at 6 in the morning and went directly to see the natural pools wich are exibited at low tide. On the way back I saw some people preparing for their yoga class. I joined them for a intense 90min Vinyasa class. It costed me 10.000 Colones (~14€). Costa Rica in general was very expensive, but affordable since I haven't spent a cent last week in the camp.

    I had to change the accommodation after having my breakfast (fruits and granola :)) to hostel Samara, were I got the last place in a 10bed dormitory.

    The rest of the day I walked the other side of the beach before meeting with my dutch friend Tom for some beach volley. Our opponents destroyed us and everybody else completely. 2vs 2 - Winner always stayed. When they needed a break after winning 10 games in a row we could even win two games before they came back 😅

    After dinner with Tom at a vegan food court I went happy to bed.
    The bed unfortunately wasn't that happy. The room was packed and didn't have an AC, so it was hot and smelly. I woke up around 2 soaked in sweat when I stood up and found a couch in the lobby.

    I had the option to leave the next day but thought it might be smarter to travel all the way to Uvita on a Saturday when most people are with their families and not on the road.
    So I spent another chill day at the beach full of volley and football and left Saturday morning 4:30 the ~8 hour journey further south the Pacific coast.
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  • Päivä 13

    Uvita Whale Tail Nationalpark

    16. huhtikuuta 2022, Costa Rica ⋅ 🌧 28 °C

    20 minutes before we arrived the bus made strange noises and stopped. The driver tried everything and after 30min and uncountable puta madres I decided to take an Uber for the last 12km.
    A guy saw accidentally what I was doing on my phone and asked If we want to share because he had the same destination. Another girl joined and we split the bill. After a short time we figured out that we could switch to German because Christian is from Berlin, Wedding and Sarah from Köln.

    Christian and me made an appointment at the beach to see the sundown. So after checking into my cute hostel in the nature I headed down to the beach wich was part of the national park, so I had to pay 4000 Colones ~6$ to get in. It was already late and I was charming, that's why I even got a stamp for the next day 😏

    Walking through the palmtrees I came to this incredible beach, like I've never seen before. It felt like the set for Jurassic park.
    Meeting Christian and dipping into the warm sea it heavily started to rain. A rain warm as the water, reminded my of my childhood running naked through the garden when it was pouring out the clouds.

    We found a place nearby for lunch and called it a day.
    Next day we went back to the park and made our way up to the famous whale tail formation.

    Christian had a drone, wich allowed us to look at it from 500m high. Incredible! At low tide you could walk up to the top of the tail and as I got later in the day both sides were emerging to one.
    We made some awesome shots, cracked some delicious coconuts, wich is hell of a job and moved on to see some waterfalls, because we had just this day left in this paradise.

    We walked around 30min until we came to the first waterfall where they charged us 2$ entry. There was a sweet spot to jump and you could also slide down the ~5m high waterfall. Wich I wouldn't have done if I haven't had seen the locals doing that before.

    There was another "secret" waterfall another hour walk from there. We crossed a beautiful Bamboo forrest and found this river wich we followed up until we found it. Gorgeous!

    PS: Drone videos will follow soon!
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