  • Hari 6

    calcada da estrela - lisbon

    11 Juni 2018, Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    Wandering up from the government building up to this Basilica Da Estrela.

    Beautiful Jacarda trees contrast with the blue building.

    I like there drainage ditches, nicely tiled.

    a hard ware store......nothing like our local canadian tires, just a small petite store.

    the basilica was next to a turnaround for the trams.

    Basil plants: this from a website. they are part of the festival as St Anthony is the matchmaker saint. and males are suppose to give these to their female partners.....

    "Starting June 12, Lisbon honors the city’s patron saint with a 3-day festival. The 12th is the feast day of St. Anthony, who is also known as the matchmaker saint.

    Lisbon’s festival begins with a feast of sardines, a tradition that dates back to 13th century Italy. When locals didn’t care to listen to St. Anthony’s sermons, he took to the sea and delivered them to the fish.

    The festival is also a time to celebrate love and marriage prospects. Single women stand small statues of St. Anthony upside down, awaiting the day that he delivers a viable husband (which is when the statue will be placed upright). Men partake by delivering basil plants to loved ones with poems attached. Throughout the city, balconies can be seen with basil–and pot plants, with affectionate messages to St. Anthony or the recipient."
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