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    • Day 91

      Day 91, Big Wave Nazare

      May 9, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 64 °F

      Because of my love of (watching) surfing, I’ve been very interested to visit Nazare. Nazare was a pretty typical beach and fishing town until a local businessman had the vision to promote its huge winter waves to ‘big wave’ surfers and thus extend the tourist season long past August. In prior years, locals only saw the waves as the fishermen’s torment and, at first, the vision was met with lots of local skepticism. Also surfers he approached asked, “How was it possible that there were waves that big and nobody knew?” But his persistence, the enormity of the waves, and a Netflix documentary, all came together to make his vision reality. Now September through April, especially December, can be just as crowded as summer and Nazare is known all over the world. 🌊 No surfers today. But it was really fun to be there in person and picture the sometimes 100 foot waves.Read more

    • Day 92

      Day 92, Lisbon Xenia’s Way

      May 10, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ 🌬 64 °F

      Our day in Lisbon was spent with a super nice tour group (Swiss, Canadian, US) and a spunky and vivacious guide with unending curiosity named Xenia. Xenia took us on an unconventional tour, going down narrow and non touristy streets and introducing us to lots of her friends (and stopping to serve us cake, wine, and Ginja - a cherry liqueur). We loved it! Hope says the tour was, “Humorous, yet extremely educational, showing me a real side of Lisbon I never would have found on my own.” What a great day. Thanks Xenia!!😘Read more

    • Day 4

      Lisbon Day 2

      March 25 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      It was a pretty chillaxed day today, I think we were both pretty tired from the night before. We went for a couple of e-bike rides around the city. We learned the hard way that most of the bikes add almost no assistance, so the hills sucked lol. I felt like I was trying out for tour de France. We had a dinner party at 8:00 last night. Google Maps said it was a 30-minute bike ride, so we grabbed more ebikes, thinking it'd be faster. Nope, it took us an hour still, lol. It was worth it, though, because we had an amazing birthday dinner with Helena and her friends. She was very generous to us!Read more

    • Day 10

      Odeceixe to Lisbon

      May 15 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      We are travelling from Odeceixe to Lisbon this morning via the Rede Bus. We enjoyed an amazing breakfast of scrambled eggs, ham & cheese, bread, fresh melon, homemade berry jam, orange juice and coffee. We said our goodbye's to our lovely Sol Mar hosts and walked.tothe bus stop. We had a 3 hour ride to Lisbon with one close call where our driver had to hit the brakes hard as he came down around a corner to a broken down car😬. Once in Lisbon we took the Metro then walked the rest of the way to our Airbnb to meet Andrew. We were in a spacious Airbnb with a washer so we did a bit of laundry. We had a snack of custard tarts before walking to meet the Windt's for our Lisbon City Highlights & History Tuk Tuk (electric)Tour. We had a chance to catch up and celebrate Tom and Priya's birthdays before heading out to tour the city.

      Stops included:

      Lisbon Cathedral-The Cathedral of Saint Mary Major, is a Roman Catholic cathedral. The oldest church in the city, it is the seat of the Patriarchate of Lisbon.

      Church of Saint Anthony ( Where St Anthony was born)

      Viewpoint of Portas do Sol and Santa luzia- this area had the old painted tiles of Queen Maria, what the Commerce Square originally looked like as well as the battle scene of the Portuguese taking power over the Moors. We also saw the "courting seats" which were used historically to maintain a respectful distance from a suitor.

      Castle district- this district takes you back to the middle ages with very narrow, winding and labyrinth-type streets. It resisted the earthquake of 1755.

      Miradouro da Senhora do Monte (The highest viewpoint of the city). This location has a stone heart on the wall: the heart ❤️ of Lisbon. It also has the stone obelisk that historically, women would touch in hopes of getting pregnant.

      Monastery of Saint Vincent-The Church and Monastery of São Vicente de Fora, meaning "Monastery of St. Vincent Outside the Walls", is a 17th-century church and monastery. It is one of the most important monasteries and mannerist buildings in the country. The monastery also contains the royal pantheon of the Braganza monarchs of Portugal.

      The National Pantheon took 285 years to complete from the 15th century to the 17th century. It was the first built outside the castle walls.

      Flea market in Alfama which is the site of the longest graffiti wall in Lisbon

      Alfama is the oldest and most characterful district in Lisbon. Historically is situated outside the castle walls and housed the poorest citizens. The monarchy inside the castle walls.looked down upon this district literally. Being a seafaring city, this area also housed sailors and dock workers. Now it is fashionable and trendy. Many of its restaurants have fados that are free). Fado is a music genre which can be traced to the 1820s in Lisbon, Portugal. We saw the original map of Alfama painted on Portugese tiles.

      Commerce square ( One of the biggest squares in Europe) is the location of the original home of the zmo architecture and where the King and his son were murdered. It is now the new entrance to the city ( It was destroyed by the earthquake, tsunami and fires of 1755.

      Pink Street - this was on Rua Nova do Carvalho and had multicolor umbrellas for a photo op. This used to be their Red Light District.

      Time Out Market (Famous Food Market of Lisbon)

      After the tour, our drivers dropped us off in Alfama to have dinner. We said our goodbyes to Priya here.
      We found a restaurant with a free Fado and the Windts, Snows and us had a really nice meal and visit together. I tried the seabass and Anthony had veal and water chestnuts. The Fado singers and musicians were quite good.
      We said our goodbye to the Windts and ubered back to our Airbnb.
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    • Day 11

      Lisbon to Porto by train

      May 16 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      We woke early to get ready for our 3 1/2 hour train ride to Porto this morning. We walked out of our Airbnb to find Lou's Cafe open just below us. Lou is our Airbnb host. I had s rambled eggs, bacon and toast with a flat white coffee(thinking of you guys Jacob & Nikki)👌Anthony had French toast and Andrew and Joanne had yoghurt, granola and fruit bowls.
      Lou said to contact him if we refer others as he can give better deals and has other Airbnb options. We ordered up our Uber who got us to Santa Appalonia Train Station in plenty of time to find our train and car. We had a smooth train ride and once in Porto ubered to our Boa Vista hotel. It is right on the ocean and the temperatures were much cooler here with winds and a bit of rain. We stored our bags until check in time and walked to find a pharmacy ( a bit of a stuffy nose settling in) and found the Amelia Restaurant. It had a picture of Amelia the dog. The story of the restaurants are based on Olivia and her dogs which you can read in the pictures.
      It was a most excellent lunch of burgers with an amazing curry mayo and Nase Goreng and flat white coffees. We checked in and had some much- needed down time for a few hours. Anthony, Joanne & Andrew walked to the grocery store for meats, cheeses, bread, crackers, beet hummus, guacomole, carrots, tomatoes, chips &cherries for a charcuterie dinner. Joanne picked up some beautiful desserts. We shared the chocolate cake and fruit & custard pavlova. To end our evening we booked a 3 hour walking tour of Porto for the morning.
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    • Day 90

      Day 90, Lia and Coimbra

      May 8, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 79 °F

      Lia’s mother is Russian and her dad is Georgian. But she has lived in Portugal since she was very little. I know her through Dato - their dads are brothers - and Lia has been my student since 2020. Lia is super intelligent and always a joy to talk to. She has taught me so much about growing up in Portugal. Lia is in her second year at University of Coimbra (the university with the Harry Potter library - we saw it but no photos allowed) studying economics. She has two first languages - Russian and Portuguese - and speaks beautiful English. She was fascinated by the work both Hope and Mark do and peppered them with lots of questions. Lia planned a full day’s itinerary for us and loved showing us beautiful Coimbra. We loved the opportunity to see it through her eyes.Read more

    • Day 3

      Basílica da Estrela

      October 2, 2019 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Unser letztes großes Ziel für heute war die Basílica da Estrela, die unserer Meinung nach schönste Kirche der Stadt. Nicht nur die Fassade mit den wunderschönen Doppeltürmen, sondern auch die Kuppel geben der Kirche eine wunderschöne Optik. Auch innen ist die Kirche sehr schön. Hat uns sehr gut gefallen. Beim ersten Betreten der Kirche war noch eine Messe, weswegen wir im gegenüberliegenden Park eine Pause gemacht haben, bis die Messe vorbei war. Der eigentliche Name der Kirche ist Königliche Basilika und Kloster zum Heiligsten Herzen Jesu. Das Königspaar Maria I. und Peter III. gelobten die Errichtung einer Kirche, wenn ihnen ein männlicher Thronfolger geschenkt würde. Der Thronfolger Joseph wurde 1761 geboren. Im Jahr 1777 gab Maria den Bau der Kirche in Auftrag, mit dem 1779 begonnen wurde. Die Fertigstellung erfolgte erst 1790, nachdem Prinz Joseph 1788 den Pocken erlegen war.Read more

    • Day 41

      Lissabon - Streifzüge Part 1

      January 18 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Da Nadine heute nochmal durch die Stadt laufen will, setze ich sie unterhalb von der Festung ab, und streife allein mit Hilde und dem blauen Bus durch die Straßen, was ziemlich spannend ist, weil sie eng sind und reichlich Tagesverkehr in Form von Mensch und Fahrzeug unterwegs sind.Read more

    • Day 2


      October 8, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      Lissabon Tag 2 starteten wir mit einem free walking Tour, damit wir die 20k Schritte wieder zusammen bekommen 😄 es ging durch Baixo, Chaido und das Barro Alto.
      Wir haben vieles gesehen und gelernt - und haben dann im Trubel des Marathons unsere Gruppe verloren 😀
      Wir sind dann noch durch Alfama geschlendert, bzw. Geschnauft - es ging wieder Berg auf und Berg ab.
      Dort haben wir noch ein nettes Restaurant entdeckt. Unser Tag besteht aus Laufen, Essen und Trinken 😍🍷🫒

      Zur Krönung sind wir abends in die Markthalle und haben Markus Geburtstags-Gutschein eingelöst. Markus im Paradies!
      Thunfisch-Tartar, gegrillter Oktopus, Schwertfisch Burger, vegane Gyozas und verschiedene portugiesische Croquettas!
      Dazu einen Port Tonic und Markus schwebte auf Wolke 7!
      Dazu war in der Markthalle, dem Time Out Market, richtig gute Stimmung und Musik!
      Dann haben wir uns noch durch die pink Street treiben lassen und sind noch bei ein paar coolen Bars hängen geblieben!
      Danach sind wir tot ins Bett gefallen!
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    • Day 5


      July 13 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Early trip through narrow cobbled streets to a gym in Lisbon called Fitness Hut. Quite impressive. I have noticed that people are in good health. Very tanned and active. Also noticed, while driving through the countryside, I didn’t see any trash or overwhelming billboards. Counted only one semi truck in 200 miles! Everything is tidy and I have not noticed any homeless or druggies roaming the streets. Hmmm, it makes me wonder what is going on in America that homelessness and drugs are such an obvious issue?
      I was convinced that NOT knowing a word of Portuguese would be okay, because surely English is a universal language. Not so! We drove from Lisbon to Lagos through all the small towns and stopped for a late lunch. True Portuguese style. I never thought I would see the day where Ashley eats a plate of sardines. We managed to order our meals using mostly sign language and hoping for the best. The food was fantastic and the wine was great. The lady brought me a jug of the house wine! I think going to the “non touristy” small towns where no one speaks English is one of my favourite things to do. It was challenging and fun!
      Loved seeing all the farms and even lots of tree farms. Found a handsome bull that would be an ideal partner for my jersey cow, Charmin 😉
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