Homosassa 2021

lutego - maja 2021
First road trip in 27 years! Me, Pa, Buster, Ramsey and Mattie in a 21' travel trailer for 50 days, on a great adventure. 🌞 Czytaj więcej
  • 32ślady stóp
  • 1kraje
  • 89dni
  • 99zdjęcia
  • 2filmy
  • 4,4kmile
  • 800mile
  • Dzień 7

    Holder Mine MON Day #4

    1 marca 2021, Stany Zjednoczone ⋅ ⛅ 81 °F

    Up early, coffee, walk (without Buster) and chilled. Drove to the Inverness Walmart and returned phone case then picked up items for John Wayne casserole. Went to the Citrus County Land Management Office and Mel asked some more questions about what we can & can't do before having to pay the Land Impact Fee. Confirmed we can only clear brush and cut trees under 4". Yes can park trailer, but only for 2 weeks! Nothing else without paying fee.
    Went into Lowes and bought a new blind for the kitchen window then stopped at the bakery outlet. Yummy lemon donuts! Final stop was Walgreens so Mel could get info to have Dr. Chander fax his Norco script.
    Back to camp and made the chicken, broccoli, rice, cheese casserole. Yum!
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  • Dzień 8

    Homosassa Property Clearing TUE Day #5

    2 marca 2021, Stany Zjednoczone ⋅ ⛅ 73 °F

    Nice cool morning after three really hot, mid 80's days. We decided to go do some brushing at the property so we packed a lunch and took off at 11:00 a.m. Saw the neighbor across the street and I sent Mel over to talk to him (Tim) for a long time! While he was doing that I cleared a path through the palms. We started brushing and talking about where to pull in and park the trailer and decide we needed to cut down at least 2 trees with 6" diameter.
    Mel just got the stump cut out when our next door neighbor (north) Mac stopped to say Hi. Nice guy! We continued brushing (goddamn vines). I asked Mel for one of his Norco. Took it then ate a half sandwich. Then Mac walked over and we talked more when I started to feel sick to my stomach. Damned Norco 10's. Almost puked and had Mel pour water on me. Damn temp went up to 85° too! W continued to talk with Mac for quite a bit and then he said we could use his outdoor faucet so Mel walked over with him to see where it was. By the time he got back I was feeling better.
    We had agreed to only work till 3 but Mel wanted to take down the one last tree close to the road that we needed gone for the driveway! Fucking tree just wouldn't fall over toward the property. Tried the wedges, nope, tried pushing with a stick, nope. He had to cut it all the way through and it ended up coming down vertically then fell out towards the road! Oops! Next thing ya know our property neighbor, Mike from down around the corner stopped to meet and talk. Another Trump loving nice guy who told us to be careful of the dogs cuz of the alligators and coyotes. 😳😳
    Mel had to change the saw chain then we hurried (HaHa) and cut it up. We were both soooo done in!
    Back to camp and rested while watching the 5 then we both took showers which felt so good. I'm ending tonight at 10:30 p.m. after summarizing the past 4 days of this diary.
    Today was a great day! We've settled so many things about what our plan is for the property!
    We decided since we will be staying at the property and won't be posting the Land Impact Fee we will need a 3000 way generator to run the trailer AC. Found a Generac 3500 watt with electric start for $999 less 10% Veteran's discount and ordered to be delivered to the store on March 13th.
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  • Dzień 9

    Holder Mine WED Day #6

    3 marca 2021, Stany Zjednoczone ⋅ ⛅ 64 °F

    Up early, coffee, walk and talked to Jerry. It's a cool day and would be perfect for working on the property but we're "bushed". Those vines kicked my ass! We decided to take a run into Lowe's and picked up; a wheelbarrow, two-piece 12' chain link fence gate, 2 metal lawn chairs & pads, grass rake, garbage can and other misc. We left the dogs behind and of course they were good and slept the whole time, back at 3:30. Made a large salad, organized the back of the truck and watched the five then went in around 7 p. m. It's a cool 58°. Czytaj więcej

  • Dzień 10

    Holder Mine THU Day #7

    4 marca 2021, Stany Zjednoczone ⋅ ☀️ 66 °F

    Up at 4:30 a.m. with sore back and went to the bathroom. Bed the coffee then say in the recliner until the dogs woke up. It was a chilly morning so I picked up a bag of pine cones when I took the dogs on their pee walk. Enjoyed the warmth of the fire and had to go pick up another bag of cones when Mel came out.
    Hopefully I can get Mel going early (10ish) to go to the property and beat the heat. It's suppose to max out at 73° at 3:00 p.m. Good day to work.
    Well we finally left camp at 10:30 and worked hard at the property Mel brushing the front area and I worked cutting Vines and cleaning up the brush and piling it. Told Mel I was done and exhausted but we still had to put the tools away so by then I was really done in! Crawled our way back to the trailer and grab a quick dinner of leftover rice & broccoli casserole and in bed early.
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  • Dzień 11

    Holder Mine FRI Day#8

    5 marca 2021, Stany Zjednoczone ⋅ ☀️ 72 °F

    Lazy morning. Was drinking coffee and decided to call Patti and I'm so glad we did. We had a great hour long talk and picked up right where we left off catching up on each other's lives and getting covid updates. LOL
    On our way to the property we stopped at Home Depot and picked up all the materials for putting the gate except the fencing. We will have to see if we can borrow Mac's trailer or we will have to pay $20 to use one of Home depots. Next we stopped at the kayak shop and I priced out an 8-ft sit on top for $550. I'll have to think on that. Lastly we stopped at tractor supply and picked up heavier gate hanging hinges
    We promised each other that we would not work hard today. Just finish piling brush and clear an area to pull the truck in. Three teenage girls stopped by asking us if we had maybe seen their three dogs that were missing. They loved our dogs and played fetch with Maddie and hung around talking to Mel for at least a half an hour. Everybody here is so friendly!
    We measured and decided where we were going to put the gate the walked around tagging tres where we want to run the wire fence. Lastly Mel pulled the huge vine out of the tree out front and we backed up the truck and unload the lumber.
    Back to camp at 5:00 and cooked tuna steaks for and rice for dinner. We were in bed by 8:00 p.m.
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  • Dzień 12

    Holder Mine SAT Day #9

    6 marca 2021, Stany Zjednoczone ⋅ ☁️ 63 °F

    Today's another day of rest because the prediction was for rain all day. Coffee, dog walk, and had a nice talk on the phone with Billy and Pam.
    I headed into town a little after 10:00 a.m. and went to The vape shop and got my bands and some batteries, the pet shop and found Mattie a rubber ball, Beall's and made a killing on three pairs of lightweight pants, two new tops for me and a pair of sandals for both Mel and I, and lastly to Walmart and picked up four chair pads for $5 each and a 6 ft Black folding table for $40. When I got back Mel went into Lowe's to return the chain link fence and to pick up a smaller wheelbarrow. We will be returning the big yellow one because I don't like two wheels! LOL
    I'll be heading off to the shower soon because we have a 4:30 lunch date with Jody and Chuck, Dwayne and Debbie, and Lexie and Paul at Grumpy Gators. Should be a good time!
    OMFG dinner at Grumpy Gator's was superb. Mel and I had Prime Rib dinner and everything was perfect... meat was medium and juicy, potato was buttery not dry and the salad delicious. We had a great time gabbing and catching up on each other's kids and grandkids. Back to camp by 8 and of course the boys were good pups. They enjoyed their bones and had a late dinner.
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  • Dzień 13

    Holder Mine SUN Day 11

    7 marca 2021, Stany Zjednoczone ⋅ ☀️ 61 °F

    Very chilly this morning with a stiff breeze. Had coffee and walk then the Pasquale's came over to pet the dogs. We had a very nice half-hour conversation with them, exchanged phone numbers and talked with her husband about woodworking. Such nice people!
    Left around noon and put stopped at Home Depot for some boards, stakes, string, post hole digger and picked up the pole saw. Picked up Pizza Hut personal loans for lunch.
    At the property we decided we will try and park the trailer trip the right side in the lower spot so we can get it in at an angle and leave the clearing open. The trees make it just a little too tight up top and won't leave much room to park the truck. Would be to cramped.
    Mel worked on digging the gate post hole but only cemented one until we pull the trailer in.
    I tried to work on moving the brush pile that was where the trailer seeming will be, cut some beaches with the new pole saw and cleaned up some more vines. I'm finding that I get exhausted quickly, need to take frequent breaks and my arms tire quickly after using the pole saw and pulling vines.
    Met another neighbor, Larry, on the N.E. corner of Morningside & Chelsea. Mel talked for a half hour and he offered his trailer, kayaks, etc for us to borrow!
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  • Dzień 14

    Holder to Leesburg MON Day 11

    8 marca 2021, Stany Zjednoczone ⋅ ☀️ 63 °F

    Up @ 7 a. m. Coffee & a good 2+ mile walk. Butt dialed Marcie and talk to her almost the whole time I walked. Got back and dad was watching Fox and started talking politics. I had my earbuds in and was listening to music and told him I did not want to talk politics at all, but he just can't stop all his redneck comments.
    I cooked up some Italian sausage & eggs then
    Judy called and we had a nice hour long conversation. We were laughing about how good it is for us to just get out and see different scenery and I told her if she wanted to look at four different walls she could go stay at our house. LOL when I got off the phone Mel started an argument about me saying Judy could stay at the house without asking him! Turned into a screaming match and instead of getting in the car and going sightseeing today I told him to get the fuck out of here and go to Lowe's and take the wheelbarrow back and If he didn't get in and go, I would!
    He's been gone about an hour and a half and he texted asking if we're still going to do something today and I told him, only if the argument was over and if he was still pissed to find something to do and stay away, that I was fine here. We'll see what happens from here.
    Since this is my diary I will say it.. now that we have this trailer and property in Florida I would be perfectly fine on my own living in the trailer and traveling back and forth. Living that way I am confident that I could survive on my $800 a month, in the trailer, on the property, with my dogs and be perfectly happy.
    He went and returned the wheelbarrow and pants to Beall's and came back around noon.
    I had diarrhea so we waited to leave until 1 pm.
    We're drive around the loop through the lake around Inverness them decided to head East to check out Lake Adventures pontoon rentals. Passed the Villages then located a gun shop and checked it out for the powder Mel was looking for. We ended up in Leesburg and found another gun shop, (cops at RR crossing!🤬} no powder and I walked the dogs. Decided to go check out this Walmart for kayaks. Of course, Mel wants to question the GPS and doesn't want to go back thru RR crossing so goes his own way! This is about the 10th argument we've had over directions. If I man the GPS and tell him where to go here doesn't like it and questions my instructions and if I set the trip on the GPS and put it in the stand for him he can't drive and pay attention to the GPS. Another argument headphones in and ignore 🤬 Picked up some iced tea, creamer & eggs (don't know where they are) and then went looking for kayaks them back and forth between garden center and sporting goods until I was finally ready to check out at customer service. Took forever for garden center to get cashier the coffee to ring it up! Finally out to truck loaded and so fucking agitated... Ready to go home! He better start being able to read the signs better!
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  • Dzień 16

    Holder TUE Day 11

    10 marca 2021, Stany Zjednoczone ⋅ ☀️ 48 °F

    I went to bed early and ended up waking at 4:00 a.m. . Made coffee and sat in the recliner catching up on this diary, checking email, etc.

  • Dzień 16

    Holder WED Day 12

    10 marca 2021, Stany Zjednoczone ⋅ ☀️ 48 °F

    Went to bed early and woke up at 4:00 a.m. and couldn't go back to sleep. Sat in the recliner with my coffee and updated this trip diary.