Peter & Mary’s 2017 Holiday

Juli - September 2017
When I retired, we decided to travel overseas each second year, so now we have been to the UK & Europe in 2010, 2013 and 2015 - this will be our 4th big holiday. We have made many friends and been able to visit relatives that live so far away. Baca selengkapnya
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  • Hari 32

    Was that the Cotswolds?

    24 Agustus 2017, Inggris ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

    Today was to be a day in the Cotswolds. First we tried to re-create a photo at the front door of Scotsgrove B&B and Mary, like the photos we have take on two previous visits. At this time of the year all the flowers are finished - but we did it just the same. Mary was going to do the washing, but George organise his daughter, Charlotte to do this for us - very kind. Mary was traumatised at the thought, but had to accept gracefully!

    Off we went down the winding roads and ridiculous roundabouts - no they are not roundabouts - which should be circular with 4 exits - that rarely happens over here - most roundabouts have trees or hills in the middle making it impossible to see where you are going. Alternatively, they are just painted on the road in the middle of a normal intersection - go figure?

    Through the lovely villages we went. Stopped at Bicester for a cup of tea. Couldn't find any so ended up in a pub again - but this time limited myself to coffee and cake. Very enjoyable.

    Off again heading towards Witney and Burford when we saw the turnoff to Blenheim Palace. We had both thought before this would be worth a visit so we took a detour [note to roadway engineers of England - not a diversion]. What a magnificent place - huge gardens and a huge palace. This was going to take some time to explore.

    It turns out that some guy [The Duke of Marlborough] led English soldiers to victory over France who were trying to take over Spanish territories in Belgium [a place called Blenheim] and was rewarded for his efforts with 1,000s of acres of land and an almost blank cheque from Queen Anne to build an enormous home. Oh, the queen was also good friends with his wife - nice to have friends in high places.

    We had the story of Churchill being born here and Lady Di's connections and the common tale of the grandsons spending all the money until one Duke married an American lady - a Vanderbilt no less - the palace was saved !!!

    We took the guided tour - always a good idea - you would miss interesting bits if you do the walk around by yourself. Then we when for a long walk in the gardens - very enjoyable - lush green grass and not a weed in sight and so many swans on the lake.

    Back to the B&B after we had our best meal in Thame, at the Six Bells, to pack ready for our trip to Ireland.

    Tomorrow we leave for London and to return the Hire Car. A visit to Camden Market is planned if we have time.

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  • Hari 36

    Driving into London

    28 Agustus 2017, Inggris ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    Driving in one of the world's largest cities was always going to be exciting - but not for Mary [ace navigator]. Leaving London was easy - straight up the M1 going north - but coming back we were on the M4 which enters the city from the west, meaning we would have to drive through the heart of London to get to Russell Square. It was a slightly familiar route with Heathrow Airport, Kensington, past Harrods, Madame Tussauds, couple of laps around Kings Cross and St Pancras railways stations and to our hotel for the bag drop off, before returning the hire car. No problems.

    The Camden Market was on our list - I wasn't sure about it but Mary said that is was recommended by Jemma Dacy - so it should be okay. This place is seriously weird - many alternate people, footpaths full of sellers, markets everywhere, things to see and do that you won't see in sleepy Hobart. Mary bought a hand made red poppy and a leather jacket - looks good.

    We went to check on our EE mobile SIM card as time was running out and I wanted to check on the global roaming. Couldn't find a shop - so we changed to Vodafone ...£20 for unlimited SMS, 500 minutes of Voice and 6Gb of data and no problems with data roaming throughout Europe - more on that later.

    Tomorrow is going to be a great day with the train and ferry rides. I decided to check on our leaving point from Kings Cross station - glad I did because we were leaving from Euston Station. Went for a walk to check on that and decided that we needed a taxi in the morning.

    Met some Aussie's in the pub over dinner and swapped travel stories - nice to hear familiar voices and sense of humour. Our room in London was again very small - no room to put a suitcase on the floor anywhere and open it up !! But the room was very clean and comfortable and so we had a good nights rest ready for our long day tomorrow travelling to Ireland.

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  • Hari 36

    My favourite train & ferry ride

    28 Agustus 2017, Wales ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    The hotel packed a breakfast for us to take on the train - ham & cheese sandwiches, fresh fruit and a drink - that was a nice touch. Off we go ...

    The taxi took us to the station but we were an hour early. The trains were running on time, but you do not know which platform you are on until 15 minutes before boarding. So we waited. The night before when we checked our bookings, the Virgin Customer Services man reserved seats for us - carriage D, seats 5&6.

    Mary went ahead to sit in our seats while I maneuvered the 23kg suitcases. I was expecting suitcase racks at each end of the carriage - but no! So I had to ask the lady in the cafeteria - hoping she wasn't like Coral Morrison on the Limited Tasman!!! Anyway she pointed out the gaps between the seats, so our suitcases found a home between seats 9&10 and 11&12. All's good.

    Mary had good signals from Vodafone all the way - but the wifi on the train was hopeless. The train speeds through country England and Wales at 135mph - but you can really enjoy the scenery - I loved it.

    When you get to Holyhead, you simply walk off the train with your baggage and walk onto the ferry after a very scant check by customs. All going good until I ask Mary if I could set up a hot spot from her phone so I could use my iPad on the ferry.

    Program developers must think that we all have access to the fastest wifi and high speed cellular networks - of course we don't. So when hot spot wasn't working I had to check on the internet and then go back to the phone. It didn't work so I pressed reset - wrong - because now I needed the internet to redo the settings - but I had cancelled that and I now didn't have an internet connection - round and round and in the end all stuffed up. Thanks Vodafone.

    When we arrived in Dublin port we went through immigration easily and caught a cab to our hotel. The driver was so keen to tell us about all the things to do around Dublin - Mary was taking notes feverishly - something about Howth?

    Our Hotel was right in the middle of Temple Bar - and a big weekend of football was on offer - this was going to be both noisy and fascinating.

    After dinner we walked out into the streets to see what was happening - people everywhere, drinking, music coming from every bar [every second building is a bar] and street performers everywhere. Outside our hotel we had a chap who had laid down about three metres of carpet on the cobblestones. He had a bike with the steering going through a set of cogs so turning left made the bike go right. For €5 you get 4 goes - if you pedal the length of the carpet you win €40. No-one did, but it was fun watching.

    The noise stopped about 4am - still what do you expect, it was an experience.

    Tomorrow a day in Dublin and dinner with the Jacksons - friends from way back.

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  • Hari 36

    Having fun in Temple Bar

    28 Agustus 2017, Irlandia ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    Saturday, and a full day in Dublin is ahead of us, but first we need to get this phone organised. We were up late and hit the road at about 11am. Not hard to find a Vodafone shop- but when we did, the shop assistant had no idea - just wanted to hand the phone back to me “I don't know about iPhones?” she said. We went to an apple store - they looked up Vodafone’s details on the web, put them into Mary’s phone and we were away.

    I had looked for Aussie pubs in Dublin and the Woolshed Baa was mentioned. We went there on the off chance that we could see the Geelong game - good news, it was on and we watched the last quarter - a great win over GWS by Geelong, things are turning out okay.

    It was nearly 2pm and so we went looking for a half day tour. Decided to go around the northern coast of Dublin on a double decker bus with tour guide for Malahide Castle and Howth. The guide was excellent. There was a Tasmanian link as the last descendent of the Tabots could not afford to inherit the castle and sold it to the government and moved to a sheep farm in Tasmania. It was great looking through the Castle as it was not overly restored and so you could see how they lived in it.

    The northern heads of Dublin bay are where many of the wealthy live - grand houses and brilliant views of the coast. We stopped for fish and chips and a walk around the market.

    At night we were picked up by long time friend Floyd Jackson thinking we were going to a restaurant with him and wife Mary. We ended up at his home with a huge spread of food and the whole family joining us. They sang happy birthday to Mary and gave her a lovely Waterford Crystal Vase. What an enjoyable night.

    We expected another noisy night back at the hotel - perhaps we are getting used to the music and shouting, anyway it wasn't as bad as Friday night, oh and the guy on the reverse bike out front was still pulling in heaps of money …

    Tomorrow we head for Achill Island and Ireland’s rugged West Coast.

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  • Hari 36

    Ireland's largest island

    28 Agustus 2017, Irlandia ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

    I didn't book a taxi, didn't know what time we would be ready. So eventually we walked to the corner and hailed a cab - no problems. A happy driver - but he didn't know where the airport hire car pickup was - I don't blame him, its confusing. He dropped us at the wrong place so we had to walk and walk. It was so busy - I have never seen such a slow process to collect a hire car. Neither of us were happy - I don't like Hyundais and Mary wanted air conditioning. Anyway, off we went.

    We were travelling on the Motorway and so needed money for Tolls. Stopped at a place called Killcock in a tea room called The Timeless Cafe. What a delight. Modern food with brilliant flavours.Its mainly a sandwich place. Mary had ciabatta roll with salmon and crunchy noodles while I had a white pudding, bacon and potato hash - it came in a large bowl and was brilliant.

    Driving on the motorway was easy and in no time we were heading for the west coast. The road became tighter, but it was still fun driving. We stopped at a ruined church and an old cemetery - Mary loves these. The countryside reminded us of the west coast of Scotland.

    Achill Island is not clearly an island, there is just a ribbon of water running north-south that cuts it off from the mainland. A small, Burnie Emu River like bridge takes us to the island.

    The B&B I booked is just on the Island and so was easy to find. It has a secret garden and the room is down by the water, in fact all the floors are tiled and furniture is up on blocks because it sometimes floods. They have the Atlantic Ocean on three sides and water running down the hill from behind and so there is no escaping the water on occasions. A lovely big room with a huge library - most books written in Dutch unfortunately.

    Off for a pub meal tonight, tomorrow we explore Achill Island.

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  • Hari 37

    The wonderful Achill Island

    29 Agustus 2017, Irlandia ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

    Our full day exploring Achill Island started in the mist. Our B&B owner said that the day would clear - he was right. We decided to circumnavigate the island in a clockwise direction. Our first stop was the castle of Grace O'Malley - the pirate queen of Ireland. I found this story amusing -

    "In 1593, when her sons and her half-brother, were taken captive by the English, Grace sailed to England to petition Elizabeth I for their release. Elizabeth I famously sent Grace a list of questions, which she answered and returned to Elizabeth. Grace met with Elizabeth at Greenwich Palace, wearing a fine gown, the two of them surrounded by guards and the members of Elizabeth's royal Court.

    She refused to bow before Elizabeth because she did not recognise her as the Queen of Ireland. Apparently Grace sneezed and was given a lace-edged handkerchief from a noblewoman.

    She apparently blew her nose into the handkerchief and then threw the piece of cloth into a nearby fireplace, much to the shock of the court. Grace informed Elizabeth and her court that, in Ireland, a used handkerchief was considered dirty and was destroyed. Their discussion was carried out in Latin, as Grace spoke no English and Elizabeth spoke no Irish."

    Achill Island is popular for cycling and road running events, there were drinks stops placed all along the roads. The scenery is incredible - huge hills, perfectly neat Irish Country homes, rugged sea cliffs and challenging country roads, oh and sheep ... sheep everywhere - but they are good with cars, they just ignore you.

    There a handful of villages - just what you would expect in Ireland - but a little more focused on holiday makers - and water sports - even surfing. We went the the furthermost place west - Keen Bay where they used to net Basking Sharks for their oil, the basking shark are the largest fish in the North Atlantic, and they once swam off Achill in abundance - almost 10,000 were caught between the 1950s and 1980s. The sharks had a liver that was 25% of their body weight - so they could get 400kg of oil from each shark - they used the oil for street lamps - makes you think ?

    We went to the Deserted Village at Slievemore which consists of some 80 – 100 stone cottages located along a mile long stretch of road on the southern slopes of Slievemore mountain. While some of these dwellings were occupied as summer ‘booley’ homes within living memory, the area itself is rich in archaeological artifacts including megalithic tombs dating from the Neolithic period some 5,000 years ago. Its hard to find out why the village was abandoned, it seems to have happened before the famine, who knows why?

    A fun day on Achill Island was completed by me having a fish platter - eight different types of shell and scale fish - all cold - a real treat.

    Tomorrow we head back to Dublin to get ready for our flight to Venice.

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  • Hari 37

    Leaving Ireland

    29 Agustus 2017, Irlandia ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

    Today we are heading to the airport hotel - to make an early getaway tomorrow. First I have to front the B&B owners with the news that I have broken one of their fine bone china cups - they took it well. Woke up with a sore throat - don't want to be sick for the rest of my holidays...

    Our first stop was Westport. I had wanted to stay here but all the rooms were booked or too expensive. We called into the famous Wyatt Hotel, Mary had a local G&T and I had a red breast - had to have one before we left Ireland. Mary suggested we should have one last cup of tea, so we called into a tiny Tea Room. The owner, Andrew Irvine was very interesting - apart from serving tea, he developed smart phone apps. His most famous is the Drive Safe app, which automatically turns the ringer off on your devices when you are driving - it is used world wide and he provides it for free!! Unfortunately not available for iphones, Nevertheless a very keen young man.

    Andrew suggested we take the scenic route to Galway - what a good idea. The roads were great for driving at the start, but then became a little skinny - Mary had her foot through the firewall and a firm grip on her seat all the way - and all muscles tight! After a while we where in mountain and lake country - a most unbelievable part of the world. it reminded us a lot of Scotland.

    When we get home we will have to do some research on the areas of Connemara, Joyces Country and Lar Connaght.

    Traffic was hopeless through Galway - took about 1.5 hours, so we arrived at our hotel at nearly 8pm - a long day.

    Tomorrow up early and on the plane to Venice via Amsterdam.

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  • Hari 39

    Don't go via Amsterdam - ever

    31 Agustus 2017, Belanda ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

    The plan for today was easy. Our travel agent had organised two flights, leave Dublin at 11am, arrive in Amsterdam at 1:35pm, then leave Amsterdam at 2:25pm to arrive in Venice at 4:05pm.

    Of course it didn't happen that way. Stay with me dear reader its a lesson in overseas travel.

    I had arranged to return the hire car at 9:30am so I set a challenge for Mary to be ready by 8:30am and she was. Reception said it was easier to go left out of the hotel and then right at the next turn - a 10 minute drive. Following those directions we found the airport okay, but where were the hire car yards? Not hard I thought, just drive around a couple of times and I will see them.

    Now, I would have thought that airport people would had just 5 signs for travellers, arrivals, departures, short term parking, long term parking and hire cars. Apparently hire cars, although a huge parking lot, are not important to the Dublin Airport people and the money spent on branding hire cars is wasted - couldn't see a coloured sign anywhere - but we were close according to Mary's iPhone, (the SatNav) is packed in my suitcase. I stopped at a petrol station and asked for directions - left, then first exit from the big roundabout. I saw a Europcar subtle bus and followed that - thank goodness, after the roundabout it was left, lefth and left again and when we got there a sign in green about the size of a beer carton - not good enough! Dropped the car off and got the okay then bullied ourselves onto the next shuttle bus.

    We checked in okay 22.8kg each on a 23kg allowance phew, and went to the departure lounge in good time. Time passed and no announcement until at 11:30 we were advised that rain in Amsterdam had delayed our flight by an hour but we should be boarding soon. At 12:00 we boarded, think we would still have time for our connection - I was reassured by the hostess that if we were delayed so too might be our connection.

    We sat on the plane for a further 2 hours.The pilot finally gave us a message and said that we did have an opportunity to leave after the first hour on the plane, but an airport staff shortage meant that we had no-one to drive the truck to push us back! So we left 3 hours late.

    Arriving in Amsterdam we went looking for an information desk. No chance, just a row of electronic terminals for self help. I couldn't understand exactly what to do and so asked for help - staff were stressed [mainly older female in poorly fitting uniforms at KLM] and I was told to have another go. Mary and I were rescheduled on and 8:30pm flight but had seats miles apart - I managed to get seats 7H and 8H.

    Of course the 8:30pm flight was not going to be on time - kept on getting further delayed. I tried to get seats together again but couldn't. We finally boarded at 9:30pm with the person at departures getting us together in row 5 with more leg room - thanks!

    Arriving in Venice at 11:30pm we looked at options to get to our hotel. The private boat was €120 or $180 - no, so we opted for the public boat - all stops for €16 each. The trip takes about 1 hour 20 minutes so we caught the midnight boat and arrived at our hotel at 1:30am. We had to walk up through St Marks Square - no-one there, our shoes and suitcase noise echoed around the walls. Finally we walked down a small lane where a man smoking in the shadows said "Mr Peter Dane" - he had been waiting for us - thank goodness Mary phoned ahead.

    Lesson learnt - try to get direct flights, hang the expense ...

    Anyway the apartment is first class and the location is excellent -time for bed ....

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  • Hari 40

    A day in Venice

    1 September 2017, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

    After yesterdays events, it was a slow start today [again]. This apartment is in the heart of Venice, a few yards from St Marks square. It's not the regent queen's style, more of a blokes apartment with heaps of space, 4 rooms, good size bathroom with a usable bath, good air conditioning, the list goes on - very happy. We had a view of the canal and gondolas from our lounge window.

    We started the day with a healthy hotel breakfast and we were off. The hotel asked if we could leave the key at reception, as we did they offered us a free trip to Murano Island and a free demonstration of glass blowing - we said thanks. I guess they thought we were wealthy because we were given our own guide and shown around the 11 show rooms of Murano Glass, each piece well over €1000 - I would say average of €3000 - they did offer free postage on items over €1000! After the guided tour we were offered a look at items in the gift shop ... phew, things we could afford.

    We had a walk around Murano Island, stopped for a beer and wine, then took the free boat home - one of those Italian speed boats - I felt like James Bond or someone from the Italian Job.

    Later in the afternoon we went for a walk - just walk in any direction and see where you end up- is great. It was so hot that I had to buy a hat. Had some gelato - fantastic. We ended up in the Hard Rock cafe - staff were very friendly and so that was most enjoyable.

    Venice is perfect for just wandering around - there is a surprise around every corner - so many shops and while they look a little messy on the outside, inside these shops are like a wonderland. Venice is living up to my expectations.

    Rain is forecast for tomorrow - but that should not affect the shopping.

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  • Hari 41

    Venice is made for Italians

    2 September 2017, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

    Yesterday we explored the San Marco area of Venice, closest to our Hotel - we still got lost deliberately and saw plenty of interesting sights.

    Today we headed towards the Rialto Bridge. If you haven't been to Venice, you must.

    There's no traffic in the streets apart form the occasional porter with a trolley load of suitcases. The street/lanes are generally wide enough for about 5 people to walk side by side, but on many occasions only 3 people can pass. There is shop after shop after shop. And get this, no "doof doof" music in the shops. The lanes are paved in well trodden stones - not many rough cobble stones - it is warm and friendly. The Italians always greet you with great happiness and love a laugh.

    Its not far to the Rialto Bridge, you could walk it in about 15 minutes I reckon - but rushing is not the way to do it, you must take your time, look around you and above, watch the Gondolas navigate tricky bends in the canals and enjoy yourself.

    Yes there are tourists everywhere - its packed - but that's okay, as I said, no need to rush, just go at your own pace. Having said that, I didn't enjoy the big crowds in St Marks square - too much bumping into people and trying to avoid being part of their 'selfies'.

    The Rialto bridge has 3 sets of stairs, one on each side and one up the middle. Between the stairs are two rows of apartments. Covering the bridge are hundreds of people trying to take photos of themselves and their glamorous partners.

    We bought more gifts to take home, sat and had a drink - Mary had a Aperol Spritz. It was very nice, refreshing and not too sweet.

    For the evening meal we wandered down some back streets to a family restaurant. A huge rain downpour started and lasted for about 30 minutes - it was fun watching people getting soaked in the rain. For the hell of it we tried the set menu - 4 courses. First we had a cold meat platter, then a pasta dish [nice] and then ... a deep fried processed meat of some sort in bread crumbs and chips (disgusting) and then we finished with dessert, I had apple cake and Mary had Tiramisu (saving the day). The waiter said we ordered the deep fried thing - I don't think we did. Won't go back there.

    Back to our room I have bought a little bottle of Grappa - thank goodness I didn't buy a big one - not my style of drink.

    Tomorrow, although thunder storms are forecast for the afternoon [they don't last long] we will head to the island of Burano.

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