The Roof of the World

октября 2019
We have toured the Chinese coast before but now we go inland—all the way into Tibet. To the opposite side of the world and into the world’s highest mountains—this is the ultimate trip. Читать далее
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  • День 8

    Three Gorges Dam

    11 октября 2019 г., Китай ⋅ 🌧 66 °F

    On a rainy Friday afternoon we visited the Three Gorges Dam, touted by the Chinese government to be the largest in the world. And it is, sort of. Though it is neither the longest nor the tallest, it contains the largest number of turbines (32) and produces more electricity than any other dam in the world. Begun in the 1980’s and finished in 2008, the dam is a wonder of engineering. Another wonder is how the project was approved. Requiring a two-thirds majority in the national legislature, the proposal to build the dam received a majority vote of 68%. Once the vote was completed, the Chinese government went ahead without wasting any time. Some problems were simply solved on the fly. The complex also contains a five-stage set of locks that raise or lower ships 300 meters to continue their journey on the river. Our ship will pass through these locks tonight. Whatever one may say about the communist government of China, once it decides to complete a project, it does not delay. From an engineer’s perspective, the structure is beautiful. It takes its place with four other dams on the Yangtze River to provide China with clean energy and to control the annual flooding of the river.Читать далее

  • День 9

    Misty Gorge

    12 октября 2019 г., Китай ⋅ ⛅ 57 °F

    We just returned from an excursion on sampans down a tributary of the Three Gorges of the Yangtze. Known as the lesser Three Gorges, they are the Sancheng Gorge, Qinwang George, and the Chantan Gorge. Their English translations give a better idea of their character: The Dragon Gate, Misty Gorge, and Emerald Gorge. The scenery here is like a fantasy. I have often seen oriental paintings of mountains with trees growing out the side of cliffs, and I have always assumed that the artist stylized these features for the sake of art. Today, however, I actually saw scenes that were every bit as beautiful as any painting I’ve ever seen. It is almost shocking to realize that the ancient Chinese painters depicted exactly what they saw. In addition, there were some caves perched high in cliff side caves. Though they appeared to be inaccessible, they contain coffins of the Ba people and go back centuries. One can only guess the means mourners used to haul the coffins up the side of such steep cliffs. According to the local traditions, the higher up the cliff side one buries relatives, the happier your family will be. We were astounded of the breathtaking beauty of this place.Читать далее

  • День 10

    Pagoda of the Purple Rain

    13 октября 2019 г., Китай ⋅ ☁️ 66 °F

    A mountain sticks up out of the ocean. At the tip of the spire sits a monastery. The Shibaozhai Buddhist monastery and nunnery was built in 1662 on a site long used as a fortress over the Yangtze River. Since the Three Gorges Dam raised the water level, the monastery’s perch on its mountaintop is not quite as high as it was in former days. Nevertheless, a short mountain climb is climaxed by a ninety-nine step ascent through massive timber work integrated into the side of the pinnacle. The view from the top is as spectacular as the massive Buddha who greets you there. Several tour groups assaulted the hill and navigated the traffic jam to share a lovely experience at the summit. I shared their urge to climb higher, but after I did so I came back down to spend a quiet, private moment in the lovely gardens at the base. In doing this I may have chosen the better part.Читать далее

  • День 10

    Fengdu Fog

    13 октября 2019 г., Китай ⋅ ☁️ 72 °F

    The city of Fengdu is almost completely obscured by smog on this Sunday afternoon. Though the temperature is around 70 degrees Fahrenheit, I still see coal smoke rising from many private homes.

  • День 11

    Jumping Off for Tibet

    14 октября 2019 г., Китай ⋅ ⛅ 64 °F

    A rainy morning took us to the lovely new airport in Chungching, where the security was more thorough than any place we have ever traveled. The situation was made much simpler by Ray’s expertise. He has not told us so but I expect he is Buddhist. He certainly knows a great deal about Buddhism and takes his family to Thailand ever year for a vacation during which he and his family receive instruction from a Buddhist master. We have a bag lunch provided by Viking in addition to the meal offered by the airline. It contains a generous bag of Oreo cookies. So here we sit waiting for the airplane. Life is good.Читать далее

  • День 11

    Tibet--Where the World is an Illusion

    14 октября 2019 г., Китай ⋅ ☁️ 64 °F

    Tomorrow we go to see the Potala Palace in Lhasa, Tibet. The fact is however, we’re already in a palace. The Saint Regis Hotel in Lhasa offers a palatial place to camp out for the next three nights. The mountains here, part of the Himalayas, are among the highest in the world. For the last two weeks in China the sun never broke through the fog. Here the sun burns with a blinding intensity that begs for gallons of sunscreen. The sky is a deep cobalt blue bordered by spectacular sunlit snowy peaks. This city lies 13,000 feet above sea level, and some of our group are already experiencing altitude sickness. Some are claiming to feel light-headed, nauseated or short of breath. We have been taking it easy since we arrived around 3:00 pm, and we feel fine. Of course we did start taking diamox twice a day two days ago.

    Shortly after the Communist Chinese came to power in 1949, they invaded this theocratic kingdom. The Dalai Lama, who is both the religious and political head, fled to India, where he set up a government in exile. Now in his nineties, he travels the world to give messages of peace, and to seek aid for his estranged kingdom. No longer seeking a military victory here, the Chinese are simply sending millions of new college graduates here every year to fill new jobs the state creates. The result is that the native Tibetan culture is being diluted in a Chinese sea.

    Tibetan Buddhism holds that all human experience in this world is merely illusion. Nothing perceived by the senses is important, only the spirit. Perhaps this belief explains why some Tibetans can be so poor, yet have a smile on their faces. Everyone here smiles all the time. They are a very gentle people from whom we in the west might learn something.
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  • День 12

    A Different World

    15 октября 2019 г., Китай ⋅ ⛅ 59 °F

    Tibet is on the opposite side of the world, but it might as well be on a different planet. Today we visited a house where the same short prayer is recited for two hours daily in a family chapel built into the house. We ate yak meat and sipped yak butter tea. We heard a debate between Buddhist monks. We saw a temple whose side chapels contained statues to ancient kings that had been canonized. I asked a woman at the Jokang Temple, repeatedly prostrating herself before a statue of the Buhha how many times she had to kowtow. She said, “More than a thousand. Ten thousand, in fact.” That was just for this visit to the temple. Throughout her life she must do at least one hundred thousand prostrations or else she had no hope of improvement in the next life. Prayer wheels are spun by individuals until they get tired or otherwise occupied. Then their battery powered prayer wheels continue to spin and earn them merit. Sound recorders with endless loops offer mantras day and night. The gods like that too and offer benefits in exchange. We did all these things in a place that, according to the local residents, does not really exist. Culturally and intellectually I was forced to unhinge my preconceptions to enter a world with its own logic, its own assumptions and its own reality. I am not saying that the religion, government and society here are nonsense. Quite the contrary. Everything we saw makes sense, but only according to Tibetan rules. I can understand why Buddhists ask the classical question, “What is the sound of one hand clapping,” but I cannot understand the question itself. All reality is illusion, all matter is evil, all worry stems from excessive preoccupation with that which is not real. Even life itself is merely the continuation of life that has gone on before. Though the temples, monasteries and mountains here are stunning, so is Tibetan thought. In fact, despite the beautiful structures, art and people we saw today, perhaps the most stunning thing about Tibet is its cognitive and intellectual flexibility. In Tibet theology is not prose, it is, rather, poetry taken literally.Читать далее

  • День 13

    Potala Palace--The Lost World

    16 октября 2019 г., Китай ⋅ 🌙 32 °F

    The Potala Palace was built in the eighth century and destroyed in the eleventh. It was rebuilt and stands today perched high upon its mountain. The 1.7 mile climb up is arduous but worth the effort. Unfortunately photographs were not allowed inside the former residence of the Dalai Lama. Even so, the pictures we were allowed to take on the outside of the building were remarkable. Until 1959 this was the home of the spiritual and political leader of Tibet, but when the fourteenth Dalai Lama was unwilling to embrace Maoism, he was spirited away by some of his followers across the border to India, where he set up a government in exile.

    The inside of the building is dark, smoke-filled with incense and festooned with colorful flags, pennants and banners hanging down from the roof and the rafters. Prayer wheels line the hallway leading to the Dalai Lama’s quarters. In his sitting room along the sides of the floors are colorful khangs, shin-high couches with velvet covered cushions. Some cushions are deep blue, burgundy, or even burnt orange. The thick incense smoke chokes visitors. Breathing is so difficult that the queue of tourists threading through the thirty rooms we saw stuffed handkerchiefs, scarves and masks over their noses. Dim, colored light trickles in through elaborately patterned stained-glass windows. A knee-high table holds a book, a prayer wheel, and a pair of glasses. Money from all over the world, offerings from devout worshippers, litters the floor in front of the table,. A display case holding a golden statue of the Buddha and two companion covers the entire opposite wall. The statue was two hundred years old when Jesus was born.

    Adjacent to this room is the library containing ancient books, translations from the original Sanskrit writings transported into Tibet centuries before Christ. These books themselves are quite old. Tibetan paper does not change color or become brittle over time, and in this dry climate can books last for millennia.

    Other dimly lit rooms hold more statues of the Buddha, some life-sized, some much larger. Always the thick cloud of incense almost obscures the view. Some statues are made of gold, others of lifelike polychrome ceramic. Some are smiling, others displaying fierce faces ward off evil. There are even female Buddhas, reminders that the Buddha has been reincarnated many times, sometimes as male, sometimes as female. These motherly goddesses called Tatas are especially adored by people who need a compassionate friend in the upper world.

    One of the most attractive rooms in the building is the assembly room. Here the Dalai Lama lectured his student for two hours each day. The room is large and comfortable, with palettes and khangs spread all around the floor. Narrow walkways wide enough only for a monk’s foot allow access to the center of the room. The ornate painted and carved ceiling is supported by square burgundy columns, smaller at the top than the bottom. The borders of each face of the two dozen identical columns display royal blue with gold painted trim. As in all the other rooms of the palace, the view is obscured by billowing clouds of incense smoke and tiny colored windows that make seeing difficult. Multicolored banners and prayer flags adorn the cushions on the floor and sag from the rafters above. The room is cluttered with them. Nearby in an adjacent room is a huge golden statue of the Buddha accompanied by famous Bodisattvas of history. Connecting rooms contain huge stupas covering the graves of other beloved teachers who were incarnated as the Dalai Lama.

    Eastern theology tends to be more poetic than prosaic, so one should not be surprised to learn that there has only been one Dalai Lama. He has been reincarnated, however, in fourteen different bodies. Yet, whenever and wherever he lives, the Dalai Lama is believed to be the same individual. The current Dalai Lama is over ninety years old. When he dies it will be interesting to see whether he names the person whose body will house his spirit in the next lifetime. Will he rule the government in exile in India? Will he live in the United States? Will his death mark the end of the Tibetan tradition of Buddhism. It will be interesting to see how all of these issues play out in years to come.
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  • День 13

    Ceng Gu Buddhist Nunnery

    16 октября 2019 г., Китай ⋅ ☀️ 54 °F

    Shortly before he died some of his disciples asked the Buddha, “Teacher, shall we allow women into our number or not?” Gautama replied, “I don’t know. I’ve never really thought about it, but, I don’t see why we shouldn’t.” So from the earliest days of the new religion, women were allowed on an equal footing with men. Today we went to visit a Buddhist nunnery located in a densely populated neighborhood in Lhasa. Before we reached the ornate ceremonial gate of the nunnery, however, we passed a number of shops selling women’s dresses, fruit and electric appliances.

    “These shops belong to the nuns,” my guide told me. “They raise money and it supports their work here in the community.”

    “What is their work,” I asked.

    “They have a small private school here, but their main work is to run their neighborhood clinic. They have a doctor trained in both traditional and modern medicine. Some of the nuns are nurses, other clean the facility, others are simply chore workers, but they do much good here.”

    A few more steps took me through an elaborate archway painted in ornate designs of blue and gold. It led to a plain courtyard whose main attraction was a tall staff that looked like a flagpole covered with a rainbow of prayer cloths. Tibetan Buddhists believe these colored, meter-square colored cloths represent prayers. They string them on lines draped from the top of the flagpole. Then at a religious celebration, the flagpole is twisted, and it becomes a color clad monument to the prayers they have offered.

    As I passed by an open door I saw that the nuns were filling a need in this poor community. A room full of older adults and children waited to see the doctor. We happened to arrive at lunchtime when the nuns were eating their common midday meal. The first red-robed figure I saw looked like a boy with shaved head. Then I saw that the monk had a beautiful face, and I realized that she was a nun, maybe sixteen years of age. I saw others whose gender was hard to determine. Nevertheless, they welcomed us with smiles and had already given our guide permission to allow us to photograph them at their meal. On several instances my eye caught that of a nun. Whenever that happened she would smile. I would nod, and she would return the greeting.

    Whatever their religion, I feel that God must be very pleased with the work these women are doing to help their neighbors. I can only guess what effect they may be having on the people in their poor community, but I know they certainly had an effect on me.
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  • День 14

    Arrival in Xi An (Pronounced Shee Ahn)

    17 октября 2019 г., Китай ⋅ ☀️ 63 °F

    We are in China is ancient capital of Xi’an. Our hotel, the Hyatt Regency, is yet another palace. The Chin dynasty was founded here 200 years before Christ. It is from the name “Chin” that the word China is derived. Not only that dynasty but also the Han and the Tang dynasties made this city their capital. The Chin sold silk to Roman emperors for their togas. The Han had the Chinese characters still in use. Any high school student can read with no difficulty documents written by the Han people two hundred years before Christ. The Tang presided over an unbelievably enlightened period when women could be Emperor. There is even an ancient work of art showing women playing polo. The Dark Ages were dark only in Europe.Читать далее