
April 2024
The Motley Crew in Kauai Read more
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  • Day 6

    Turtles & Sunsets

    April 12 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    Throughout our stay, whenever we ventured near Poipu beach, we would get to stop and see the turtles. At anytime, there were 2-5 huge turtles laying on the beach. Never once did we see them move, but there they were. Evidently, they come to shore to sleep at night, so we always got to see them there.

    We also tried to see the sunset at Poipu beach, on multiple occasions. But we always missed it. Either we were too late, it was too cloudy, or it just didn’t happen. So, somehow, this was a sunset-less trip to Hawaii. Weird, right? I do think it didn’t help that it rained almost everyday that we were there - including our first night when we flew in and the day of our early morning departure. They aren’t kidding when they say this is the rainiest island. It’s wet.
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  • Day 7

    The Only Child

    April 13 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

    First vacation as an only child. It was quite different. First of all, I had to share a row with mom and dad instead of having a kids and a parents row. Another key difference was having a room all to myself. I happen to have a massive king size bed where I could sleep any way I wanted and not fall off. But it did feel quite lonely with no one to scratch my back. During the day, it was very different because I didn’t have a partner to hang out with but rather stuck with those two. It was quite nice at times and also with some missing family members (not saying names), I think we were all able to just take some time and relax on vacation. This is new! Overall loved this trip, just wishing I had my travel buddies with me and missing them lots.Read more