Cycling Europe 2022

juli - augustus 2022
Change of plans: Lisa and I are cycling 1,900 miles from Glindow (Near Berlin), Germany to 💕Mol, Belgium.💕 July 4 - August 10 ❤️🚲🚲❤️ Meer informatie
  • 42Footprints
  • 8landen
  • 39dagen
  • 378foto’s
  • 35video’s
  • 15,6kkilometer
  • 13,5kkilometer
  • Dag 7

    Day 7: Bautzen, Germany

    10 juli 2022, Duitsland ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    Sorry, we have been a little bit behind on our posting. For now, let the pictures be the message. 😀🚴🏼🇩🇪

  • Dag 8

    Day 8: Dresden, Germany

    11 juli 2022, Duitsland ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

    After breakfast with Carola and Ingolf (Warmshowers), we rode in the cool (56°) morning air to explore the amazing architecture of Bautzen. We always enjoy the slow morning spins, often bouncing along the cobbles, and avoid collisions with tour groups, bicycle commuters, and walkers. We picked up lunch about 1/2 way on our nearly 60 mile day, and looked for a sunny area to enjoy a nice picnic. We found a countryside picnic table overlooking the historic13th century medieval castle🏰 if Stopen. Another amazing moment of our first week of riding. Lunch was followed with more sunny riding, exploring around the castle, swimming in a lake. and some adventurous trail riding.. Jim’s route also took us on a hidden little trail with waterfalls and a huge statue with classical music playing in along the trail. We arrived to the Elbe River at the 40 mile mark and rode along it to Dresden. The Elbe is nearly 650 miles long and flows from the north of the Czech Republic🇨🇿 to the North Sea in Hamburg, DE🇩🇪 We made it to Dresden to Nico, Sabine, and Lukas’ flat about 6pm, after a brief spin through the city center. Nico stayed with us in 2017 when cycling around the world. We visited his parents in 2018 in Paris, and him in 2019 in Munich. We give Nico the credit for motivating us to explore bicycle touring in Europe. ❤️ The evening was spent sampling wine they brought bank from their three week tour in Burgundy, FR 🇫🇷 We also enjoyed homemade soup and quiche. Nico is originally from France and teach French, and Sabine grew up in East Germany and works in HR for designer watch company. Beautiful sites and riding today!Meer informatie

  • Dag 10

    Day 10: Most, Czech Republic

    13 juli 2022, Tsjechië ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

    We left Nico & Sabine’s About 8 AM after having breakfast. We had a great ride through the changing terrain of the Elbe river valley to the hills separating Germany and the Czech Republic. We had some of the longest climbs of the trip so far, but after entering the Czech Republic, we were graced with a beautiful over look into the Czech Valley below. We stopped at the Lookout point for a bratwurst which was served with a large dollop of horseradish, mustard, and a slice of bread. We were over halfway for our 63 mile day around noon, but we managed to mess around and take our time. We got to Most, CZ and checked into our Airbnb. After a bit of relaxation, re-organizing, and cleaning up, we are going to adventure out to a recommended restaurant.Meer informatie

  • Dag 11

    Day 11: Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic

    14 juli 2022, Tsjechië ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    Another amazing day. We got on the road early, hoping to get to our destination of Karlovy Vary early. We wanted to have time to go to a restaurant that I had scouted out before leaving, and take a nice stroll through the city. I highly recommend that you do a Google search of Karlovy Vary, and read a little bit about the history of the city and look at the images. It’s crazy beautiful! The riding has been quite tough, as I try to take us on some of the hidden little trails, and this has led to some difficult horse trails with large gravel. So far, we have had two flat tires. I cut my sidewall on a jagged rock, the patch has been helping a bit, but I need to pump up the tire a couple times during the day. I am going to have to take some time for a better repair. Yesterday, Lisa got a cut on her tire from some glass, but it seems like the sealant is holding well. The crazy part of the day was having to navigate around some road construction, and carrying our bikes over a set of railroad tracks. We ate lunch about halfway and made it to Karlovy vary about 4:30 PM. We had enough time to have a romantic evening together!Meer informatie

  • Dag 12

    Day 12: Mehlmeisel, Germany

    15 juli 2022, Duitsland ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    I walked down about 7 AM to take a morning stroll in Karlovy Vary and find a morning java. The nice lady at the front desk (actually the owner of the hotel) said it would be hard to find one that early. She then Said she would make me a traditional Czech coffee and also offered me some tiny pastries that were from her niece’s wedding. I sat on the front terrace and did some people watching, and the owner chatted with me for a bit about the history of the area with the Russians and Russian tourism. Lisa got ready and joined me for a walk and we spent about one hour walking around the city. We were seeing people drink something out of these strange drinking vessels, and realized that they were drinking the natural hot spring water from different taps around the city. The different waters are supposed to have different types of healing effects for the body. I guess that’s why the coffee shops weren’t open. It was a peaceful walk around the city, and everything seemed to move in slow motion until the hustle and bustle started around 9 AM. We had a great breakfast and got on the road around 9:30 AM. About 2 miles into the day I hit a sharp stick and that was it for my rear tubeless tire. I put on my trusty continental spare tire with a tube, And we rode on along the river and giant rock pillars to Loket, CZ. We spent a lot of time exploring Loket, which caused us to reach or hotel (Gausthaus)in Mehlmeisel, DE at 8 PM. We watched a beautiful sunset from the back deck, and relaxed with a picnic style dinner in our room. A lot of nice riding today, but it felt like we were moving in slow motion for the nearly 70 mile day.Meer informatie

  • Dag 13

    Day 13: Bamberg, Germany

    16 juli 2022, Duitsland ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    It was a tough day of cycling with a lot of ups and downs, and a headwind. When we arrived in Bamberg we took a spin through town to see some of the sites. Since it was Saturday, and there was a magic show festival going on, it was super busy and difficult to get through the crowds. We arrived at our Warmshower hosts at 7:00 pm, And got cleaned up quickly, started some laundry, and headed out for a walking tour and dinner. It was another fun day, but we were definitely exhausted and ready for bed after eating some traditional Bavarian food and beer.Meer informatie

  • Dag 14

    Day 14: Nürnberg, Germany

    17 juli 2022, Duitsland ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

    The temperature was a lot hotter today, but the riding was much easier. We spent most of the day riding along one of the canals leading into Nürnberg. Since it was Sunday there were tons of tourist, and it thousands of cyclist out enjoying the nice weather. We arrived Nürnberg at about 5 pm, did some site seeing, and met our Warmshower hosts Magdalena and Andrew (US Citizen) at 6 pm. We had a nice dinner near the center of the city at one of their favorite restaurants. We had some great talks about the education system of the United States and Germany. Andrew is getting his PhD in American studies. He said it’s amazing that he can get his masters degree and PhD in Germany and it’s basically free. Magdalena is a French and English teacher at the high school, and she just has two more weeks until it is finally summer break. We have talked and most of you about how much we enjoy the network Warmshowers, and we are still amazed at how much we can learn from others in the hospitality we see every time! ❤️Meer informatie

  • Dag 15

    Day 15: Neumarkt, Germany

    18 juli 2022, Duitsland ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    The morning was spent touring the city of Nürnberg, As we had a shorter day of only about 50 miles today. The temperature is getting much hotter in Germany and it was nearly 95° today. Definitely the highlight of the day was the morning . Although, we did have some nice riding along bike trails, some beautiful castles, and a climb to the ruins of in castle as our day was coming to a close. On our morning tour after visiting the city center and having a coffee while we did some people watching, We visited the Nazi political rally area. It was quite eerie to stand in some of the same places that I had seen Hitler stand in documentaries. We stayed at another Warmshower, With Natalie and Jan. Jan (58) Has been a teacher in Bavaria for over 20 years, and in two weeks he is leaving for Malaysia to teach in a German school for three years, He seems very excited for his adventure! His wife is also a teacher, and will remain in her job in Germany. We had a great vegetarian dinner, followed by a large platter of different cheeses, and we sat around the picnic table in their shaded garden until about midnight chatting.Meer informatie

  • Dag 16

    Day 16: Ingolstadt, Germany

    19 juli 2022, Duitsland ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

    After a great rest at Natalie’s and Jan’s we had breakfast with Jan before heading out in the heat for Ingolstadt. Natalie had to work early and since Jan had the day off, he rode with us for about thirty miles. It was awesome having Jan as a tour guide. We had a drink at an Abbey that specializes in organic products, and we bought some salami and cheeses to sample. After parting with Jan, Lisa and I pedaled on through the the heat to get to Ingolstadt before 5 pm. We were excited to visit Ingolstadt for the 2nd time, and excited to catch-up with Meike and Herbert are Warmshower hosts from 2019. The evening was spent at a near by lake swimming and having a picnic dinner just before sunset.Meer informatie

  • Dag 16

    Day 17: Munich, Germany

    19 juli 2022, Duitsland ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

    After an energizing evening and morning with our good friends Meike and Herbert, we were ready for a wonderful day of riding to Munich!
    The 60 mile route from Ingolstadt to Munich was filled with rolling hills of hops, corn, and full bloom sunflowers! We had 45 miles by noon, and it was another beautiful ride! The last 12 miles were along a crushed gravel bicycle trail paralleling the Isar River. About 5 miles from our destination of the Japanese area of the English tea garden Jim had a rear flat tire. It was luckily along the river where we could repair it then cool are feet in clear water. After we cooled off, we arrived and drank a few cold beverages, and filled our bellies with Bavarian sausage, sauerkraut, and of course a giant pretzel! After cleaning up at our AirBnB we did a 8 mile ride to some sights in Munich. The City center with the famous Glockenspiel was a relaxing area to soak in the atmosphere, and the hot weather had thousands of people picnicking, partying, and jump in the River of the English Gardens. We are always amazed at the quietness and respect of others in large crowded areas. We stayed in the English Garden until the darkness ended another special day.Meer informatie