  • 日11

    Planning and drinking

    2022年10月5日, オーストラリア ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

    Today has been lovely. Not the weather, its rained since 10am, what kind of Aussie weather is this! But the vibe of today, the feeling around the group.

    I started off bright and early, 7:30am. Honestly loving an early morning at the moment. The bathrooms aren't all being used, the kitchen is quiet and still almost clean, it's great.

    Woke up a little earlier than I have been though as I had my travel 1-1. Two hours later, my life is planned out until next September! Exceedingly daunting but also relaxing knowing it is all there if I want to. Will almost definitely alter the plan, but so far I'm happy with it.

    Ended up going for a bit of a wander around Flagstaff gardens and the library after my meeting. The Gardens were surprisingly nice for what was essentially just a block square of park with some trees on the edge of the CBD. There were some pretty trees that looked very spring like which I loved. The library was about 5x larger than I was expecting. It covers almost an entire block square as well. Inside is insanely spacious and spilt into loads of study sections. It is clearly a hot spot for uni study, which makes sense as it is practically encircled by the university campus. It is also the state library of Victoria which is why it is so large and intimidating.

    After, I popped back to the hostel for lunch because the rain was really annoying me. I found a panini machine in the corner, I have been raving about this little thing all day, but my sandwiches were so good toasted. And they tasted amazing and cost me nothing, a win win.

    Then I had a lovely midday nap. Nothing like an hour power nap to make you feel better and ready for a night out. We began our bar crawl with pizza and one of the best ciders I have tried. It somehow mixed sweetness with dryness perfectly. Then we headed to an arcade bar. I didn't end up playing anything as it was kind of expensive to play each game and spent the entire time chatting with one of the girls on my tour. We both agreed that though being out was fun, we would both rather have a book on the beach than be at a party! Guess that makes us sound old, but it's much nicer than the headache, bar 3 and 4 gave me.

    Bar 3 was actually a lot of fun. The DJ was a friend of the tour guide and played loads of singalong hits. Were talking ABBA, Dua Lipa, loads of hits from the last 20/30years. We were all up dancing and having a laugh, it was great. But then Bar 4 was not it. The music was more base and rap, not my style at all. A lot of the others were quite drunk at this point so were able to just dance to the beat, but I was definitely beginning to struggle.

    Around midnight I was saved from being the first to call it, when one of the others offered a trip to Macies. Four of us chose that opportunity to escape and walked through yet more rain in search of food.

    All in all it was a great day, got a lot done and had a nap. Tomorrow is the last day of the tour. We have a roof top BBQ at midday. It seems strange that we are at the end, I cant decide if it's gone past in a flash or if everything felt like it happened a month ago. Even now, as I'm writing this, it feels like my meeting this morning was a week ago!