traveled in 3 countries Read more
  • Day 30

    Back to Sweden

    April 19, 2023 in Sweden ⋅ 🌙 1 °C

    Today I made the 10 hr drive back to Sweden to my Airbnb in Ljungdalen. The drive was long, but I got to see a few herds of reindeer and found a fantasy audiobook to enjoy. When I arrived at the location I realized that the address just brought me to the middle of town, not to my Airbnb. And I had no service to get anymore information. I went to the tourist center and gas station in time for wifi or help, but both were closed and there wifi password protected. It was getting late, around 6:30, and I needed help. While I sat at the gas station weighing my options 2 people wrode up on snow mobiles to re fuel. It took some courage, but I went up and asked for help. It was an older man around 60 with a jolly face and willing to help. He pulled up his phone and had reception to enter the exact address. I took a picture of his phone, thanked him for saving me and made my way to the cottage. When I found it I was jumping up and down with relief as I unloaded the car.Read more

  • Day 29


    April 18, 2023 in Norway ⋅ ☁️ 3 °C

    Today is my last day in Norway. I went to Fauske for my final grocery trip and bought ingredients to make my hosts no bakes to show some of my gratitude. The rest of my day was spent cleaning and packing. I showered and started a load of laundry then went back to the hose around 8 for a pizza dinner! Lila had made a gluten free pizza with moose, red onions, lactose free Alfredo/sour cream sauce and cheese. It was on of the best gluten free pizzas I've ever had! They liked the cookies and had one before and after the meal. (Morning) I tried to convey my gratitude of their hospitality and left around 8am.Read more

  • Day 28

    Back to the park

    April 17, 2023 in Norway ⋅ ☁️ 2 °C

    Today I went back to the park Lila works at. I tried to find the waterfalls but was unsuccessful. It was a nice hike though. I was a little stuck in my head throughout thinking about what I want to do when I get back; where should I go? Tie dye as a career? Sticking with Carfax? Going back to my friends in Colorado? Eventually I tried to drop it and enjoy the walk, but things kept popping up. I realized I was doing a lot of unconscious clutching and clinging and tried to release that. Then a thought arose, "but if I drop all of that (clutching, clinging, and excitement chasing) what will be left?" A scary thought, but it deepened my understanding of what you must pet drop away to become liberated. Choosing peace and fulfillment over entertainment and excitement is not as easy as it sounds.Read more

  • Day 26

    Big mountain summit

    April 15, 2023 in Norway ⋅ ☁️ 2 °C

    Today I woke up and decided to attempt the big mountain again. I snow shoed straight from the house. I decided to listen to music this time which gave rise to many different aesthetics as I went. There was almost no wind this time and the grouse were flying around making their gutteral sounds. There were some scary and uncomfortable moments when I found myself going sideways on very steep ground, but after about 5.5 hrs I reached the top! The panoramic view was stunning! To speed up my decent I would sit on the back of one of my snow shoes lift the spikes and slide down. It saved me quite a bit of time. By the time I made it back I had been gone for about 9.5hrs. Lila said I was the first guest to make it to the top with just snow shoes. My body is pretty beat up. I think I will have a recovery day tomorrow.Read more

  • Day 25

    Friday dinner

    April 14, 2023 in Norway ⋅ ☀️ 0 °C

    At 6 o'clock I went to the house for a shower and dinner! I had a swedish beer and talked with Lila and Gøran about meditation. They seemed interested. Lila had done a yoga retreat before that helped her relate. We also got on the topic of drugs and Gøran told stories of his experiences after graduating high school. Soon after the "red neck" neighbor (gnar?) came by. He was missing teeth, but that didn't keep him from laughing and smiling. We had moose steak with vegetables and home grown potatoes cooled in Swedish fashion. We then bad some wine and a cloud berry and cream dessert! Everything was delicious especially the dessert, it was extremely unique. And we finished the evening with some Irish coffee. It was very good, but I could not drink too much of it else I would be up all night. Our conversations ranged between travel (thialand), to history of the valley, to mental health, to the ethicality of zoos, and even Trump. It was a great evening!Read more

  • Day 24

    2nd mountain

    April 13, 2023 in Norway ⋅ 🌙 1 °C

    Today I hiked up the mountain behind the cabin. Before heading out I stopped by the house and talked to Gøran for awhile about his travels and woke culture haha. He told me it would be very windy, but I decided to go anyways. I used snowshoes and a lighter backpack than last time. It was much easier for me than the last mountain was. I saw some reindeer tracks on the way up, but no wildlife. However, when I got back Gøran said that 2 king hawks had been circling over my head for awhile, too bad I missed them. At the top of the mountain the wind was brutal. Possibly the strongest consistent wind I have experienced. I was not able to take many pictures because my hands got cold so fast out of gloves, but the view was very expansive. The hike took me about 6.5hrs.Read more

  • Day 23

    Lush forests

    April 12, 2023 in Norway

    Today I went down to the park that Liala works at. I started with the short trail which ended up taking me over 4 hours because of how enchanting it was. Lush green under brush, moss, and trickling streams combined to sweep me off to a fairyland aesthetic that I fell in love with. All along my walk I was picking and eating berries that I assume had just thawed from being frozen all winter. After many hours I faced timed my mom to share some of the area with her. After hanging up I walked down part of a ravine following a large, partially frozen river backed by towering black cliffs. I couldn't help but feel like a Nord living in nature. I did not hit all the trails, I will come back before I leave.Read more

  • Day 22


    April 11, 2023 in Norway ⋅ ☁️ 1 °C

    Today I went fishing at the largest Malstorm in the world! When I arrived it was too windy to fish so I waited awhile for it to calm down. After about an hour, I grabbed my gear and headed out. After casting for awhile I decided to change lures at which point I realized I needed new line because the line snapped when I tied it. I returned to the car and put new line on and a spoon. I casted in a few areas l, but nothing. It was an awesome place to spend the day, I still had a lot of fun, but no fish.Read more

  • Day 21


    April 10, 2023 in Norway ⋅ 🌙 0 °C

    Today was a day of recovery. I had some breakfast and relaxed in the cabin this morning before heading to the store. There was only a small section of the store open since most stores were closed for holiday today, but I was able to get some things. I'll get more tomorrow. I also spent some time walking along the shore in Fauske. It was very peaceful and beautiful. There were many people out enjoying the sun light breeze. It is an interesting feeling being by salt water in a colder setting. It has similarities to the feelings I experience being by the water in Florida, but different. It was very renewing.Read more

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