365 Nights on a Stretcher Bed

апреля - августа 2017
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  • День 1

    We've finally set off

    28 апреля 2017 г., Австралия ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    We set off from our house on Friday. It was sad to say goodbye Zack (my dog) Rosie and Rogan (the cats). But we are glad that Issie is here to look after all the animals and the house. Then we drove up and got on the spirit of Tasmania in Devonport. When we woke up the next morning we were in Melbourne then in the afternoon we went to see Carlton V Sydney with Tahi and his dad.
    On Sunday we were headed for Narrandera. We stopped at the Murray river for lunch and for a little fish in it. The Murray river is the border between NSW and Victoria. On Monday we stayed at Dubbo then the next day we went to the zoo and had a day at the zoo. On Wednesday we set off for Goondiwindi. On the way we saw some cotton along the side of road and there was a big cotton farm next to the road and there was also big trucks with cotton bails on them. We learnt a little bit about cotton and how it grows and that it is important that we have bees to help grow the cotton so if we didn't have bees we wouldn't have undies. We just stopped at a rest area for the night. Today (Thursday) we are staying at my uncles farm in Boompa. So far we have driven 2200 km averaging 314.3 km a day we have driven for 29 hours averaging 248 minutes and 30 seconds. My favourite part of this week was when we went to the football. Because Carlton won 97 to 78. After the game there was an after game celebration for members and I got my ball signed by most of the Carlton players.
    By Ben Callaway
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  • День 8

    We're just sinking in

    5 мая 2017 г., Австралия ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

    On Friday we went for a swim in the creek a few hundred metres from the house. We also attempted to get my kite in the air but we failed to do so then we played on the trampoline for a little bit. On Saturday we went for a drive around the farm in the farm ute that evening we went out for tea. On Sunday we planted a tree then that afternoon we watched the guardians of the galaxy. Then on Monday we left7:00 A.M then we had a 9 our day to get to Cape Hillsborough National Park. The next day we went on a big up to Andrews Point we walked back along the beach. On Wednesday we had to get up at 6:00 so we didn't miss our ferry from Townsville to magnetic island. On the first day on Magnetic Island we went for a swim in the pool. Then on Thursday we went snorkelling in Florence bay when we got back from snorkelling we went back to the campsite to have a quick swim in the pool. This week we have driven 1200 km averaging 171 km a day we have done 1140 minutes averaging 165 minutes a day. My favourite part of this week was when we went snorkelling. We saw lots of fish my favourite fish was a light brown fish with dark brown circles and in the circles was an electric blue. We saw some brain coral and a lot of other cool things.
    By Ben Callaway
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  • День 15

    We're In Cape York

    12 мая 2017 г., Австралия ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    On Friday we were going to leave Magnetic Island. We decided to go for a fish off the jetty before we left. When we were on the jetty I caught the first fish of the trip. A man walking past told me it was a Coral Cod. We got on the ferry and it took us back to Townsville. When we got off the ferry we set off for Cairns.
    We were going to meet some friends in Cairns who are called Henk and Mary and then do the cape with them. We stayed in Cairns until Sunday.
    Then on Sunday we went to Laura and stayed on a river bed there. At the bottom of the river was a little creek which we had swim in.
    On Monday night we stayed at Coen next to a river. At the river we put the opera net in. The next morning, Tuesday, when we pulled it up there were a fair few yabbies in it. When we counted them there were 20 yabbies plus 1 cherabin (fresh water prawn).
    On Tuesday night we celebrated getting to Weipa by having an entree of yabbies and cod then we had tacos for the main course.
    On Wednesday the boys went out fishing and brought us home some good fish for tea.
    On Thursday we went to Pennyfather Beach and did some fishing off there. We caught two blue salmon and an Eagle Ray.
    So far we have driven 4900 km averaging 1633 km a week.
    My favourite part of this week was when I caught the fish on Magnetic Island. We were just fishing off the jetty with bait and we decided to throw some berly in the water. We saw some little fish swimming around it and then suddenly I had a fish on. Just as I was landing it some locals came past and one of them said 'that's a good cod mate. It was also really fun when we pulled up the opera net and there was heaps of yabbies in it.
    By Ben Callaway
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  • День 28

    BEST WEEK EVER!!!!!!!

    25 мая 2017 г., Австралия ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

    On Friday Henk, dad and I went on a fishing charter with Tackle World and I caught a massive black spot tusk fish. I also caught a mother-in-law fish (they are really bad eating), a blue lipped tusk fish (we didn't keep any), nannagyi and a finger mark. Henk caught a massive queen fish and I was really jealous about that.
    On Saturday we drove from Weipa to Fruit Bat Falls. We stayed at Fruitbat Falls for most of the day. It was really hot on Saturday so we were glad when we got in. We climbed up the waterfall and jumped off into the water and we also went under the falls which was really fun.
    When we finally got out we dried off and drove to Mutee Head, we were going to stay 2 nights. After one night some new people came and they had some kids called Lincoln and Zara who are quite nice and they have a drone which is really cool.
    The next day we moved to Seisia (pronounced say-see-a). Its really hot here.
    On Wednesday we went to the tip. We got up at 5:00 AM to try to see the sunrise over Cape York except we didn't get there in time but at least we made it to the tip. Then we went to the old abandoned resort and we went looking for the old bird watching tower but we didn't find that. Then we went to the croc tent and I bought a cap. Then we drove to Punsand Sands to have a swim in the pool and pizza for tea.
    On Thursday we took the boat out for a couple of hours for a trawl around. Then in the afternoon we went to see some plane wrecks from World War 2 which were really cool.
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  • День 29

    Moo cow don't bother me

    26 мая 2017 г., Австралия ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

    On Friday the boys went fishing at Jacky Jacky Creek. When they had left we went down to the wharf to watch the big ship being loaded. We saw them put on 3 cars and 2 caravans. One of the cars that was being put on was a car that we saw being towed to the wharf when we were putting the boat in.
    On Saturday we went on a tour of the Torres Strait Islands. We went to Thursday, Friday and Horn island.
    On Friday Is they have a big pearl farm which was interesting to learn about.
    Then we went to Thursday Is. On Thursday Is we had to be at Uncle Frankie's Cafe by 11:00 to take a tour and coincidentally our leader was called Frank except he wasn't the owner of the cafe.
    First we went to Green Hill Fort which was really cool then we went to the cemetery. As we were driving there Frank told us about the Japanese pearl divers and how they were shot by one of the canons of the fort and over 160 of them were killed. We went and had a look at some of their graves. Then we drove to the most northern pub in Australia for lunch and then we went back to the main land.
    On Sunday we set off for Bramwell Cattle Station which there was a buffet there so we thought straight to the buffet tonight. The manager had three rules 1. Children have to do the washing up 2. No children closer than 4 metres away from the bar after 4:00 PM 3. Well three isn't really a rule but it's children day today which means children set up camp while the adults relax.
    At the buffet everyone voted for a table captain (which was me) and then the singer started to play a song and the table captain had to get everyone to sing the song that he was playing. If they didn't they had to go up and sing a song in front of everyone. I couldn't get Henk or Erin to sing except I nearly convinced Henk by saying that if he didn't sing he would have to play a board game with me. He still didn't sing so I ended up having to go up and sing I Went Down in a Burning Ring of Fire and I was rewarded with a Bramwell Station magnet. When we were trying to get get to sleep 500 head of cattle were mooing but not even that kept me awake I was so tired. We drove for the rest of the week.
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  • День 36

    There's a skippy in the kitchen

    2 июня 2017 г., Австралия ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

    On Friday we went to Undara National Park. At Undara in the afternoon we went on a walk. Then in the evening we went to a quiz night.
    The next day in the morning we went on a walk around the Kalkani (pronounced cow-car-nee) Crater which was interesting then we went to the lava tubes. First we went on a walk then Wes (our guide)said that we were in the first lava tube except there was no walls or a ceiling and then he said that its a collapsed lava tube.
    Wes told us about a pink rock called granite which is pushed to the surface by very strong forces and he also told us about a volcanic rock called basalt which has a lot of holes in it. Granite won't let any water through it where as basalt is a really good natural filter and when it wears down it is this really rich soil. Then in the 1st lava tube he showed us some bones and said does anyone know what these bones are from and one little boy said a t-Rex they were actually from a pig who we thought had come down to eat a dead kangaroo (there was kangaroo bones as well) that probably died when it came down into the tube. Then in the next tube he showed us a micro bat which is about the size of an average persons hand then he showed us a granny cloak moth when they here the beat of a bat's wings they vibrate their wings really fast so the eco location doesn't hit them it hits the vibration that they sent out. On the way out of the tube there was a Tarantula on the wall except Wes said that's not a Tarantula that's the shell of Tarantula.
    The Eastern Horseshoe and Common Bent Wing bats live in the cave also the granny cloak moth and Tarantula and an Eastern
    Boobook Owl was in the cave waiting for a bat to come along for its lunch, plus there was cockroaches.
    Wes was telling us how one day N.A.S.A. came and he thought why would N.A.S.A. have anything to do with lava tubes except it turns out there was some tubes on the moon that look similar to these lava tubes and N.A.S.A. wondered if they were made the same way.

    After we had finished in the lava tubes we drove to Routh Creek and stayed the night there.
    The next day we drove to Cobbold Gorge and we stayed 1 night there.
    On Sunday we went on a tour of the gorge. First we went on a walk then we came to some boats and we got in them and went in the boats up a valley that leads to the gorge. The valley wasn't very wide so the boats had to have 2 motors at either end because they couldn't turn around.
    On Monday we drove to Walkers Creek for one night . We met someone who had caught some really big yabbies and he gave us some claws. We decided to put the opera net in for the night. When we got up the next day we found that there was no yabbies in it so we decided to put it in until we left. When we pulled it up there was two yabbies in the pot. Then we drove 30 km down the road to Karumba we stayed 2 nights there on the first day we went out in the
    boat. We caught 2 Bream and 1 Grunter Bream we also saw some dolphins.
    Then on Wednesday we went went fishing again except this time we had no luck at all. That night we had crab, fish and chips for tea while watching the sunset on the beach. The next day we went back to Walkers Creek for a night.
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  • День 43

    AWESOME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Week

    9 июня 2017 г., Австралия ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

    On Friday morning we went to the rodeo and saw the campdraft. In the campdraft you need to chase a cow around an obstacle course on your horse.
    Then we drove to a place called Gregory Downs and we stayed 3 nights there.
    On the first day there we didn't do much then on Saturday we went to Lawn Hill National Park and went on a bush walk along the side of Lawn Hill Gorge River which was a cool turquoise colour.
    On the way back we decided to go for a swim which was AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was really good because there was multiple waterfalls and there were lots of cool fish. We also jumped off the platform.
    On Sunday we went up to a swing someone had made and we swung off it then floated down the Gregory River on our boogie boards. My favourite bit about that was when we went in a rainforest bit that you can't see from the camp site. I also liked the really fast rapids just before our campsite.
    That evening we lit a fire and stuffed ourselves full with peanuts.
    The next day we were headed for a place in the Northern Territory called Frewena. That afternoon we went to Devils Marbles which was another thing that is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Because we could climb on them and the sunset over them was awesome!
    On Tuesday we arrived in Alice Springs and when we set up the tent we went in the pool. I mean in the four pools the first pool is heated but only 50cm deep 2 of the others are the size of normal pools except they're heated as well and the fourth pool is freezing except at the bottom of a giant water slide. There was also a bouncy pillow and a few playgrounds which Erin and I played on all of them the three days we were there.
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  • День 48

    We Arrive in the Red Centre Way

    14 июня 2017 г., Австралия ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

    On Saturday we got up early to go to rainbow valley. We had breakfast there and a little singing honeyeater came and had it with us. We got some really good photos of him though.
    We went on a walk past a clay pit and there was lots of crack on it. I decided to walk out onto it thinking it would crack while I was on it.
    Then that afternoon we arrived at a free camp near Uluru and set up then went and watched the sunset over the rock.
    The next morning we got up early again to watch the sunrise over Uluru.
    We went on a tour which was interesting except the rock climb wasn't open that day so we didn't get to climb it.
    The next day we got up earl yet again. This time it was earlier than all the others because we had to drive a little further because we were seeing the sunrise over Kata Tjuta. We had pancakes for breakfast that morning and then we went on a walk to walpa gorge which it was really windy in there except the walk was good then we went on a walk called valley of the winds which wasn't really that windy except the views were amazing.
    On that walk we saw some zebra finches which were pretty. When we were walking back I started to get hungry so I asked what was for lunch and it turns out that we have some really nice spreads on our sandwiches to look forward to.
    Then that afternoon we went and rode some camels which was AWSOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Especially getting on and off. Because camels are so tall they have to be on there knees while we get on and they stand up which is the fun bit.
    On Tuesday we got up and drove to a free camp near kings canyon the next day we drove to kings canyon and did the rim walk. We had to walk up a big staircase (there was about 250 stairs) before we got to the top then we started walking around the rim we came to like a shaded bit and had morning tea. Then we walked to the lost city and it was awesome there it looked like a city because it started off as big square bits of rock and then over time it has eroded down into domes that look like little houses. Then we walked to a lookout that looked down into the garden of Eden which we were going to have lunch in. So we walked down and there was a fair few stairs. When we got down there it was beautiful there was a nice waterhole (we weren't aloud to swim in it) and lots of rocks to sit on. We had spreads again. There was one sandwich left over so we gave it to a man who forgot his lunch he said “thank you I will really enjoy this” and it looked like he really enjoyed it. There was nothing else about the walk that was really that exciting so we went back to our campsite which is on the edge of a rocky slope which Erin and I had a really fun time exploring. We had a fire against the rock face and it was really cool views.
    On Thursday we set off for hermannsburg which is close to a place called Palm Valley. So we drove there and it's called palm valley because there is lots of cabbage palms. We went on a walk and we stopped at a little creek for a snack the creek wasn't very clean then we went back to our campsite for showers tea and a hot cocoa.
    On Friday we went to a lookout that showed us a crater and the aboriginal story is that 2 women were dancing and one had put her baby on the edge of the dance floor and the baby got knocked off. But the scientific story is that 142.5 million years ago a comet believed to be 600 metres wide hit earth making a crater 2km wide. That night we stayed at a place called 2 mile which is part of the Finke river.
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  • День 58

    Red centre way continued and finished

    24 июня 2017 г., Австралия ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

    On Saturday we got up and drove to a place called Ormiston Gorge and we went swimming there and the water was breath taking cold then we drove to the ochre pits and they were lots of different colours.
    After that we drove to Serpentine Gorge and there's a big lookout there which was amazing. So we decided to walk into the gorge which we thought wold have a lot of stinky dead fish in it. Except when we got there we couldn't smell a single dead fish and it was beautiful there.
    That night we stayed at Hugh River and we had a party there celebrating the end of the Red Centre Way. We had the last of our pure Tasmanian lamb which tasted awesome (as usual). We had music (the Bluetooth speaker went flat) and a fire. Pretty much the party was what you call fabulous.
    The next day (Sunday) we got up and drove to Simpsons Gap to see some rock wallabies. Some of them were having a boxing match and two of them were chasing each other around on the rocks. I really enjoyed it. When we had finished watching there show we drove back to Alice Springs to do some washing have a shower and do the shopping.
    We stayed there 2 nights and then set off for a place that's like Devils Marbles except different in many ways.
    Firstly its a lot smaller, secondly it has a different name (The Pebbles) and the similarity is that they look the same although The Pebbles is smaller. So we stayed there the night.
    On Wednesday we set off for Little River which was very little and I made a really big card tower. We also learnt how to play 500.
    The next day (Thursday) we got up ready to hit the road or should I say the very long and bumpy driveway of Lorella Springs. When we arrived we realised we had to cross a hot spring every time we wanted to get in and out of our campsite.
    For the rest of the day we just relaxed in the springs and then paddled up to the source of all the hot water. We had a swim up there and it was reasonably hot.
    On Friday we got up early to go to Nudie Hot Springs (you don't actually go in without any clothes on, it's just the name) for a quick swim (it wasn't very quick).
    We decided to walk up to the place where the hot water comes out and goes down into Nudie Hot Springs. We thought the water would be 50 degrees because a man told us it would be. When we got there it wasn't 50 degrees but it was still pretty hot. We walked up a little bit further and when we got to the top we could see all around us except for the bit where there was a tree in the way. We went back to the springs for a little swim and then went back to the homestead.
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  • День 65

    Lots and Lots of Things To Do

    1 июля 2017 г., Австралия ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

    On Saturday we decided to go to the Waterslide, Archway and caves. At reception they said to do the waterslide first then the archway and then the caves except we did it in the opposite order so we do the water slide at the hottest part of the day.
    When we got to the caves, the first one we had to crawl to get into. When we got in there there were lots of dragon flies and bats, there was also a dead bat. I shined the torch on the bats and then suddenly I felt something sort of soft sort of hard thing hit my neck. When I looked around the bat was gone.
    That evening there was a fire works display because it was Territory Day and there was a big fire as well.
    On Sunday we didn't do much we did a bit of school and then spent the rest of the day in the hot spring.
    On Monday we packed up and drove to Rosie River fishing camp which is on Lorella Springs property. It was very bumpy on the road in so I couldn't do much but I survived. When we got in we saw some people camping on the river so we got out and had a little chat with them and they said that nearly every time they casted they caught a queen fish. So we got a rod out and had a cast except we caught absolutely nothing!
    Because there weren't any spots where we were we drove a little bit further up the river and found some free camp spots. We backed in, took the boat off and set up the camper trailer. After we set up we quickly went and set up a couple more rods and had a cast, this time with the advice of using a popper. We caught a few queenies.
    The next day we did some fishing in the morning then went to the barramundi pools for a little fish for some Barra. On the way Erin and I went and stood in a spot that we thought nobody had ever stood in because most people would just keep walking to the pools. Also I was a little bit bit behind Erin and dad and they were stopped. I wondered why so I asked and then I saw the big bull in the path. Suddenly the bull started running towards us so we quickly went behind a tree. And then it just stopped turned around and ran up the track and across the river.
    On Wednesday we took the boat out and caught one queeny each except Erin, then suddenly she got on. I thought it was a big one so I started videoing it. When she got it in the boat we realised that the hook was in deep so it took us a while to get out and by the time we got it out the fish was dead.
    We didn't have an esky and we weren't that close to our campsite so we threw it back into the water and it just floated there. A sea eagle and two whistling kites came and stood in two trees near it then some more sea eagles and some more kites came along except not one of them was very hungry so we gave up on trying to watch them take the fish and started off home (I mean to our campsite except we just call it home). We heard a splash and looked back and the sea eagles and the kites were fighting over the fish.
    When we got home we did some more fishing and I caught a big queen fish except we didn't have anything to measure it with so we measured it from the bottom of my foot and it went all the way to my waist.
    That afternoon we went to Brolga Billabong and had a swim (this time we didn't have any clothes on) which we found very refreshing after doing all that fishing and hanging around the saltwater.
    On Thursday we packed up from Rosie's and went to Alaska Pool. Rhett (the owner of Lorella Springs told us Alaska Pool would be covered in a carpet of green slime except when we got there it only had a little bit of green slime but otherwise it was fabulous.
    Then we kept on driving to Secret Fishing Spot. At Secret Fishing we saw that it didn't have much shade so we decided to drive back until we got to a little riverside camp where it was easier to put the boat in rather than the actual camping spot. We needed the car to winch the boat out and also to drive to the beach.
    We went to get the jockey wheel down we realised that we had hit something which made the jockey wheel bend.
    On Friday we got up and made damper and fire fried eggs except my damper took ages to cook. We then put the boat in and dad and I went out in it for about an hour and didn't really have that much luck so we came back in and had lunch and played a game. Then we went out again, this time we did some bait fishing and we realised rather than casting out, you just dropped it in the shallows and watched it and when it disappeared you had either lost your bait or a fish had got it. But either way you would still wind the line in.
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