Lofoten Roadtrip

Ogos 2020 - Jun 2024
Pengembaraan terbuka oleh Nora Baca lagi
Sedang dalam perjalanan
  • 5footprint
  • 1negara
  • 1,382hari
  • 25gambar
  • 0video
  • 185kilometer
  • Hari 2

    First night camping

    26 Ogos 2020, Norway ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

    Let's face it, driving long distance is tiring mainly, because we have been talking sooooo much and laughing a lot. We aimed to at least make it to the Lofoten sign tonight, to say we camped in Lofoten the first night but it never happened :) Nevertheless Norway is full of beautiful camping spots, so we decided to enjoy the night at this camp and get a good night rest to get ready for tomorrows adventures.Baca lagi

  • Hari 2

    A scenic drive

    26 Ogos 2020, Norway ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

    Today mostly we been driving around, and I landscape is breathaking all around. I am actually suprised we made it to near A, as we have been stopping so often to enjoy the breathtaking views of Lofoten. Slightly windy day, but it didn't stop us at all we even had a little piknik on beach and played some beach volleyball, which was mostly running after the ball 🙈 Eventually we made it all the way to South of Lofoten, decided to stay on a friends boat and went for a little evening hike. Seen beautiful sunset colours, Oana got so high on forrest berries she confused a white big cat with a sheep. It was one of the funniest moment of the day, but you really had to be there to understand. Anyways, as you see it in the pictures she eventually befriended the kitty 😻 After making our favourite dinner Pasta pesto, we dediced to get a good night sleep 😁 With 3 layers of blankets, lots of cuddles the boat was not so cold after all.Baca lagi

  • Hari 3

    No plans at all

    27 Ogos 2020, Norway ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

    We make such a good roadtrip team with Oana as we never usually plan along, we just wake up and see how we feel. We wanted to make it a fun active trip but somehow we were super tired this morning, maybe all the driving around and the beauties of Lofoten took all our energy. Oana convieced me in the morning not to get out of bed for an extra 15mins or so, as the boat was freezing, but nothing a hot tasty cappuchino couldn't fix. While waiting for our friends to return from their camping trip, we have decided its time to go for a hike or at least a walk. We drove to A and went for a really nice walk, the weather was rather cloudy and rainy, but Lofoten showed us its mistic views. For lunch we have made it back to the boat and finally met our sailor friends. Delicious lunch with wild mushrooms that we picked, little siesta and we were ready to hit the road again. No plan of where we are going to sleep tonight, but it was raining so much in the south we thought let's see if we can leave some of the these rain clouds behind. Well that never happened, but our adventures continued as we stopped in Reine for a walk and pod of orcas have treated us with quite a show. A magical day that we topped with camping near Fredvang, as we fallen asleep to the relaxing sound of rain.Baca lagi

  • Hari 3

    The first real hike

    27 Ogos 2020, Norway ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

    Wow we woken up to a sunny day, of course we had another 'lazy' morning. Started the day with a quick morning swim, it was rather refreshing, but after we enjoyed coffee and breakfast with a beautiful view. We tried to kayak, but let's not talk about that as it was rather a struggle with the wind and tide, but at least we tried. It was time to go for a real hike, we found a sign next to our camping spot that pointed to kalvika beach, so we thought why not go to a hidden little beach. We'll the beach was not little, but views were rather breathtaking. The rain was not very kind to us again today, but it still didn't stop us to have a little picnic on the beach. Well as Oana is known for her Siestas, she almost befriended this stranger and wanted to ask him if we can take a nap in his tent. Hehe luckily this never happened the hike back to the car was rather muddy, but it was just perfect to collect some tasty wild mushrooms. We packed the car and left to search for a new camping spot, while were aiming towards Tangstad, a delicious coffee and cake helped us to stay awake :) Around Leknes we have finally heard of our friends Liga and David and we have met and after a long talk eventually we have made plans. For the night we decided to go to Uttakleiv beach. We had such a fun night, we made a nice campfire and cooked a wild mushroom pasta.Baca lagi

  • Hari 4

    Doing nothing much at all

    28 Ogos 2020, Norway ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

    I have woken up to the sound of sheep's beeeew beew, but it was a very peaceful morning. Enjoy my morning coffee and knitting on the beach what can I say other than truly it was the perfect morning. The process of making breakfast, was not so easy but eventually we all agreed on how to make the scumbled eggs 🙈 Today is our last day, so we decided to take it easy and didn't do much at all, other then enjoying the beach, packing the car and droving towards Tangstad. We have tried some fishing but really what we needed was a nap as doing nothing all day can be tiring :) Went for a little walk, picked some more mushrooms and met more friends. After a very relaxing day we decided to enjoy the simple pleasures in life and drove to a friends Cabin finally treated ourselfs to a hot shower.Baca lagi