Costa Rica

May 2024
Oliver and me, living la Pura Vida! Read more
  • 2footprints
  • 2countries
  • 8days
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  • 1.7kmiles
  • 1.1kmiles
  • Golden hour swimming.Starting out right.

    May 17 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 86 °F

    Our vacation started off great with a quick trip to Indian Rocks Beach to squeeze in a late evening swim while the sun set, grabbing VIP (ie:Mexican food that makes you go yummmmmmm), and an evening of watching hockey before hitting the hay early. Getting up at the butt crack of dawn didn't save us from the hoards of travelers at the airport, but we got through two flights with no trouble and landed in beautiful Costa Rica. Pure vida!!! Then we had the adventure of a lifetime--I'm the driver. Oliver is the navigator and the motorcycle monitor. The roads are super narrow, deep, deep ditches on either side, full of potholes and hilly to the max with tons of twists and turns. I screamed so much that Oliver said, "Knock off the screams mom. Hold them in like you do your sneezes".
    People don't really feel like obeying speed limits or stop signs and they fly around corners with motorbikes zipping around to pass at the same time an entire family is walking their dog.
    Speaking of dogs, they are EVERYWHERE!!!! They politely wait by the side of the road to let you go by before crossing the street. Oliver said, "dogs are like the squirrels of costa Rica!". We are playing some great rounds of "Zitch Perro" but he's winning because I have to keep my eyes on the road.
    Kids hang out everywhere... No adults in site. One kid was sitting in a Ditch with only his head sticking out. We saw a hen push her flock of baby chicks into a ditch after crossing the road.
    (Why did the chicken cross the road? To check out the kid in the ditch).
    Driving around here makes me feel like I'm in a real life arcade game. We laughed until our bellies hurt... What an amazing start to our trip. Im loving every minute of it.
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  • Day 1

    Costa Rica: our first night

    May 18 in Costa Rica ⋅ ☀️ 72 °F

    I'm writing this lying on a gigantic swinging suspended bed looking out over the volcano and fields, listening to cows mooing, roosters cockadoodling, and the wind rustling the bamboo.
    The house is gorgeous... The entire front is glass overlooking the valley. It has swings, a fire pit, hydrangeas, a rock climbing wall and these wonderful neon blue green lizards.
    We are having a campfire tonight belle we hit the hay to get ready for our volcano hike tomorrow.
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