Let it snow Let it snow...

februar - marts 2023
Et 11-dags eventyr af Kingfisher Læs mere
  • 6fodaftryk
  • 2Lande
  • 11dage
  • 42fotos
  • 6videoer
  • 98kilometer
  • Dag 1

    The Capital of Peace

    24. februar 2023, Schweiz ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

    First stop for 2 days before our final destination, is Geneva, the Capital of Peace, home to 200 international organisations including the UN.

    Of course this Mediterranean, being winter, packed 16 layers, puffers, beanies and gloves etc because I dont do cold, and it turned out to be the most glorious summers day! I was overdressed but Karl the Viking, walked around the entire day in a tshirt!

    What a clean, pristine, picturesque city! It's kind of like a Helsinki vibe but with a European flair. People super chilled. It's also super expensive 🤑 Youll pay 3 times more in Swiss francs for something than you would in Euros!

    Staying at the gorgeous Hotel D'Angleterre (South African owned) with a view of Lake Geneva 😍.

    Spent the day exploring areas around the lake and the main city centre where we found a great end of season sale to buy some kit for skiing ... gulp ⛷️

    This is also the home of high end watches, fondue and master chocolates. Obligatory lake Geneva boat trip, stroll through Globus department store, lunch at Café du Centre a classical old school bistro and ended the evening with dinner at a local spot called Sons of Wine for great red wine and a charcuterie board.
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  • Dag 2

    Who's been sitting in my chair?

    25. februar 2023, Schweiz ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

    Another beaut of a day in Geneva. Woke up to an incredible view of the lake as the water taxis opened for business.

    There were people doing Tai chi on the dock some cold water swimmers and runners all taking advantage of the weather.

    Took a trip to the Botanical gardens, the United Nations Building/entrance and found the "Broken Chair" at the Places de Nations. Standing 12 metres high on its 3 legs, the sculpture symbolizes both fragility and strength, imbalance and stability, violence and dignity. The work by renowned sculptor Daniel Berset, is made of 5.5 tins of wood and has a simple message : remember the victims of landmines & urge your government to promote a ban on landmines.

    Strolling around the lake, which by the way is as clear as Mauritian waters, we came across loads of swans .... wait..... swans on a lake ... Swan Lake?? 🤣 Visited the man-made Beach on the opposite side of the lake where parents and kids have ball every afternoon.

    And then the Viking had to try "Initiation au lancer de hache" Basically axe throwing, beacuse thats what one does when in Geneva ...

    Little bite of Pulpo (octopus) and potato salad for lunch with a chilled bottle of Rosé.

    If this is a cold, winter holiday... count me in! (she says as the weather starts to slowly change) ❄️
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  • Dag 3

    French Alps

    26. februar 2023, Frankrig ⋅ ☁️ -1 °C

    Started our journey to Les Carros in France 🇫🇷 about an hours drive from Geneva.

    Confession: I've never seen snow, nor touched it nor smelt it etc so imagine my delight as we arrived, to find it gently snowing ❄️❄️ There's something magical about snowflakes lading on your lashes...

    We're staying in a gorgeous little chalet with a killer view! Spent the day orientating ourselves with the village below, where to get ski passes, where to hire gear, where the best boulangerie is, where to catch a ski bus etc etc.

    After a lot of walking, we snuggled up to a log fire, a great bottle of Cedarburg Shiraz and revelled at the majestic, peaceful snowcapped mountains.

    The rest of the week is going to be pretty interesting trying my hand at skiing. Eeek, hope the new hip holds out!!
    Oh, on the topic of new sports, forgot to upload the video of me trying my hand at Curling sur tapis. I'm a natural as you can see 🤣
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  • Dag 7

    What's white & black & blue?

    2. marts 2023, Frankrig ⋅ ⛅ 3 °C

    Dave Barry said " If you’re looking for a vacation concept that combines the elements of outdoor fun with the element of potentially knocking down a tree with your face, you can’t do better than skiing.”

    Let's just get this out the way. Skiing is HARD work! If you're a beginner like me, you'll be amazed at what you were not prepared for ....

    First you have to buy all this gear which is pretty expensive. Then, every morning you need to put on these 16 layers and still breathe. Then you have to rent snow boots which are unbelievably difficult to put on and then, when on, your feet will feel like they are caught in the jaws of a crocodile.

    Then, each boot weighs 2kg and its uneven on the bottom and now you need to learn how to walk in them whilst in the shop. And it then it turns out it's harder to walk in them on the pavement and really interesting to actually walk in them in the snow!

    Then you have to learn how to carry 2 poles in 1 hand and 2 heavy metal skis over your shoulder with your helmut and goggles on your head. Now you need to walk to the bus, get on the bus with all this kit and get off, squashed with all the other skiers.

    Now you've arrived at the ski resort . So now you need to carry all of this stuff, eventually put it down, and learn how to clip yourself in and out of your skis. And just when you do that you realise that the icy ground beneath you is taking your skis in one direction while you try and manoevre your skis and poles (which are as tall as you are) in another direction, but the 4kg boots are weighing you down and brain is screaming WTF and then..... then you look at the baby slope and you think " not a F am I going up there, I can hardly keep my balance standing straight"

    The above is accurate and was repeated every day for the last 3 days.
    Along with the embarrassment of watching 2 year olds speed past you.

    If it wasn't for my handsome ski instructor (Karl 😉) to painstakingly and slowly teach me, I would have given up because it's hard for a beginner who has never ever walked on snow and hates anything where the ground beneath her moves or is uneven 🤣

    Just a warning though... make sure your relationship is rock solid so when you do lose your sense of humor, and you know it's just temporary ☺️

    It's been 3 days and I am proud to say I can get down a green slope slowly and can turn and snow plough.
    Just for the record though, this was not possible without a couple of tumbles. I stopped counting at around 6 times.
    Which is why I am posting today. Today I cannot ski, I am so sore and a little battered and bruised. I will spare you all my bruise photos, but there are many! So it's rest and a hot soak in the bath.

    On the plus side, it is SPECTACULARLY beautiful up there and makes for some gorgeous pics! The best part (for now) is still that beer at lunch time though!

    Now I can manage sort of on my own, Karl is free to do his runs and get some proper skiing in. No idea what the next 3 days have in store, but gonna take it easy and just practice practice practice.... ⛷️⛷️⛷️

    My closing 5 top ski tips for beginners

    1. You will look good, but you will fall- it's law
    2. You will fall, sometimes it's not even on the slopes!
    3. The FIRST technique you must learn is how to stop and/or slow down, else you will fall.
    4. Never ski more than 3 hrs a day, after this your legs won't work, and you will fall
    5 Pack some Epsom salts for a bath later because you will have fallen
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  • Dag 9

    (I'm)possible ⛷️

    4. marts 2023, Frankrig ⋅ ⛅ 3 °C

    I had one goal. From never having seen and stepped on snow, to learning how to ski, unassisted, down a green slope. Not kamikaze style straight down, but to learn how to control your speed and turn.

    Yes, it came at a price, and I know this hill doesn't look that steep on the video, but after 12 hours of practice, fall, practice, fall some more... I did it! This app only allows 60 seconds of video footage, but I promise you I did the whole slope 🤣

    Karl got some blue and red slopes in at the top of the telecabine with some great shots, so we celebrated our last ski day with lots of rosé in the -3 degree sunshine.

    Have had fantastic weather and leaving just before 2m on snow is forcast to fall here next week, which means we would be stuck here .. not entirely a bad thing 😉

    Been such an adventure!! Going to miss our little chalet in the mountains but time to take my aching body home.
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  • Dag 11

    Somewhere over the rainbow

    6. marts 2023, Schweiz ⋅ ☀️ 11 °C

    Making our way back to Geneva before heading home. Got to say I love this city! There is a calmness here and an atmosphere of acceptance. Diversity is everywhere and there is such trust and respect amongst this multicultural melting pot of people. Spent the day wondering down back alleys and parks, understanding what ordrinary life is like here. Walked along the Geneva Wall, rich in history. Children at schools, moms in groups in garden parks, cleaners everywhere taking care of the city, games of chess outside tea rooms. And after work, people really take the time to buy some vino, some cheese and a baguette.... meet up with friends and chill on the jetty all along the lake. Some dare cold water immersion in Lake Geneva which I may have mentioned before, is pristine, clean and clear!

    Invited for lunch by a new neighbour back in SA that we hadn't met before who lives mostly in Geneva. Wonderful bistro Charlotte (Fresh Cod and green risotto). What a lovely chap! Turns out he is a billionaire (ex CEO and now Co-Chairman of Macsteel) and an ex Le Mans podium raving driver (who still owns and races 3 ferraris). Karl got 'lost' at Le Caveau de Bacchus"

    One last boat ride and walk up to the famous Jet D'eau where we were bid farewell by a perfect rainbow. Drinks at the stunning Leopard bar at our hotel and room service for dinner.

    As I drag my aching body home, (have lost 1.5 kgs) and I am looking forward to going home, I can't help but reflect on this deeply transformative holiday and am so grateful that I am spoilt and loved like a queen ❤️
    How lucky am I ...
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