
Flight delayed 7 hours. Missed connecting flight to Catania. Having fun in German Hotel with new friends and goid food. The bartenders are from Uzbekistan, Marty from Houston, Bob from??, and TamaraRead more
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Some friends want to see my apartment. Not settled in yet but here it loving it!
My yoga space in my apartment
Today I got my feet wet on the roads and sites in Grotte. My cousin Alessandra and her son Peter, who will turn 2 this month, drove me around the town. One photo shoes my view from the highest pointRead more
Today my neighbor Dominico offered to drive me to the next town to a very fine butcher. Along the way to Comita, we made some photo stops including Morgante winery. Grotte grapes and they have wonRead more
Ran into this wedding at St Carmella Church. Loved the old car and the "favor", of candied almonds in pretty cardboard. The church was filled to standing room only.
Today my neighbor took me shopping for fabric at a giant flea market in Agrigento by the Sea. She makes clothing, drapes, bedspreads, whatever one needs in fabric. I purchased underwear with a pocketRead more
Today a friend in USA asked me to call her cousin in the nearby town of Montedoro. I called him this morning to say hello! In 20 minutes he picked me up at my apartment and drove me to His town toRead more
Traveler Flight delays, so spending a night with new friends at Munich Germany Hotel. Sept 1 and 2