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aprile - maggio 2017
Un’avventura di 27 giorni di Coltrane Leggi altro
  • 27impronte
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  • 27giorni
  • 142fotografie
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  • Giorno 21

    Paris - Day 21

    11 maggio 2017, Francia ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

    Another late start after a late night dinner and drinks. It's our last full day in Paris and we have already wasted half of it. We head off for a last trek around the city, and I have promised myself we must see at least one museum. After some last minute shopping and some gift buying from the street side vendors I drag the girls into the Musée d'Orsay. This is a museum filled with the great Renaissance artists such as Monet, Renoir and Degas. On entering we discover that this exhibition is huge, and Georgia is none too impressed. I leave her and Jane to their own devices and try to see what I can in the hour I have allocated. It is remarkably well laid out and subtly lit to highlight these magnificent works. The layout runs in a time line from the different periods such as impressionism and symbolism, and I am glad I have made the effort to improve my limited knowledge on these incredibly innovative artists of the time. After we catch up there is one last 30 minute trudge back home and Georgia is momentarily appeased by huge Iced Yoghurt covered in all manner of sweets, fruit and chocolate sauce. I have been without access to the camera all day so I have cheated on the shots! Au revoir Paris vous avez été magnifique!Leggi altro

  • Giorno 22

    Paris > London - Day 22

    12 maggio 2017, Inghilterra ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

    Another day pretty much lost to travelling ! After a short Taxi ride, we jump on the Eurostar that takes us under the channel at up to 300 clicks an hour! Just a tad under 2 Hrs and we are in London. Another short taxi takes us to Sarah Francis' apartment in East London. This will be home for the next two nights! We decide to hit Brick Lane for a curry dinner, and after a Milkshake/Beer at the All Star Lanes bowling Alley, Jane takes on the spruikers trying to entice us into their Restaurants. She gets one guy down to £11 a head for Naan, Pappadam, starter,main course and a drink! She is formidable at this bargaining thing! The food hits the spot, and the 20 min walk after, eases the bloated tummies! Georgia is delighted to discover the Burger joint she loved in Paris has outlets in London!. She has also snaffled 2 new Finger Spinners which have become her latest fad obsession! I wake up in the middle of the night to recall I have left my new jumper at the Restaurant!! I swear I'm getting dementia!Leggi altro

  • Giorno 23

    London - Day 23

    13 maggio 2017, Inghilterra ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

    Saturday morning and we have arranged to meet Ginny and Andrew at the Portobello market for Brunch. After meeting at the wrong tube we finally get to Notting-hill Station, the start of the market. The place is heaving, with stalls selling all manner of cool stuff. With Jane and Ginny stopping regularly to check stuff out the going is slow, but eventually we find a nice pub for Brekky. Andrew and I joke we should go into every menswear shop, as retribution, and I duck into the next one. 20 minutes later I walk out £160 poorer with a new leather jacket!I guess the joke is on me! We snag a table outside for food, and are entertained by a blues guitarist busking on the corner. He is followed by a groovy saxophonist, both of whom are accompanied by a clearly medicated Old Jamaican Lady, dancing to her own beat! Georgia and much of the crowd are kept amused by the antics! After our meal we discover the Portobello Gin bar has a tasting room ! Jane sorts us through most the open samples and we finally order one each from their interesting menu; the Butter Gin probably being the pick. From Portobello, we tube it to Harefield, in Zone 6. This is where Jane's friend Andrea and family live! It's a beautiful Village and we have a looong lunch at the Coy Carp, a pub overlooking the Canal that connects London to Birmingham. It's a lovely afternoon and Georgia gets to enjoy the company of their two similar aged daughters. On the way back to the station they takes us to the local cemetery that has a memorial to 50 or so fallen Anzacs from WWI. This village was where one of the Australian Hospitals was situated and they still commemorate every year! It is beautifully kept, but sobering to see just how young these poor souls were that sacrificed their lives for us! On the return tube home we are entertained by a very inebriated Jamaican guy, it is the most smiles and laughter I've ever witnessed on this usually dour mode of travelling! I bite the bullet and make the 40 min round trip to see if my lost jumper can be recovered, and Woo hoo finally a win!Leggi altro

  • Giorno 24

    London > Esher - Day 24

    14 maggio 2017, Inghilterra ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    Got up around 10 and walked into Spittlefields Market. Miraculously, the weather is perfect again, and this only lends to a really good vibe out and about! Of all the markets I have seen and been dragged through in my life this is easily the best! The array of product on display is mindblowingly interesting, and Georgia finds some cool clothes to buy. I, yes I, could have gone to town buying hats,vinyl, books and vintage clothing! But the adults have resisted, and we negotiate our way to the end relatively unscathed. The food stalls looked awesome, and Jane managed a few samples, and we both wished we hadn't had brunch before being exposed to the temptations before us! Another 6 km walk round trip, and it is time to hit he London rail network to get out to Esher where Veronica and John now live. We arrive late afternoon and Georgia is wrapped to be with children and canine company again! John is in full host mode breaking out some fantastic wine & cheese, and then cooking dinner to boot! We are treated to some lovely NZ savvy and Pinot, but the pick is a 2012 Cali Zinfandel! We have a fun reminiscing, but unfortunately it's a school day tomorrow, and Veronica is recovering from an allnighter charity walk. We call it a night around 10:30. It's been another awesome catch-up with distanced friends! It would be nice to stay a bit longer, but it it's off to the Isle of Wight tomorrow and a rendezvous with my Aunty Pam!Leggi altro

  • Giorno 25

    Esher - Sandown, Isle of Wight - Day 25

    15 maggio 2017, Inghilterra ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

    Veronica kindly dropped us off at the station in Esher, for the train trip to the Isle of Wight. Jane has pre booked the trip from Oz before we left so she goes to the auto teller and prints off the tickets. It looks like we have a few changes along the way, so I settle in for the trip. We hop on the train to Basingstoke, and I decide to look at the train map to check our trip plan. I'm looking at our end destination which is Yarmouth! This is on the Isle of Wight, but the wrong side and there is no connecting train! Oh Bugger! Next stop we try to change the tickets, but they won't, so I ring my 86 year old Aunt and let her know not to meet us at Sandown at that we will catch the Taxi from the ferry! She insists on picking us up and meets us in Yarmouth, I take over for the 45 minute trip back, fortunately the traffic on the Island is not heavy so I am eased of mind for her making the trip initially. In fact she assures us that she in fact quite enjoyed it ! Pam has a fantastic roast chicken meal on the go and we enjoy that and catch up on all the news since we last saw her in Australia 8 years ago!Leggi altro

  • Giorno 26

    Sandown, Isle of Wight - Day 26

    16 maggio 2017, Inghilterra ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

    The girls have a sleep in and it's not 'til midday that we get going. Aunty Pam joins us as navigator and we head off to the Rosemary Vineyard to see how the Poms do wine. Most of it is fruit based wine, but I do try a dry white and a rose`! Suffice it to say I was petty happy to discover they made a Gin too, which was actually pretty good! Next stop is the Garlic Farm! Who would have thought a whole brand could be developed from the humble garlic, but this place is actually pretty amazing with all manner of garlic products including black garlic ice cream and garlic beer! I passed up on the beer, but we did have a beautiful lunch of Asparagus and garlic soup, and the most amazing garlic bread! Needless to say the car was pretty stinky as we made our way out to the Donkey Rescue Centre! They obviously weren't perturbed as Georgia got to feed and pat them, including one dead ringer from the Shrek movie! By late afternoon Pam and Georgia were ready for a rest, so after dropping them off Jane and I head down to Shanklin, a little town on the coast. We have a nice walk and an Ice-cream after which, we all head out to Newport for Dinner. I pick an Italian place we saw on the way in, it is just us and another couple and a waiter who sounds like he is straight off the set of Little Britain!! The food, however is fantastic, the best meal we have had on the whole tour, who would have thought!If you're ever there, visit Valentino's!!!!Leggi altro

  • Giorno 27

    Sandown > London - Day 27

    17 maggio 2017, Inghilterra ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

    Pam kindly took us back to Yarmouth ferry for the trip back. The day is typical British weather, wet and miserable and yet again there is the bitter sweet goodbye with my last Relative on my mothers side! The trip does not require as many changes and we get back to Sarah Francis’ house early afternoon. This is our last night in London, and we are booked in to see Motown the musical at Shaftesbury Theatre. Jane decides to get some last minute shopping in and heads to Oxford Street. We meet at Georgia's favourite Burger house, 5 GUYS, for a fast food fix and then off to the theatre! Motown is fantastic, the first musical both Georgia and I have seen and we all loved it! Back home to pack the bags for the last time, what a great holiday it has been. As usual over too soon, but there's no doubt we've packed all we can into it.Leggi altro