Paris 07 Ancien - Quartier Mont-de-Piété

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    • Day 4

      Abendessen bei Hank’s Burger

      October 5 in France ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Nachdem wir die vergangenen drei Tage jeweils eher traditionell und teils gehobener essen waren, wollten wir heute etwas einfacher und auch etwas günstiger zu Abendessen. Also ging’s zu Hank‘s Burger, einer vegetarischen Kette die in Paris ein paar Standorte hat. Nadine hat sich eine französische Spezialität, ein Croque, gegönnt. Ein Croque ist die französische Variante des Sandwiches. Erstmals nachweisen lässt sich dieser Imbiss auf der Speisekarte von 1910 eines Pariser Cafés. Beim Croque Monsieur, das Nadine bestellt hatte, werden zwischen zwei Toastbrotscheiben Käse und Kochschinken (hier natürlich vegan) gelegt und diese mit Béchamelsauce bestrichen. Das zusammengelegte Brot wird mit geriebenem Käse bestreut und im Ofen überbacken. Für mich gabs wiederum ganz klassisch einen Burger. War beides sehr gut und preislich mit ca. 26€ für zwei Menüs voll in Ordnung, wir also sehr zufrieden. Gut gesättigt ging’s dann mit einem kleinen Umweg zurück zum Hotel.Read more

    • Day 61

      And Then There Were Four

      October 17, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Just a few short weeks ago, there were 27 Ghostriders taking part in our ride along the Moselle River from Koblenz to Saarburg. When that ride finished, the group started to disburse. Most headed off to Passau to ride the Danube from Passau to Vienna, another group of 8 went to Donaueschingen to begin a series of thee extended rides in central Europe, and a few others began their journey back to Australia.

      It is now late October, Europe has well and truly moved into the cooler time of the year and our long awaited adventure is drawing to a close. A few days ago, the remaining 8 Ghostriders took a train from Vermenton to Paris. The only challenge left was to survive the daily walks around the famous City of Light.

      For Gordon and Sue, their time in Paris was very short. They made their way directly to CDG Airport to catch their flight back. Or so they thought. Unfortunately, a cruel twist of fate saw their scheduled Cathay Pacific cancelled. What they then found themselves in was a travel nightmare.

      No longer able to fly on Cathay Pacific via Hong Kong, they were eventually shunted off onto an Air India flight to Delhi. This was definitely NOT on their travel wish list. After an horrific 40 hours of transit, they finally touched down in Melbourne.

      Two days later it was time for David and Carol to face the travel gauntlet. Fortunately for them, their flight was not cancelled, and they were able to take off on time. By the time I am writing this, they should be in the air, somewhere between Paris and Hong Kong.

      And so that leaves just four of our original contingent left on the continent. And we only have one full day left. Early on Thursday morning we will be starting our own international odyssey.

      But what a trip we have had. After the multiple postponements due to Covid, it is a little hard to believe that all the plans have actually been completed. It certainly was one of the most complex trips I have ever put together, and it is such a relief to look back over the past 9 weeks, secure in the knowledge that there were no huge stuff ups along the way.

      All that remains now is that interminable flight back to Australia. It is the price that must be paid for travelling to Europe.
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    • Day 21

      Paris - Day 21

      May 11, 2017 in France ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Another late start after a late night dinner and drinks. It's our last full day in Paris and we have already wasted half of it. We head off for a last trek around the city, and I have promised myself we must see at least one museum. After some last minute shopping and some gift buying from the street side vendors I drag the girls into the Musée d'Orsay. This is a museum filled with the great Renaissance artists such as Monet, Renoir and Degas. On entering we discover that this exhibition is huge, and Georgia is none too impressed. I leave her and Jane to their own devices and try to see what I can in the hour I have allocated. It is remarkably well laid out and subtly lit to highlight these magnificent works. The layout runs in a time line from the different periods such as impressionism and symbolism, and I am glad I have made the effort to improve my limited knowledge on these incredibly innovative artists of the time. After we catch up there is one last 30 minute trudge back home and Georgia is momentarily appeased by huge Iced Yoghurt covered in all manner of sweets, fruit and chocolate sauce. I have been without access to the camera all day so I have cheated on the shots! Au revoir Paris vous avez été magnifique!Read more

    • Day 17

      Woodbridge > Paris - Day 17

      May 7, 2017 in France ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      So it's goodbye to Suffolk for now, it's been fantastic ! We drive to Southend Airport, drop off the Hire Car, and hop on the plane for the 1hr hop over to Paris. With a little help from a passenger we locate our Taxi driver, who speaks about as much English as we speak French! He is however particularly nice and helpful, and Georgia and I are entertained by Jane and his garbled conversation on the way in! The 1 Hr ride is a real eye opener, as we depart the absolutely massive Charles De Gaulle Airport and drive past the impressive French Stadium, and through the bleak and depressing refugee tents that line the highway and cluster under the bridges for shelter. They are begging for money as the traffic stops, and I feel embarrassed to be on such an extravagant holiday when they are so helpless! Georgia is clearly upset too when the Taxi driver refuses to open the window, clearly concerned that something might get pinched. We move further on and begin to pass the magnificent architecture that dominates the centre of Paris. What a beautiful City! We arrive in Marais the district where Jane has booked our accomodation! It is funky and vibrant, and as usual she has chosen well! We are met by our afro-French contact, a lovely young man called Adonis, who is really helpful getting us settled into the appartment. Shortly after Sarah Francis arrives and we head off for some traditional French fare. We all decide on the Duck Confit with 2 Potato side dishes of truffade! It is a huge lovely meal, but very filling, so we decide to walk it off with a stroll down to the River Seine and some twilight shots of the City. It is the Presidential Election and Macron has won, there is a jubilant vibe in town, clearly the citizens are relieved!Read more

    • Day 35

      Paris to Bordeaux

      June 28, 2017 in France ⋅ ⛅ 73 °F

      The next day we traveled back into Paris and onto to Bordeaux to pick up the rental car I had had to leave there. We tried in vain to find some gluten free french pastries for Kit before the train to Bordeaux, and we sadly disappointed.Read more

    • Day 20

      Paris - Day 20

      May 10, 2017 in France ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Woke up with a glowing sunburnt face, aching legs and a sore arse from the Bike ride!!! We have covered close to 15km in the last two days and are all feeling it! Good thing all we have to do is a tour to the top of the Eiffel Tower, said no one ever ! After much groaning and moaning we negotiate the Metro yet again and find ourselves at the base of the Eiffel Tower. She is a massive awe inspiring piece of architecture and after numerous security checks, we are on our way to the top! Jane is in the middle of the lift with eyes closed, she's not real happy with heights, but once we are up the top we get a great view of the city. This puts all the great landmarks we've seen over the last few days finally into perspective. Jane eases her nerves with a champers, and Georgia is comfortable enough to pop the camera through the wire for some uninterrupted photos of the landscape! This was the big reason for us coming to Paris, as she loves this iconic tower. Thanks to our amazing tour guides we receive an interesting history lesson on it's build and indeed on the history of Paris generally. The weather is perfect again,so we take a walk to the Golden Domed Cathedral, where Napoleon is entombed in such a way as you have to bow down to see him! We continue on back over the river, to the Arch de Triumph. An hour or so lost to clothes shopping, and we finally make it back home for a well deserved beer. It's 8pm and I am totally shagged, and we haven't even had dinner yet! Paris could well be the end of me! But there could be worse places to finish up!Read more

    • Day 19

      Paris - Day 19

      May 9, 2017 in France ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

      Took us all a while to get going, but we finally get out into the sunshine by 11am. We decide to explore our local district, where the ladies are enticed by the funky jewellery shops. We head down to the Jewish Quarter, where the shops seem to get more extravagant, and the cobbled streets more beautiful. Georgia can't resist the Crepes, but Jane and I indulge in the phalafel pouches famous for this area! They are amazing. Because it is such a beautiful day, we decide to wander down and walk along the banks of the River Sienne. The French are out in droves enjoying the first rays of summer. An interesting coffee there, (I never cease to be amazed how many different types of coffee I get when I ask for alatte!) and then up to the Tuileries Gardens for an ice cream, then yet more walking up to the beginning of the Champs Elyees. We are due for a 4 hr bike tour so we leave Sarah Francis to some shopping, and it is the last we'll see of her till London. The Phat Tyre Night Bike Tour of Paris is fantastic. We see the amazing highlights of Paris in all it's luminescent glory, including a one hr cruise down the river! By the time we catch the metro back home it is 1 am and we are completely exhausted!Read more

    • Day 18

      Paris - Day 18

      May 8, 2017 in France ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      Not feeling 100%, but after a bit of a sleep in, I join the Mademoiselles for breakfast. Some Parisian Pastries kindly bought by Sarah hit the spot, and we head off on foot to the Notre Dame. On the way we pass an interesting Patisserie, selling bread in the shape of male genitalia! It gets a good laugh, but no-one is buying so we continue on along the river, and past the many vendors selling books paintings, and trinkets. A photo shoot at the Notre Dame Cathedral, is enough, and we wander further to the Shakespearian Bookstore, which has an amazing selection! Georgia finally finds a fidget spinner, and we contact my bro David to catch up for Coffee! After a walk to the Louvre which he and Jenny have just visited we have a drink and part ways. Georgia and I head back to the apartment whilst Jane and Sarah continue shopping. On return I open the windows to the traffic below, slip on some Miles Davis and get stuck into my novel! I'm feeling very relaxed and at home in this Parisian environment! Several hours later the shoppers return, both have bought really cool coats and don them for our next stop, the Moulin Rouge. The show is a tittilating affair, which is undoubtedly making Georgia uncomfortable, but she does enjoy the interspersing acts of strength, dexterity and grace. The rest of us enjoy the show's tight choreography and spectacular costumes, and walk away glad to have made the effort to see this iconic performance. A few happy snaps outside and we make it back home for a vino or two! It's been a good day!Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Paris 07 Ancien - Quartier Mont-de-Piété, Paris 07 Ancien - Quartier Mont-de-Piete

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