Euro Quest

marca - czerwca 2024
Let the next stage of my life begin! For three months, I'll be wandering through rolling countrysides, sharp cliffs, quaint towns, and bustling city squares all over Europe, sharing as many stories as I can. Here's to making a lifetime of memories! Czytaj więcej
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  • Dzień 20

    Day Twenty: Sagrada Familia and Old Town

    4 kwietnia, Hiszpania ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

    Today started strong. We actually ate breakfast! Well, brunch. It wasn't breakfast food, but it was something. It was doner? Basically, it was donair meat with fries. It was the closest food we could find that wasn't too expensive. All the cafés we looked for were closed... and it was 11:00 anyway. Still tasty with the dill sauce. Off the famous Sagrada Familia! Unfortunately, not inside. Of course, everything is pre-booked. We get the next best, a walking tour with the hostel. As we walked out of the Metro, we headed over to the meeting place of KFC. Without even realizing it, I turned around to see the Familia just towering over me. It is such an overwhelming building to see in person. It's actually super cool that the shape of the church is all based on gravity. Guadi put weights on string to see how it would hang. Then, he flipped it and shaped the church based on the distribution. So it almost looks like it is falling towards the sky. It's such an interesting church, with each side being different and complex in every corner. There, in symbolizations facet of this church. The first side we saw was about life and birth full of nature and lots of noise. The other one which is built circles around death and the story of Jesus's last couple of days. This one is designed more minimal and abstract. None of the characters are realistic because they wanted to emphasize the feelings and emotions over the events. What is interesting about this church is that it is done completely by a private organization and isn't being built by any government or church. So actually, the church has complained about some aspects of the statues and art on the familia. For the one where Jesus is on the cross, he is nailed on the wrist and is completely naked. This is the historical method they used, which is more accurate than the churches depiction, and they vocalized their opinion but couldn't stop it because they are private. The church was also upset about their depiction of judas kiss of betrayal because it was too intimate for two men. The other side of the ownership coin is the fact they make a profit and don't release their revenue, all while not paying taxes. Apparently, all extra funds will go to charity when the church is finished, but no one knows how much money they are making. And to be a part of history, we took a selfie in front of the soon to be grand entrance of it. So, one day, when we are older, we can take another one to compare. And we can be in the history books of the construction of it! Afterward, we decided to walk up Parc Guell to at least go into something. So after 35 minutes of straight uphill, we realized it was sold out... so I guess it doesn't matter the time of year you have to pre-book everything. So afterwards, we walked down the hill, so much nicer, and went to the Gothic old city area. It is quite the contrast from the new area of Barcelona, which was built in squares compared to the narrow scrambled "roads" of the old town. Fun fact the diagonal corners of the squares where designed for the larger turn ratio of tram systems because it was believed to be the future of transportation. The old town was very nice, we got to go to a church from the 14th century too. But of course it was too late to go inside. We just walked down some narrow streets and stopped at a place for a beer. It really had great vibes. Even had a candle holder with, I swear, the only purpose to build the biggest wax tower. Then we just took the Metro home and bought 4 burger patties, tomato sauce, and pasta for only 8 euros. And it was actually good for how cheap it was! Then I'm early bedtime for our crazy early start tomorrow with the contiki tour! Czytaj więcej

  • Dzień 21

    Day Twenty-One: Start of Contiki in Nice

    5 kwietnia, Francja ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

    Today was the start of our Contiki tour! So, a very early start. We were so stressed about making on time at 7:00am. So stressed we were actually 30 minutes early. But it went very smoothly, and there were 14 of us getting on and 36 some people already with the group. It is certainly weird joining a group who has been together and partied for 8 days. But the couch is crazy nice! And we are super high up on the couch, so the views are nicer, and it's a lot easier to see out. On the bus, after passing out and slobbering over myself... oops, we played "speed dating," where we just swapped seats and talked to each other for 2 minutes each. We ended up doing it for just over an hour. Honestly, it is quite a nice crowd. Everyone is super nice and here just to make friends, so talking around is easy. On the way up, a total drive of 8 hours... we stopped at this small French town. It looked like they were stuck in time for sure. We had just about 45 minutes to walk around and see the town. This town was built by the Romans, so they actually had a mini colosseum! We were told it was paid to get in, and we wouldn't have enough time. Which is a bummer, but I just decided to see if we could get in because it looked empty. I took Ethan and this other guy we met and just walked right in. The lady at the desk didn't say anything, and it just worked. So we got to see inside and even the view from the top. Which was awesome. You could see so far in every direction. It did just get me excited for the Rome colosseum! We continued driving, and we got to the hostel at around 7 with a free dinner at 8. (Free in the sense we already paid for it). So we showered up and reset for the evening. In Spain and now France, I really noticed how slow service is. I swear the people need nap breaks or something. Because the food and even just a couple of scoops of ice cream took forever. I do feel bad because it was only two people service the whole crowd, and the kitchen was upstairs. They were sweating, just running up and down those stairs. The food was OK, ahah. I got beef stew and mash potatoes. When the contiki guide was asking what we wanted, she just said beef, so I got excited thinking steak. But it was stew. It wasn't bad, but the mashed potatoes were a soup, really. And some of the guys had some whiskey with me, which was pretty good. One was a smokey one that only I really liked. I should have taken a picture for my dad. For desert, there were two options, and I got the tiramisu; it ended up being basically all cream. But we did get to go out afterward. Went to Wayne's bar. A little place with live music. And tables they let you stand on. And wow, it made me feel really tall. As you can see in the photo, my neck turned 90 degrees. But it was a lot of fun, the band was really good and everyone was into it but holy I was sweating the whole time. And I couldn't easily cool off with a beer or drink because the drinks were 9€... after a while, we just walked back with some of the boys and played ping pong, which was great. Then hit the sheets. Czytaj więcej

  • Dzień 22

    Day Twenty-Two: Nice and Monaco

    6 kwietnia, Monako ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

    Day two of Contiki, and it started strong with having to pay for all the excursions. A solid 313€... big ouch after also spending almost 10€ a drink last night. But after having the included breakfast and being told I snored with my eyes open... we were on the move. And actually early! Unusual for us. We walked around with our bunk mate and some other guys for a while. We also stopped for a coffee. Afterward, we went to skip some rocks on the beach. It was not a sandy beach. But the views were just spectacular on the beach. You truly feel like you are in a movie. Just on the coast with beautiful buildings just layered on the hillsides. Then the other boys went off the bike ride we didn't do, and we just sat on the beach for a while. I decided to wear my flip flops walking around today, and I learned the hard way about breaking your shoes in. They were super comfortable, but the strap rubbed the shit out of the top of my foot. I couldn't walk around in them, but I was stuck in them. So you just suck it up. Spoiler alert, I guess, we are heading to Monte Carlo Casino later, but apparently, they have a strictish dress code and, of course, backpacking. I have nothing fancy. The only shoes I have are bright blue hikers. So Bec, our guide, said there was an H&M, so that is where we went. I ended up buying a new bathsuit (sorry, dad didn't really want your old one), a button-up shirt, and a cheap pair of nice-looking sneakers. Wasn't that cheap over all. Still spend just under 60€, ouch again. Then, on the way back to the hostel, we stopped at this burger place for lunch. And they even asked us if we wanted the burger well done! Thank god. And It was delicious, a nice BBQ burger with bacon and sautéed onions. It was expensive, for the burger fries and a drink it was 18€. We went back to the hostel and showered all the sweat from last night and got all fancy for the trip to monaco. I got to say it felt really nice to actually dress up and not wear the same t-shirts for once. Very refreshing! Ethan showered and everything first and went to get a quick drink before coming back to gether dressed. So then I showered and decided to get fully ready. Afterward, I met him, had a beer, and went back to get him dressed and for my passport. We did, in fact, not realize what time it was, and we were running short on it. We knew monaco was going to be expensive, so we quickly bought this chicken skewer from a Chinese place, shoved our faces, and left. When we reached the hostel, it turned out our hostel room door was broken. Our roommate was there too, and our door was just beeping at us. The problem was in monaco. The only way into the casino was if you had your passport because monaco citizens are not allowed to gamble. So we really needed it. And of course we talked to our travel guide and she explicitly said they can not wait for us if we are late... So, of course, we are all sweating our ass off. Luckily, the receptionist found a master key and let us in. Ethan was getting undressed before we were even in the room. And we sprinted our ass out of the hostel to the couch. Guess what?!? The couch was late anyways so we had plenty of time. But very stressful for sure. I really didn't want to miss out on that. The road to monaco was insanely beautiful, I am not sure if anything will beat those views. Just overlooking this city on the hills and the water... it was amazing just looking out of the window. And we had a quick stop for a grpup photo and pictures where they surprised us with some prosceco! I didn't realize either that monaco wasn't a part of the EU and has 12 millioniares per square km... it is only 2 square kilometers. We started monaco on a viewpoint overlooking the bay with all the crazy fancy boats. George Clooney has his yacht in there! We had time to walk around, and I wanted to get souvenir. Ethan just accidentally knocked over a hat, and he was just swearing at both of us and said he was closing and took the shit out of my hand that I was telling him I was buying. It's always the French people. Have yet to meet a nice one. Then we got to go to the Monte Carlo Casino. And as soon as we walked up, the whole street was just full of super cars. Millions of dollars just sitting right in front of me. With valet just driving these crazy cars, like how do I get that job?? But walking in to Monte Carlo was unreal, I'm used to the river Cree or the St. albert casino. This is a different beast. But honestly, it was smaller than I thought it would. I do guarantee there is plenty of the casino we can't see as commoners. Of course, the first thing I do is pull out some chips with another guy. And now I can officially say I gambled in Monte Carlo. And I can say I lost 50€ in one bet... of course, the guy convinced me to put all my money down on black at Roulette. The worst part of it was a different guy asked me to pick a number, I picked 12. A red number. And I pit money on black right after. AND IT LANDED ON 12. So I was stupid. I didn't want it to be over, so I grabbed a ten and put it into a roulette machine. Somehow, I did manage to turn that back into 60. So I did break even and even hit the right number! It was more fun than I would like to admit. But I had to leave, I only had an hour, unfortunately, or for the best. But afterward, we had a nice chill night. I just hung out with the group at the hostel and had a couple of drinks. Czytaj więcej

  • Dzień 23

    Day Twenty-Three: Cinque Terre

    7 kwietnia, Włochy ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    Today, we were off to one of the places I was most excited about, Cinque Terre! But even the drive down was pretty nice. We got to drive along the coast and see some water, towns, and fields. It was also weird how many tunnels we went through and how they were often houses and towns right above the tunnel, too. I wonder if your house would shake if a semi drove through. When we were finally in Italy, we had a 45-minute check stop, and it is completely different how you order food. Here, you pay for the pizza and coffee, and they give you a receipt, which u have to talk to different people, which give you the item you bought. So could I use the same receipt twice? But the pizza I got was a salami pizza (pepperoni), and it was some of the best pizza I ever had. The sauce was just fantastic with the crust. I was also very hungry, so that probably helped. Then, we trucked the rest of the way over to Cinque Terre. For this part, we were kind of left on our own. Bec gave us a train pass to jump between towns and sent us off with a meet-up point at 8:10 pm. Three other guys decided to join us, Kevin, Nathan, and Nick. We ended up sitting at the beach, drinking wine and cocktails for a while. And we went for a swim. It's weird because I feel the ocean doesn't smell salty here, but man, it tastes salty for sure. Luckily, why watch is water resistant because I totally forgot to take it off. It was nice to sit in the sun and relax with wine, but it did take up too much of our limited time here. So we went back to the train station to try and figure out how it worked so we could get to the next town. We finally figured it out to realize that at the end, we accidentally took an express train past all the islands. So, of course, we had to wait and take the next train back. There goes more precious time... but when we finally started walking around and it was such a cool place, super narrow alleyways, lots of stairs, and a beautiful ocean. We even walked up and found this mini castle ruins, which cost 2 euros to see. It was worth the cheap price. It had a fantastic view of the town and the surrounding area. Then, we skipped a town to jump to the one I was most excited about. And it was so beautiful just looking at this town on a cliff above the water. We all decided to get dinner somewhere, so we walked around trying to find a place to eat, and holy everywhere was so expensive. One place was selling the catch of the day for 70€... we managed to find one place that wasn't quite as expensive and walked in to find the whole travel group already eating there. What are the odds of that? But we all ordered some wine and some pesto pasta, which apparently was crested here! And it was delicious, I got ravioli. But it was still 15€ or something, and we got to protein, and the portion was a little small. But since we were so slow with the towns we did, we only got to see 3/5 towns... but that's OK, I had such a great experience in the ones I did go to, and it seems they are all quite similar. We arrived at the meet-up location early, and it seemed most people did too, but I went and bought water and went to the bathroom. I finished and came out before the time we were supposed to leave, but everyone was gone... I called Ethan, and he wasn't picking up. One of the other guys on the trip did text me and said he would send me his location ping. When I got it and looked, it was a 20-minute walk away. I was so confused about how they got so far away so fast, but I just started running. It was the most stressful run of my life because the ping he gave me was a couch parking lot. Our guide has been clear about leaving people behind if they take too long. So as I am running and getting close, I see our bus driving on the road, so I start waving freaking out about not being picked up. Luckily, he stopped, and I walked in to see a completely empty bus... I was early, and like 5 minutes early, too, as I saw the crowd walking over. Turns out he sent the end location and not where they were. So I freaked out for no reason. But me and Ethan did have a little heated talk afterward because we were both so stressed, but it was just in the moment. Turns out he forgot to activate his new esim so he didn't have internet and that's why he didn't pick up. But it is what it is. Everything worked out. It was a long bus ride back to the hotel, an extra hour, 40 minutes. And it was a tough ride because it's when our sickness really hit us out of nowhere. Ethan was having it a lot harder than me for sure. But I was miserable. So we finally get there, and I am so ready just to lay down and sleep it off to find out we went to the wrong location... and the one we need to go to is another hour, 40 minutes drive away... so you can say we had a shitty ass night being sick ass fuck in a couch that we shouldn't be in. But that's OK, we made it to the hostel and I crashed hard. Czytaj więcej

  • Dzień 24

    Day Twenty-Four: Pisa to Florence

    8 kwietnia, Włochy ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

    Today was quite the sick day for us. Very slow. We headed over to Pisa in the morning for a quick detour. After being there and seeing it, I feel like it's one of those places you go to just to say you have seen it. Don't get me wrong, it is a beautiful tower with a fascinating history, but after seeing some of the craziest stuff in europe, this becomes average ahaha. I did not know about other buildings that are right beside it. I always thought it was on its own. We didn't get to go into away of them because we only had like 20 minutes to walk around. Apparently, in Pisa, it is illegal to sell and buy stuff in random places that aren't licensed, but if the cop sees it, you get the ticket, not the seller... Then off to Florence! I felt so bad on the couch. My sickness turned into a cough that kept me up last night, and for everyone to hear and get them sick... but in Florence, I did not get a chance to see david. Honestly, I didn't get a chance to see much at all. We started as a group and went to a leather, gold, and silver store. And it did smell great, got to love leather. They had a little talk about leather and the history of it as well as how their stuff is made. Honestly, I wasn't too interested. Both me and Ethan just wanted to sit and eat. We bolted out as soon as we could and just went on our own, so we didn't have to small talk. We ended up getting a sandwich, which was very interesting it had pickled zucchini, maybe? No idea but I did finish that salty ass sandwich. Afterward, we got some authentic gelato. Bec gave us tips on how to tell if it's fresh: in silver containers, not overflowing, and banana flavor can't be yellow. But then we walked to a really nice cafe and had this random iced drink, maybe matcha. It wasn't bad. Then, before the bus came, I just laid down on the grass in the sun. I needed that for sure. And of course, tonight was the Tuscan evening event with contiki. So we quickly got dressed and went off. The dinner was amazing. The whole trip, both Ethan and I have been waiting for steak; here we got Tuscan steak too... the massive tomahawk steak. But I'm getting a head of myself, as you can see I really love my meat ahah. It was a four course meal with wine as well. It was on a Tuscan winery as well. It was nice because our table had two empty seats so we got more wine and food than all the other tables. And of course I have to take advantage and drink as much wine as possible. The dinner cost 55 euro so I need my money's worth. The course was antipasto (meat, bread, and bruschetta), pasta (rigatoni in a tomato sauce), the steak, and desert (some random cake). Honestly, it was a great experience, the wine was good, the food was delicious, and we got serenaded by an opera singer. He had such a beautiful voice, and it really brought the night together. There was also a guy playing the piano and playing other types of music. And he played some fun songs so everyone got up and danced. Ethan and I also slowed dance, which was funny. I did get caught being a little too handsy. Very good night, but the bus right back was tough. Everyone was singing, and music was blasting, yet I was sick, tired, and ready for bed. So when we got back I went straight there. Czytaj więcej

  • Dzień 25

    Day Twenty-Five: Sorrento

    9 kwietnia, Włochy ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

    Even without partying, both Ethan and I were so tired. I tried my best, and I did get to sleep for a little bit, which is nice. Another long bus ride. I have never listened to so much music. But it's nice to jam and just relax to some awesome views. And holy seeing Sorrento for the first time was crazy. It is just a city built right up to a cliff over the ocean. I guess i really have a think for cliff side cities ahah. This time we actually got to stop at the hostel before going out. I was just chilling on my phone but actually just passed out and had a quick power nap. This sickness has been kicking my ass. But we met up with some guys and went to the coast just to check it out, and Sorrento is built literally right up to the edge, I'm surprised no buildings have collapsed into the ocean. Also, the water was super clear and blue; I was thinking, and I believe this is the first place I've been to that has really clear water. But dinner was a good find, we went to this random Italian place and it was nice and quiet; mostly because we were eating at 6:30 and 8:00 like everyone else. But we split a bottle of wine and had some nice pasta. I had this lemon cream one with shrimp. Very good. Fun fact about cream sauce here authentic cream sauce has no cream, it's cheese and pasta water. Afterward, we just headed back and passed out again. The sickness just doesn't stop. Czytaj więcej

  • Dzień 26

    Day Twenty-Six: Capri Island

    10 kwietnia, Włochy ⋅ 🌬 15 °C

    Today was a great day! And it started nice with the fact we didn't have to be on the couch at all. We start with an actually amazing hostel breakfast. It had Sunnyside up eggs and sausage!! I would talk about how the other places breakfast have been shit but we honestly haven't been eating them because we have to run to the couch ahaha. Then we took a ferry out to Capri Island. And holy, it was a rough ride. Today was not the nicest of weather, and the water was pretty rough. On the way there were a lot of sick people, that's for sure. There were also people like an old guy to our left who was having the time of his life. He would jump up to ride all the waves. So we decided to do the same; of course, the one wave we did was the biggest one, and it slammed us on our ass. It hurt way more than I was ready for ahah. Unfortunately, on the way to the island, Bec let us know that our boat tour around the island was canceled because of the weather... I wanted to go swimming!! So we simply started our island adventure with a nice cappuccino and decided to bring along 5 other people for a hit around the top of the island. The hike I found on alltrails only had a 150m altitude gain, so everyone agreed to it without realizing that the hike started at the top already. So we had to walk up lots of stairs and narrow alleyways. Some of them really did not like that😂 the hike did get to start with a nice viewpoint, which was a relaxing break before the hike for everyone. It was super cool walking around because the trail was just way up on the cliffside of the island. We kept seeing geckos, and Ethan would always try to catch them, but they were just way too fast. Then, after way too many stairs, even I was tired, but we had some out of shape people with us, and it destroyed them ahah. We found this random cave, was crazy big or anything, but it was a nice surprise. Then, after MORE STAIRS, we finally reached the natural arch. Which was beautiful, but really, it is just a big rock. I think it's everything around it that made it so nice. There was even a tall rock off to the side that Ethan and I climbed, great view from there. And we got to do the titanic pose! There was this bar right on the path, too, and we wanted a drink so bad, but it was closed... so we finished the hike and had an expensive lunch of a delicious carbonara and white wine. It had a beautiful view but it was so windy! And of course, on the walk back, my nose and cough got worse. But we took the ferry back, almost didn't make it since the ferry docked in a port different than the ticket, but we all got back safe and sound for a dinner in the town. I got a pizza and split a bottle of wine with the fellas. I couldn't even finish the pizza, but it felt very authentic. We didn't really know how little time we had and could get our bill in time, so we missed the bus back. But we didn't really care. It was only a 45-minute walk, and it's supposed to be an experience. On the way, we even decided to get 4 bottles of wine, a bottle for each of us. Because that's a great idea, right? We even finished them all by the time we got to the hostel... you could say I was out of it. We tried to play some games outside with the group, but I just could not get it. So, after having a cigar with one of my new buddies, I went upstairs to pass out. Great night, I just don't remember all of it. Czytaj więcej

  • Dzień 27

    Day Twenty-Seven: Pompeii & Rome

    11 kwietnia, Włochy ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

    Honestly, I am writing this post on the 18th of April... I have been having a blast, but it has been a long drag of getting over a sickness, moving so much, and staying up late. I'm not sure how the others do it. They are partying so much more than me! But for the next while the summaries are going to be a lot shorter. And I'm not a writer, so this all feels like flashbacks to uni ahah. It has been bumming me out. I don't have the posts up, so I'm going to comprise with smaller posts.

    To was a lot, and if I wasn't shortening it, this would be a novel. Today, we say Pompeii, the Roman forum, and the colosseum! Honestly, one of the days I was most excited for, and it did live up to the expectations. Firstly, it was weird how Pompeii was just in the middle of a city, I thought it was going to be in the middle of nowhere. But it was a surreal experience walking around something so old and lively back in the day. It was fun just imagining what it would have been like and looked like. Turns out it would have been a very colorful city that had 23 brothels, hahaha. With actually dicks as directions. Our tour guide called them GPS penis. Some of the houses were huge and weirdly shaped for sure. I couldn't imagine living in them. Our tour guide even gave us a longer tour, which was fun. And the volcano actually looks like have of it is missing! I have more fun facts, but I did write some of them down, which is good. Afterward, I had some good soup to help with the hangover, and we were off to Rome. Right when we got there, we had a coffee and went on our Roman Forum and Colosuem tour. I wasn't ready for the forum, but it was actually so cool, holding stuff from before 80 B.C. and even got to see where Julius Cesaer Dead Body was placed and then cremated! And the area where the emperor's house would be, on top of the hill, looking down of everyone. Then, the Colosseum, which I learned, was built 200 years ago and took only 8 years to build. As well as the fact every arch had a statue, so 160 statues since there were 80 archs per level. And it felt way bigger than I was ready for, probably because I saw the small version first. It was very beautiful and fun to just picture what it was like and see photos of what it was. Crazy point is that even at one time, a French family made it into their castle! But then we had an included dinner and went off to bed!
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  • Dzień 28

    Day Twenty-Eight: Vatican City & Rome

    12 kwietnia, Watykan ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

    It's my birthday!! And it was a great way to spend it. But it is super weird not having your family there with you. You think it would be extra special because you get to see all these crazy things, but really, that has been my normal for the past month ahah. It was still a great day walking and seeing the oldest craziest stuff wherever we went. And the sistine chapel was so beautiful... it is so peaceful, and you just get lost in the art. And I got to finish it with a great party too. It was a shit shirt party, and some of us decided to wear dresses. It's totally worth it. I've got more compliments than I normally do. Some random guy just walked up to me and said he wished I he had my confidence. I killed it in beer pong too! Czytaj więcej

  • Dzień 29

    Day Twenty-Nine: Verona & Venice

    13 kwietnia, Włochy ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

    Today, we headed off to Venice and made a stop, Verona. Luckily enough, I wasn't too hungover! I was very tired, of course, so I had a good nap on the way up. It was a sad day because we left 14 people behind in Rome because their trip finished. But we got 4 new friends. 2 of them came together and totally gave the vibes they were dating, but turned out they were exes. Very strange, she even paid for the trip with the idea he would pay her back. In Verona, we watched a Palestine protest and walked around and saw juilet's balcony. Apparently, it is good luck to rub her boob but it was so busy we decided against it. We just got some food, a nice risotto, and some drinks. When we finally got to venice, it was late, so we just put our stuff down and chilled at the hostel bar. Apparently, the area we were in was crazy sketch. Wasn't a crazy night for me, so I just went to bed early ish. Czytaj więcej