Coast to coast plus...

agosto - noviembre 2016
Una aventura de 82 días de Nathan Leer más
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  • Hampton, United States

    30 de agosto de 2016, Estados Unidos ⋅ 🌙 17 °C

    Leaving the Cape

    Hello friends and family, I'm not the greatest writer but
    for the first time my life l feel the need to make some
    journal entries” willingly‘ My aim is to document my ad-
    ventures for the next two-ish months so i can reference
    this later, and so those of you who are interested can see
    what I'm up to in my travels. This might be boring (I hope
    it‘s entertaining), it might get personal, but it will definitely
    be real. I'm already enjoying my trip, and I hope you
    enjoy it too as we make our way across this magnificent
    country, and a small piece of Canada ehhh.

    I've spent almost a full yearthinking about traveling
    across country on a motorcycle and part of me never
    thought the day would actually come. The day is finally
    here! The soft start to my cross country adventure has
    arrived and I've left cape cod. I am sad to leave the cape
    but thrilled to start this journey‘ I'm currently 25 hours
    (135 miles) away from Eastham, MA in Hampton, CT at
    my parent's house The start of the ride had me on edge
    as the bike was fully loaded for the first time. I actually
    had some extra clothes and a few tools that I won't be
    bringing with me on the trip that I neglected to bring to
    my brother‘s house for storage a few days prior‘ I leave
    that extra baggage here with my parents so that my bike
    is unencumbered, I am looking forward to settling in to
    my setup and finding a place for everything on the bike.

    l only got to spend a few hours with my parents tonight,
    but it was great to see them before this journey which

    I hope will be epic. I'll miss them even though the
    frequency of our visits will probably not change, ljust had
    a shower and am sleeping in a king sized bed tonight.
    Probablythe most comfortable I'll be in the next two
    months. If I weren't so excited I'd probably sleep like a
    rock, Tomorrow I head to the Boston area to visit friends
    and family. I can hardly wait!
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  • Día 3

    Boston goodbyes

    2 de septiembre de 2016, Estados Unidos ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

    Today I rode the bike on Storrow drive for what may be the last time in a long time. While that road leaves much to be desired, it's still one of my favorite thoroughfares in Boston. I entered near BU's campus headed east towards 93, and the road was windy (as in twisty, not gusty) and fairly lacking in traffic. What a perfect road. That changed rapidly near Mass eye and ear. Then the ride out of Boston was a slog in hot traffic for about 45 minutes. My love hate for Boston continues.

    The week flew by, and I visited as many people as I could. First my Uncle Nelson and his new house. An amazing place on the water in Belmont. I know, who knew there was waterfront in Belmont. You'll settle in soon you dog! Then on to Henry and Erica's. Henry gave me some beta on upstate NY as well as a couple maps. Good company and delicious food. Then drinks on top of that newish Mexican place in Harvard square (fillipes I think). Mike, Mike, Reggie and Matt. Great to see you guys before the road trip. Thanks Matt and Genevieve for letting me crash.

    I also got to meet someone very special. Amanda and Nickolaus, my big sister and bro, had a boy named Duncan! I almost left a few weeks ago but I'm glad I got to meet my new nephew before the trip. Nickolaus and Amanda were lit up with joy, congrats you two! Also a bonus encounter with Shirley and Melissa. Great to see you two.

    That night was in Roslindale at my Aunt Renee and Uncle Ed's. Woa baby, my Uncle Ed made some mean burgers with tomatoes from the garden. I've missed out on good tomatoes this year. This made up for it though. Great to see you two and thanks for the hospitality!

    Today was also filled with friends. I met Erin, Erik, and little Lennon for breakfast this morning at the Watertown deluxe! What a treat, and thanks so much for breakfast. Then back to Matt and Genevieve's to hang out for just a little more. The FOMO is starting to be real Boston folk. A quick stop at Target for some plastic containers for food and then lunch with folks from my last job. What a warm welcome they gave me. You guys are amazing!

    Tonight I'm writing from my friend Andrew's place in Andover. He, Amanda, Hunter and I had yet another amazing cheese club. Get ready for leftovers tomorrow Filgates.

    This was a great week. Lots of love to everyone I saw and also for the rest of you that I didn't get a chance to see. Thanks for a great send off! Miss you already.

    The attached photo is of the bike loaded up after visiting Nickolaus, Amanda, and Duncan. Wellesley Newton, September 1st!
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  • Día 6

    I feel the love

    5 de septiembre de 2016, Estados Unidos ⋅ 🌙 11 °C

    This past week has been an amazing start to my journey across the country. Tonight I am writing from Josh and Sarah's new house in Lyndeborough, NH. What a beautiful place. Before I get started on today's fun I will recap the day before as it was also a stellar day.

    The morning after cheese club, Andrew and I decided to go for an early morning walk. I hate waking up early, but there are some things worth the sacrifice. A walk through the woods with Andrew is one of those things that's worth it. After my 6am alarm, it was time. I rolled out of bed and Andrew was already up and ready to go. We stepped outside and the air was crisp, and slightly chilly. Andrew's Miata's top had been left down and my bike left uncovered. Both were covered in dew. We walked through the woods near Phillips academy and talked about the future. The walk was over before I knew what happened and then we spotted a duck on a nearby pond. Andrew, of course, pulls out a bag of cracked corn to feed the duck. As we talk about tiny houses, the duck reluctantly eats the feed as Andrew draws her in closer and closer. Another great conversation in a beautiful setting with a great friend.

    Breakfast time had finally arrived. A couple of breakfast sandwiches and then Andrew and I started poking at my bike. We decided to start messing with the rear brake/stand light. I told him how the brake light didn't work all the time and that the bulb made a loose connection, and we got to work. I knew the problem existed but didn't have to motivation to fix it previously ( I know I know brake lights are important). Then we fixed the position of my handguards which I recently installed a few days prior. After some Dremel action, a little bit of filing, and finally taking a hack saw to the brake lever we finally got the handguards to fit well. Last task to complete was the brake fluid. I'd noticed both of my reservoirs were low, so we went to the store and grabbed some dot 4 brake fluid. After a few flushes on each brake I took the bike for a test ride. The brakes were great and my mind was at ease. Many many thanks to Andrew for again helping me with my mechanical motor vehicle work. I wouldn't have that stuff done without you. Also Amanda made some rockin zucchini raviolis for lunch.

    From Andover I traveled north to NH. I arrive at the new Filgate compound. The latest member of their family, faith the dog, greets me with a fierce bark. I quickly realize that I'm wearing my riding jacket which might be the problem. I quickly remove the jacket and we become fast friends. Josh and Sarah and I catch up before heading to his brother Jon's house in Sterling, MA. He is having a party and it starts off with a sunset cruise on his party boat. We fit 20 people and 3 dogs. I think the limit is supposed to be 12, yowza. The night has started off right. I was pleased to see Eddy was there as I didn't expect him to be there. Also great to see Steve, Tammy, Stacy, Caparso and the rest of the Filgate crew. Awesome fireworks display and good times all around. Thanks Jon for introducing me to more great friends. You rock! I was also able to share the rest of the cheese I had from the night before around the campfire. Pretty good way to wrap up the night.

    Sunday was another beautiful day. Josh, Sarah, Faith, and I visited a nearby pond for some floating and relaxing. The weather was perfect with a slight breeze and lots of sun. Post pond we made a b-line for some ice cream. Then it was off to Rindge to see Dan, Hannah and the rest of the gang for some barn party action. That community has always got some fun stuff going on. The barn party was filled with musical and artistic talent. As well as culinary delights. Another great finish to a wonderful day.

    The attached picture is the sunset over the lake that Jon lives on.
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  • Día 7

    VT Friends and Tiny Houses

    6 de septiembre de 2016, Estados Unidos ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

    After checking out Josh's sweet new workshop, which is in a barn across his driveway, we had lunch and I said goodbye to Josh and Sarah. Two of the coolest people I know, and hopefully I will see again soon. Then I hit the road again for another short ride, only about two hours into southern Vermont. A great new England state which is home to fantastic views, delicious farms, and eccentric people who do wonderful things. I found my way to the Sherwood Forest, where Anderson, Kate and Bob live. This wonderful group of people live in an amazing house and build even cooler tiny houses. If you're ever thinking of living in one, definitely get in touch with these guys. I only planned on staying the night, but Anderson convinced me to hang out and do some work with them. The day flew by and I look forward to getting my hands dirty again tomorrow. Tiny houses are starting to become more and more appealing to me both for a place to live, and possibly a future career as a builder.

    Anderson, Kate, and Bob are fantastic hosts, and I hope I can repay them with a few hours of work on the tiny houses. Lane and Brian are also great company.

    The attached pictures are of the two tiny houses currently under construction. Then there is Anderson in front of his house getting ready for a conference call.
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  • Día 9

    Onwards to Central Vermont

    8 de septiembre de 2016, Estados Unidos ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    In the morning, Bob made some eggs, shredded root vegetables, and spinach and arugula salad. Good way to start the day, thanks Bob! Then I lent Anderson a hand with leak testing the plumbing we had installed the day before. After fixing a few leaks, the pump primed and pressurized the lines. The water supply system was working and the wiring mostly done. Next step I'm bummed to miss is the spray foam, cooool. I know it doesn't take much.

    After a good mornings worth of work it was time for lunch! Kate made puffed pastry stuffed with sauteed onions and red pepper.... Yeah and she made the pastry from scratch! Shortly after lunch I helped Lane and Bob put up some flashing on the other house that was being worked on. An intense finger work out.

    Then it was time to leave some more wonderful people behind. I'm constantly asking myself if this is the right choice. Despite the difficulty I'm still ready to find out via trial, and hopefully not error.

    The next stop put me in Plainfield VT, with Karl and Mary! It was also a good time to test my mileage capacity. On the way to Plainfield I ran out of gas in my main fuel tank, and switched to the tank reserve. The reserve I think is about a half gallon, which should get me close to 25 miles. I hit the reserve fuel at 184 miles, which is good but I was hoping for closer to 200 miles. After switching to the reserve, I arrived at the Bissex homestead at about 200 miles on the entire tank.

    Every stop I've made along the way has been fantastic with different settings and small groups of friends. This visit was no different. Upon arrival, after going through the end of the day routine, I joined Mary Judy and Karl to dismantle and prepare basil for some delicious pesto that covered the pasta dinner. Fresh tomatoes, carrots, and some warmed bread on the side and that makes a damn fine meal.

    After dinner Karl and Mary and I went outside to look at an amazing sky. The stars were bright despite the moon, and we saw several shooting stars. The most I've seen this summer. Post star gazing I found myself in a hot tub. A great way to begin a really long time riding a motorcycle. I think I'll book end the trip with a hot tub at the other end.

    The pictures below are as follows: The view out of the back yard just before I left. The sunset the night before. An extremely large batch of primo pesto for pasta. A presto action shot!
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  • Día 10

    The Elusive Saranac Lakes

    9 de septiembre de 2016, Estados Unidos ⋅ 🌙 20 °C

    After departing Karl and Mary's, I gassed up at 210 miles on one tank. I put 4.45 gallons in the tank, so my conservative estimate for one tank will be 200 miles. If I am a little more conscious of the throttle and coasting down hills, I think I can get my range up to 250 with my extra half gallon on the back.

    The ride to the Saranacs brought me across lake Champlain and out of new England. Farewell.

    A short ferry ride across the massive lake and that shaves off about an hour and a half of driving time. The sky is overcast and scattered thunderstorms are forecast for the afternoon. After the lake crossing I stopped at a diner to grab a quick breakfast and look at my options for the day if it were to start storming. In the diner I looked at going to Ausable canyon, and camping at a KOA (canyon sounds fun but there is a steep admission fee to look at natural features, and I turned my nose up at the thought of a KOA so early in the ride. I'll save the stay in one of those places for when I get desperate. I'm a camping snob). The other option was to camp near White face and hike to the top. I was leaning toward doing that if the weather wasn't going to be good on the Saranacs. I decided to give the boat rental place on flower lake a call before I made any rash decisions. Luckily they checked the weather and it sounded like I had time to beat the rain onto the water. I leave the diner and head straight for the rental shop.

    I parked in the lot near the rental place, covered the bike and got out on the water by 1:30. Then I immediately had to portage around a dam. Not the easiest start to a paddle. I finally got to the other side of the dam and was really on the water by 2:30. On my way to the campsite, it drizzled on and off until I was about 40 minutes from my planned camp which was first come first served. At that point the skies opened up and it started to pour. In anticipation of the downpour, I rented a kayak and stowed my great in the compartments of the kayak safe from the rain. Then I came to a lean-to where I had planned on staying, but I saw and smelled a campfire. The lean to was taken by a huge group of people with fishing boats. There were about 5 boats and even more tents surrounding the lean to. At that point I back tracked a few hundred yards to a regular site. Soon after the rain stopped and I set up camp. Lentil soup is on the menu for the next two nights. Good thing it's delicious. Every once in a while I get a chunk of garlic. It rehydrated perfectly. Shortly after dark I pack it in as clouds fill the night sky obstructing my view of the stars.

    I wake up from my first night alone in the woods. I never thought about how creepy it might be. I have a feeling that tonight will be more relaxed. The camp site that I wake up in is about 30 minutes from lower Saranac lake. First I make a quick stop to reserve a campsite for the night. I chose a site that is very close to the entrance into lower Saranac. That way I can set up camp, and let some clothes dry while I paddle around. This campsite is an island with really nice flat spots and plenty of pine needles to make the ground softer. I quickly set up camp and then head for middle Saranac. I left my new home around noon and plan to be back by 6. I navigate out of the southern portion of lower Saranac into Saranac river. A manual lock was waiting for me between the two beautiful lakes. The water was in the up position, so I closed the upper gates and then opened the lower gates. The water emptied through the lower gate until the water levels were equal on the lower side. The doors are free to open and I pull my kayak into the lock, close the doors behind me, shut the lower gates and opened the upper gates. The water is now at the upper level, the doors are free to open and I hop back into my yak. After a nice ride up the meandering Saranac river, I arrive at the middle Saranac. I've wanted to see this lake ever since the first year of the canoe trip that a bunch of friends and I started years back. The lake didn't disappoint. I stop on an island and filter some water while I take a small breather.

    The time is now 3:30 and I'm headed back to camp. On my way into Saranac river I hear a helicopter behind me. I pay no attention but the sound gets closer and closer. As I turn around there are two large military helicopters being flown low over the lake. One of the choppers flies directly overhead and is loud and amazing. I can only imagine the wonderful view those guys had from above. Through the locks again and back to camp I arrive promptly at 5, which was my high bar for returning. I did have the wind and current at my back which made paddling a breeze.

    I've just finished the second night of lentil soup, and it's still really good. The sun went down over a nearby peak to my west. I think it is boot bay mountain.

    As I sign of for the night I get ready for a clear sky and hopefully some more stars. Tomorrow brings a long day starting with what I think will be a two hour paddle, followed by a ride across the border into Canada. Gotta get some rest.

    Pictures: The bike on the ferry. A northern Forest canoe trail marker near the flower lake launch. A look back just before a second portage on the first day on the water. Day 2 on the lakes and a really big mushroom catches my attention on the island in middle Saranac. The view on the way back to lower Saranac. The last photo is a map of my paddling today and yesterday. The small stones are places I stopped. The first two (from upper right to lower left) are sleeping spots. The third was where I stopped to fill up on water and take a siesta.
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  • Día 11

    Hello Canada!

    10 de septiembre de 2016, Canadá ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

    My last night in the Saranac lakes was stellar. Beautiful stars and no rain. The morning came quickly, with an alarm I had set the night before. I'm up to see a gorgeous sunrise complete with the perfect amount of cloud cover to make classic pinks and oranges. You'll see it in the picture. After breakfast and a quick break down of camp, I'm on the water just before 8, which might be a record for me. I had scheduled my ride from the rental shop (I took out from lower Saranac and launched from flower lake) to pick me up at 11. But I'm now thinking that if I paddle straight to the launch, I'll be there by 9. My 2 hour paddle estimate was conservative, as well as my wake up time, which put me 2 hours ahead of schedule. I explored for an hour but called in the calvary for a 10 am pick up instead of 11. The cell reception on lower Saranac is actually really good for future reference. I used the extra hour to arrive at my next destination that much earlier.

    My plan was to stop by Jonathan, Kimberly, and Matteo's house to say hello since I hadn't seen them in about 4 years. Their house was also right along my route on my way to Algonquin provincial park. When I arrived at their house it was just after 2, and I had a 3.5 hour drive left. It was shaping up to be a long day. I went inside and it was great to see Jonathan and Kimberly again. We started catching up and then the rain started to come. After a few minutes they offered me a place to stay for the night, which I gladly accepted as the weather only worsened.

    After deciding to stay it was time for a beer and some of Jonathan's famous hot sauce! Kimberly made a delicious chili for dinner and we had an apple crisp that her sister had made for dessert. I was glad they had me over! The food was delicious and it seemed like only a few days had passed since Aruba where we met at Matteo and Kristin's wedding. Just before dinner, their 2 year old son Matteo awoke from his nap. At first he was really shy, probably just like I was when I was his age (I still am pretty shy but I'm getting better) but soon enough he started playing with his toys and being himself again. What smart and cute kid.

    After dark, there were intense thunderstorms and a tornado warning! Again, I was really glad I got to spend the night. Eventually the power went out, but came back on a few minutes later. Jonathan and I finished the night with an episode of the Simpsons. Classic bedtime programming.

    The morning brought bacon, with pancakes and a huge omelette. These two know how to make food. I also got to try some picked beets. Delicious. After breakfast it was operation "hot tub never freeze". Jonathan and Kimberly's hot tub needed some insulation underneath it to prevent a hose from freezing and causing hot tub trouble. I lent a hand and got to hang out for the morning and part of the afternoon. After inserting two sheets of foam insulation under the tub, we had the best BLTs in the world. Well second best as I'm told the bread wasn't quite right. You'll have to visit if you want to know the secret.

    After lunch I said my goodbyes, and I felt so lucky to have such awesome people in my life. Thanks again for putting me up for the night, and all the delicious food!

    Next stop is Algonquin provincial park.

    Pictures: Sunrise from partridge island in lower Saranac. My relatively short paddle to end the paddling trip. Looking into ampersand bay, the morning brought glassy water.
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  • Día 13

    Algonquin Provincial Park

    12 de septiembre de 2016, Canadá ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

    Moose! Well one moose, but almost immediately upon entering the park there is a moose about a hundred yards off the road munching down on some swamp veggies. The moose was conveniently located just after a sign that said "be prepared to stop". After checking out the moose, I made my way towards my campsite. I stayed at the lake of two rivers. Upon check in another gentleman is also about to get a site and suggests we split the site for the night (campsites in Canada are typically $45 a night! Even with the exchange that is pretty steep). I agree and we make fast friends. Wally has a truck which I can keep my food in for the night as there was a bear spotted in the area. We talk around a campfire for a couple hours and I get a tip on a short hike for the next day. Good thing we made a fire cause it got cold that night. 6C which is about 42F; it felt like it dipped into the 30s.

    The next morning, my judge of character is good and Wally hasn't made off with my food or any of my gear. After I shower and warm up, I head for the hike Wally recommended. It was a pretty good view of the area, but honestly I wasn't impressed. A beautiful area, but it's got nothing on NE. After the hike, I make my way out of the park and head west towards Michigan. It's a beautiful day, and the ride was nice. Next stop is Sturgeon Bay Provincial Park.

    Pictures: Moose, not easy to see but it's there. The lake in my campsite in the morning. Vista from the hike. Nicely spaced trees near the vista.
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  • Día 14

    Sturgeon Bay Provincial Park

    13 de septiembre de 2016, Canadá ⋅ 🌬 17 °C

    I arrive at Sturgeon Bay just before 6 and no one is manning the office. I walk up to the self serve kiosk and see that it's again $45 for one night! Holy crap. Well, I've only got 15 Canadian dollars and I'm planning on getting an early start the next morning. How early you ask? Earlier than the office opens. Sorry Canada, but that's too expensive for a small patch of ground for one night. I get to bed around 9 and I'm up at 5, and on the road by 6:30. It's time to get out of Canada before they know what hit em.

    Pictures: As you can see I don't take up much space. Sunset over the bay. Interesting rock and a curved tree.
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  • Día 14

    Chasing The Sun

    13 de septiembre de 2016, Estados Unidos ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

    As I leave Sturgeon Bay Provincial Park I can see the sun start to rise in my mirrors. It is a little chilly out so I'm excited to feel the warmth of the sun when it's fully up. As I continue to ride, I realize that warm morning sun never arrived. I know I'm traveling west, but not fast enough to make time slow that much. I realize some clouds have rolled in and there probably won't be any sun this morning. Oh well, I kept riding into the horizon looking forward to possibly a break in the clouds, but the skies only got darker. It's almost time for a break and it's close to 11.

    Funny thing about roads in this part of Canada is that there are still billboards everywhere. Kind of like the ones you'd see for Watercountry in NH, but the signs are for KFC or other equivalent restaurants, and a few other attractions. They also start about 100km away so that the anticipation builds. I see one for a Tim Hortons. I then see clouds up ahead that are definitely holding a bunch of water, so that Tim Hortons sounds pretty good in the next 15km. The rain is now imminent, and the Tim Hortons is only 3km ahead. It begins to rain, and the Tim Hortons is just around the corner!!! It starts to rain harder and I see the Tim Hortons and park, put the cover on and go inside. Phew, I order a breakfast sandwich and a donut. If it's going to be cold and wet out, I might as well consume some calories so I can try and stay warm.

    Inside, I check the weather and investigate possible destinations. I think about a hotel and watching a movie in Sault Ste Marie, or going to a campsite several hours further away in Michigan. I keep checking the weather. Looks like it will be cloudy for the rest of the day, but not rainy. I decided to man up and ride all day, hopefully drying off from conduction in the air rather than the highly preferred radiation from the sun.

    Soon I am across the border and back in the states. I cross a very large bridge which shows me views of lake Superior to my right, and Huron to my left. While I am drying off, I'm also losing heat. While I could put more clothes on, I decided that getting some hot soup and a nice salad (fresh vegetables situation isn't great on the road) was a better idea. Lunch next to the entrance of some huge locks was great. It also felt good to be back in the US. Some of the differences in the scenery are subtle like the types of billboards, and others are obvious like the units on speed limit signs, then there's the whole border crossing thing.

    As I approach my campsite for the night, I am ready to get off the bike. Sitting in one position all day does not do wonders to your back. The sun does start to come out though so my spirit was definitely lifted. I am now in Hiawatha National Forest and the roads are numbered. I also realize that the charge on my phone has been steadily dropping all day. I check the roads and turns I have to make in case my phone dies. My phone shut off shortly after. I am two roads away. My next road is 33Rd. However when I get to the mileage of where my turn is, the street sign does not read 33Rd! It starts with a 4XX XX. I turn my phone back on as it now had a 4% charge. I quickly check and I am in fact at 33Rd. I look at the road sign again and there is a prefix before the 33, it reads 442 33Rd. The road is dirt and slightly damp from the earlier rain. I test it out and the bike handles just as well if not better than it did on Karl and Mary's road a few days prior. I surge ahead and I finally come to the campsite.

    The sun is still up! About 420 miles on the day and it was all in the relative light of the day. Today as I chased the sun out of the clouds and rain, I also came as close to catching it as I've ever come,... in a vehicle I am operating (not a plane or a train).

    The only picture I was inspired to take when my phone still had a charge and it wasn't raining is of the bridge at the border.
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