Adventures with Jaime & Dick

Februar 2022 - April 2023
"Fleeing the tropical North and searching for the line where the sweat stops rolling down your butt crack. Aiming to set up camp just south of that line." Weiterlesen
  • 34Footprints
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  • Planning the trip

    26. Januar 2022 in Australien ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

    Well then. It's really happening.

    The sale of the house and business has gone unconditional and settlement is set for the 18th Feb.

    It's goodbye to Rosie & Dick's Pet Retreat in Agnes Water, QLD - and hello to life on the road for 12 months.

    What the dickens have I done?

    And I know it's really happening because I started packing up the storage containers that will hold my life for the next 12 months, yesterday.

    I have space for 12 boxes in the car and already have 14 boxes packed. That doesn't bode well.

    I haven't booked any pet friendly cabins yet.

    I haven't bought the caravan we'll be living in yet.

    There is so much to do....and weirdly, I can't be bothered to get stressed by any of it. Long may that continue.

    You'll note the title of this 'footprint' is planning the trip. There's been none of that.

    This may be my one opportunity to travel in my life, to experience the 'Aussie Dream' - so I'm taking it.

    But I'll miss my Retreat.

  • Tag 2

    Hervey Bay, QLD

    20. Februar 2022 in Australien ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    Dick & I have a pet friendly cabin here at the Sunlodge Caravan Park in Hervey Bay. And it seems everyone who stays here, has a dog. Perhaps there aren't too many dog friendly places in Hervey Bay.

    You have to give the dog's breed when you book, I think they're strict on not having unfriendly breeds staying. So Dick has become a 'black lab'. Which is probably the only breed he isn't, but the breed he most looks like. I'd be there all day listing Dick's heritage, otherwise.

    So when I arrived, I was surprised when they told me there were lots of 'black labs' staying, and some next door to us. Especially when an impressive pedigree Rottweiler stalked out to meet us. Seems I'm not the only one who is telling porky pies about their dog's breed.

    The cabin is great, overlooks the beach, is huge, has everything in it you need, and the aircon is fierce, so I'm happy. Queensland summers are not for me. We're in the orange cabin in the photo.

    I must learn how to sleep in strange spaces. Hypervigilance wakes me every hour, and that makes me grumpy.

    What also made me grumpy, was that I was given chocolate fruity sweets a few days ago (thanks Mick) and was nibbling on them in bed last night. One must have escaped unnoticed, and I woke up to chocolate all over the sheets. For a brief moment, I thought I'd had a terrible accident and somehow slept right through it. I am hoping the park has a laundry or I have some serious explaining to do.

    Dick and I were up at 5am, so went for a stroll along the esplanade. We stayed in the park this time, as there are sharp rocks all the way into the sea and I ruined a flip flop (thong) when we went swimming yesterday. We meandered down to the boat ramp where we saw a seal, wallowing about in the shallow water.

    Dick was more interested in a stick he found, which looks like it used to be the end of someone's polished walking stick. I'm now keeping my eyes peeled for an old man, missing his walking stick.

    Dick's carried it all the way back to the cabin, but I won't let him chew it inside, so he's staring at it longingly from his bed.

    We just need to get some groceries and shower stuff today (as I left all my shower things in Sue's shower block!) nothing else planned. The action starts tomorrow when we pick up a new bike and a new caravan.

  • Tag 3

    Burpengary, QLD - Home of the Titans

    21. Februar 2022 in Australien ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

    Arrived at Titan Caravans at 11.30am, to collect our flash new rig. The caravan wasn't ready. Quite deliberately, not ready.

    Apparently they wanted more money up front, if they were going to get it registered, swap the tow hitch over, fit the water filters, fit and install a smart TV and the DC - DC charger, ready for me to collect today - as we had agreed.

    Cue my best resting bitch face, a massive eye roll and my patient, slow voice, reserved for morons: "Have you heard of the telephone? Jolly useful tool, for asking people things."

    When presented with the choice of having to find us pet friendly accommodation for the night, or getting all of those things fitted within 4hrs, they chose the latter.

    So Dick and I, along with 24 chicken nuggets, are hanging at the dog park down the road, waiting for the Titanic Morons to do their job.

    At least Dick's happy.

  • Tag 7

    Toowoomba Floods

    25. Februar 2022 in Australien ⋅ 🌧 20 °C

    Well, what a roller coaster these past few days have been!

    Van had to go back to Titan for the entire day on Wednesday, for all the faults to be fixed. There were about 20 things wrong with it - a brand new van! Astonishing.

    I'm struggling a little with things like; how can you tell the van is level? Both of the concrete pads I've parked up on, are both sloping. I do have a small level gauge on the electric jockey wheel, but the bubble seems to be stuck way up the top and never moves, no matter how much I fanny about with the legs! I'm hoping Pauline and Brigitte will know and will post on here what they do.

    Also, the water hose, which worked fine at the last park, is now spilling water everywhere from both ends. I've asked the fella at reception to pop down and help me when the rain stops. He said their water pressure is high, so hopefully it's that, and not me being a numpty (again).

    We went on our towing course with the RACQ, yesterday. Dick was rubbish at helping me back into tight spots, so had to learn to do it all myself.

    It is very much an art, that needs to be practiced over and over, because despite managing it perfectly 18 times on the course, do you think I could reverse the van into our spot two hours later, when I got to Toowoomba? Of course not. I was that idiot that needed two men to see me back in.
    I hang my head in shame.

    There's an almighty hill coming into Toowoomba. It's about 4km long. I thought I was being polite by tucking in behind a truck, but actually what I really needed to do was give it full welly and hog the right lane to avoid the trucks, as the poor Paj struggled with engine roaring for 4km at 40kmp/h, after getting stuck behind a slow truck.

    I clutched the steering wheel with white knuckles and verbally encouraged him on like he was a horse - and that's what got us up the hill. The Pajero is now having a well earned rest. As are Dick and I. We haven't managed to relax much since being on the road. But we're here at Toowoomba for 2wks, so plenty of time for R&R.

    However, the rains started yesterday and have not stopped since. We are parked at the very bottom of the site, next to beautiful lakes and a river....which has now burst its banks. Reception rang earlier saying they may need to move us, if it gets any worse.

    Maybe I'll get to practice my reverse parking skills again, and redeem myself? 🤔

  • Tag 11

    Toowoomba Contemplations

    1. März 2022 in Australien ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    Musing No 1: Traffic lights. I had forgotten their existence. What a massive pain in the arse they are.

    Musing No 2: Mini roundabouts. The bane of the caravanner's existence. That new RedArc braking system is getting a thorough work out.

    Musing No 3: I have adapted to sitting out under the awning, in full view of the public and other CP patrons, in my pyjamas, far too easily.

    Musing No 4: The van is off to the local repair centre tomorrow, for yet more faults to be fixed. This is getting boring.

    Musing No 5: The mossies here are voracious after sundown. Vicks VapoRub is my new best friend - it's the only thing that soothes the bites. Must look into that new gadget that kills them before they bite, Thermacell.

    Musing No 6: Nine dead from these floods in south QLD. One poor old lady found dead in her house in Lismore. That makes me so sad, they all forgot about her.

    Musing No 7: Due to the floods, I have changed my travel route. The two parks I was headed to, are both on the east coast and under water. So, I'll now head to Warwick and Stanthorpe instead.

    Musing No 8: The GP here wants me to do
    a) a blood test (fine) and
    b) a stool test (not fine) she thinks my raging indigestion could be from bacteria in my stomach.

    I am 45yrs of age (I think), have attended awful murder scenes and gruesome fatal crash scenes, happily muching my breakfast as I work, without batting an eyelid.

    But one must draw the line somewhere. And in the immortal words of Sweet Brown "..ain't nobody got time for that."

    Video here for the uninitiated:

    Back to a diet of Gaviscon on toast, then.

  • Tag 16

    Leaving Toowoomba, QLD

    6. März 2022 in Australien ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

    Well. What a week it has been.

    The van flooded on Friday morning. The inlet valve burst. Woke up ankle deep in water and Dick floating about in his bed.

    The Repair Centre sent someone out to replace the valve and help me clear up. We'll say no more about that and hope that's it for faults with the van.

    Dick ripped off a dew claw chasing a Moorhen into the lake and had to go to the Dog Doctor for a posh bandage and painkillers. He milked that for all it was worth. Had three lady vets cooing at him and telling him how handsome and shiny he is.

    Sensing an opportunity for treats, he went through his entire repertoire of party tricks then looked hopefully towards the treat jar. To gales of laughter from the vets and receptionist who stuffed him full of treats.
    Good lad. I have taught him well.

    The Pajero had its spare wheel and tow hitch lifted, and now they can't get the posh hard cover back on. Back to Mitsubishi first thing tomorrow morning for them to, I don't know, sellotape it on?

    Went to the Farmer's Markets Saturday morning, they were very good. Bought some chai chilli tea for when Sue's stash runs out and some treats for the mutt.

    Went with some of my new buddies to the Golf Club for an 'All You Can Eat' breakfast. And I did. Ate everything possible. There were hash brown AND mushrooms. And pancakes. #drool

    Picked up the new bike, been having lots of fun on that. There is no bike rack that is suitable for the rear of the van. It can only go on the front. Where I can't have anymore weight. So will find out tomorrow whether it fits inside the van door, and I'll have to strap it to the bed.

    We leave for Warwick tomorrow morning. We're ready for a change. We saw very little of Toowoomba other than the inside of caravan repair centres, supermarkets and Mitsubishi workshops.

    It has rained every single day. Dick saw an awful lot of the tracks around the lakes, the feathery bottoms of the Moorhens he likes to chase...and the inside of his eyelids.

  • Tag 17

    Arriving Warwick, South East QLD

    7. März 2022 in Australien ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

    We have moved on to our third camp, BIG4 at Warwick....and we have new neighbours.

    Dick had no idea what to make of them when they first galloped up to say hello, the hackles went up and there was growling and there was slinking.

    Then there was indignation when I fed HIS apple to the ponies. I don't think he's a natural fan.

    I hitched up at Toowoomba - all by myself. (And the bike fit into the van, phew!)

    I reversed into TWO different sites (my neighbours wanted to swap) at Warwick - all by myself. First time, too! It's getting easier.

    The mossies are bad here. Must be from all the rain.

    Little bit concerned about the Japanese Encephalitis disease that mossies are spreading at the moment, only because they love to bite me. I've easily had 20 - 30 bites today. A woman in Brisbane is on life support from it, and there are outbreaks in NSW & Victoria.

    Have got a mossie coil going and the Thermacell.

    And am now off for a swim in the pool.

  • Tag 23

    Out and About in Warwick

    13. März 2022 in Australien ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    Leslie Dam - 15 minutes from Warwick.

    Very impressive. Seems a bit leaky in areas where it shouldn't be, though. We stood right next to the open spillway gate letting the water through - deafening!

    There were huge boulders around the dam...but no info as to why they were localised to just that area. The faces carved into the two boulders were the original settlers who came to the area in 1840, who were Irish.

    Allora Heavy Horse Show - 20 mins from Warwick in a cute little village.
    Just brilliant.
    $10 to get in, licensed bar, great food vans, lots to watch and stalls to browse.

    I do draw the line at the Aussie obsession with cheesy chips in gravy though.
    Chips and gravy? Yes. Winner.
    Cheesy chips and gravy? No. Abomination.

    Happily listened to the experts doing their presentations, who said they have been doing this for 30yrs or so.... and felt rather smug that our grandparents were doing it for real, four generations ago, on the farm.
    You inherited it all from us, Aussies!

    Tubby has been taken off to have her foal, we're all a bit excited to see it. Fatty & Chunk are enjoying the extra carrots every day.

    I have lovely (human) neighbours to the left of me and stuck up, arrogant youngsters to the right, who willfully ignore everyone and think their camper trailer is sound proof. They are wrong. We can all hear their 5hr long domestics every night.
    I do not miss being young and ignorant.

    The lovely neighbours to the left are slightly obsessed with keeping their concrete pad spotless. They have a huge leaf blower and it starts up at 8am each morning, until all evidence of nature has been blown away.

    They insist on handing me the blower to do mine each morning, not realising I don't give a hoot. So I have to hide behind the van with it going for 5 minutes, pretending. I did use it to blow the seeds and leaves up out of my bathroom vent this morning, though. Saved me a trip up there with a ladder and dustpan and brush.

    I do wonder what the other campsite residents think of that racket at 8am on a Sunday morning, though! Dick & I are still up at 5am each morning, so the noise doesn't bother us. I would blame Dick's bladder for the early wake up call, but it's not. It's mine.

    Perhaps I do miss being young, after all!

  • Tag 30

    Stanthorpe Shenanigans

    20. März 2022 in Australien ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    Landed at Country Style Caravan Park, Stanthorpe. This area is known as the Granite Belt. Pretty little place backing onto the River Severn and some small falls.

    Stanthorpe is the coldest town in Queensland, they get snow here in winter!

    So, finally got the kayak off the roof.
    Dick hasn't been out on the kayak for several months, so I didn't take my phone for pictures as I anticipated one of us would be taking an unexpected dip.
    (It was Dick).

    We paddled 1.2km up stream until we met the next set of falls, got out and had a little explore . It felt a bit 'snaky' so didn't loiter.
    As we were launching to return, Dick put his two front paws in the boat, pushing it away from the bank - but left his back paws on the river bank, causing the inevitable.

    I made him swim for 500m after that, for being a dick and nearly taking me with him. "Rosie would never have done that" I tossed over my shoulder as I indignantly paddled off. She'd have launched her fat barrel body into the boat at top speed, fully expecting me to catch her!

    I miss my girl 😔

    It's Sunday today. We've been out exploring castles, rock formations and a Cidery. Didn't actually know 'Cidery' was a word!

    But as it has the word 'cider' in it, it was added to the To Do list. It did not disappoint. Bought some Pink Lady cider home and had apple pie with warmed cider cream. Yum. Dick only had the tiniest scrap left at the end.

    There were a bunch of Americans on the table next to us, talking about druids, but not understanding what they were. So I chipped in with some Stonehenge stories: shoulder barging Bill Gates as I jumped the turnstiles when responding to a personal attack alarm at The Stones, when he was having a private tour with his family - and arresting 'Sir Arthur Pendragon' for having no insurance on his campervan.

    The son of the owners of the caravan park is currently detailing my car. Apparently, he offers at weekends to earn some pocket money. He made a poor choice with my car though, it's a crime scene in there. It's been gone 2hrs so far. I can still hear the hoover going! Poor lad.

    Had a tooth pulled out a few days ago. That'll learn me for eating pork crackling. It's crazy sore but I can't take the meds she gave me, as they make me ill. The stitches are irritating. And interfering with my eating, the horror.

    Hopefully the cidery cider I purchased today will have a soothing effect on it....

    **UPDATE** It's 6pm and the lad has just returned the car, 3.5hrs later 😆 it's gleaming!

  • Tag 39

    Leaving Stanthorpe, QLD

    29. März 2022 in Australien ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

    Time to go!

    We've done everything Stanthorpe has to offer, met lots of new friends here, doggy ones and human ones, including a Zimbabwe couple who are Conspiracy Theorists and have been making me laugh telling me I need to be 'Awakened' so I understand what's really going on in the world. Like a scene out of 'The Matrix'.

    We thoroughly enjoyed being tourists, puzzled at the number of pyramids built here - and had a good time lunching at the wineries and cideries.

    I've had dinner cooked for me twice this week. #winning

    Our next park at Bonalbo in the Upper Clarence River Valley, New South Wales rang at 8am this morning. They are 4 feet under water and had to evacuate at 4am this morning. They have no power and the phone tower has gone down. He was calling me using the free WiFi at the local police station. They are expecting another 160ml of rain today, so he reluctantly advised we'd better give it a miss until the flood water recedes. Poor chap.

    So, we're now heading south over the QLD / NSW border to Glen Innes, and have booked a park where you can fossick for gems for a few days. Cool. Then we're going to try a showground for the first time. I've been really keen to try these, now that I know what I'm doing with the van. Sort of.

    Showgrounds are in every Australian town, they are usually cheaper by about $10 per night, some are free or donation only .
    They all have large, spacious, powered sites and huge grassy well maintained ovals - so the dog can hop out of the van and have a gallop about on site. Much better than having to be on a leash 24/7.

    The cons are usually that the facilities are old, they may not be cleaned, there may not be showers, if there are showers there will be enormous spiders watching you, there won't be a pool or a laundry and of course, there is no security. Most caravan parks have boom gates with codes or passes on a lanyard. None of this bothers us as the Mini Titan (I've named him Dave) is self contained and we don't need the facilities.

    The last two parks I've stayed at have not had security or boom gates. So you get people sneaking in at night in cars, trying to hide from the caretakers. They leave early in the morning so they don't have to pay. Some sneak in just to use the facilities or the pool.

    In Warwick, a car full of youngsters snuck in and parked on the site next to me, trying to hide themselves behind a tree. So you then lay awake all night, wondering what they might be stealing or damaging. Or in my case, ring the caretakers and in a nice loud voice, ask whether they were expecting guests at Site 28 at 1am in the morning? And have them thrown out.

    Dick is useful in situations like those. He's a big lad and his "Who's there?" growl sounds really menacing. He looks more like the Rottweiler in his DNA than the Chihuahua / Greyhound / Cattle Dog parts.
    And they don't know that he's a coward.

    Anyway, I don't think any of those cons will bother us. We're not quite ready to go fully off grid yet as power is always useful for the aircon. I don't think the solar is strong enough to power that. And of course, we need the sun to come out for the solar to work..

    I get easily confused these days, trying to remember my Aussie friends from my UK friends, especially on social media. Luckily there is one who straddles both; my buddy Jen from our Wiltshire days. She was the crime reporter for the local rag and hung out with the cops at The Bear Hotel in Chippenham, waiting for us to get drunk and spill details on cases 😁

    It worked. We told her everything. She later emigrated to Aus and is now a local celeb in Sydney, as an expert in interior design. She swans about with the stars and gets herself on the telly. She emigrated (6?) years before I did, I think. We've kept in touch and are going to meet up whilst I travel through NSW - for the first time in, how many years? 16? 18, perhaps?

    We're going to head out gin tasting for the day in Sydney to celebrate our birthdays in July, with sweets and newspapers at midnight. It's our tradition.