  • День 74

    Day 74 - Musical Toilets

    22 апреля 2017 г., Австралия ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

    After all the drinks last night we started our day in a cafe eating a lot of halloumi and hash browns (the inclusion of halloumi as a staple breakfast item here makes me very happy). I did manage to knock a whole container of cutlery over and on to the floor which snapped everyone out of their sleepy/hungover Saturday morning comas.

    We spent some time on the beach whilst we waited to head over and join our kayak tour. Sadly when we rocked up to the kayaking place they told us they'd text us a couple of hours ago to say the conditions were too bad and so it wasn't safe/fun to go out which was disappointing. (The text didn't actually come through for about another 5 hours). Instead we walked up to the most easterly point of mainland Australia and the lighthouse. It was a killer walk, well for us anyway. Sinead and I only got through it by counting steps and making weird noises. We were rewarded at the top of the hill with a dolphin sighting - if you squint slightly in the right place in the photos you might see a fin... It started with one then two until there were about 5 swimming up the coast line.

    At the lighthouse thankfully there was a cafe where we had huge ice creams and checked out the bush turkeys. And we found the road route down which took us about a quarter of the time it took to come up.

    Public toilets are fun in Byron. When you get in there and electronically lock the door a voice recording tells you you have 10 minutes before the door will automatically open. At 1 minute to go you will get a 'loitering alarm'. Then you get some lift style music (highlights included Burt Bacharach). Byron in general is a pretty unique place. On one hand very hipster and the other very hippie. And as the campsite man told us there are one or two people who have clearly been enjoying a recreational substance. There's people selling hand made jewellery, or walking around with dreads and bare feet, or doing terrible non-official busking around every corner (you've not lived until you've heard Ain't No Sunshine with almost the right words sung by a man sitting outside Aldi). Several people smelt like they needed a good wash but I think we were the odd ones out seeing as we weren't carrying skateboards and guitars.

    We went back to our respective AirBNB's for a while before reconvening on our patio to finish the Bundy rum. We headed into town aiming for Miss Margarita's. There was an hour queue so we went to the hotel owned by Paul Hogan of Crocodile Dundee fame. A band we're setting up who looks like what Hanson would look like if they went off the rails. Sadly before they started we got the call for our table and ate our body weight in Mexican food. I've never seen Matt so stuffed even after half of his burrito. The food was very filling but good. We did manage to fit in a couple of margaritas and some tequila each - apparently shots are not allowed in Byron but a 30ml measure of tequila in a big glass is ok. Go figure.

    We're all getting a bit old now and despite trying to continue the party in another bar the combination of too much food and tequila finished us off and we left the party at midnight in our Uber before we fell asleep at the table. Rock and roll yet again.
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