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  • Hari 15

    Day 14, 24 th Nov 2023

    24 November 2023, Hong Kong ⋅ 🌬 23 °C

    Early start to go on the ferry to central and the paediatrician appointment for Dusty plus immunisation and an obstetrician appointment for Lucy.
    The perfect grandchild! You had a feed at the clinic, then I put you the front pack while Mum Lucy had her appointment; we walked to Marks & Spencer’s and came home via Princes Plaza! There was an amazing Christmas display; unfortunately Dusty you were too young to appreciate it. You might enjoy it more next year.
    We missed the 2.30 Lamma Ferry so we sat and ate our Marks & Spenser's sandwiches by Pier 4, then caught the 3.30pm ferry back. The perfect baby remained perfect. We may however regret it later😊.
    Dusty, despite all your protestations and the energy you expend, you are sitting plum on the average developmental line in the chart. Well done you! You are so cute and have lots of wonderful expressions!
    Back to Lamma. Fortunately we had the crockpot on so dinner is underway; just veg to cook. Lovely dinner, and you Dusty were ready to party! Grandparents did the dishes and exited stage left!
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  • Hari 13

    Day 12, 22nd of Nov. 2023

    22 November 2023, Hong Kong ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    0850 at No 93 Po Wah Yuen. Dusty you were having a feed before going to bed. Mum downed a quick cup of tea before retiring!!! Dad had you doing head holding practice earlier. You appears to be very proficient and with a bit of luck it might tire you out🤣. Grandad is busy sorting out Mum’s and Dad’s hardware! Not sure how this will be received🤨. I wish someone would do the same for his garage in 20 Batt Street, NZ! Maybe Mum & Dad will come and do some 'revenge sorting' one day. Hopefully though repairs and reorganisation will prove to be helpful. Your parents are planning to have their work Christmas party at your place so everyone can meet you.
    Peaceful am, rough pm.
    Lucy, Dusty and Grandma & Grandad went for a walk up the track towards Shiek Li Beach. Very peaceful. It looks a' bit' like the Marlborough Sounds, SI NZ from some places! Golden sand etc. temperature around 25c. Amazing sunsets.
    On our return you had a great time in the bath for about 20 mins. Then back to total fussiness. Lots of syringe feeds.
    We don’t think that you have slept all afternoon, except for the 30 mins in the front pack. 🤨. You are so alert in between the fussing and feeds! Mum Lucy managed 10 mins to eat dinner! Phew. The end of the day is not in sight! The photos attached do not tell the story, dearest one🤣!
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  • Hari 12

    Day 11. Nov 21st. 2023

    21 November 2023, Hong Kong ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

    Earlier start than anticipated. I went into the village to get Mum Lucy a loaf of dark Norwegian bread, (also bought some pain au chocolate from the little bakery). The young Indonesian assistant was very concerned that I might be cold! She was wearing her hijab and a winter dress on a hot bakery. I explained that I was from NZ and that the 23c at 8am was lovely and warm. We had a good laugh about that any my ineptitude at sorting out the money. I returned to the 'office' to find that the ‘genius’ Trish had not taken a key for the office or my phone! Absolutely no hope of contacting Euan up in his tower, I trudged up the hill and fortunately met your Dad Dave who gave me his key. You were reputed to be asleep but had woken up when I arrived!
    Mum Lucy tried to get a sleep while I sat beside you on the couch, but that collapsed within 30 mins.
    Latter a ‘sprawled’ and relaxed Dusty stretched out on Mum and spent a leisurely time asleep before having a feed and falling asleep again - 12.35
    Nurse Cant has started a food & fluid chart to try and figure out if we can improve the sleeping and reduce the colic, and also to make sure that you Mum is getting enough food to keep you both on track. Grandad is trying to assemble a rocket ship, aka known as a smart baby buggy/pram!
    We have striped off the ‘older' child attachments and are trying installing the baby ones! We have a video, but it was decided that we needed lunch before attempting the rest of the job🤣
    Dusty, you actually had a much more settled day. Although the record shows hundreds of feeds, inputs and outputs, you were much more settled. We ‘encouraged‘ poor Mum Lucy to eat more regularly and we seemed to have a more settled kid. Who knows! The grandparents put you in the little pram and you seem delighted - at least on the way towards the village. Mum Lucy was collecting a parcel from the Post Office. Little Miss Dusty, you then cut up a bit rough on the way back, but still, it was a 59% success. Later you were much less settled, but we managed a bath etc. Mum Lucy hadn’t managed a sleep, but did manage a short walk at about 6. 30. It’s amazing how we find it more complicated here on Lamma just to get the basics organised. Your Mum & Dad take it all in their stride after ten years of experience!
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  • Hari 11

    Day 10, 20 th Nov.

    20 November 2023, Hong Kong ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

    After all that, I lost the footprint!
    The memory of one day's activities are very vague,
    Grandad worked off fixing the IKEA drawers. Dusty, you were very fussy! In an effort to give Mum Lucy at least an hours sleep I strapped on the front pack and we set off to the north to Shiek Li Beach. We climbed up the path, (very mild weather about 25c). The idea was to somehow keep your 'highness' amused for an hour. You fell asleep almost immediately so we basically just kept walking. We got back and managed to keep you happy for another 20mins then the fussing really kicked in. Poor kid, you were all over the place. We gave you a bath, which has the potential to keep you happy for 20 mins.
    Poor Mum! I cooked dinner and Dad Dave managed to get home a bit earlier than usual. We left your dear parents at about 9pm to go back to the ‘office’, make a cuppa and eat chocolate! Quite a bit of chocolate.
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  • Hari 10

    Day 9. Sunday 19th Nov

    19 November 2023, Hong Kong ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

    Lazy morning for the support crew!
    Dave your Dad was delegated to settling you while your Mum Lucy got a bit of sleep.
    Grandparents went for a long walk up to the windmill! Weather lovely. We stayed in the shade as much as possible. Not too many people around. The pagoda is a nice spot. The view from there is over to Aberdeen where your parents' Lamma office is.
    Regrouped at about 12md. We bought a fillet of beef for about 360 Hk $ for dinner (half for the freezer). Dusty, you were up and down all afternoon; mostly up🙂
    You loved your time kicking on the nappy changing pad. You also loved Louise Illingworth's Rupert Bear that she had knitted for you.
    Grandad Euan & your Mum spent time trying to fix some ‘Ikea drawers, and Grandma Trish and your Mum tried to sort the clothes( that you no longer fit) out into bags, to be passed on to others in the Lamma Mamas group.
    We had a lovely long chat with Cecily Munro and caught up with all the Munro news. David Munro got to see you too, (via Messenger).
    You were such a considerate baby this evening. Your Mum even got to eat dinner without interruption! Your Dad cooked it perfectly on the BBQ. Both your parents are very good cooks, so you have a lot to look forward to when you get to solids!
    We are trying for an earlier night tonight. You dad has work in the Aberdeen Office tomorrow.
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  • Hari 9

    18th Nov. Day 8. Saturday

    18 November 2023, Hong Kong ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

    Saturday, plans vague at present. Just waiting for your Mum & Dad to decide what the day will bring.
    Plan sorted. Wedding of David & Ea at the Hung Shing Yeh Beach.
    We walked with you all as far as the Lamma Fun Day held at the Lamma Power Station Beach. Lots of people present. (It had been cancelled for four years due to the Covid pandemic). There was a massive Paella pan in use, which reminded us of our cooking class in Portugal. We chatted to your parents friend Kev and bought some of his great sauces! Back to the Office to enjoy the sunshine on the roof then over to your place. The three of you had enjoyed the wedding very much.Baca lagi

  • Hari 8

    Day 7, Friday, 17th The Big Adventure

    17 November 2023, Hong Kong ⋅ 🌬 17 °C

    Military precision: Grandad & Grandma were up and at your home at 0930. Your Mum had the plan all in place for the four of us to go into Central for her appointment to see an osteopath about her carpel tunnel symptoms, back etc. Your night had been ‘ok’, and we managed to catch the 1040 ferry. Your Dad was feeling & looking somewhat better; he was going to work from your place while we were away.
    You were placed in the front pack, and as usual dozed off, and we set for your catamaran trip. We walked up to Central Health, arriving 30 mins early, which was fortunate as it gave time for nappy changing, a quick feed then Grandma Trish & Grandad Euan had their trainer wheels 'kicked out from under them', so to speak!
    We loaded you into the front pack (you gorgeous tiny person), and off we set to walk around the block for an hour! The only draw back was that it was lunch time in HK! Literally thousands of people from office blocks rushing to get lunch! Phew, It was difficult to walk along the footpaths, dodge vehicles, many of which were stopped waiting for their owners to return to be driven away. The chauffeurs looked bored, possibly saved only by their phones from total insanity.
    Dusty, you were perfect as I walked around in the noise and rushing things! Just before 1pm we decided to go back to clinic! Just as well. You had had enough. We took you out if the front pack in time for Mum to rescue you with a feed and several changes! Back to Pret for sandwiches then the Lamna ferry home. You made all but the last few minutes happily.
    Home to 93 Po Wah Yuen, where food and kicking  was achieved for you. What a star! Grandparents dismissed for the afternoon- back to the office roof! Lovely here - 24c cuppa & reading in the late sun, and of course writing up the album. Dinner around 6.30 pm, all going well. 🤞 we get back to your house to find that your afternoon had been hideous. We would give anything to find out the cause of colic, and of course, the cure! Dinner in shifts.
    Mum & Dad tired out. They are so amazing.
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  • Hari 7

    16 Nov. Day 6

    16 November 2023, Hong Kong ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    We were going to be on call last night, your Dad had a gastro bug, which left your Mum trying to keep you on the "straight & narrow" over night! After the usual afternoon unsettled time, the night was a wee bit better. We arrived over from the office, and Natty came to do the cleaning etc. Sput had the dog walker take him for his routine twice daily walk.
    You had your multiple feeds and naps etc.
    The afternoon highlight was a walk into the village to buy a dog toy (your Mum though this might distract Sputnick from your toys). We also bought a rotisserie chook to make chicken soup, veg etc.
    On the way we saw Amy, who was your parents' first helper, in the days when they worked in Kennedy Town. Your Mum asked Amy if she would like to come up for a cuddle with you some time😄. You were snuggled up in the front pack, and, as usual sleeping. Quite likely a bit too hot!
    Back home, chicken soup prep started and your very unsettled pm hours started🤣. If only we could figure out what it was that would settle you, you poor wee thing. Fortunately your Dad seemed a lot better, and felt like eating again. You seemed to enjoy your bath and were relaxed in it, but only while your were in the warm water.
    Sput as usual was trying to muzzle in on the fun, and to take little blue rabbit and the Gonk rattle toy that David & Denise Long our neighbours had given you. Dinner was a staggered affair. Your Mum desperately needing food but almost too tired to eat. Dishes done, Grandad Euan and I left. We have a ‘Central’ ferry mission tomorrow with you and Mum.
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  • Hari 5

    Day 4, 14th of November

    14 November 2023, Hong Kong ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    Our day started smoothly, you and mum were asleep. Grandad Euan & Grandma Trish when off into the village to buy the ingredients for dinner. (Sweet & Sour chicken)! Since the afternoons are unpredictable territory, due to your propensity to not be able to decide what you need, (or us not to pick up the cues) we decided to make dinner in the crockpot to avoid struggling when we are all tired.
    In the afternoon we went for a walk to Cannery Bay & 'Hazel’s Bay' The sun came out and you got a bit hot in the front pack with Granddad!
    Back home and feeding, burping, bouncing, etc. you loved your bath, thank goodness.
    Your Dad got home about 6.50, and miracle of miracles you slept while we had dinner! Three cheers for that. Your Mum certainly needed a break. Another lovely day with you and your Mum & Dad
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  • Hari 73

    Auckland -Palmie

    12 Julai 2023, New Zealand ⋅ 🌬 13 °C

    Just landed from HK into Auckland after 13hr flight ✈️. That was ok-ish
    Hardly any sleep but the time passed!
    We left Cecily & David who were off to an Air NZ lounge because they had a long wait for their Tauranga flight.
    Back in Palmie, with welcome committee of Sue to take us home😊. Cool, but not actually raining.
    Slow unpacking after eating the lovely lunch that Sue had provided.
    Washing pegged out under carport.
    We lasted out until sleep couldn’t be ignored at 2000! I
    Woke up at 0700 on Thursday when Euan decided that the rubbish bins needed to be put out 🤣
    Back to the real world after an amazing time.
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