Vancouver Airport

Val and I are in Vancouver, waiting for our flight to London at 6:40 pm. Took a picture of Cowley lake from the plane south of Whitehorse.
Val and I are in Vancouver, waiting for our flight to London at 6:40 pm. Took a picture of Cowley lake from the plane south of Whitehorse.
Getting closer to leaving for London
We arrived in London around noon. We ran into Anne Labelle, previously with the Minto Mine, in the customs lineup. She's traveling to Portugal for a holiday and was wearing a straw hat. We took theRead more
We had tickets for the 8:50 am train to Penzance from Paddington. They announced it was cancelled as the crew didn't show up. So we were told to take the 10:50 train. It was cancelled too for the sameRead more
We had a nice English breakfast at the Thirsty Scholar pub. We then walked down to visit cousin Vivian. She is now living in Penryn and has a nice place alongside a tidal estuary. There was a pair ofRead more
Today we had an easy start to the day - slept in, had breakfast and wandered down to Viv's place. Lesley came over from St. Agnes and we all had a nice visit, followed by a lovely lunch at The Shed inRead more
We took a couple of trains and a bus to get here today. It's a seaside town named after a 19h century novel by Kingsley. It's also the home of Tarka the Otter from a book by Williamson. It's also theRead more
Here are some flowers on the Village Inn property. It is the oldest building in Westward Ho, dating back to 1750.
We hiked this stretch of 18 km at a petty slow pace. It was warm and the sun was out for much of the day. We had our lunches down by the ocean at Buck's mills near an old lime kiln. Much of the firstRead more
There were lots of nice wild flowers along the trail today, and more beautiful roses in town!